I'm in tears this morning

The border is quite secure. Suppose the liberals made the same allegations over gun control. Once it was over, you could no longer legally own a weapon.

NOTHING is going to stop acts like what is described in the OP. It is an anecdotal story, just as mine was. When you look at the over-all stats, undocumented foreigners are more law abiding than American born citizens.
The border is quite secure you say? Then why do we have 30 million illegals in the country and trainloads more on the way?

The reason is because you have a shitload of worthless white motherfuckers that end up on Dr. Phil, the Steve Wilkos Show, etc. They are well into their 20s, 30s, 40s, and beyond with no high school diploma, no job skills, no driver's license, and no initiative. They are covered in body piercings and tattoos and most of their money is spent on weed, heroin, and cigarettes - OR should say our money and mommy's. They draw money from the government because they are too good to work and if you don't offer them a surgeon's wages to sweep a floor, you're pissing in the wind.

Instead of looking for a job, they watch tv, play video games, stay on social media and go to discussion boards to bitch about so - called "illegal aliens." Most of them have a drug habit and a criminal record - reflected in the fact that Americans consume over 80 percent of the world's opioid supply and we have more people in prison than any nation on this planet.

It's time to quityerbitchin and man up. Take responsibility and own your part in the equation.
So you would rather have diseased illegal immigrants come across our border killing US women and babies, instead of closing the borders, then take care of our own problems. One thing about you stupid liberals( I know redundant statement) you sure do like marginalizing death of US citizens.

You fucking idiots that I've suffered over the years are so stupid that if you took all of you put together and turned your brains into dynamite, you couldn't get enough charge to blow one's nose.

I'm not a liberal. But those who are into wall worship are not only idiots, but National Socialists as well. I'm damn well not into marginalizing any death. It's just that your allegations don't equal facts:

The Myth of the Criminal Immigrant

Yeah, I know, because the liberals cited it, then it can't be true. You only believe that which supports your idiocy.

What I'd rather have when I advertise for jobs is to see well dressed, well mannered young adults that are ready to get out there and learn a skill set or employ the one they have. If they made a mistake in life, they should overcome it. If you did drugs and quit school, then get into a drug program and get a GED.

Your generation needs to grow the Hell up and figure it out. NOBODY owes you a living; every day is not Halloween and no employer can afford to pay you a surgeon's wages to play on your cell phone all day.
Well let’s turn the tables. Let’s start jumping their borders and murdering their citizens and see if you morons sing the same tune! Ya hear?

Is there a reason you can't man up and own your part in the status quo?

Dumb asses in America willingly smoke pot and want other illegal drugs. You create drug cartels, which in turn causes tyranny, corruption, and despair in neighboring third world countries.

The lazy ass Americans that want to sit at home living off their friends and relatives along with goodies from Uncle Scam then get on social media and bitch about so - called "illegal aliens" that come here to fill the void because many Americans are unable, unqualified, and / or unwilling to do manual labor IS the problem.

Cheap labor from south of the border is a symptom caused by low life white people. How many of their citizens do you think you caused to be murdered because your drug habit and / or that of friends and family created the cartel - which caused third worlders to be caught in the middle? You don't want a solution to any problem; you want to up the ante to push a double minded agenda that fails to make even common sense.

You hate foreigners so bad, you're willing to commit suicide and still not fix your own problem. You just want someone that is willing to work to be as miserable as you. The liberal left just wants to help you on your way. The liberal left is just as committed to your demise as you are.
The border is quite secure you say? Then why do we have 30 million illegals in the country and trainloads more on the way?

The reason is because you have a shitload of worthless white motherfuckers that end up on Dr. Phil, the Steve Wilkos Show, etc. They are well into their 20s, 30s, 40s, and beyond with no high school diploma, no job skills, no driver's license, and no initiative. They are covered in body piercings and tattoos and most of their money is spent on weed, heroin, and cigarettes - OR should say our money and mommy's. They draw money from the government because they are too good to work and if you don't offer them a surgeon's wages to sweep a floor, you're pissing in the wind.

Instead of looking for a job, they watch tv, play video games, stay on social media and go to discussion boards to bitch about so - called "illegal aliens." Most of them have a drug habit and a criminal record - reflected in the fact that Americans consume over 80 percent of the world's opioid supply and we have more people in prison than any nation on this planet.

