Im just going to say, you guys are really really lucky to be born in America...

I'm Canadian, born and raised in Toronto. I can pretend to be Canadian though too. It's the internet, right? If you want to pay me to pretend to be Canadian, I will pretend to be.

It's like an Abbott and Costello episode :)

Again I ask the question, why do so many Canadian leave what is supposed to be a capitalist nation based on Rule of Law, liberty, freedom etc to head to America? Why the need?

Ah, so now you're pretending to be a strawman. I must say it's more convincing than the "Canadian" song and dance.

I've been through this before, it might have even been with you.

I'm as Canadian as Maple Syrup, don't worry. Though there are quite a few who wish I fell off a cliff or left for good. I'm trying to fight the good fight though, even if I have to hear from rabble rousers like yourself from time to time.

Oh I'm not at all "worried" and I'm sure you have heard it before, because you're the only "Canadian" I've ever seen who continually obsesses about somebody else's country and while continuously trashing his "own".

In other words as far as your acting skills, don't quit the day job.

Honestly this is great. I wouldn't expect someone new to understand my story, but you certainly have heard enough to know I have no benefit to acting. Now maybe if I pretended to be Russian or some Anarchist, yeah, I'm always suspicious of provocateurs. But my Legend is what? Unhappy Canadian? How does that help anyone?

Yes, I'm rare, I speak the truth. I'm one of those pissed Canadians who experienced abuse by my country, learned more than I was supposed to know, and decided to hell with them, I will fight fire with fire and expose without a care.

Rare maybe, but I tried to avoid all this heartache. Now I just call it as I know it. You're quite lucky to have been born in don't know the other side and the tactics, lies and abuses they engage in.

Yeah sure eh. And I am a Hungarian brain surgeon basketball player private pilot and master chef, all at the same time. Want some goulash? Swish!

Your acting issue is you overdo it. You want so desperately for readers to believe your act. Even the name you took. If it wasn't an act it would be an obsession so either way you have no credibility.

I have full credibility, I overdo it on purpose. I do stick to the facts and mainstream sources, I don't chase down obscure outlets.

Mine is not a small case of injustice, and it's a stark warning to Americans of what will await you if you drink the kool aid. Seems over the last few years my prognostications have come true. You now have some openly pushing socialism and all the evils that come with it will follow. Generations of "leaders" via birth right will follow. Not the best and brightest.

You elect one of these people into the WH you will soon have a few shocked Americans on this forum.
That is all.

Thank you for your time.

And I'm just going to say, you're really really lucky to be paid so many rubles just to pretend to be a Canadian.


Hah. I'd love to be paid just to be "pretend" to be Canadian. You receive so many from here, I'm surprised you haven't surmised that maybe there is a particular reason for that...

You mean the real Canadians on here are fake too?

That's odd, since they seem to know so much more aboot Canada, eh.

I'm Canadian, born and raised in Toronto. I can pretend to be Canadian though too. It's the internet, right? If you want to pay me to pretend to be Canadian, I will pretend to be.

It's like an Abbott and Costello episode :)

Again I ask the question, why do so many Canadian leave what is supposed to be a capitalist nation based on Rule of Law, liberty, freedom etc to head to America? Why the need?
Canadians only move to the US for a job, not because they think it’s better there. That’s laughable. :lol:
That is all.

Thank you for your time.
Yeah... It definitely has its positive points. But frankly I’d have been successful no matter where I was born...

That's the catch, no you wouldn't. Unless you found a way to "play the game" or gain favour with those in higher positions of power and influence than you. You're skills and talents don't have the same value in all nations.
In most nations, unless you're born into royalty and privilege, you get only what they allow, regardless of your ambitions.

This is what makes America so unique and MUST be protected. You believe in the individual, their liberty, pursuit of happiness and other higher degrees of government accountability.
That is all.

Thank you for your time.
Yeah... It definitely has its positive points. But frankly I’d have been successful no matter where I was born...

That's the catch, no you wouldn't. Unless you found a way to "play the game" or gain favour with those in higher positions of power and influence than you. You're skills and talents don't have the same value in all nations.
In most nations, unless you're born into royalty and privilege, you get only what they allow, regardless of your ambitions.

