Im gonna say it since no one else will.

Dont those radical tea baggers understand that wanting lower taxes is racist ?

Minorities have special wants and needs that they are owed and deserve
LOL @ Stupid Conservatives calling Liberals Communists

Your ignorance flouts all bounds.

Even before bagger bigot moron assholes starting calling their superiors, liberals, commies, the entire planet knew the bagger bigot moron assholes were the problem, that they were liars, that they were incredibly ignorant, and thanks to evolution, would soon be nonexistent.

Liberals claim the center by placing socialism on the left and national socialism on the right, even though Lenin/Stalin and Hitler/other Nazis had much in common as they centralized power and preached hatred. A more accurate spectrum would place totalitarians of many stripes on the left and defenders of religious, political, and economic freedom on the right
. | Admit who we are | Marvin Olasky | Jul 17, 10
LOL @ Stupid Conservatives calling Liberals Communists

Your ignorance flouts all bounds.

Even before bagger bigot moron assholes starting calling their superiors, liberals, commies, the entire planet knew the bagger bigot moron assholes were the problem, that they were liars, that they were incredibly ignorant, and thanks to evolution, would soon be nonexistent.

"... thanks to evolution, would soon be nonexistent."

In an astounding display of consistency, you prove to be as correct in this as you are in the veracity of your avi!

"Overall, conservative non-hispanic white women have 26% more children than liberal white women, a sizable difference.

The very conservative have 45% more kids on average than the very liberal….Let us assume that if you have conservative parents, you become conservative with 70% probability and liberal with 30%, and vice-versa. With this number if you start off equally divided between liberal and conservative (there are more of the later, but many moderates are really liberal who don't want to admit it) in 1 generation the right will be 10% larger than the left. "
Super-Economy: Conservatives are outbreeding Liberals

Keep up the good work!
And ... since you quoted me ... what about answering the question? How do you know it's not true? Again, I'm not arguing it is, I have no idea. But the media just assumes it, I don't know. You seem to, so how do you know?

Do you know it's true? Again you are arguing that its a valid question because you are asking others to prove it wrong.

If I'd asked people who were arguing, "How does bachmann know that? What's her proof?" then this would be a good argument. However, I'm not. I'm asking people who say she's stupid and wrong and equivalents to those.
Not as their party stands. If they can come back from the edge, if they can undo the damage that's been done ... if they can get their party back, they can earn/win the WH.

And the Republican party is "extreme" how? No vague, subjective terms. Be specific. These Republican policies are "extreme." Go...
And ... since you quoted me ... what about answering the question? How do you know it's not true? Again, I'm not arguing it is, I have no idea. But the media just assumes it, I don't know. You seem to, so how do you know?

Do you know it's true? Again you are arguing that its a valid question because you are asking others to prove it wrong.

If I'd asked people who were arguing, "How does bachmann know that? What's her proof?" then this would be a good argument. However, I'm not. I'm asking people who say she's stupid and wrong and equivalents to those.

But you're not attempting to defend her. Suuuuuure
Do you know it's true? Again you are arguing that its a valid question because you are asking others to prove it wrong.

If I'd asked people who were arguing, "How does bachmann know that? What's her proof?" then this would be a good argument. However, I'm not. I'm asking people who say she's stupid and wrong and equivalents to those.

But you're not attempting to defend her. Suuuuuure

What am I thinking? Asking if she's right or not before attacking her? What do I think this is, America?

"I have here in my hand a list of two hundred and five people that were known to the Secretary of State as being members of the Communist Party and who nevertheless are still working and shaping the policy of the State Department."

We've seen this all before. It's a shame that people keep falling for it.

Totally irrelevant bullshit. For you, par for the course.

How so? You're better than this. What makes it different 'this time.'

Aw c'mon Boopsie, we're talking Bachmann and this guy puts up a picture of McCarthy? He puts out nonstop ideological garbage all the time, I get tired of it. Plus, I'm a little grumpy these days.
If I'd asked people who were arguing, "How does bachmann know that? What's her proof?" then this would be a good argument. However, I'm not. I'm asking people who say she's stupid and wrong and equivalents to those.

But you're not attempting to defend her. Suuuuuure

What am I thinking? Asking if she's right or not before attacking her? What do I think this is, America?

Review what she said, look at who she is talking about, look at her proof. Now fence sitter, Do you think she's right or not?
Are you proud of your party brotherhood, Grumps?

Kinda blows the whole "Conservatives walk in lockstep" meme out of the water, doesn't it?

Oh they do, baggers do for sure, conz pretty much do.