It's time to quityerbitchin and man up. Take responsibility and own your part in the equation.
So you would rather have diseased illegal immigrants come across our border killing US women and babies, instead of closing the borders, then take care of our own problems. One thing about you stupid liberals( I know redundant statement) you sure do like marginalizing death of US citizens.

You fucking idiots that I've suffered over the years are so stupid that if you took all of you put together and turned your brains into dynamite, you couldn't get enough charge to blow one's nose.

I'm not a liberal. But those who are into wall worship are not only idiots, but National Socialists as well. I'm damn well not into marginalizing any death. It's just that your allegations don't equal facts:

The Myth of the Criminal Immigrant

Yeah, I know, because the liberals cited it, then it can't be true. You only believe that which supports your idiocy.

What I'd rather have when I advertise for jobs is to see well dressed, well mannered young adults that are ready to get out there and learn a skill set or employ the one they have. If they made a mistake in life, they should overcome it. If you did drugs and quit school, then get into a drug program and get a GED.

Your generation needs to grow the Hell up and figure it out. NOBODY owes you a living; every day is not Halloween and no employer can afford to pay you a surgeon's wages to play on your cell phone all day.
Well let’s turn the tables. Let’s start jumping their borders and murdering their citizens and see if you morons sing the same tune! Ya hear?

Is there a reason you can't man up and own your part in the status quo?

Dumb asses in America willingly smoke pot and want other illegal drugs. You create drug cartels, which in turn causes tyranny, corruption, and despair in neighboring third world countries.

The lazy ass Americans that want to sit at home living off their friends and relatives along with goodies from Uncle Scam then get on social media and bitch about so - called "illegal aliens" that come here to fill the void because many Americans are unable, unqualified, and / or unwilling to do manual labor IS the problem.

Cheap labor from south of the border is a symptom caused by low life white people. How many of their citizens do you think you caused to be murdered because your drug habit and / or that of friends and family created the cartel - which caused third worlders to be caught in the middle? You don't want a solution to any problem; you want to up the ante to push a double minded agenda that fails to make even common sense.

You hate foreigners so bad, you're willing to commit suicide and still not fix your own problem. You just want someone that is willing to work to be as miserable as you. The liberal left just wants to help you on your way. The liberal left is just as committed to your demise as you are.
Total libstain bs.
Because the democrats refuse to secure the border. Who should we blame it on except those who are not doing their jobs?

The border is quite secure. Suppose the liberals made the same allegations over gun control. Once it was over, you could no longer legally own a weapon.

NOTHING is going to stop acts like what is described in the OP. It is an anecdotal story, just as mine was. When you look at the over-all stats, undocumented foreigners are more law abiding than American born citizens.
The border is quite secure you say? Then why do we have 30 million illegals in the country and trainloads more on the way?

The reason is because you have a shitload of worthless white motherfuckers that end up on Dr. Phil, the Steve Wilkos Show, etc. They are well into their 20s, 30s, 40s, and beyond with no high school diploma, no job skills, no driver's license, and no initiative. They are covered in body piercings and tattoos and most of their money is spent on weed, heroin, and cigarettes - OR should say our money and mommy's. They draw money from the government because they are too good to work and if you don't offer them a surgeon's wages to sweep a floor, you're pissing in the wind.

Instead of looking for a job, they watch tv, play video games, stay on social media and go to discussion boards to bitch about so - called "illegal aliens." Most of them have a drug habit and a criminal record - reflected in the fact that Americans consume over 80 percent of the world's opioid supply and we have more people in prison than any nation on this planet.

It's time to quityerbitchin and man up. Take responsibility and own your part in the equation.
So you would rather have diseased illegal immigrants come across our border killing US women and babies, instead of closing the borders, then take care of our own problems. One thing about you stupid liberals( I know redundant statement) you sure do like marginalizing death of US citizens.

You fucking idiots that I've suffered over the years are so stupid that if you took all of you put together and turned your brains into dynamite, you couldn't get enough charge to blow one's nose.

I'm not a liberal. But those who are into wall worship are not only idiots, but National Socialists as well. I'm damn well not into marginalizing any death. It's just that your allegations don't equal facts:

The Myth of the Criminal Immigrant

Yeah, I know, because the liberals cited it, then it can't be true. You only believe that which supports your idiocy.

