I'm not liking what I see from Rittenhouse

He's a young man. There is time to turn his life around. He probably sees the faces of the people he killed and maimed every day

Who knows. Maybe he can become a decent person given time.

Have you ever been assaulted, had a gun pointed at you, or had your life threatened? What goes through your mind when you see those faces?
I don't think he is dumb or snot nosed. But if you choose to enter a situation like that then you can't complain about fallout
I feel no pity for Kyle whatsoever. He is a free man. If there is any fallout well then when you insert yourself in a big group you deal with the fallout. I'd never insert myself into anything like that to try and help out....ever.
You'd never insert yourself in the military either ( a big group) and deal with the fallout,, but you are not 17 like I was when I first joined the Navy. You are probably closer to 90 than 17. I know I am!
You'd never insert yourself in the military either ( a big group) and deal with the fallout, but you are not 17 like I was when I first joined the Navy. You are probably closer to 90 than 17. I know I am!

The US Marines turned Rittenhouse down when he tried to enlist.
They didn't try to paint Kyle himself, as a racist. And no one in the main stream media ever said he shot 3 black men....only the right wing media lied about that by saying g !liberals did and made an issue about it.

The issue on racism that I saw and heard liberals complain about and called racism, was how Kyle and other white BOYS were treated by law enforcement.... Compared to what black boys, doing the same militia type thing and holding the same long arms, would have been treated like... Tamir Rice as examp!e.
Oh please the dems tried to make it a race shooting---just like they sun shit in the zimmmeran case to make it a race shooting.
He don’t need the money from the gun. He is a damn kid that maybe just maybe don’t want to be what America wants him to be. Has anyone ever thought of that? First it was he was a Proud Boy, now he is going to be a Self Defense advocate. Kyle did a brave thing that night he was unjust tried for now let him move on in the way a 18 year old sees fit

You speak Ebonics? He don't!

The word is doesn't!
The owner NEVER gave him permission to guard the car dealership or to break curfew. That's another lie.
You are harping on this curfew but what you have yet to do is truly condemn the illegal actions of the three that were shot…

Do you believe that because Kyle broke curfew excuses the criminal acts of the other and if so, well it does not!

As you guys claim had Kyle not been there then those two would be alive, well had they not been there they would be alive, so they own their own deaths!
He don’t need the money from the gun. He is a damn kid that maybe just maybe don’t want to be what America wants him to be. Has anyone ever thought of that? First it was he was a Proud Boy, now he is going to be a Self Defense advocate. Kyle did a brave thing that night he was unjust tried for now let him move on in the way a 18 year old sees fit


Nope.. He went drinking with Proud Boys as soon as he made bail.
Why don't you have to address the racism and murders behind the protests? Police are still killing 1000 people a year, and cheering on vigilantes isn't making the situation any better.

Why do you keep deflecting to the violence caused by the police and the vigilantes when BLM and the left were protesting? This has been a really effective tactic for avoiding the problem, and it's time to drag the topic back to your refusal to address racism and brutality in your criminal justice system.
Then start a thread dedicated to that subject because it's not really germane to the topic of what Rittenhouse did.
Not me.. I knew the people he killed were white.. Its about vigilantism and vandals .. not race.
Yeah, you mentioned about the Proud Boys to another poster, so it sure the hell is about race and not what you are claiming…

You are being dishonest in this discussion and when you guys discovered the article I am using is MSN then all of a sudden you guys are changing your story.

Fact is it is not against the law to have a drink with certain people and if you disapprove is not my concern!

Also you have yet to condemn the three for their criminal conduct and use Kyle to excuse their actions which tell me you believe rioting and breaking curfew is fine as long as you agree with what they are doing.

Again, had the three not been there two of them would still be alive, but of course you will not condemn their stupidity at all!

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