Some republicans, not republiklans, are worth our time and respect, not many, but a few.

But the vast majority of you will always take party over country every single time
Michelle Bachmann must resign. Others in congress should call for it. To imply that Hillary Clinton's aid and US born resident is a terrorist or sympathizer is FUCKING NUTS.

I just heard bits and pieces of the story but its a travesty that this woman has any power at all.

Clinton's aid has connection with the Muslim brotherhood.
Michelle Bachmann must resign. Others in congress should call for it. To imply that Hillary Clinton's aid and US born resident is a terrorist or sympathizer is FUCKING NUTS.

I just heard bits and pieces of the story but its a travesty that this woman has any power at all.

Clinton's aid has connection with the Muslim brotherhood.

oh god, what a pathetic piece of shit you are

but i think we now know you werent raised a racist and bigot and religious bigot, but you were beaten up by someone
This is what yellow looks like. Take a crazy wild allegation, dont ask the accuser to prove it but ask the people who see the crazy wild allegation to prove it wrong.

Then distance yourself from the crazy by claiming that you arent taking a side despite obviously taking a side.

Dems say the world is flat, Repubs disagree and the Yellow News and or people turn the title into "Dems and Repubs disagree on shape of earth"

And ... since you quoted me ... what about answering the question? How do you know it's not true? Again, I'm not arguing it is, I have no idea. But the media just assumes it, I don't know. You seem to, so how do you know?

Do you know it's true? Again you are arguing that its a valid question because you are asking others to prove it wrong.
I'd point out the obvious parallel to Romney's tax returns here, but you would refuse to acknowledge it.
You cannot criticize Obama from the right, period.

He is a center right politician, has done NOTHING Reagan or W or Truman or Eisenhower or Nixon wouldnt have done, especially given our time.

Healthcare alone, if Nixon were in power it would look more like Canada's than what we will get.

Now, if you are a liberal and want to criticize Obama, there is plenty of legitimate reasons to do so, but if you are a bagger or a con, nope, cant do it, not one issue is open for that, sorry to say.
To a Marxist, a socialist is a fundy Rethug.

Thanks for providing proof. You will, however, completely fail to understand the point.
LOL @ Stupid Conservatives calling Liberals Communists

Your ignorance flouts all bounds.

Even before bagger bigot moron assholes starting calling their superiors, liberals, commies, the entire planet knew the bagger bigot moron assholes were the problem, that they were liars, that they were incredibly ignorant, and thanks to evolution, would soon be nonexistent.

You're the pinnacle of evolution?

Do you know any reason I shouldn't laugh in your face?

Yeah, me neither.


Dave, please read a book one time in your life, please I beg you.

Advocating for billionaires to trickle down on you, well, do you really NOT know how stupid you look?


my god, my dog's IQ is higher than yours
Are you proud of your party brotherhood, Grumps?

Kinda blows the whole "Conservatives walk in lockstep" meme out of the water, doesn't it?

Oh they do, baggers do for sure, conz pretty much do.

Some republicans, not republiklans, are worth our time and respect, not many, but a few.

But the vast majority of you will always take party over country every single time
What makes you think anyone wants your respect, Tard Boi?
Well, so he was acting illegally, the government was acting illegally.

Not seeing a big deal here, exactly. The government's illegality usually had a much higher body count.

Fact was, the government evidence was shit. A lot of the illegality were things that moles in the organizations instigated.

So in the end, Nixon resigned in disgrace and Ayers is now a respected Professor at UIC.

Sometimes the Universe is fair.

You sure do have a warped perception of 'fair'. 3 cops killed, dozens of buildings bombed and a couple of Socialist domestic terrorists free and easy. Sick shit, IMO.

56,000 American dead in Vietnam, 3 million dead Vietnamese and Cambodians. 4 kids shot at Kent state. Dozens of protestors shot in other locations. That's some sick shit. Nixon got a pardon after he resigned in disgrace because someone felt prosecuting a criminal president would be too traumatic.

I'm going to take a bit of a leap here and guess you probably didn't live through those times. I did.

It's not as black and white as you make it out to be. Sorry, just isn't.

So a gross injustice in favor of someone politically opposed to someone else who was the beneficiary of a greater injustice ceases to be an injustice?

MLK's rollin over in his fucking grave listening to some of you lefties.
Dave, please read a book one time in your life, please I beg you.

Advocating for billionaires to trickle down on you, well, do you really NOT know how stupid you look?


my god, my dog's IQ is higher than yours
I have an idea: How about you stop paying attention to the voices in your head (they're horribly unreliable), and read what people write?

Or is that asking too much?

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