What I'd rather have when I advertise for jobs is to see well dressed, well mannered young adults that are ready to get out there and learn a skill set or employ the one they have. If they made a mistake in life, they should overcome it. If you did drugs and quit school, then get into a drug program and get a GED.

Your generation needs to grow the Hell up and figure it out. NOBODY owes you a living; every day is not Halloween and no employer can afford to pay you a surgeon's wages to play on your cell phone all day.
Now go wipe your ass, because you pooped yourself, sit down little boy and hear a story about Manassas Va. I moved there in 2012 at the time it was about 45% white 37% black and the rest was mixed yellow and brown. By the 4th year, after Terry McAwefull took over the governorship and turned Virginia into a sanctuary state, most of the blacks moved out, whites went farther into the rural part of Virginia and 97% of Manassas turned into a 3rd world shithole of Latinos. Most stores closed, Don Pablo's closed because their food wasn't authentic enough for the new horde who were moving in. The public schools got so overcrowded with Anchors that taxes started going. Terry McAwefull put a $45 toll on interstate 66 because he could. But the real problem was the MS-13 that showed up in the 5th year and started burning houses of those who didnt pay protection money. In one night 3 houses close to mine were on fire, put quite a strain on the firefighters, but who gives a shit, brown people who broke the law coming here in the first place, dont break the law again, right. Dumbass.
The border is quite secure you say? Then why do we have 30 million illegals in the country and trainloads more on the way?

The reason is because you have a shitload of worthless white motherfuckers that end up on Dr. Phil, the Steve Wilkos Show, etc. They are well into their 20s, 30s, 40s, and beyond with no high school diploma, no job skills, no driver's license, and no initiative. They are covered in body piercings and tattoos and most of their money is spent on weed, heroin, and cigarettes - OR should say our money and mommy's. They draw money from the government because they are too good to work and if you don't offer them a surgeon's wages to sweep a floor, you're pissing in the wind.

Instead of looking for a job, they watch tv, play video games, stay on social media and go to discussion boards to bitch about so - called "illegal aliens." Most of them have a drug habit and a criminal record - reflected in the fact that Americans consume over 80 percent of the world's opioid supply and we have more people in prison than any nation on this planet.

It's time to quityerbitchin and man up. Take responsibility and own your part in the equation.
So you would rather have diseased illegal immigrants come across our border killing US women and babies, instead of closing the borders, then take care of our own problems. One thing about you stupid liberals( I know redundant statement) you sure do like marginalizing death of US citizens.

You fucking idiots that I've suffered over the years are so stupid that if you took all of you put together and turned your brains into dynamite, you couldn't get enough charge to blow one's nose.

I'm not a liberal. But those who are into wall worship are not only idiots, but National Socialists as well. I'm damn well not into marginalizing any death. It's just that your allegations don't equal facts:

The Myth of the Criminal Immigrant

Yeah, I know, because the liberals cited it, then it can't be true. You only believe that which supports your idiocy.

What I'd rather have when I advertise for jobs is to see well dressed, well mannered young adults that are ready to get out there and learn a skill set or employ the one they have. If they made a mistake in life, they should overcome it. If you did drugs and quit school, then get into a drug program and get a GED.

Your generation needs to grow the Hell up and figure it out. NOBODY owes you a living; every day is not Halloween and no employer can afford to pay you a surgeon's wages to play on your cell phone all day.
Well let’s turn the tables. Let’s start jumping their borders and murdering their citizens and see if you morons sing the same tune! Ya hear?

Is there a reason you can't man up and own your part in the status quo?

Dumb asses in America willingly smoke pot and want other illegal drugs. You create drug cartels, which in turn causes tyranny, corruption, and despair in neighboring third world countries.

The lazy ass Americans that want to sit at home living off their friends and relatives along with goodies from Uncle Scam then get on social media and bitch about so - called "illegal aliens" that come here to fill the void because many Americans are unable, unqualified, and / or unwilling to do manual labor IS the problem.

Cheap labor from south of the border is a symptom caused by low life white people. How many of their citizens do you think you caused to be murdered because your drug habit and / or that of friends and family created the cartel - which caused third worlders to be caught in the middle? You don't want a solution to any problem; you want to up the ante to push a double minded agenda that fails to make even common sense.

You hate foreigners so bad, you're willing to commit suicide and still not fix your own problem. You just want someone that is willing to work to be as miserable as you. The liberal left just wants to help you on your way. The liberal left is just as committed to your demise as you are.
Oh goddamn! I see the blame America First/It’s all the white devil’s fault club has elected a new goddamned President. Hip hip hurray!
The immigration status of that man had nothing to do with the death of the baby.