This is what makes America so unique and MUST be protected. You believe in the individual, their liberty, pursuit of happiness and other higher degrees of government accountability.
In this life... You fuck with the dick you were given. And some fuckers are better than others. Observe, adapt, and overcome... The rest is just excuses.
That is all.

Thank you for your time.
Yeah... It definitely has its positive points. But frankly I’d have been successful no matter where I was born...

That's the catch, no you wouldn't. Unless you found a way to "play the game" or gain favour with those in higher positions of power and influence than you. You're skills and talents don't have the same value in all nations.
In most nations, unless you're born into royalty and privilege, you get only what they allow, regardless of your ambitions.

This is what makes America so unique and MUST be protected. You believe in the individual, their liberty, pursuit of happiness and other higher degrees of government accountability.
In this life... You fuck with the dick you were given. And some fuckers are better than others. Observe, adapt, and overcome... The rest is just excuses.

Yeah, I thought that too as I fought the sob's. I've learned, if you were born in East Germany or some shytehole city in Russia and you're sent to the gulag, no amount of "adapting" is going to make you successful.

You might survive a little longer, maybe you will even perish in some relative peace, but there's no rainbow for you.

For me, it's about ensuring Americans know the truth and don't follow suit. I'm sure there are some muppets within the U.S system who trust Canadian police agencies, they are being fooled. Now you see socialism being pushed, some even referencing the Canadian system. Do you think this is not by design? Do you ever see Hollywood knock the Canadian or even the Chinese system?
That is all.

Thank you for your time.
Yeah... It definitely has its positive points. But frankly I’d have been successful no matter where I was born...

That's the catch, no you wouldn't. Unless you found a way to "play the game" or gain favour with those in higher positions of power and influence than you. You're skills and talents don't have the same value in all nations.
In most nations, unless you're born into royalty and privilege, you get only what they allow, regardless of your ambitions.

This is what makes America so unique and MUST be protected. You believe in the individual, their liberty, pursuit of happiness and other higher degrees of government accountability.
In this life... You fuck with the dick you were given. And some fuckers are better than others. Observe, adapt, and overcome... The rest is just excuses.

Yeah, I thought that too as I fought the sob's. I've learned, if you were born in East Germany or some shytehole city in Russia and you're sent to the gulag, no amount of "adapting" is going to make you successful.

You might survive a little longer, maybe you will even perish in some relative peace, but there's no rainbow for you.

For me, it's about ensuring Americans know the truth and don't follow suit. I'm sure there are some muppets within the U.S system who trust Canadian police agencies, they are being fooled. Now you see socialism being pushed, some even referencing the Canadian system. Do you think this is not by design? Do you ever see Hollywood knock the Canadian or even the Chinese system?


That is all.

Thank you for your time.

And I'm just going to say, you're really really lucky to be paid so many rubles just to pretend to be a Canadian.


Hah. I'd love to be paid just to be "pretend" to be Canadian. You receive so many from here, I'm surprised you haven't surmised that maybe there is a particular reason for that...

You mean the real Canadians on here are fake too?

That's odd, since they seem to know so much more aboot Canada, eh.

I'm Canadian, born and raised in Toronto. I can pretend to be Canadian though too. It's the internet, right? If you want to pay me to pretend to be Canadian, I will pretend to be.

It's like an Abbott and Costello episode :)

Again I ask the question, why do so many Canadian leave what is supposed to be a capitalist nation based on Rule of Law, liberty, freedom etc to head to America? Why the need?
Canadians only move to the US for a job, not because they think it’s better there. That’s laughable. :lol:

It's not laughable, it's a fallacy that you think this way.

I had mentioned this before, might have even had provided the article he wrote. There was a reporter who had lived in Washington for over a decade, he was there reporting on U.S government. He came back to Canada to report on our federal government in Ottawa and he openly admitted that the U.S government is more transparent, accountable and the system in the U.S far more individually free than the Canadian system. It wasn't even that he was shy to admit this nor did he provide positives on the Canadian system. It was a bold, brash, direct assessment that America understands and supports liberty, Canada doesn't.

Who knows how his bosses took this article. As it's Canada, he was probably demoted to some place.

