Im gonna say it since no one else will.

Michelle Bachmann must resign. Others in congress should call for it. To imply that Hillary Clinton's aid and US born resident is a terrorist or sympathizer is FUCKING NUTS.

I just heard bits and pieces of the story but its a travesty that this woman has any power at all.

Clinton's aid has connection with the Muslim brotherhood.

oh god, what a pathetic piece of shit you are

but i think we now know you werent raised a racist and bigot and religious bigot, but you were beaten up by someone

You are an idiot

Are you proud of your party brotherhood, Grumps?

Kinda blows the whole "Conservatives walk in lockstep" meme out of the water, doesn't it?

Oh they do, baggers do for sure, conz pretty much do.

Some republicans, not republiklans, are worth our time and respect, not many, but a few.

But the vast majority of you will always take party over country every single time
Indeed sir...

Every. single. time.
Kinda blows the whole "Conservatives walk in lockstep" meme out of the water, doesn't it?

Oh they do, baggers do for sure, conz pretty much do.

Some republicans, not republiklans, are worth our time and respect, not many, but a few.

But the vast majority of you will always take party over country every single time
Indeed sir...

Every. single. time.

love that quote by Bartlett...the worst part is the baggers are so bad, so disgustingly racist and stupid and destructive, that your average 20 something will never trust any republican ever again if they dont police their own real quick...
Advocating for billionaires to trickle down on you, well, do you really NOT know how stupid you look?

Your employer isn't "trickling" money to you, they're giving you a paycheck you live on. When billionaires buy companies and pour millions creating a bunch of jobs for their employees, a bunch of business for their vendors, and products and services for their customers, there is no "trickle" about it.
Can you or anyone else supply a link to a verbal or written statement by her that purports those implications? What I've seen so far is a document to the State Dept where Bachmann and 5 other repubs say that the aide has family connections to the Islamic Brotherhood: mother, brother, and deceased father. If true, maybe questions should be asked.


"I have here in my hand a list of two hundred and five people that were known to the Secretary of State as being members of the Communist Party and who nevertheless are still working and shaping the policy of the State Department."

We've seen this all before. It's a shame that people keep falling for it.

. “A host of other right-wing Republicans had sought to dramatize the communism issue, but only McCarthy succeeded. And McCarthy succeeded while the others did not in part because of his thoroughgoing contempt for the rules of political controversy.”
Michael Paul Rogin, "The Intellectuals and McCarthy: The Radical Specter," p. 251

He forced liberals to explain themselves in full view of the American people. So they made McCarthy the issue.

Forcing people to justify their first amendment rights is an acceptable use of the power of the Senate?

Troll fail.
Totally irrelevant bullshit. For you, par for the course.

How so? You're better than this. What makes it different 'this time.'

Aw c'mon Boopsie, we're talking Bachmann and this guy puts up a picture of McCarthy? He puts out nonstop ideological garbage all the time, I get tired of it. Plus, I'm a little grumpy these days.

I do? You have apparently confused me with someone else.
BTW, we targeted (and killed) an American citizen in the ME because he was a terrorist.

Timothy McVeigh was an American citizen.

Jane Fonda was an American citizen.

Obama's mentor, Bill Ayres (sp) (the one that bombed the WTC first) is an American citizen.

The Ft, Hood shooter was an American citizen.

Being an American citizen does not preclude one from being a terrorist to America.

Bill Ayers didn't bomb the World Trade Center.
You really need to stop getting your facts from Hate Radio.

The only think Bill Ayers blew up was a statue dedicated to police who killed strikers in 1886 during the Haymarket Riots. While not a good thing to do, the guy was hardly a hardened terrorist. The only people the Weathermen were a danger to were themselves because they were so inept.
The only people more inept was the FBI and their COINTEL program that infiltrated groups like that and tried to encourage them to commit acts of violence, which is why Ayers was never charged with anything.

Clearly, Bachmann's statements were reprehensible... and hopefully the folks in MN will finally give her her walking papers in November.

You're right. It was the Capital Building....still he's a fucking gutless terrorist.

And I concede that Fonda wasn't a terrorist in the true sense of the word. She didn't set off bombs. She just sided with the enemy and caused US soldiers to tortured. Nonetheless, being born in the USA didn't deter her from being an enemy of the USA.

To hell with Jane Fonda.

I don't have any Fondness for Fonda, either. And frankly, the woman pretty much destroyed her own acting career with her advocacy.

(Pssst. Ayers didn't bomb the capital building, either.)

But again, in the context of the time, when the government was making war on its own people because they didn't support a war they had already admitted to themselves was unwinnable, you can kind of understand why some people went to extremes.
You sure do have a warped perception of 'fair'. 3 cops killed, dozens of buildings bombed and a couple of Socialist domestic terrorists free and easy. Sick shit, IMO.

