I'm not liking what I see from Rittenhouse

you didn't write that with a straight face did you?

Show me the arrest records.

From what I have heard, Kyle dropped out of school to help support his family, presumably because he does not have a father. Sad story, but the Left it would seem does not want him to even have a high school diploma.

I think the kid wanted to be a nurse, which is why he had a medical kit at his side during the riots as he was attempting to help maintain law and order since the Left wing Mayor decided to have the police stand down and let the animal rioters do whatever the hell they wanted. And for the last time, the kid did not shoot any blacks and only shot a few white men who attacked him. What really blows my mind is the notion that many Left wing talking heads acknowledge they were attacking him, but then added that they really were not going to harm him when they attacked him.


If he had let them beat him up and killed him, no one would have raised an eyebrow as the press would have suppressed the information since they were Left wing rioters.

And yes, Blue Lives do matter, just like Black lives matter, or do you disagree because the kid has said both. But unfortunately, in Left wing looney land saying that all lives matter is now racist.

Again, these are animals. I would even go so far to say that the only lives that don't matter are these animals.

In the six months of the BLM insurrection the BLM vigilante shits killed more than two dozen people and hurt several hundred more.

If Kyle hadn't been "well regulated" he would have just been one more statistic to that record and you are right. The Libtard press, who were in solidarity with the filthy BLM thugs, would have covered it up.

Kyle Rittenhouse has withdrawn from online college due to all the Left wing protests, yet the protests persist. They chant to keep the murderer off their campus, even though a court of law found he murdered no one, and despite the fact that Kyle was no their campus, just taking classes online.

Kyle should never have backed down and withdrawn from school, just like he should never have destroyed his AR 15. Kyle needs to understand that there is no appeasing evil, just ask Hitler. These Leftists will see to it that they will make his life hell no matter what he does, and no matter what he really did in the past. These people are incapable of reason, and have no real desire for reason. Their mission is life is socialism, and the article states, which is not constructed on reason since they blindly ignore the history of socialism.


It's a hard lesson for the kid, but now it's time to become a man.

I loved this quote from the article

“University campuses are synonymous with free speech, an environment for the vigorous discussion and debate of ideas. Differences of opinion, from all sides, should be explored in a peaceful exchange,” spokesman Jay Thorne wrote in an email to the news outlet.

What a bold faced lie. Colleges are synonymous only with Left wing speech, all other speech is either shouted down or censored.

What Kyle has to realize, along with the rest of the country, is that they are fighting fascist Brown shirts.
Perhaps he's not comfortable with being posterboy for the white supremacist movement? LOL

It will be interesting to see what becomes of this young man. I called him a punk, and anyone who arms himself with a semiauto rifle and drives to another state to intimidate other people is a punk, but many 18-19 yr old kids have acted like punks on more than one occasion, and grown into compassionate, humble men. We'll see. He didn't get too lucky in the parent department, but none of us choose our families.

Kyle to wash AOC's feet!
Neither the AntiFascists, nor Black Lives Matters is known to be violent or dangerous in the USA. T
You are confused Moon Bat.

The six month BLM/ANTIFA insurrection cost the lives of more than two dozen people and hundreds more were hurt. That is on top of billions in property damage, including a large part of the city that Kyle was help defending.
He's a young man. There is time to turn his life around. He probably sees the faces of the people he killed and maimed every day

Who knows. Maybe he can become a decent person given time.

What is there to turn around?

He has done nothing wrong.
Show me the arrest records.


Kyle to wash AOC's feet!
In his dreams, LOL

I actually have a little empathy for the kid .... maybe. I'm still uncertain of "WTF was the idiot punk thinking." But that is the age where testosterone is it's most dangerous.
Rittenhouse probably wouldn't win in court...
Think so huh?

I will hit you up in a year when he is about $50M richer.

...and you know I am gonna clown your ass when he does too.
Kyle was never enrolled at Arizona State. He was taking pre registration online courses..Since he's a HS drop out I am assuming they were remedial.

There seems to be some confusion there.. Kyle said Blue Lives Matter.

Do you approve of vigilantes and lynch mobs? I prefer law and order.
why were they setting fires?
Why were they smashing automobiles?
Why were they carrying weapons?
Why were they on private property?
Why were they chasing Rittenhouse?
In his dreams, LOL

I actually have a little empathy for the kid .... maybe. I'm still uncertain of "WTF was the idiot punk thinking." But that is the age where testosterone is it's most dangerous.
what did Rittenhouse do to Rosenbaum for Rosenbaum to chase him? Answer that question. No point in any further discussion until you can. Oh, and Rosenbaum ambushed Rittenhouse. It's clear on the video. hiding behind a car. what a fking punk ass pedophile.
It's easy to forget that it was the failure of Wisconsin leadership that allowed the 3 days of rioting and the terrorizing of peaceful citizens. That's when a naive, well-intentioned 17 year old made a very bad decision to enter the fray with no law enforcement backing him up.
Why would law enforcement back up a vigilante? I agree that Wis pols bear responsibility for not shutting down the riots with a very large police/natl guard presence and curfews, and that failure served to "egg on" some people including Rittenhouse. But that doesn't excuse a person arming himself to intimidate others .. even when the others themselves act like hooligans. It wasn't illegal for Rittenhouse to do that, but it was itself an escalation of violence. But Rittehouse didn't get the best mentoring in the world either.
Kyle was in the wrong too to be carrying a weapon and breaking curfew. The laws are for everyone.
so that's everyone right? they all fall under your pivot there. Answer my questions I posted #112.

Grosskreutz had a gun Zilinski had a gun they were out breaking curfew. Right? Rosenbaum had a weapon he was carrying breaking curfew, right? Skateboard was used as a weapon and Huber was breaking curfew, right?
Why would law enforcement back up a vigilante?
are you asking about Rosenbaum, Grosskreutz and huber? Explain why Rosenbaum chased Rittenhouse? that was vigilante action there bubba.
why were they setting fires?
Why were they smashing automobiles?
Why were they carrying weapons?
Why were they on private property?
Why were they chasing Rittenhouse?

They can't break the law and neither can Kyle.. That's the point. Obey the curfew and let the police do their job. Vandals, arsonists and looters should be arrested or shot.

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