The realty is, this is fact. From our policing that has strong shades of East German tactics and those of entrappers, agent provocateurs, deception and outright lies, to our structure of govt that cares little for your liberty as long as they are left alone. What should concern you, is that some U.S agencies look to Canada and emulate their tactics. I suggest you look up "Mr. Big" stings, that the FBI banned from use for multiple reason, but recently did use.

That should concern you. You should not be looking to lesser countries, especially those with a monarchy history to guide your Republic on good policing. I hope they didn't embrace these tactics going forward, the Canadian system is often outright B.S. It's not even lazy tactics, it's deliberate, inhumane and often just evil for personal gain. Godless nations and their people care little about your Rights or doing what is right.
You mean the real Canadians on here are fake too?

That's odd, since they seem to know so much more aboot Canada, eh.

I'm Canadian, born and raised in Toronto. I can pretend to be Canadian though too. It's the internet, right? If you want to pay me to pretend to be Canadian, I will pretend to be.

It's like an Abbott and Costello episode :)

Again I ask the question, why do so many Canadian leave what is supposed to be a capitalist nation based on Rule of Law, liberty, freedom etc to head to America? Why the need?

Ah, so now you're pretending to be a strawman. I must say it's more convincing than the "Canadian" song and dance.

I've been through this before, it might have even been with you.

I'm as Canadian as Maple Syrup, don't worry. Though there are quite a few who wish I fell off a cliff or left for good. I'm trying to fight the good fight though, even if I have to hear from rabble rousers like yourself from time to time.

Oh I'm not at all "worried" and I'm sure you have heard it before, because you're the only "Canadian" I've ever seen who continually obsesses about somebody else's country and while continuously trashing his "own".

In other words as far as your acting skills, don't quit the day job.

Honestly this is great. I wouldn't expect someone new to understand my story, but you certainly have heard enough to know I have no benefit to acting. Now maybe if I pretended to be Russian or some Anarchist, yeah, I'm always suspicious of provocateurs. But my Legend is what? Unhappy Canadian? How does that help anyone?

Yes, I'm rare, I speak the truth. I'm one of those pissed Canadians who experienced abuse by my country, learned more than I was supposed to know, and decided to hell with them, I will fight fire with fire and expose without a care.

Rare maybe, but I tried to avoid all this heartache. Now I just call it as I know it. You're quite lucky to have been born in don't know the other side and the tactics, lies and abuses they engage in.

Say, why don't you just frickin' walk across the border and plunk down in Rochester or somewhere?

I understand we have no wall and people just walk in all the time no questions asked, eh. I don't think we even have customs, you literally just walk in. All you have to do is learn how to pronounce the word "about". Eh? Oh and when you get here be sure to buy lots of guns so you can pass for a real "Merkin"
And I'm just going to say, you're really really lucky to be paid so many rubles just to pretend to be a Canadian.


Hah. I'd love to be paid just to be "pretend" to be Canadian. You receive so many from here, I'm surprised you haven't surmised that maybe there is a particular reason for that...

You mean the real Canadians on here are fake too?

That's odd, since they seem to know so much more aboot Canada, eh.

I'm Canadian, born and raised in Toronto. I can pretend to be Canadian though too. It's the internet, right? If you want to pay me to pretend to be Canadian, I will pretend to be.

It's like an Abbott and Costello episode :)

Again I ask the question, why do so many Canadian leave what is supposed to be a capitalist nation based on Rule of Law, liberty, freedom etc to head to America? Why the need?
Canadians only move to the US for a job, not because they think it’s better there. That’s laughable. :lol:

It's not laughable, it's a fallacy that you think this way.

I had mentioned this before, might have even had provided the article he wrote. There was a reporter who had lived in Washington for over a decade, he was there reporting on U.S government. He came back to Canada to report on our federal government in Ottawa and he openly admitted that the U.S government is more transparent, accountable and the system in the U.S far more individually free than the Canadian system. It wasn't even that he was shy to admit this nor did he provide positives on the Canadian system. It was a bold, brash, direct assessment that America understands and supports liberty, Canada doesn't.

Who knows how his bosses took this article. As it's Canada, he was probably demoted to some place.

The realty is, this is fact. From our policing that has strong shades of East German tactics and those of entrappers, agent provocateurs, deception and outright lies, to our structure of govt that cares little for your liberty as long as they are left alone. What should concern you, is that some U.S agencies look to Canada and emulate their tactics. I suggest you look up "Mr. Big" stings, that the FBI banned from use for multiple reason, but recently did use.

