I'm in tears this morning

I woke up to news that an illegal alien in Tennessee was arrested for kicking a 4-month-old baby to death. The illegal alien was already deported 5 times. Democrats did this. They let him in.

Five-Time Deported Illegal Alien Charged with Kicking Baby to Death

Yesterday our local news made me cry real tears. A black woman who lives less than five miles from me was being tried for starving her baby, putting it in a trash can and burning it.

Moss murder trial, Day One: Defendant/lawyer silent as DA attacks

Is it okay because she is an American?

Should we hate black people because some of them commit outrageous acts?

If someone is deported five times, why blame it on politicians? The first time a foreigner comes to America, it is a federal civil misdemeanor. When it happens again, it's like drunk driving - the second offense is a felony and deserves hard time. But, five times??? Were the previous judges Democrats, Republicans, or incompetent morons that deserve to be in prison themselves for aiding and abetting the crime?
Because the democrats refuse to secure the border. Who should we blame it on except those who are not doing their jobs?

The border is quite secure. Suppose the liberals made the same allegations over gun control. Once it was over, you could no longer legally own a weapon.

NOTHING is going to stop acts like what is described in the OP. It is an anecdotal story, just as mine was. When you look at the over-all stats, undocumented foreigners are more law abiding than American born citizens.
The border is quite secure you say? Then why do we have 30 million illegals in the country and trainloads more on the way?
10-11 million. Let's not be Trumpish and exaggerate everything.
Bullshit! You have no idea and if you dumbassed Democrats get your way and keep the question off the census we will never know! I am sticking with 30 million until you prove otherwise!
Yesterday our local news made me cry real tears. A black woman who lives less than five miles from me was being tried for starving her baby, putting it in a trash can and burning it.

Moss murder trial, Day One: Defendant/lawyer silent as DA attacks

Is it okay because she is an American?

Should we hate black people because some of them commit outrageous acts?

If someone is deported five times, why blame it on politicians? The first time a foreigner comes to America, it is a federal civil misdemeanor. When it happens again, it's like drunk driving - the second offense is a felony and deserves hard time. But, five times??? Were the previous judges Democrats, Republicans, or incompetent morons that deserve to be in prison themselves for aiding and abetting the crime?
Because the democrats refuse to secure the border. Who should we blame it on except those who are not doing their jobs?

The border is quite secure. Suppose the liberals made the same allegations over gun control. Once it was over, you could no longer legally own a weapon.

NOTHING is going to stop acts like what is described in the OP. It is an anecdotal story, just as mine was. When you look at the over-all stats, undocumented foreigners are more law abiding than American born citizens.
The border is quite secure you say? Then why do we have 30 million illegals in the country and trainloads more on the way?
10-11 million. Let's not be Trumpish and exaggerate everything.
Bullshit! You have no idea and if you dumbassed Democrats get your way and keep the question off the census we will never know! I am sticking with 30 million until you prove otherwise!
Fine, then I'll make up my own numbers the way you have until the 2020 census proves us wrong.


So everybody relax.
Are you also in tears at what happened to little AJ Fruend in Illinois? The Turpin children in California? Or is it only that this evil crime was committed by someone from another country? Did Chris Watt's murder of his two children and his pregnant wife drive you to tears, as well?

Using horrific crimes to justify anti-immigration views is just plain sick.
See? Same shit different day. Blame everyone except the murderous border rats!
The poster I was replying to wants to KILL illegals who came here to work. Why would I not blame the employers?
That creep in the OP sounds like a gang member. He probably didn't come here to work on a dairy farm. I'll give you that. But he is one person.

Employers should not be blamed for giving jobs to people they think are the best candidates for the position. If that's your logic, you might want to throw the landlord in jail and while you're at it, toss everybody's ass that shops at Walmart into the pokey for receiving stolen property.

The wallists keep saying so - called "illegals" are stealing jobs. So, if you're buying products from Walmart, it would be receiving stolen property since Walmart was convicted of knowingly hiring subcontractors that used undocumented laborers. Want to rethink your legal theory?
No. I don't want to rethink it at all. The majority of illegals come here for jobs. If no one would hire them, they would not be coming here. I don't know what in hell Walmart has to do with it.

I agree with you regarding the fact that most undocumented foreigners (NOT illegals since at this stage we are all presumed innocent) come here to work. I disagreed with your statement "Why would I not blame employers?"

The fact is the average 20 year old white American male is still dependent on mommy and lives in mommy's basement. He doesn't have a high school diploma, no driver's license, no job skills, a drug habit and a criminal record. They damn sure don't want a job as they spend all day on social media, not looking to improve their lives or take the jobs that are available.