56,000 American dead in Vietnam, 3 million dead Vietnamese and Cambodians. 4 kids shot at Kent state. Dozens of protestors shot in other locations. That's some sick shit. Nixon got a pardon after he resigned in disgrace because someone felt prosecuting a criminal president would be too traumatic.

I'm going to take a bit of a leap here and guess you probably didn't live through those times. I did.

It's not as black and white as you make it out to be. Sorry, just isn't.

So a gross injustice in favor of someone politically opposed to someone else who was the beneficiary of a greater injustice ceases to be an injustice?

MLK's rollin over in his fucking grave listening to some of you lefties.

Dr. King was probably killed by that same government.

Frankly, I'm not seeing the "gross injustice" on giving Ayers a walk, since he personally didn't kill anyone. The only people the Weathermen managed to kill under Ayers leadership were themselves... hardly something to be bragging about.

If Nixon deserved a walk, Ayers deserved a walk. And frankly, you can link a lot of the GOP leadership to Nixon than you can really link Obama to Ayers. Romney's dad worked for Nixon.

Now, I would be remiss to say that Nixon was all bad. Quite the contrary, the guy did a lot of good, too. He improved diplomatic relations with China and Russia. He finally did end the folly of Vietnam. He created OSHA and the EPA. He did a bunch of good things that would probably make him unwelcome in today's GOP.

He also did the whole Watergate thing, which was partially because he didn't do what all his successors did, which is let their loyalists fall on their swords.
You sure do have a warped perception of 'fair'. 3 cops killed, dozens of buildings bombed and a couple of Socialist domestic terrorists free and easy. Sick shit, IMO.

56,000 American dead in Vietnam, 3 million dead Vietnamese and Cambodians. 4 kids shot at Kent state. Dozens of protestors shot in other locations. That's some sick shit. Nixon got a pardon after he resigned in disgrace because someone felt prosecuting a criminal president would be too traumatic.

I'm going to take a bit of a leap here and guess you probably didn't live through those times. I did.

It's not as black and white as you make it out to be. Sorry, just isn't.
Your passionate defense for a terrorist is noted. Not at all surprising.

It's you rightwingers who insist crazy people like James Holmes should be able to buy weapons on demand because the Founders gave you the right to overthrow your government.

The old adage, one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.

I don't think Ayers was either. I think he was the result of a government that couldnt' admit it was making huge mistakes, and was willing to expend the blood of its young people in the process. (Not to mention a lot of Vietnamese who were just wondering why Bhudda was so pissed off at them.)
Can you or anyone else supply a link to a verbal or written statement by her that purports those implications? What I've seen so far is a document to the State Dept where Bachmann and 5 other repubs say that the aide has family connections to the Islamic Brotherhood: mother, brother, and deceased father. If true, maybe questions should be asked.

This is just one of many manic episodes by the lunatic legislator. There is a virtual treasure trove of video gems on YouTube of her gaffes, made up history, and sheer stupidity which call into question her sanity and integrity. She has so destroyed her credibility that one would be foolish to EVER take her seriously.

No doubt Bachmann is a loose cannon, sorta like the GOP version of Joe Biden. I don't agree with much of what she is for either. But that ain't the point, I'm still waiting for somebody to post the link where she said or wrote what is claimed in the OP.

For anyone to TRY and compare bauchmann to pelosi or biden is just as loopy as is bauchmann herself.
This is maybe a bit off topic from the title of this thread, but I think relevant. Over one million people have been killed in the US alone due to gun violence since the days of MLK.
It's you rightwingers who insist crazy people like James Holmes should be able to buy weapons on demand because the Founders gave you the right to overthrow your government.
How many gun laws are needed before criminals start obeying them?

Prediction: You will not have a rational answer to this question.
The old adage, one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.

I don't think Ayers was either. I think he was the result of a government that couldnt' admit it was making huge mistakes, and was willing to expend the blood of its young people in the process. (Not to mention a lot of Vietnamese who were just wondering why Bhudda was so pissed off at them.)
So Ayers was a terrorist -- but it was the government's fault.

Your passionate defense for a terrorist is noted. Again.

Never mind the fact he admitted he was guilty. Moron.
This is maybe a bit off topic from the title of this thread, but I think relevant. Over one million people have been killed in the US alone due to gun violence since the days of MLK.
How many gun laws are needed before criminals start obeying them?


That is the thing. Another typical Democratic plan.

1) Let's have a plan which gun laws are devastating to honest citizens regarding their ability to get a job but is a slap on the wrist to someone with a record the length of their arm.

2) Every time it's proven to be a stupid idea, like one armed person killing dozens of unarmed people, declare the problem is we didn't go far enough. Then repeat step 1 even moreso to further ensure that only criminals have guns.

It's their solution to education, no matter how expensive and crappy our system is, the problem is we didn't spend enough on it. No matter how well the "war on poverty" doesn't work after trillions wasted, declare we didn't give enough away. One size fits all denial.

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