That should concern you. You should not be looking to lesser countries, especially those with a monarchy history to guide your Republic on good policing. I hope they didn't embrace these tactics going forward, the Canadian system is often outright B.S. It's not even lazy tactics, it's deliberate, inhumane and often just evil for personal gain. Godless nations and their people care little about your Rights or doing what is right.
Show some numbers of Canadians moving to the US because they think it’s a better country so I can laugh out loud. :lmao:
That is all.

Thank you for your time.
Yeah... It definitely has its positive points. But frankly I’d have been successful no matter where I was born...

That's the catch, no you wouldn't. Unless you found a way to "play the game" or gain favour with those in higher positions of power and influence than you. You're skills and talents don't have the same value in all nations.
In most nations, unless you're born into royalty and privilege, you get only what they allow, regardless of your ambitions.

This is what makes America so unique and MUST be protected. You believe in the individual, their liberty, pursuit of happiness and other higher degrees of government accountability.
In this life... You fuck with the dick you were given. And some fuckers are better than others. Observe, adapt, and overcome... The rest is just excuses.

Yeah, I thought that too as I fought the sob's. I've learned, if you were born in East Germany or some shytehole city in Russia and you're sent to the gulag, no amount of "adapting" is going to make you successful.

You might survive a little longer, maybe you will even perish in some relative peace, but there's no rainbow for you.

For me, it's about ensuring Americans know the truth and don't follow suit. I'm sure there are some muppets within the U.S system who trust Canadian police agencies, they are being fooled. Now you see socialism being pushed, some even referencing the Canadian system. Do you think this is not by design? Do you ever see Hollywood knock the Canadian or even the Chinese system?
Or... If you were observant... You'd have been the one marching others to the Gulags, or would have had the wherewithal to get out. But alas... Everyone has their role to play. Some read the script they were given. Others improv...
That is all.

Thank you for your time.
Yeah... It definitely has its positive points. But frankly I’d have been successful no matter where I was born...

That's the catch, no you wouldn't. Unless you found a way to "play the game" or gain favour with those in higher positions of power and influence than you. You're skills and talents don't have the same value in all nations.
In most nations, unless you're born into royalty and privilege, you get only what they allow, regardless of your ambitions.

This is what makes America so unique and MUST be protected. You believe in the individual, their liberty, pursuit of happiness and other higher degrees of government accountability.
In this life... You fuck with the dick you were given. And some fuckers are better than others. Observe, adapt, and overcome... The rest is just excuses.

Yeah, I thought that too as I fought the sob's. I've learned, if you were born in East Germany or some shytehole city in Russia and you're sent to the gulag, no amount of "adapting" is going to make you successful.

You might survive a little longer, maybe you will even perish in some relative peace, but there's no rainbow for you.

For me, it's about ensuring Americans know the truth and don't follow suit. I'm sure there are some muppets within the U.S system who trust Canadian police agencies, they are being fooled. Now you see socialism being pushed, some even referencing the Canadian system. Do you think this is not by design? Do you ever see Hollywood knock the Canadian or even the Chinese system?
Or... If you were observant... You'd have been the one marching others to the Gulags, or would have had the wherewithal to get out. But alas... Everyone has their role to play. Some read the script they were given. Others improv...

So what you are saying is you would not have a moral issue with being the oppressor?

I do. I will fight the good fight rather than damn my soul. I figure, I will leave that fate to my opponents...
Yeah... It definitely has its positive points. But frankly I’d have been successful no matter where I was born...

That's the catch, no you wouldn't. Unless you found a way to "play the game" or gain favour with those in higher positions of power and influence than you. You're skills and talents don't have the same value in all nations.
In most nations, unless you're born into royalty and privilege, you get only what they allow, regardless of your ambitions.

This is what makes America so unique and MUST be protected. You believe in the individual, their liberty, pursuit of happiness and other higher degrees of government accountability.
In this life... You fuck with the dick you were given. And some fuckers are better than others. Observe, adapt, and overcome... The rest is just excuses.

Yeah, I thought that too as I fought the sob's. I've learned, if you were born in East Germany or some shytehole city in Russia and you're sent to the gulag, no amount of "adapting" is going to make you successful.

