Im gonna say it since no one else will.

Michelle Bachmann must resign. Others in congress should call for it. To imply that Hillary Clinton's aid and US born resident is a terrorist or sympathizer is FUCKING NUTS.

I just heard bits and pieces of the story but its a travesty that this woman has any power at all.

Why would she resign?

She resides in a climate that rewards her type of behavior. She's just a byproduct of how absurd our political process has gotten.

One day we will look back upon the status quo in the same light as the McCarthy Era in the 50s.

No one has any respect for congress (supported by their low poll numbers), because there isn't a true statesman in the entire group.

FWIW, I think Pelosi sucks too.
Michelle Bachmann must resign. Others in congress should call for it. To imply that Hillary Clinton's aid and US born resident is a terrorist or sympathizer is FUCKING NUTS.

I just heard bits and pieces of the story but its a travesty that this woman has any power at all.

Can you or anyone else supply a link to a verbal or written statement by her that purports those implications? What I've seen so far is a document to the State Dept where Bachmann and 5 other repubs say that the aide has family connections to the Islamic Brotherhood: mother, brother, and deceased father. If true, maybe questions should be asked.


"I have here in my hand a list of two hundred and five people that were known to the Secretary of State as being members of the Communist Party and who nevertheless are still working and shaping the policy of the State Department."

We've seen this all before. It's a shame that people keep falling for it.
Hey, Guy, spam bombing a bunch of incidents, most of which Ayers himself wasn't involved in is a load of bullshit.

Fact is, a lot of people in that time period - left and right - did shit they probably shouldn't have done.

Let's not forget- end of the day, the government couldn't charge Ayers with a damn thing because it had broken the law.

So, really, Rush Limbaugh has more convictions than William Ayers has.

Yeah, illegal wiretaps. He got off on a technicality, it's the criminal Democrat way. The fact remains that these things WERE DONE by Ayers, his WIFE and/or members of HIS organization.

In 1980 Ayers and Dohrn surrendered to law-enforcement authorities, but all charges against them were later dropped due to an “improper surveillance” technicality -- government authorities had failed to get a warrant for some of their surveillance. Said Ayers regarding this stroke of good fortune: “Guilty as sin, free as a bird. America is a great country.”​
Ayers admitted he broke the law.
Well, so he was acting illegally, the government was acting illegally.

Not seeing a big deal here, exactly. The government's illegality usually had a much higher body count.

Fact was, the government evidence was shit. A lot of the illegality were things that moles in the organizations instigated.

So in the end, Nixon resigned in disgrace and Ayers is now a respected Professor at UIC.

Sometimes the Universe is fair.

You sure do have a warped perception of 'fair'. 3 cops killed, dozens of buildings bombed and a couple of Socialist domestic terrorists free and easy. Sick shit, IMO.

56,000 American dead in Vietnam, 3 million dead Vietnamese and Cambodians. 4 kids shot at Kent state. Dozens of protestors shot in other locations. That's some sick shit. Nixon got a pardon after he resigned in disgrace because someone felt prosecuting a criminal president would be too traumatic.

I'm going to take a bit of a leap here and guess you probably didn't live through those times. I did.

It's not as black and white as you make it out to be. Sorry, just isn't.
Your passionate defense for a terrorist is noted. Not at all surprising.
Michelle Bachmann must resign. Others in congress should call for it. To imply that Hillary Clinton's aid and US born resident is a terrorist or sympathizer is FUCKING NUTS.

I just heard bits and pieces of the story but its a travesty that this woman has any power at all.

Can you or anyone else supply a link to a verbal or written statement by her that purports those implications? What I've seen so far is a document to the State Dept where Bachmann and 5 other repubs say that the aide has family connections to the Islamic Brotherhood: mother, brother, and deceased father. If true, maybe questions should be asked.


"I have here in my hand a list of two hundred and five people that were known to the Secretary of State as being members of the Communist Party and who nevertheless are still working and shaping the policy of the State Department."

We've seen this all before. It's a shame that people keep falling for it.

Totally irrelevant bullshit. For you, par for the course.
Michelle Bachmann must resign. Others in congress should call for it. To imply that Hillary Clinton's aid and US born resident is a terrorist or sympathizer is FUCKING NUTS.

I just heard bits and pieces of the story but its a travesty that this woman has any power at all.

BS the Democrats deserve everything they dish.

Its the lets all get along people like you that have allowed things to get where they are.

They want division politics, so dont bitch when we divide.
So if what I understand is correct, because she exercises the constitutional right to express her concerns and opinion that is contrary to your position then she is unfit to represent the citizens that elected her to office? So who gives you this right to determine what her constituency should do or not do and whom should be on the ballot? The comparison between Joe McCarthy of the 50's and any politician of this current age is erroneous and out of context at best, a real stretch. The issues of the 50's and that of 2012 are too vast to lend credibility to the discussion. If one was to read the speeches of prominent Democrats of the 50's thru 68, without knowing political affiliation, one would assume they were written by todays Republicans. When one listens or reads the speech's of today's prominent Democrats one could argue they are nothing more than extreme progressive liberals or socialists.
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Michelle Bachmann must resign. Others in congress should call for it. To imply that Hillary Clinton's aid and US born resident is a terrorist or sympathizer is FUCKING NUTS.

I just heard bits and pieces of the story but its a travesty that this woman has any power at all.

How do you know her accusation is not true? Legit question, I'm not arguing a side. But I read a few stories on the subject and they didn't address that.
Michelle Bachmann must resign. Others in congress should call for it. To imply that Hillary Clinton's aid and US born resident is a terrorist or sympathizer is FUCKING NUTS.