Yes, it did. Had he been kept out of this country, that baby would still be alive you fool.
The reason is because you have a shitload of worthless white motherfuckers that end up on Dr. Phil, the Steve Wilkos Show, etc. They are well into their 20s, 30s, 40s, and beyond with no high school diploma, no job skills, no driver's license, and no initiative. They are covered in body piercings and tattoos and most of their money is spent on weed, heroin, and cigarettes - OR should say our money and mommy's. They draw money from the government because they are too good to work and if you don't offer them a surgeon's wages to sweep a floor, you're pissing in the wind.

Instead of looking for a job, they watch tv, play video games, stay on social media and go to discussion boards to bitch about so - called "illegal aliens." Most of them have a drug habit and a criminal record - reflected in the fact that Americans consume over 80 percent of the world's opioid supply and we have more people in prison than any nation on this planet.

It's time to quityerbitchin and man up. Take responsibility and own your part in the equation.
So you would rather have diseased illegal immigrants come across our border killing US women and babies, instead of closing the borders, then take care of our own problems. One thing about you stupid liberals( I know redundant statement) you sure do like marginalizing death of US citizens.

You fucking idiots that I've suffered over the years are so stupid that if you took all of you put together and turned your brains into dynamite, you couldn't get enough charge to blow one's nose.

I'm not a liberal. But those who are into wall worship are not only idiots, but National Socialists as well. I'm damn well not into marginalizing any death. It's just that your allegations don't equal facts:

The Myth of the Criminal Immigrant

Yeah, I know, because the liberals cited it, then it can't be true. You only believe that which supports your idiocy.

What I'd rather have when I advertise for jobs is to see well dressed, well mannered young adults that are ready to get out there and learn a skill set or employ the one they have. If they made a mistake in life, they should overcome it. If you did drugs and quit school, then get into a drug program and get a GED.

Your generation needs to grow the Hell up and figure it out. NOBODY owes you a living; every day is not Halloween and no employer can afford to pay you a surgeon's wages to play on your cell phone all day.
Well let’s turn the tables. Let’s start jumping their borders and murdering their citizens and see if you morons sing the same tune! Ya hear?

Is there a reason you can't man up and own your part in the status quo?

Dumb asses in America willingly smoke pot and want other illegal drugs. You create drug cartels, which in turn causes tyranny, corruption, and despair in neighboring third world countries.

The lazy ass Americans that want to sit at home living off their friends and relatives along with goodies from Uncle Scam then get on social media and bitch about so - called "illegal aliens" that come here to fill the void because many Americans are unable, unqualified, and / or unwilling to do manual labor IS the problem.

Cheap labor from south of the border is a symptom caused by low life white people. How many of their citizens do you think you caused to be murdered because your drug habit and / or that of friends and family created the cartel - which caused third worlders to be caught in the middle? You don't want a solution to any problem; you want to up the ante to push a double minded agenda that fails to make even common sense.

You hate foreigners so bad, you're willing to commit suicide and still not fix your own problem. You just want someone that is willing to work to be as miserable as you. The liberal left just wants to help you on your way. The liberal left is just as committed to your demise as you are.
Total libstain bs.

No, it's an honest response to Keyboard Commandos like you whose sorry ass NEVER manned the border a day in your life nor donated a damn nickel to the "heroes" like Mr. Hopkins that you helped create with your babbling Internet bullshit.

Anecdotal stories like the one here are manna from heaven; however, if the liberals did use a anecdotal story that supported their view, it's fake news. I'm not on either side. I'm telling both sides what I think. You need each other because you're co - dependent; you just like bitching at each other to hear yourselves talk. Meanwhile some sap like Hopkins pays a price while you won't do ANYTHING except lie like a New York politician and call me names. You're plain gutless.
So you would rather have diseased illegal immigrants come across our border killing US women and babies, instead of closing the borders, then take care of our own problems. One thing about you stupid liberals( I know redundant statement) you sure do like marginalizing death of US citizens.

You fucking idiots that I've suffered over the years are so stupid that if you took all of you put together and turned your brains into dynamite, you couldn't get enough charge to blow one's nose.