You might survive a little longer, maybe you will even perish in some relative peace, but there's no rainbow for you.

For me, it's about ensuring Americans know the truth and don't follow suit. I'm sure there are some muppets within the U.S system who trust Canadian police agencies, they are being fooled. Now you see socialism being pushed, some even referencing the Canadian system. Do you think this is not by design? Do you ever see Hollywood knock the Canadian or even the Chinese system?
Or... If you were observant... You'd have been the one marching others to the Gulags, or would have had the wherewithal to get out. But alas... Everyone has their role to play. Some read the script they were given. Others improv...

So what you are saying is you would not have a moral issue with being the oppressor?

I do. I will fight the good fight rather than damn my soul. I figure, I will leave that fate to my opponents...
Our choices are our own to make. But choices have consequences. And consequences determine one's lot in life. Make your choices as you see fit. Just don't complain about the consequences...
Hah. I'd love to be paid just to be "pretend" to be Canadian. You receive so many from here, I'm surprised you haven't surmised that maybe there is a particular reason for that...

You mean the real Canadians on here are fake too?

That's odd, since they seem to know so much more aboot Canada, eh.

I'm Canadian, born and raised in Toronto. I can pretend to be Canadian though too. It's the internet, right? If you want to pay me to pretend to be Canadian, I will pretend to be.

It's like an Abbott and Costello episode :)

Again I ask the question, why do so many Canadian leave what is supposed to be a capitalist nation based on Rule of Law, liberty, freedom etc to head to America? Why the need?
Canadians only move to the US for a job, not because they think it’s better there. That’s laughable. :lol:

It's not laughable, it's a fallacy that you think this way.

I had mentioned this before, might have even had provided the article he wrote. There was a reporter who had lived in Washington for over a decade, he was there reporting on U.S government. He came back to Canada to report on our federal government in Ottawa and he openly admitted that the U.S government is more transparent, accountable and the system in the U.S far more individually free than the Canadian system. It wasn't even that he was shy to admit this nor did he provide positives on the Canadian system. It was a bold, brash, direct assessment that America understands and supports liberty, Canada doesn't.

Who knows how his bosses took this article. As it's Canada, he was probably demoted to some place.

The realty is, this is fact. From our policing that has strong shades of East German tactics and those of entrappers, agent provocateurs, deception and outright lies, to our structure of govt that cares little for your liberty as long as they are left alone. What should concern you, is that some U.S agencies look to Canada and emulate their tactics. I suggest you look up "Mr. Big" stings, that the FBI banned from use for multiple reason, but recently did use.

That should concern you. You should not be looking to lesser countries, especially those with a monarchy history to guide your Republic on good policing. I hope they didn't embrace these tactics going forward, the Canadian system is often outright B.S. It's not even lazy tactics, it's deliberate, inhumane and often just evil for personal gain. Godless nations and their people care little about your Rights or doing what is right.
Show some numbers of Canadians moving to the US because they think it’s a better country so I can laugh out loud. :lmao:

I've worked a lot with several Canadians over the years, by chance (and by working for a Canadian company). One of them who was not a dual citizen got his visits curtailed because he was coming to the US so often for work. Another got married here and lived in Louisiana. All of them stayed in (or in the case of the married one returned to) Canada. Even the dual citizen one who has his choice and was born in Massachusetts, wouldn't think of moving here.
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That's the catch, no you wouldn't. Unless you found a way to "play the game" or gain favour with those in higher positions of power and influence than you. You're skills and talents don't have the same value in all nations.
In most nations, unless you're born into royalty and privilege, you get only what they allow, regardless of your ambitions.

This is what makes America so unique and MUST be protected. You believe in the individual, their liberty, pursuit of happiness and other higher degrees of government accountability.
In this life... You fuck with the dick you were given. And some fuckers are better than others. Observe, adapt, and overcome... The rest is just excuses.

Yeah, I thought that too as I fought the sob's. I've learned, if you were born in East Germany or some shytehole city in Russia and you're sent to the gulag, no amount of "adapting" is going to make you successful.

You might survive a little longer, maybe you will even perish in some relative peace, but there's no rainbow for you.