Walmart is relevant because wallists make this idiotic argument that "illegals steal our jobs." That is pure socialism, but if you want to be a socialist, then follow the analogy:

If the employer did not own the job he or she created, then giving it to a foreigner made the foreigner a thief. If you shop at Walmart, then you took the goods that generated the profit that created the job that the so - called "illegal" stole. That would mean you received stolen property which is a crime.
Because the fucking democrats refuse to fund the wall moron! Have ewe been watching?
So did some of the Republicans, moron!
Republicans had the votes it was democrats
You sure?
Are you?
I might be mixing up the details with something else. I'm pretty sure but I'm not going to try and research it.
Great how’s my sandwich coming alone?
Because the democrats refuse to secure the border. Who should we blame it on except those who are not doing their jobs?

The border is quite secure. Suppose the liberals made the same allegations over gun control. Once it was over, you could no longer legally own a weapon.

NOTHING is going to stop acts like what is described in the OP. It is an anecdotal story, just as mine was. When you look at the over-all stats, undocumented foreigners are more law abiding than American born citizens.
The border is quite secure you say? Then why do we have 30 million illegals in the country and trainloads more on the way?
10-11 million. Let's not be Trumpish and exaggerate everything.
Bullshit! You have no idea and if you dumbassed Democrats get your way and keep the question off the census we will never know! I am sticking with 30 million until you prove otherwise!
Fine, then I'll make up my own numbers the way you have until the 2020 census proves us wrong.


So everybody relax.
You forgot the zero moron!
Yesterday our local news made me cry real tears. A black woman who lives less than five miles from me was being tried for starving her baby, putting it in a trash can and burning it.

Moss murder trial, Day One: Defendant/lawyer silent as DA attacks

Is it okay because she is an American?

Should we hate black people because some of them commit outrageous acts?

If someone is deported five times, why blame it on politicians? The first time a foreigner comes to America, it is a federal civil misdemeanor. When it happens again, it's like drunk driving - the second offense is a felony and deserves hard time. But, five times??? Were the previous judges Democrats, Republicans, or incompetent morons that deserve to be in prison themselves for aiding and abetting the crime?
Because the democrats refuse to secure the border. Who should we blame it on except those who are not doing their jobs?
This has been a Republican administration for two years. When are you going to stop blaming the Democrats for this? What a retard you are sometimes.
Because the fucking democrats refuse to fund the wall moron! Have ewe been watching?
So did some of the Republicans, moron!
Who holds the fucking majority in the house? Moron!

Who caused the Republicans to lose in the mid term?
I woke up to news that an illegal alien in Tennessee was arrested for kicking a 4-month-old baby to death. The illegal alien was already deported 5 times. Democrats did this. They let him in.

And here in Illinois we have a case where some White Trash that were born here beat their five year old to death, buried him in a farm field, and then tried to claim that he was kidnapped. The DCFS has been watching this family since before the Five year old was born.
I woke up to news that an illegal alien in Tennessee was arrested for kicking a 4-month-old baby to death. The illegal alien was already deported 5 times. Democrats did this. They let him in.

And here in Illinois we have a case where some White Trash that were born here beat their five year old to death, buried him in a farm field, and then tried to claim that he was kidnapped. The DCFS has been watching this family since before the Five year old was born.
Start you a thread on that ya hear! Cause your bullshit does not excuse this five time deported border rat sneaking back into this country and murdering a four month old baby. If you think it does you are one sick turd!
I woke up to news that an illegal alien in Tennessee was arrested for kicking a 4-month-old baby to death. The illegal alien was already deported 5 times. Democrats did this. They let him in.

Five-Time Deported Illegal Alien Charged with Kicking Baby to Death

Yesterday our local news made me cry real tears. A black woman who lives less than five miles from me was being tried for starving her baby, putting it in a trash can and burning it.

Moss murder trial, Day One: Defendant/lawyer silent as DA attacks

Is it okay because she is an American?

Should we hate black people because some of them commit outrageous acts?

If someone is deported five times, why blame it on politicians? The first time a foreigner comes to America, it is a federal civil misdemeanor. When it happens again, it's like drunk driving - the second offense is a felony and deserves hard time. But, five times??? Were the previous judges Democrats, Republicans, or incompetent morons that deserve to be in prison themselves for aiding and abetting the crime?
Because the democrats refuse to secure the border. Who should we blame it on except those who are not doing their jobs?

The border is quite secure. Suppose the liberals made the same allegations over gun control. Once it was over, you could no longer legally own a weapon.

NOTHING is going to stop acts like what is described in the OP. It is an anecdotal story, just as mine was. When you look at the over-all stats, undocumented foreigners are more law abiding than American born citizens.
The border is quite secure you say? Then why do we have 30 million illegals in the country and trainloads more on the way?

