Im not the 99%; But I AM THE 47%; Thanks Romney, confirmed my Dem vote for 2012

"A) SS doesn't need to be CUT ... just a simple change of age from 65 to 67 makes SS solvent!"


It is ludicrous that the retirement age/Social Security eligibility age of 65 years has not been changed since the time it was established, sometimes in the 19th century.

With improved health care and longer life expectancy, raising it would be most logical move.
Good thinking. It's the mindless hatefullness that has pushed me away from the newGOPers. It's the voting against one's own best interests and doing it proudly like that sacrifice is worth supporting haters.

Now if you want to see Obama succeed what you might do is support a dem in a race that will take a seat in congress. Help your own situation and that of all other good Americans by removing the Ryans and Cantors from office. You know what Romney will do if elected. If you want Obama to have a chance at helping America let's give him the power to do it.

You're better than this Huggy.. Vote for who you want but don't fucking lie about it. Your dumbo in office accused Mitt Romney of murdering a woman.. If that's not hate-filled rhetoric, I don't know what is.. Bill Maher is the nastiest liberal I know.. so don't act like liberals are above the shoot- out.

I wish I was "better than that". I have nothing against a party that supports big business. BUT... That isn't what we have now in the GOP. We have a party that supports a mindset of entitlement. We have a party of liars and cheats that game the system. We have a party of "me first" not "we first". We have a party that has put up on it's pedistal a man that has his fortune in offshore accounts to avoid paying taxes. Ya'know Mrs. Slinger.. When I was a kid Eisenhower would have thrown a Mitt Romney in prison for hiding his money like that. It was Illegal until the GOP changed the rules. When I was a kid It was considered highly immoral and just flat wrong to go into a community and force a buyout of a company that supported the life and livelyhood of those that worked there. Now the GOP says "atta boy" to the Romneys and fuck you to the good Americans that had their jobs sent overseas. The GOP spits on those good hard working Americans and applauds a Romney stealing their hard earned gauranteed pensions.

I wish we were all better than that.

Bullshit, Huggy. Who's sent more jobs to China...Mitt Romney or Jeffrey Immelt, Barack Obama's "jobs czar"? This crap from you progressives that it's the GOP that's responsible for jobs being lost overseas is laughable. And for every company that Mitt Romney broke up, he saved two. That's what Bain Capital did...they took troubled companies and tried to turn them around. Sometimes that didn't work...sometimes they let them die. That's part of capitalism. It doesn't happen with companies that are run happens with companies that AREN'T run well and probably would have gone belly up anyways. Mitt Romney didn't cost Americans jobs when he was with Bain because most of those jobs would have been lost in the first place.
No you're wrong. I still pay FEderal Income Tax. Now tell me what it is I can do to get out of it?

Do you get a federal rebate equal to what you pay into income tax at the end of the year?

Why is it any of your biznez what people make or get back in regard TO THEIR OWN MONEY?? Notice how liberals are always worried about other people's money? Fucking bums..

I agree, LadyGunSlinger, but the last two words of your post were unnecessary. We know.
Someday the Bill will be due. And that's when the real trouble begins. Punishing successful Americans will be our downfall. They're the ones who support the Entitlement Hounds. Where do the Entitlement Hounds think the Government gets the financing for their freebies? It's from successful American Taxpayers. Without them, there would be no freebies. All this Class Warfare stuff is just cheap political Bullshite. America was not founded on punishing successful Citizens. We are definitely going down the wrong path. There will be a price to pay.
Seems like you'd know from experience?

I don't get food stamps.. .. How much is your monthly allowance?

Yet you knew that foodstamps can't buy whiskey. Perhaps your pimp told you that little nugget of info.

As usual lame and the same Mysoginyst bullshit from the party who supports the rights of women.. :badgrin::eusa_clap: Idiot.. you libs are your own worst enemy.. You're so damn stupid you out yourselves in your own bile.
Good thinking. It's the mindless hatefullness that has pushed me away from the newGOPers. It's the voting against one's own best interests and doing it proudly like that sacrifice is worth supporting haters.

