Im just going to say, you guys are really really lucky to be born in America...

Yeah, I thought that too as I fought the sob's. I've learned, if you were born in East Germany or some shytehole city in Russia and you're sent to the gulag, no amount of "adapting" is going to make you successful.

You might survive a little longer, maybe you will even perish in some relative peace, but there's no rainbow for you.

For me, it's about ensuring Americans know the truth and don't follow suit. I'm sure there are some muppets within the U.S system who trust Canadian police agencies, they are being fooled. Now you see socialism being pushed, some even referencing the Canadian system. Do you think this is not by design? Do you ever see Hollywood knock the Canadian or even the Chinese system?
Or... If you were observant... You'd have been the one marching others to the Gulags, or would have had the wherewithal to get out. But alas... Everyone has their role to play. Some read the script they were given. Others improv...

So what you are saying is you would not have a moral issue with being the oppressor?

I do. I will fight the good fight rather than damn my soul. I figure, I will leave that fate to my opponents...
Our choices are our own to make. But choices have consequences. And consequences determine one's lot in life. Make your choices as you see fit. Just don't complain about the consequences...

Some people make choices for you and give you "credit' for those choices.

I say the same to my oppressors. Our economy is in shambles, there are consequences for a system that nobody trusts....

So who do you hate the most, Justin Trudeau or Doug Ford? I have two Canadian friends, one lives there year round and the other is a duel citizen and goes back and forth between here and Canada several times a year. The on who lives there year round has never said anything negative about it but the one who is the duel citizen is VERY critical of Ford and says he is trying to emulate trump.
And if Canada is so bad, then why did Sarah Palin admit that her family went up there regularly for medical treatments when she was growing up?
Canadians have equality rights that we only recently got and many here are still trying to destroy those rights for everyone who isn't straight, white, and male.
Tell you what, we'll swap tramp for Justin and then you won't have to hate your country any longer because between him and Ford, you will be living in a country just like ours and that should make you happy.

What a horrible deal for Canada eh? I'm not sure even Canada has enough room for that bloated ego.
Maybe Russia does though, it's even bigger.
That is all.

Thank you for your time.

And I'm just going to say, you're really really lucky to be paid so many rubles just to pretend to be a Canadian.


Hah. I'd love to be paid just to be "pretend" to be Canadian. You receive so many from here, I'm surprised you haven't surmised that maybe there is a particular reason for that...

You mean the real Canadians on here are fake too?

That's odd, since they seem to know so much more aboot Canada, eh.

I'm Canadian, born and raised in Toronto. I can pretend to be Canadian though too. It's the internet, right? If you want to pay me to pretend to be Canadian, I will pretend to be.

It's like an Abbott and Costello episode :)

Again I ask the question, why do so many Canadian leave what is supposed to be a capitalist nation based on Rule of Law, liberty, freedom etc to head to America? Why the need?
The cold. Duh. Do you know how many Americans would move to Canada if it wasn't so hard?
That is all.

Thank you for your time.

And just my opinion but not only are people fortunate to be born in the US but more and more are ungrateful for the opportunities they have here.

People seem to be hell bent on being offended by what other people do or what other people say and jealous of what other people have that they are blind to the very things in their life they should be grateful for.
The sign to my rural farm , which hangs between two trees over the 600' driveway sez "PARADISE" , which i truly believe

I built it all myself btw......

That said, i truly believe my opportunities, freedoms, and self worth were not that of some self made ego

They were hard earned & handed down

That is all.

Thank you for your time.

And I'm just going to say, you're really really lucky to be paid so many rubles just to pretend to be a Canadian.


Hah. I'd love to be paid just to be "pretend" to be Canadian. You receive so many from here, I'm surprised you haven't surmised that maybe there is a particular reason for that...

You mean the real Canadians on here are fake too?

That's odd, since they seem to know so much more aboot Canada, eh.

I'm Canadian, born and raised in Toronto. I can pretend to be Canadian though too. It's the internet, right? If you want to pay me to pretend to be Canadian, I will pretend to be.

It's like an Abbott and Costello episode :)

Again I ask the question, why do so many Canadian leave what is supposed to be a capitalist nation based on Rule of Law, liberty, freedom etc to head to America? Why the need?
The cold. Duh. Do you know how many Americans would move to Canada if it wasn't so hard?
No.... how many?

That is all.

Thank you for your time.

And I'm just going to say, you're really really lucky to be paid so many rubles just to pretend to be a Canadian.


Hah. I'd love to be paid just to be "pretend" to be Canadian. You receive so many from here, I'm surprised you haven't surmised that maybe there is a particular reason for that...

You mean the real Canadians on here are fake too?

That's odd, since they seem to know so much more aboot Canada, eh.

I'm Canadian, born and raised in Toronto. I can pretend to be Canadian though too. It's the internet, right? If you want to pay me to pretend to be Canadian, I will pretend to be.

It's like an Abbott and Costello episode :)

Again I ask the question, why do so many Canadian leave what is supposed to be a capitalist nation based on Rule of Law, liberty, freedom etc to head to America? Why the need?
The cold. Duh. Do you know how many Americans would move to Canada if it wasn't so hard?
Let me guess you would but you don't want to work that hard
People are born in Switzerland, Netherlands, Scotland, France, and Mongolia, Genghis Khan in order to be the winner in all 5 places "how lucky he is to be there" probably kill everybody and nobody's having any good time at all in all places in the world, whoops. Cut it out and looking at my place and sure that's lucky. You'd be perfectly fine in any sort of system wherever you are, as much and similar adaptation I got in my system.

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