The reason is because you have a shitload of worthless white motherfuckers that end up on Dr. Phil, the Steve Wilkos Show, etc. They are well into their 20s, 30s, 40s, and beyond with no high school diploma, no job skills, no driver's license, and no initiative. They are covered in body piercings and tattoos and most of their money is spent on weed, heroin, and cigarettes - OR should say our money and mommy's. They draw money from the government because they are too good to work and if you don't offer them a surgeon's wages to sweep a floor, you're pissing in the wind.

Instead of looking for a job, they watch tv, play video games, stay on social media and go to discussion boards to bitch about so - called "illegal aliens." Most of them have a drug habit and a criminal record - reflected in the fact that Americans consume over 80 percent of the world's opioid supply and we have more people in prison than any nation on this planet.

It's time to quityerbitchin and man up. Take responsibility and own your part in the equation.
I woke up to news that an illegal alien in Tennessee was arrested for kicking a 4-month-old baby to death. The illegal alien was already deported 5 times. Democrats did this. They let him in.

Five-Time Deported Illegal Alien Charged with Kicking Baby to Death

Yesterday our local news made me cry real tears. A black woman who lives less than five miles from me was being tried for starving her baby, putting it in a trash can and burning it.

Moss murder trial, Day One: Defendant/lawyer silent as DA attacks

Is it okay because she is an American?

Should we hate black people because some of them commit outrageous acts?

If someone is deported five times, why blame it on politicians? The first time a foreigner comes to America, it is a federal civil misdemeanor. When it happens again, it's like drunk driving - the second offense is a felony and deserves hard time. But, five times??? Were the previous judges Democrats, Republicans, or incompetent morons that deserve to be in prison themselves for aiding and abetting the crime?
Because the democrats refuse to secure the border. Who should we blame it on except those who are not doing their jobs?

The border is quite secure. Suppose the liberals made the same allegations over gun control. Once it was over, you could no longer legally own a weapon.

NOTHING is going to stop acts like what is described in the OP. It is an anecdotal story, just as mine was. When you look at the over-all stats, undocumented foreigners are more law abiding than American born citizens.
The border is quite secure you say? Then why do we have 30 million illegals in the country and trainloads more on the way?

The reason is because you have a shitload of worthless white motherfuckers that end up on Dr. Phil, the Steve Wilkos Show, etc. They are well into their 20s, 30s, 40s, and beyond with no high school diploma, no job skills, no driver's license, and no initiative. They are covered in body piercings and tattoos and most of their money is spent on weed, heroin, and cigarettes - OR should say our money and mommy's. They draw money from the government because they are too good to work and if you don't offer them a surgeon's wages to sweep a floor, you're pissing in the wind.

Instead of looking for a job, they watch tv, play video games, stay on social media and go to discussion boards to bitch about so - called "illegal aliens." Most of them have a drug habit and a criminal record - reflected in the fact that Americans consume over 80 percent of the world's opioid supply and we have more people in prison than any nation on this planet.

It's time to quityerbitchin and man up. Take responsibility and own your part in the equation.
So you would rather have diseased illegal immigrants come across our border killing US women and babies, instead of closing the borders, then take care of our own problems. One thing about you stupid liberals( I know redundant statement) you sure do like marginalizing death of US citizens.
Are you also in tears at what happened to little AJ Fruend in Illinois? The Turpin children in California? Or is it only that this evil crime was committed by someone from another country? Did Chris Watt's murder of his two children and his pregnant wife drive you to tears, as well?

Using horrific crimes to justify anti-immigration views is just plain sick.
See? Same shit different day. Blame everyone except the murderous border rats!

Are the turpins, the fruends, watts "border rats"?
Did they come here illegally?

Immigration status has absolutely nothing to do with murder and mayhem. Linking the two is false logic.
Are you also in tears at what happened to little AJ Fruend in Illinois? The Turpin children in California? Or is it only that this evil crime was committed by someone from another country? Did Chris Watt's murder of his two children and his pregnant wife drive you to tears, as well?

Using horrific crimes to justify anti-immigration views is just plain sick.
See? Same shit different day. Blame everyone except the murderous border rats!
The poster I was replying to wants to KILL illegals who came here to work. Why would I not blame the employers?
That creep in the OP sounds like a gang member. He probably didn't come here to work on a dairy farm. I'll give you that. But he is one person.

Employers should not be blamed for giving jobs to people they think are the best candidates for the position. If that's your logic, you might want to throw the landlord in jail and while you're at it, toss everybody's ass that shops at Walmart into the pokey for receiving stolen property.

The wallists keep saying so - called "illegals" are stealing jobs. So, if you're buying products from Walmart, it would be receiving stolen property since Walmart was convicted of knowingly hiring subcontractors that used undocumented laborers. Want to rethink your legal theory?
No. I don't want to rethink it at all. The majority of illegals come here for jobs. If no one would hire them, they would not be coming here. I don't know what in hell Walmart has to do with it.