For me, it's about ensuring Americans know the truth and don't follow suit. I'm sure there are some muppets within the U.S system who trust Canadian police agencies, they are being fooled. Now you see socialism being pushed, some even referencing the Canadian system. Do you think this is not by design? Do you ever see Hollywood knock the Canadian or even the Chinese system?
Or... If you were observant... You'd have been the one marching others to the Gulags, or would have had the wherewithal to get out. But alas... Everyone has their role to play. Some read the script they were given. Others improv...

So what you are saying is you would not have a moral issue with being the oppressor?

I do. I will fight the good fight rather than damn my soul. I figure, I will leave that fate to my opponents...
Our choices are our own to make. But choices have consequences. And consequences determine one's lot in life. Make your choices as you see fit. Just don't complain about the consequences...

Some people make choices for you and give you "credit' for those choices.

I say the same to my oppressors. Our economy is in shambles, there are consequences for a system that nobody trusts....
In this life... You fuck with the dick you were given. And some fuckers are better than others. Observe, adapt, and overcome... The rest is just excuses.

Yeah, I thought that too as I fought the sob's. I've learned, if you were born in East Germany or some shytehole city in Russia and you're sent to the gulag, no amount of "adapting" is going to make you successful.

You might survive a little longer, maybe you will even perish in some relative peace, but there's no rainbow for you.

For me, it's about ensuring Americans know the truth and don't follow suit. I'm sure there are some muppets within the U.S system who trust Canadian police agencies, they are being fooled. Now you see socialism being pushed, some even referencing the Canadian system. Do you think this is not by design? Do you ever see Hollywood knock the Canadian or even the Chinese system?
Or... If you were observant... You'd have been the one marching others to the Gulags, or would have had the wherewithal to get out. But alas... Everyone has their role to play. Some read the script they were given. Others improv...

So what you are saying is you would not have a moral issue with being the oppressor?

I do. I will fight the good fight rather than damn my soul. I figure, I will leave that fate to my opponents...
Our choices are our own to make. But choices have consequences. And consequences determine one's lot in life. Make your choices as you see fit. Just don't complain about the consequences...

Some people make choices for you and give you "credit' for those choices.

I say the same to my oppressors. Our economy is in shambles, there are consequences for a system that nobody trusts....
Well... What are you going to do about it?
In this life... You fuck with the dick you were given. And some fuckers are better than others. Observe, adapt, and overcome... The rest is just excuses.

Yeah, I thought that too as I fought the sob's. I've learned, if you were born in East Germany or some shytehole city in Russia and you're sent to the gulag, no amount of "adapting" is going to make you successful.

You might survive a little longer, maybe you will even perish in some relative peace, but there's no rainbow for you.

For me, it's about ensuring Americans know the truth and don't follow suit. I'm sure there are some muppets within the U.S system who trust Canadian police agencies, they are being fooled. Now you see socialism being pushed, some even referencing the Canadian system. Do you think this is not by design? Do you ever see Hollywood knock the Canadian or even the Chinese system?
Or... If you were observant... You'd have been the one marching others to the Gulags, or would have had the wherewithal to get out. But alas... Everyone has their role to play. Some read the script they were given. Others improv...

So what you are saying is you would not have a moral issue with being the oppressor?

I do. I will fight the good fight rather than damn my soul. I figure, I will leave that fate to my opponents...
Our choices are our own to make. But choices have consequences. And consequences determine one's lot in life. Make your choices as you see fit. Just don't complain about the consequences...

Some people make choices for you and give you "credit' for those choices.

I say the same to my oppressors. Our economy is in shambles, there are consequences for a system that nobody trusts....

So who do you hate the most, Justin Trudeau or Doug Ford? I have two Canadian friends, one lives there year round and the other is a duel citizen and goes back and forth between here and Canada several times a year. The on who lives there year round has never said anything negative about it but the one who is the duel citizen is VERY critical of Ford and says he is trying to emulate trump.
And if Canada is so bad, then why did Sarah Palin admit that her family went up there regularly for medical treatments when she was growing up?
Canadians have equality rights that we only recently got and many here are still trying to destroy those rights for everyone who isn't straight, white, and male.
Tell you what, we'll swap tramp for Justin and then you won't have to hate your country any longer because between him and Ford, you will be living in a country just like ours and that should make you happy.

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