‘I’m not paranoid ... But we’re prepared’: Idahoans ready if country sinks into chaos.

With the powers that be, why do people think that things will not eventually devolve into chaos?

After all, if you want a police state this is exactly what you want, more division and race bating and dead police being shot daily.
They think that because they have been raised up to believe in a communist utopia. They haven't been taught real history, so they have no idea what the hell is going on at any given time.
Los Angeles has their own preppers. They call themselves canyon people. They are multimillionaire preppers. They hide in Mandeville Canyon. Benedict Canyon. They have mansions that are off the grid.

Everyone does whatever they can. LA has to be the 4 wheel drive capital of California. Mostly Land Rovers followed by trail rated jeeps outsell every other vehicle. If people have to get away, they need a car to go anywhere.

With the powers that be, why do people think that things will not eventually devolve into chaos?

After all, if you want a police state this is exactly what you want, more division and race bating and dead police being shot daily.
They think that because they have been raised up to believe in a communist utopia. They haven't been taught real history, so they have no idea what the hell is going on at any given time.

Indoctrination is the key.

If you were raised in Palestine, you would think that all the evil in the world was the Jew, or Nazi Germany for that matter.

Probably the same thing some Romans were saying with the barbarians approaching the gate.

These people are harming no one.

History does tend to repeat. And to that end, I hope we as a nation can stop this nonsense of perpetrating one slaughter on the world after another. The military, appears to have somehow, someway created its own separate branch of government where they are answerable to no one but themselves.
Fix that and we can all rest easier.
The us has already devolved. As part of the brainwashed you have no understanding if our history, and thus can't see it. Educated by the state means you haven't been educated, but conditioned.

I will certainly consider what you say.
Every state probably has its group of nuts that talk of rebellion, secession, and taking over the country to save it from the other nuts that want to take over the country.
"‘I’m not paranoid ... But we’re prepared’: Idahoans ready if country sinks into chaos."

Yes, you are.

You're also delusional and ridiculous.
I've put new slings on my rifles, reoutfitted my bug-out bag, new tires and shocks on the 4x4. I can live in the White Mountains of Arizona for years if I have to and if I live long enough I'll probably have to.

I've put new slings on my rifles, reoutfitted my bug-out bag, new tires and shocks on the 4x4. I can live in the White Mountains of Arizona for years if I have to and if I live long enough I'll probably have to.



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