I agree with you regarding the fact that most undocumented foreigners (NOT illegals since at this stage we are all presumed innocent) come here to work. I disagreed with your statement "Why would I not blame employers?"

The fact is the average 20 year old white American male is still dependent on mommy and lives in mommy's basement. He doesn't have a high school diploma, no driver's license, no job skills, a drug habit and a criminal record. They damn sure don't want a job as they spend all day on social media, not looking to improve their lives or take the jobs that are available.

Walmart is relevant because wallists make this idiotic argument that "illegals steal our jobs." That is pure socialism, but if you want to be a socialist, then follow the analogy:

If the employer did not own the job he or she created, then giving it to a foreigner made the foreigner a thief. If you shop at Walmart, then you took the goods that generated the profit that created the job that the so - called "illegal" stole. That would mean you received stolen property which is a crime.
Your second paragraph is pure bullshit, but I won't turn the thread by pursuing it here. I still believe that if employers would not hire them, illegals would not be pouring through the border in order to work.
See? Same shit different day. Blame everyone except the murderous border rats!
The poster I was replying to wants to KILL illegals who came here to work. Why would I not blame the employers?
That creep in the OP sounds like a gang member. He probably didn't come here to work on a dairy farm. I'll give you that. But he is one person.

Employers should not be blamed for giving jobs to people they think are the best candidates for the position. If that's your logic, you might want to throw the landlord in jail and while you're at it, toss everybody's ass that shops at Walmart into the pokey for receiving stolen property.

The wallists keep saying so - called "illegals" are stealing jobs. So, if you're buying products from Walmart, it would be receiving stolen property since Walmart was convicted of knowingly hiring subcontractors that used undocumented laborers. Want to rethink your legal theory?
No. I don't want to rethink it at all. The majority of illegals come here for jobs. If no one would hire them, they would not be coming here. I don't know what in hell Walmart has to do with it.

I agree with you regarding the fact that most undocumented foreigners (NOT illegals since at this stage we are all presumed innocent) come here to work. I disagreed with your statement "Why would I not blame employers?"

The fact is the average 20 year old white American male is still dependent on mommy and lives in mommy's basement. He doesn't have a high school diploma, no driver's license, no job skills, a drug habit and a criminal record. They damn sure don't want a job as they spend all day on social media, not looking to improve their lives or take the jobs that are available.

Walmart is relevant because wallists make this idiotic argument that "illegals steal our jobs." That is pure socialism, but if you want to be a socialist, then follow the analogy:

If the employer did not own the job he or she created, then giving it to a foreigner made the foreigner a thief. If you shop at Walmart, then you took the goods that generated the profit that created the job that the so - called "illegal" stole. That would mean you received stolen property which is a crime.
Your second paragraph is pure bullshit, but I won't turn the thread by pursuing it here. I still believe that if employers would not hire them, illegals would not be pouring through the border in order to work.
They don’t come here to work. They come to get on the American teat! Read up! Listen up. Learn.
Are you also in tears at what happened to little AJ Fruend in Illinois? The Turpin children in California? Or is it only that this evil crime was committed by someone from another country? Did Chris Watt's murder of his two children and his pregnant wife drive you to tears, as well?

Using horrific crimes to justify anti-immigration views is just plain sick.
See? Same shit different day. Blame everyone except the murderous border rats!

Are the turpins, the fruends, watts "border rats"?
Did they come here illegally?

Immigration status has absolutely nothing to do with murder and mayhem. Linking the two is false logic.
Dead wrong! Lot’s Americans are dead because border rats don’t tespect our laws! It has everything to do with murderous border rats crossing illegally, in this case 5 times. Build the goddamn wall.
The border is quite secure. Suppose the liberals made the same allegations over gun control. Once it was over, you could no longer legally own a weapon.

NOTHING is going to stop acts like what is described in the OP. It is an anecdotal story, just as mine was. When you look at the over-all stats, undocumented foreigners are more law abiding than American born citizens.
The border is quite secure you say? Then why do we have 30 million illegals in the country and trainloads more on the way?
10-11 million. Let's not be Trumpish and exaggerate everything.
Bullshit! You have no idea and if you dumbassed Democrats get your way and keep the question off the census we will never know! I am sticking with 30 million until you prove otherwise!
Fine, then I'll make up my own numbers the way you have until the 2020 census proves us wrong.


So everybody relax.
You forgot the zero moron!
You are tripling the number of actual illegals here. So I divided. Fair is fair. Neither number is correct but if you are just going to make up numbers to suit your argument, and you think that's just dandy until the census proves you wrong, so can I.

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