I'm in tears this morning

I thought St Trumpy was going to fix the immigration problem.

What happened?
He got a whole lot of dumbass liberal congresscritters against him and the rest of US who voted for him. Those shitfucks are more for the illegal criminals than they are for US women and children.
That is because of rich bastards like you that want them here to support their system of making money of their backs...Duh...Money rules not the average citizen, of which you are not..
Be ready Americans to take America back! Democrats are the most hate-filled group on earth
There is a lot of hate spewing in this thread.
Hate.. look at what you democrats have done to America. You will be hated
I am no Democrat as far as I am concerned all the damage done is done by both sides of the isle.
No comparison
Only because of your refusal to accept that which you have no control over and can't change, learn to live in peace because you will never win against four billion humans that inhabit the Earth.
I woke up to news that an illegal alien in Tennessee was arrested for kicking a 4-month-old baby to death. The illegal alien was already deported 5 times. Democrats did this. They let him in.

Five-Time Deported Illegal Alien Charged with Kicking Baby to Death

Yesterday our local news made me cry real tears. A black woman who lives less than five miles from me was being tried for starving her baby, putting it in a trash can and burning it.

Moss murder trial, Day One: Defendant/lawyer silent as DA attacks

Is it okay because she is an American?

Should we hate black people because some of them commit outrageous acts?

If someone is deported five times, why blame it on politicians? The first time a foreigner comes to America, it is a federal civil misdemeanor. When it happens again, it's like drunk driving - the second offense is a felony and deserves hard time. But, five times??? Were the previous judges Democrats, Republicans, or incompetent morons that deserve to be in prison themselves for aiding and abetting the crime?
Because the democrats refuse to secure the border. Who should we blame it on except those who are not doing their jobs?

The border is quite secure. Suppose the liberals made the same allegations over gun control. Once it was over, you could no longer legally own a weapon.

NOTHING is going to stop acts like what is described in the OP. It is an anecdotal story, just as mine was. When you look at the over-all stats, undocumented foreigners are more law abiding than American born citizens.
The border is quite secure you say? Then why do we have 30 million illegals in the country and trainloads more on the way?
Because of amnesty, chain migration, refugee laws there are more but you can pretend it is all the fault of one party in the system.
I thought St Trumpy was going to fix the immigration problem.

What happened?

The election of illegal alien loving democrats in 2018 happened.

Trump's the guy whose been hiring illegals. He really needs to have himself arrested for those crimes if he really wants to send a message to potential employers of the undocumented. One link below from a law suit of decades ago.

Trump Paid Over $1 Million in Labor Settlement, Documents Reveal
I thought St Trumpy was going to fix the immigration problem.

What happened?

The election of illegal alien loving democrats in 2018 happened.

Trump's the guy whose been hiring illegals. He really needs to have himself arrested for those crimes if he really wants to send a message to potential employers of the undocumented. One link below from a law suit of decades ago.

Trump Paid Over $1 Million in Labor Settlement, Documents Reveal
Back 20 years ago, Trump was a Democrat you all loved and adored...What changed?
I woke up to news that an illegal alien in Tennessee was arrested for kicking a 4-month-old baby to death. The illegal alien was already deported 5 times. Democrats did this. They let him in.

Five-Time Deported Illegal Alien Charged with Kicking Baby to Death
Yet you say you dont like President Trump. Suck it up butter cup, this is what Democrats want. In or out of the womb, babies are dying...


The OP is always saying he doesn't like the President!

In a very schizophrenic way, he is always switching from one side of the political spectrum to the other.

If the OP is in tears it must be crocodile tears

Sick...if you ask me!
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Hate.. look at what you democrats have done to America. You will be hated
I am no Democrat as far as I am concerned all the damage done is done by both sides of the isle.
No comparison
It's happening to this day deny it all you like. The laws passed regarding refugees was passed by both parties..Both parties agreed to chain migration and amnesty... Tell me you can handle the truth because it makes your lies stand out.
Not just immigration, education, broken families, building codes, new age Jim Crow laws, urban slave plantations. Democrats are destroying America
Horseshit the Republicans played by the same rules different names, Separate but equal , humiliation of a minorities, economic enslavement, building codes, work hours reduced to less than fifty hours a week, union busting, Watergate, fixing elections, abuse of gerrymandering. The list can go on and on. Both parties are the problem and not the solution as they mete out what rights they grant us.
It’s not happing in republican towns,, matter of fact I know hundreds of blacks that move to the south.. they are treated better and all cries of racial oppression only comes from towns run by democrats
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Start you a thread on that ya hear! Cause your bullshit does not excuse this five time deported border rat sneaking back into this country and murdering a four month old baby. If you think it does you are one sick turd!

Um, no, I'm all for punishing him for murdering what you would normally scream about being an anchor baby when he found out it wasn't his.

But white trash wearing MAGA Hats, they kill their kids, too.
Now go wipe your ass, because you pooped yourself, sit down little boy and hear a story about Manassas Va. I moved there in 2012 at the time it was about 45% white 37% black and the rest was mixed yellow and brown. By the 4th year, after Terry McAwefull took over the governorship and turned Virginia into a sanctuary state, most of the blacks moved out, whites went farther into the rural part of Virginia and 97% of Manassas turned into a 3rd world shithole of Latinos. Most stores closed, Don Pablo's closed because their food wasn't authentic enough for the new horde who were moving in. The public schools got so overcrowded with Anchors that taxes started going. Terry McAwefull put a $45 toll on interstate 66 because he could. But the real problem was the MS-13 that showed up in the 5th year and started burning houses of those who didnt pay protection money. In one night 3 houses close to mine were on fire, put quite a strain on the firefighters, but who gives a shit, brown people who broke the law coming here in the first place, dont break the law again, right. Dumbass.

Wow, you must really be a piece of white trash to live in such an awful neighborhood. I though you were like fantastically successful!
I woke up to news that an illegal alien in Tennessee was arrested for kicking a 4-month-old baby to death. The illegal alien was already deported 5 times. Democrats did this. They let him in.

Five-Time Deported Illegal Alien Charged with Kicking Baby to Death
this happing in minnesota too were a young girl was walking home from work and a Somali man stabed her with a knife because he did not like how she was dress, it is very dangerous with all the new refugees plus illeagles from the soiuthen boarder and they are mostly young honduran and Guatemala young men who are very violent
I woke up to news that an illegal alien in Tennessee was arrested for kicking a 4-month-old baby to death. The illegal alien was already deported 5 times. Democrats did this. They let him in.

Five-Time Deported Illegal Alien Charged with Kicking Baby to Death
this happing in minnesota too were a young girl was walking home from work and a Somali man stabed her with a knife because he did not like how she was dress, it is very dangerous with all the new refugees plus illeagles from the soiuthen boarder and they are mostly young honduran and Guatemala young men who are very violent
--------------------------- yep , think its called MACHO and violence is what they grew up with and know .

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