I'm not a liberal. But those who are into wall worship are not only idiots, but National Socialists as well. I'm damn well not into marginalizing any death. It's just that your allegations don't equal facts:

The Myth of the Criminal Immigrant

Yeah, I know, because the liberals cited it, then it can't be true. You only believe that which supports your idiocy.

What I'd rather have when I advertise for jobs is to see well dressed, well mannered young adults that are ready to get out there and learn a skill set or employ the one they have. If they made a mistake in life, they should overcome it. If you did drugs and quit school, then get into a drug program and get a GED.

Your generation needs to grow the Hell up and figure it out. NOBODY owes you a living; every day is not Halloween and no employer can afford to pay you a surgeon's wages to play on your cell phone all day.
Well let’s turn the tables. Let’s start jumping their borders and murdering their citizens and see if you morons sing the same tune! Ya hear?

Is there a reason you can't man up and own your part in the status quo?

Dumb asses in America willingly smoke pot and want other illegal drugs. You create drug cartels, which in turn causes tyranny, corruption, and despair in neighboring third world countries.

The lazy ass Americans that want to sit at home living off their friends and relatives along with goodies from Uncle Scam then get on social media and bitch about so - called "illegal aliens" that come here to fill the void because many Americans are unable, unqualified, and / or unwilling to do manual labor IS the problem.

Cheap labor from south of the border is a symptom caused by low life white people. How many of their citizens do you think you caused to be murdered because your drug habit and / or that of friends and family created the cartel - which caused third worlders to be caught in the middle? You don't want a solution to any problem; you want to up the ante to push a double minded agenda that fails to make even common sense.

You hate foreigners so bad, you're willing to commit suicide and still not fix your own problem. You just want someone that is willing to work to be as miserable as you. The liberal left just wants to help you on your way. The liberal left is just as committed to your demise as you are.
Total libstain bs.

No, it's an honest response to Keyboard Commandos like you whose sorry ass NEVER manned the border a day in your life nor donated a damn nickel to the "heroes" like Mr. Hopkins that you helped create with your babbling Internet bullshit.
Drunken babbling.
The reason is because you have a shitload of worthless white motherfuckers that end up on Dr. Phil, the Steve Wilkos Show, etc. They are well into their 20s, 30s, 40s, and beyond with no high school diploma, no job skills, no driver's license, and no initiative. They are covered in body piercings and tattoos and most of their money is spent on weed, heroin, and cigarettes - OR should say our money and mommy's. They draw money from the government because they are too good to work and if you don't offer them a surgeon's wages to sweep a floor, you're pissing in the wind.

Instead of looking for a job, they watch tv, play video games, stay on social media and go to discussion boards to bitch about so - called "illegal aliens." Most of them have a drug habit and a criminal record - reflected in the fact that Americans consume over 80 percent of the world's opioid supply and we have more people in prison than any nation on this planet.

It's time to quityerbitchin and man up. Take responsibility and own your part in the equation.
So you would rather have diseased illegal immigrants come across our border killing US women and babies, instead of closing the borders, then take care of our own problems. One thing about you stupid liberals( I know redundant statement) you sure do like marginalizing death of US citizens.

You fucking idiots that I've suffered over the years are so stupid that if you took all of you put together and turned your brains into dynamite, you couldn't get enough charge to blow one's nose.

I'm not a liberal. But those who are into wall worship are not only idiots, but National Socialists as well. I'm damn well not into marginalizing any death. It's just that your allegations don't equal facts:

The Myth of the Criminal Immigrant

Yeah, I know, because the liberals cited it, then it can't be true. You only believe that which supports your idiocy.

What I'd rather have when I advertise for jobs is to see well dressed, well mannered young adults that are ready to get out there and learn a skill set or employ the one they have. If they made a mistake in life, they should overcome it. If you did drugs and quit school, then get into a drug program and get a GED.

Your generation needs to grow the Hell up and figure it out. NOBODY owes you a living; every day is not Halloween and no employer can afford to pay you a surgeon's wages to play on your cell phone all day.
Well let’s turn the tables. Let’s start jumping their borders and murdering their citizens and see if you morons sing the same tune! Ya hear?

Is there a reason you can't man up and own your part in the status quo?

Dumb asses in America willingly smoke pot and want other illegal drugs. You create drug cartels, which in turn causes tyranny, corruption, and despair in neighboring third world countries.

