I'm not liking what I see from Rittenhouse

They very well know it was implied to the point that they were wishing the three he had shot and the two he had killed were black so they could start a race war, but unfortunately for them it didn’t work out the way they wanted.

They believe Kyle had no right to be there but the three that got shot had every right to loot and burn the city, and because Kyle shot two and killed then and a third that lived, well that stopped three hero’s on the left from destroying people lives…

Now they want to question why Kyle was denied military acceptance and if under investigation of murder while facing trial will surly get you rejected…

These damn morons still think this is the damn Vietnam Era and anyone can join while not knowing it is a lot harder to get in!
Yea...and 17 is too young right?

Wrong. But you did claim that as well

You fuckers just talk out your asses

Minimum age to join any branch is 17
I stand corrected it is 17 now, but you stupid mother fucking asshole are trying to imply he didn’t make the cut because of mental illness!

So I got the age requirement wrong and everything else right, and yet you are still fucking ignorant waste of damn life!

Now how is that you pathetic loser!

Did it upset you that Kyle shot people looting and burning down a city?

Of course it did and you are a race baiting whore!
I stand corrected it is 17 now, but you stupid mother fucking asshole are trying to imply he didn’t make the cut because of mental illness!
You stand corrected because YOU are a stupid fucking asshole who will say anything
you are a fucking little coward that hide behind a keyboard and write a lot of shit!

I got everything else correct except the fucking age!

You never served, so eat shit and die!
LOL. triggered huh?

And yea I did serve moron

65th Eng Battalion 25th Inf Div
LOL. triggered huh?

And yea I did serve moron

65th Eng Battalion 25th Inf Div
Doubt it!

You are lying and I know it!

How I know is because you would have known he couldn’t have been taken without the proper education and while under a criminal investigation while awaiting trial!

So I know very well you never served!
Doubt it!

You are lying and I know it!

How I know is because you would have known he couldn’t have been taken without the proper education and while under a criminal investigation while awaiting trial!

So I know very well you never served!
LOL. You don't know shit...about anything.

Now wipe the saliva off your keyboard and go do something productive
LOL. You don't know shit...about anything.

Now wipe the saliva off your keyboard and go do something productive
Who the fuck are you?

What did I write in the last comment was a lie?

You are the one that only focused on the age mistake but did not know about the education requirements or the fact that he couldn’t join while awaiting trial!
That time he praised BLM was messed up. I wouldn't have told that shit to anyone.
Thanks once more for proving you’re a MORON. He has a BLACK FRIEND who OWNED 3 garages. The SAVAGES destroyed two of them. At his friends request he went there to make sure it didn’t happen to his last garage. Maybe he should have turned down his BLAzcK FRIENDS request? Does the BLM movement include destroying property, arson , etc?

Kyle Rittenhouse has withdrawn from online college due to all the Left wing protests, yet the protests persist. They chant to keep the murderer off their campus, even though a court of law found he murdered no one, and despite the fact that Kyle was no their campus, just taking classes online.

Kyle should never have backed down and withdrawn from school, just like he should never have destroyed his AR 15. Kyle needs to understand that there is no appeasing evil, just ask Hitler. These Leftists will see to it that they will make his life hell no matter what he does, and no matter what he really did in the past. These people are incapable of reason, and have no real desire for reason. Their mission is life is socialism, and the article states, which is not constructed on reason since they blindly ignore the history of socialism.


It's a hard lesson for the kid, but now it's time to become a man.

I loved this quote from the article

“University campuses are synonymous with free speech, an environment for the vigorous discussion and debate of ideas. Differences of opinion, from all sides, should be explored in a peaceful exchange,” spokesman Jay Thorne wrote in an email to the news outlet.

What a bold faced lie. Colleges are synonymous only with Left wing speech, all other speech is either shouted down or censored.

What Kyle has to realize, along with the rest of the country, is that they are fighting fascist Brown shirts.

Remember, he's 18 facing the entire fascist movememt.....a movememt that will do anything for power......it is likely overwhelming for someone that young

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