I just heard bits and pieces of the story but its a travesty that this woman has any power at all.

BS the Democrats deserve everything they dish.

Its the lets all get along people like you that have allowed things to get where they are.

They want division politics, so dont bitch when we divide.

That might be true but no matter if this is pay back for faceless dems attacking you or not, she makes your party look stupid and defending stupidity at all costs looks stupid.

Saying Dems are stupid too may be true, but it doesnt make Bachmann look less stupid. She was your parties Presidential Canidate btw.
Michelle Bachmann must resign. Others in congress should call for it. To imply that Hillary Clinton's aid and US born resident is a terrorist or sympathizer is FUCKING NUTS.

I just heard bits and pieces of the story but its a travesty that this woman has any power at all.

How do you know her accusation is not true? Legit question, I'm not arguing a side. But I read a few stories on the subject and they didn't address that.

Keep in mind Gramps is a big government repub.

He talks disenchantment, But is more then willing to let things continue the way they are. But call it change.
Michelle Bachmann must resign. Others in congress should call for it. To imply that Hillary Clinton's aid and US born resident is a terrorist or sympathizer is FUCKING NUTS.

I just heard bits and pieces of the story but its a travesty that this woman has any power at all.

How do you know her accusation is not true? Legit question, I'm not arguing a side. But I read a few stories on the subject and they didn't address that.

Keep in mind Gramps is a big government repub.

He talks disenchantment, But is more then willing to let things continue the way they are. But call it change.

And what great change is Governor Romney going to install? Basically it will be Bush 43's 3rd term if Romney does win. Been there, done that, seen the failure.
How dare Michelle Bachman speak the truth! There is no room for the truth in America today.

Maj. Nidal Hassan was an American citizen with no terrorist ties, an honorable member of the military.

Huma Abedin is a close ally of the muslim brotherhood. Asking how far the penetration of islamic extremism has gone into our government is wise beyond the democrat ability to understand.

The Dark Muslim Brotherhood World of Huma Abedin | FrontPage Magazine
Michelle Bachmann must resign. Others in congress should call for it. To imply that Hillary Clinton's aid and US born resident is a terrorist or sympathizer is FUCKING NUTS.

I just heard bits and pieces of the story but its a travesty that this woman has any power at all.

How do you know her accusation is not true? Legit question, I'm not arguing a side. But I read a few stories on the subject and they didn't address that.

This is what yellow looks like. Take a crazy wild allegation, dont ask the accuser to prove it but ask the people who see the crazy wild allegation to prove it wrong.

Then distance yourself from the crazy by claiming that you arent taking a side despite obviously taking a side.

Dems say the world is flat, Repubs disagree and the Yellow News and or people turn the title into "Dems and Repubs disagree on shape of earth"
Molehill, meet mountain. I suspect that most conservatives are not real enamored of Michelle Bachmann; she's too far to the right IMHO, especially on social issues. And she's a loose cannon to boot, and will parrot stuff that is unproven or unconfirmed if it makes the Dems look bad. In this case, she made claims about the Clinton Aide that are unsubstantiated, and she got called on it. Fine, except that some folks took it an extra mile and exagerated what was actually said, in this case written, and blew it out of proportion.

It's not like she's the only one that's done this, and on both sides too. Hell, the VP spouts crap almost on a daily basis, as does the MSM. I'd love to see the same self-righteous indignation when the left does it.
Michelle Bachmann must resign. Others in congress should call for it. To imply that Hillary Clinton's aid and US born resident is a terrorist or sympathizer is FUCKING NUTS.

I just heard bits and pieces of the story but its a travesty that this woman has any power at all.

BS the Democrats deserve everything they dish.

Its the lets all get along people like you that have allowed things to get where they are.

They want division politics, so dont bitch when we divide.

I'm one of the let's get along crowd?

Nonsense. I was and continue to be happy that the GOP stopped as much as they did when they came to power.

There are proper routes to addressing your concerns as a politician. Running to the microphone without proof of your assertion only serves to look foolish and diminish your credibility. And as far as your tit for tat assertion, well THAT is why we are so utterly gridlocked. Everyone wants to one up their opposition instead of working on our problems. Pointing fingers never solved anything.

As far as being big govt, well...whatever. I'm just an everyday citizen that thought this was wrong. Maybe I'm wrong, maybe I'm not. It's really no big deal.
How do you know her accusation is not true? Legit question, I'm not arguing a side. But I read a few stories on the subject and they didn't address that.

Keep in mind Gramps is a big government repub.

He talks disenchantment, But is more then willing to let things continue the way they are. But call it change.

And what great change is Governor Romney going to install? Basically it will be Bush 43's 3rd term if Romney does win. Been there, done that, seen the failure.

The only thing I expect is him tweaking a few policies.

The only way I vote for him is if democrats just flat out piss me off.

Those chances are good.
Can you or anyone else supply a link to a verbal or written statement by her that purports those implications? What I've seen so far is a document to the State Dept where Bachmann and 5 other repubs say that the aide has family connections to the Islamic Brotherhood: mother, brother, and deceased father. If true, maybe questions should be asked.


"I have here in my hand a list of two hundred and five people that were known to the Secretary of State as being members of the Communist Party and who nevertheless are still working and shaping the policy of the State Department."

We've seen this all before. It's a shame that people keep falling for it.

Totally irrelevant bullshit. For you, par for the course.

It's relevance is so striking that no one with an IQ over 15 can miss it.

I am not surprised it went over your head.
This is just how people like Nidal Hassan stay in their positions. Point out that these are extremists or just crazy, and the liberals are quick to condem the very person correctly identifying the danger.

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