The lazy ass Americans that want to sit at home living off their friends and relatives along with goodies from Uncle Scam then get on social media and bitch about so - called "illegal aliens" that come here to fill the void because many Americans are unable, unqualified, and / or unwilling to do manual labor IS the problem.

Cheap labor from south of the border is a symptom caused by low life white people. How many of their citizens do you think you caused to be murdered because your drug habit and / or that of friends and family created the cartel - which caused third worlders to be caught in the middle? You don't want a solution to any problem; you want to up the ante to push a double minded agenda that fails to make even common sense.

You hate foreigners so bad, you're willing to commit suicide and still not fix your own problem. You just want someone that is willing to work to be as miserable as you. The liberal left just wants to help you on your way. The liberal left is just as committed to your demise as you are.
Oh goddamn! I see the blame America First/It’s all the white devil’s fault club has elected a new goddamned President. Hip hip hurray!

You fucking idiot. It's not about blame America first. You share EQUAL blame. It don't matter who started it. You sound like you're 5. He did it first. No sir, you have ownership in the status quo.
You fucking idiots that I've suffered over the years are so stupid that if you took all of you put together and turned your brains into dynamite, you couldn't get enough charge to blow one's nose.

I'm not a liberal. But those who are into wall worship are not only idiots, but National Socialists as well. I'm damn well not into marginalizing any death. It's just that your allegations don't equal facts:

The Myth of the Criminal Immigrant

Yeah, I know, because the liberals cited it, then it can't be true. You only believe that which supports your idiocy.

What I'd rather have when I advertise for jobs is to see well dressed, well mannered young adults that are ready to get out there and learn a skill set or employ the one they have. If they made a mistake in life, they should overcome it. If you did drugs and quit school, then get into a drug program and get a GED.

Your generation needs to grow the Hell up and figure it out. NOBODY owes you a living; every day is not Halloween and no employer can afford to pay you a surgeon's wages to play on your cell phone all day.
Well let’s turn the tables. Let’s start jumping their borders and murdering their citizens and see if you morons sing the same tune! Ya hear?

Is there a reason you can't man up and own your part in the status quo?

Dumb asses in America willingly smoke pot and want other illegal drugs. You create drug cartels, which in turn causes tyranny, corruption, and despair in neighboring third world countries.

The lazy ass Americans that want to sit at home living off their friends and relatives along with goodies from Uncle Scam then get on social media and bitch about so - called "illegal aliens" that come here to fill the void because many Americans are unable, unqualified, and / or unwilling to do manual labor IS the problem.

Cheap labor from south of the border is a symptom caused by low life white people. How many of their citizens do you think you caused to be murdered because your drug habit and / or that of friends and family created the cartel - which caused third worlders to be caught in the middle? You don't want a solution to any problem; you want to up the ante to push a double minded agenda that fails to make even common sense.

You hate foreigners so bad, you're willing to commit suicide and still not fix your own problem. You just want someone that is willing to work to be as miserable as you. The liberal left just wants to help you on your way. The liberal left is just as committed to your demise as you are.
Total libstain bs.

No, it's an honest response to Keyboard Commandos like you whose sorry ass NEVER manned the border a day in your life nor donated a damn nickel to the "heroes" like Mr. Hopkins that you helped create with your babbling Internet bullshit.
Drunken babbling.

There you go projecting again. I don't do drugs, drink or the insane shit you do. You have over 60,000 posts on this board alone.

Imagine if you did something besides try to insult me when you don't have the balls to insult people to their face. Insulting me isn't changing your dynamic. All it's going to do is get you shamed.

I've been on the border; I've been in court. You've done NOTHING but peck a keyboard and rack up 60,000 posts. Had you spent that same time studying law, meeting with your legislators or doing something productive you may have gotten somewhere or possibly learned how truly full of horseshit you are.

The op is about an anecdotal story, but I wonder what you've done in your own neighborhood to help those who are, supposedly, of like mind.

I have a sneaking suspicion that all of you wallists only have wall worship in common. Stick six of you in a room and you would end up fighting each other... presuming one of you could muster the intestinal fortitude to swing first.
I might be mixing up the details with something else. I'm pretty sure but I'm not going to try and research it.
Great how’s my sandwich coming alone?
Because I won’t do the job for 10$ an hour? Lol is that what you are promoting replace Americans with people that can’t speak English to do the job at unamerican rate?? Lol do you think before you post?
Hit close to home, did it?
You are the one always hollering that the damned foreigners are taking YOUR jobs. I'm just saying

"You are the one always hollering that the damned foreigners are taking YOUR jobs."

