I'm Not Sure If Anybody Else Posted About This Yet

That just goes to show that they're smoking it themselves. I swear, if this administration was underneath Trump, many, many people would be locked up right now.

I think I need to go to Washington to ask the right questions! I just could not sit there listening to a commie telling me how they are combating the opiod crisis ALL THE WHILE being its chief enabler by letting it all in through the southern border!
I think I need to go to Washington to ask the right questions! I just could not sit there listening to a commie telling me how they are combating the opiod crisis ALL THE WHILE being its chief enabler by letting it all in through the southern border!

Please do. You would have my support and probably most of the people on this message board as well. :2up:
Yea. I think Joe Biden on crack could only be an improvement.

An improvement to what? He's obviously been on it since he started believing he was actually the one in charge of our country. At least, that's how it carries on anyways.
Yeah, and how is this supposed to save lives?
This is known as an "underpants gnome paradox."

Phase 1: Distribute crackpipes
Phase 2: ?
Phase 3: Save lives

Screenshot_20220217-174243_Samsung Internet.jpg
So you actually fell for the crackpipe story too, despite how stupid it was?

And you're admitting it?

Poor commie, why would the commies call it a "SAFE SMOKING KIT" if it doesn't contain shit to smoke drugs with? Exactly how does lip balm make smoking crack safer?

No, that's just something a rightwing kook made up.

Originally, the "safe smoking kits" were alcohol wipes. And that proposal was quickly dropped. And it was just a tiny portion of a tiny portion of it. The whole "$30 million for crack pipes!" headline was an outright fabrication.

By the way, if you do want a pipe, go to a convenience store in a bad neighborhood, or a truck stop. Somewhere, they'll have "roses" in glass tubes. You're supposedly buying the rose, but what you're getting is the glass pipe.

Alcohol wipes aren't safe around flames, idiot.

Poor commie, why would the commies call it a "SAFE SMOKING KIT" if it doesn't contain shit to smoke drugs with? Exactly how does lip balm make smoking crack safer?


That, and they're just going to buy crack anyways even if it isn't inside the kit. Just when you think that the democraps couldn't get any dumber. :rolleyes:
That, and they're just going to buy crack anyways even if it isn't inside the kit. Just when you think that the democraps couldn't get any dumber. :rolleyes:

No one has said the drugs would be included in the kit, just items that supposedly make it safer to use them. Note to the commies, it's never SAFE to use them.


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