"Race, Evolution, and Behavior," by Professor J. Philippe Rushton

Um, okay. Let's look at that. At the time that this exam was done, probably less than 10% of the Chinese population could even read.

The exams perpetuated class differences, which is why China had nearly a century of civil war before the Communists took over. Only the wealthy could study for them. For instance, the guy who led the Taiping Rebellion, Hong Xiuquan, was a peasant who failed the exam several times before he went nuts and thought he was the brother of Jesus.

What the Communists did (and I wouldn't say I like praising them because they were brutal in other ways) is they took a country where the literacy rate was 20% and raised it up to 96% today. (They also did some very smart things, like replacing Traditional Chinese with Simplified Chinese and reducing the number of characters.)

So once again, Hector uses bad history to rationalize his bizarre race theories.

Imperial examination​

Many individuals of low social status were able to rise to political prominence through success in the imperial examination. According to studies of degree-holders in the years 1148 and 1256, approximately 57 percent originated from families without a father, grandfather, or great-grandfather who had held official rank...

By the Song dynasty, theoretically all adult Chinese men were eligible for the examinations...

Chinese legal institutions and the examination system began to heavily influence Japan during the Tang dynasty...

The Korean examination system was established in 958 under the reign of Gwangjong of Goryeo. The examination system was spread to Goryeo in 957 by a visiting Hanlin scholar named Shuang Ji from Later Zhou. Gwangjong was highly pleased with Shuang Ji and requested that he remain at the Korean court permanently.

According to Xu Jing, writing during the Song dynasty, the Korean examinations were largely the same as the Chinese ones with some differences...

The Confucian examination system in Vietnam was established in 1075 under the Lý dynasty Emperor Lý Nhân Tông and lasted until the Nguyễn dynasty Emperor Khải Định (1919).

Inteligent Oriental peasants increased their landholdings. Some of their sons became merchants, who could afford the education necessary to prepare their sons for the exams.

To a greater extent than in the West, and to a far greater extent than in sub Saharan Africa, intelligent people were more prolific than those of lesser intelligence.

The vast majority of Negroes in and out of sub Saharan Africa are descended from the Bantu. These never developed a system of writing. They had three words for numbers: one, two, and more than two.
Wow, I wasn't even participating in this thread, Cockroach.

Cutting and pasting stuff you read on AmRen like you had an original thought isn't discourse buddy.

The problem with guys like Rushton, Murray, et al, is that they started out with a premise and then fit their "evidence" to prove it. This is the opposite of how these things are supposed to work.
I document my assertions. You do not. Those who wish to prove that Negroes on the average are as intelligent and law abiding as whites and Orientals are free to find it.

Imperial examination​

Many individuals of low social status were able to rise to political prominence through success in the imperial examination. According to studies of degree-holders in the years 1148 and 1256, approximately 57 percent originated from families without a father, grandfather, or great-grandfather who had held official rank...

Guy, you are cutting and pasting again. This isn't an argument.

The Confucian system did not benefit the majority of Chinese. It's why so many dynasties fell after a drought or an invasion or some such shit.

(We could also have a discussion about how Wu Zeitan was the one who opened the system up to commoners, but since most couldn't afford the education, it was just a nice thought.
Guy, you are cutting and pasting again. This isn't an argument.

The Confucian system did not benefit the majority of Chinese. It's why so many dynasties fell after a drought or an invasion or some such shit.

(We could also have a discussion about how Wu Zeitan was the one who opened the system up to commoners, but since most couldn't afford the education, it was just a nice thought.
I am documenting my assertions with credible authorities. That is something college students are taught to do. Otherwise, it is plagiarism.
I am documenting my assertions with credible authorities. That is something college students are taught to do. Otherwise, it is plagiarism.
Cockroach, cutting and pasting from discredited sources isn't assertation.

Cutting and pasting credible things without really understanding them doesn't make you look smart.

The Chinese were not engaging in Eugenics with the Exam System, which failed China as an institution.
Cockroach, cutting and pasting from discredited sources isn't assertation.

Cutting and pasting credible things without really understanding them doesn't make you look smart.

The Chinese were not engaging in Eugenics with the Exam System, which failed China as an institution.
How is Wikipedia discredited?

I document my assertions. You talk of the top of your head.

Making un verified assertions does not make you look intelligent, or like a college graduate.

The Chinese were most definitely engaged in eugenics. That is why they are characterized by intelligence in China and everywhere else they move.
Cockroach, cutting and pasting from discredited sources isn't assertation.
It would be so easy for me to compose a derogatory name for you. I do not do it because it is nearly as easy for me to refute your misconceptions.

You do not write like a college graduate. You write like someone who never graduated from high school.

You claim to have a college degree in history, but you do not seem to know much about history, or anything else for that matter.

I already knew about the Imperial Exams. I just wanted to substantiate my assertions. A population group has the characteristics that favored selection in the past.

That is why Ashkenazi Jews tend to be so intelligent.
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I document my assertions. You talk of the top of your head.

Yes, and I'm far more interesting than you are.

The Chinese were most definitely engaged in eugenics. That is why they are characterized by intelligence in China and everywhere else they move.

Except the Scholar Class was never enough to bump the population needle, guy.

It would be so easy for me to compose a derogatory name for you. I do not do it because it is nearly as easy for me to refute your misconceptions.

Cockroach, I call you that because you make my fucking skin crawl. Like a cockroach would.

You do not write like a college graduate. You write like someone who never graduated from high school.
I get paid for my writing.

That I don't treat your racism like a college thesis when it is SO MUCH MORE FUCKING FUN TO MOCK YOU shouldn't be seen as anything more than that.

The worst thing you can do to the self-important is not take them seriously.

You claim to have a college degree in history, but you do not seem to know much about history, or anything else for that matter.
Again, I have a degree. Unlike you, I don't pretend parts of history aren't there that don't justify my beliefs.

I already knew about the Imperial Exams. I just wanted to substantiate my assertions. A population group has the characteristics that favored selection in the past.

Except your conclusions were faulty. The number of people in the scholar class were less than 1% of the Chinese population, and it failed to address China's problem during the fall of the Qing.

Let's take your assertion that a member of the Scholar Class could "afford more wives". Do you think that they were picking their wives for their intelligence? No, they were picking the ones who were hot and most presentable.

Like most caste systems, they often became inbred. That's the problem with racial "purity".

That is why Ashkenazi Jews tend to be so intelligent.
Smart people don't get turned into lampshades.
It would be so easy for me to compose a derogatory name for you. I do not do it because it is nearly as easy for me to refute your misconception.

Yes, and I'm far more interesting than you are.

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