I guess fruit picker is the only job he is qualified for.
Lol sure pay me an American wage
Black guy throw white boy off balcony in mall of America. Black African man intentionally runs down two white boys. Illegal aliens kill American/harms Americans. Muslims blow up 300+ Christians. 9/11. I am getting overloaded by empathy for those that world hurt me...
So you would rather have diseased illegal immigrants come across our border killing US women and babies, instead of closing the borders, then take care of our own problems. One thing about you stupid liberals( I know redundant statement) you sure do like marginalizing death of US citizens.

You fucking idiots that I've suffered over the years are so stupid that if you took all of you put together and turned your brains into dynamite, you couldn't get enough charge to blow one's nose.

I'm not a liberal. But those who are into wall worship are not only idiots, but National Socialists as well. I'm damn well not into marginalizing any death. It's just that your allegations don't equal facts:

The Myth of the Criminal Immigrant

Yeah, I know, because the liberals cited it, then it can't be true. You only believe that which supports your idiocy.

What I'd rather have when I advertise for jobs is to see well dressed, well mannered young adults that are ready to get out there and learn a skill set or employ the one they have. If they made a mistake in life, they should overcome it. If you did drugs and quit school, then get into a drug program and get a GED.

Your generation needs to grow the Hell up and figure it out. NOBODY owes you a living; every day is not Halloween and no employer can afford to pay you a surgeon's wages to play on your cell phone all day.
Well let’s turn the tables. Let’s start jumping their borders and murdering their citizens and see if you morons sing the same tune! Ya hear?

Is there a reason you can't man up and own your part in the status quo?

Dumb asses in America willingly smoke pot and want other illegal drugs. You create drug cartels, which in turn causes tyranny, corruption, and despair in neighboring third world countries.

The lazy ass Americans that want to sit at home living off their friends and relatives along with goodies from Uncle Scam then get on social media and bitch about so - called "illegal aliens" that come here to fill the void because many Americans are unable, unqualified, and / or unwilling to do manual labor IS the problem.

Cheap labor from south of the border is a symptom caused by low life white people. How many of their citizens do you think you caused to be murdered because your drug habit and / or that of friends and family created the cartel - which caused third worlders to be caught in the middle? You don't want a solution to any problem; you want to up the ante to push a double minded agenda that fails to make even common sense.

You hate foreigners so bad, you're willing to commit suicide and still not fix your own problem. You just want someone that is willing to work to be as miserable as you. The liberal left just wants to help you on your way. The liberal left is just as committed to your demise as you are.
Total libstain bs.

No, it's an honest response to Keyboard Commandos like you whose sorry ass NEVER manned the border a day in your life nor donated a damn nickel to the "heroes" like Mr. Hopkins that you helped create with your babbling Internet bullshit.

Anecdotal stories like the one here are manna from heaven; however, if the liberals did use a anecdotal story that supported their view, it's fake news. I'm not on either side. I'm telling both sides what I think. You need each other because you're co - dependent; you just like bitching at each other to hear yourselves talk. Meanwhile some sap like Hopkins pays a price while you won't do ANYTHING except lie like a New York politician and call me names. You're plain gutless.
My border that I manned was the one between East Germany(Democrat Socialist) and West Germany. Why should our troops guard other countries borders when we cant fucking protect our own. Oh yeah, liberals are killing their babies by the millions and need new slaves for their "workers".
There is a lot of hate spewing in this thread.
Hate.. look at what you democrats have done to America. You will be hated
I am no Democrat as far as I am concerned all the damage done is done by both sides of the isle.
No comparison
It's happening to this day deny it all you like. The laws passed regarding refugees was passed by both parties..Both parties agreed to chain migration and amnesty... Tell me you can handle the truth because it makes your lies stand out.
Not just immigration, education, broken families, building codes, new age Jim Crow laws, urban slave plantations. Democrats are destroying America
Horseshit the Republicans played by the same rules different names, Separate but equal , humiliation of a minorities, economic enslavement, building codes, work hours reduced to less than fifty hours a week, union busting, Watergate, fixing elections, abuse of gerrymandering. The list can go on and on. Both parties are the problem and not the solution as they mete out what rights they grant us.

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