Now if you want to see Obama succeed what you might do is support a dem in a race that will take a seat in congress. Help your own situation and that of all other good Americans by removing the Ryans and Cantors from office. You know what Romney will do if elected. If you want Obama to have a chance at helping America let's give him the power to do it.

You're better than this Huggy.. Vote for who you want but don't fucking lie about it. Your dumbo in office accused Mitt Romney of murdering a woman.. If that's not hate-filled rhetoric, I don't know what is.. Bill Maher is the nastiest liberal I know.. so don't act like liberals are above the shoot- out.

I wish I was "better than that". I have nothing against a party that supports big business. BUT... That isn't what we have now in the GOP. We have a party that supports a mindset of entitlement. We have a party of liars and cheats that game the system. We have a party of "me first" not "we first". We have a party that has put up on it's pedistal a man that has his fortune in offshore accounts to avoid paying taxes. Ya'know Mrs. Slinger.. When I was a kid Eisenhower would have thrown a Mitt Romney in prison for hiding his money like that. It was Illegal until the GOP changed the rules. When I was a kid It was considered highly immoral and just flat wrong to go into a community and force a buyout of a company that supported the life and livelyhood of those that worked there. Now the GOP says "atta boy" to the Romneys and fuck you to the good Americans that had their jobs sent overseas. The GOP spits on those good hard working Americans and applauds a Romney stealing their hard earned gauranteed pensions.

I wish we were all better than that.

If you were intellectually honest you would note that Barack Obama has spent the money meant to get out us out of this mess, BAIL OUT MONEY- to help governments overseas. Barack Obama has helped to line corporate America as much as Mitt Romney does. Barack Obama grew up in expensive private schools surrounded by wealth.. not poverty.. He never held a job in his entire life.. But you keep on sipping the kool-aid Huggy..
I don't get food stamps.. .. How much is your monthly allowance?

Yet you knew that foodstamps can't buy whiskey. Perhaps your pimp told you that little nugget of info.

As usual lame and the same Mysoginyst bullshit from the party who supports the rights of women.. :badgrin::eusa_clap: Idiot.. you libs are your own worst enemy.. You're so damn stupid you out yourselves in your own bile.

I do support womens rights. You're no woman however. Women have class and grace. Neither of which are even in the realm of possibility for you.

You're a loud mouth redneck asshole who thinks she's a "gun slinger" because you play paintball and who gets whiskey from her pimp using his foodstamps....or so I'm told.
But I am part of the 47%. I was part of it when I was a cop. I'm part of it now in my new (and far safer) job. LOTS of military members are part of the 47%. And teachers. And firemen. And stay at home moms. And nurses. And daycare workers. And pet shelter workers. And tradesmen....carpenters, electricians, steel workers, construction know, the unsung contributors that keep America humming.

All professions the Tea Party apparently thinks America doesn't even need. If government would just "get out of our lives" we would all be billionaires with no need for cops, burger flippers, auto mechanics, or teachers.
So you only receive the equivalent of medicare coverage for what you paid in? Once you hit that dollar amount, you will no longer accept that Medicare coverage?

I will stop receiving medicare on the day it is no longer the law of the land. fact is I smile every time I use it. I think of you and how i'm gonna use it up before you can get to it.

So you'll continue to benefit even past the amount you contributed? Welcome to the 47% and "government dependency". :clap2:

Suppose you pay $1,000.00 a year for car insurance. Suppose that you have done so for three years.

Then you get into an accident, and the total damage is estimated at $5,000.00. You pay your deductible, but premiums you paid, obviously does not cover the price of repair.

Social Security is like an insurance. Most people pay into it for decades and enjoy its benefits (that they EARNED) for just a few years.

Theses people were NOT the 47 %-ers Governor Romney was talking about.
I will stop receiving medicare on the day it is no longer the law of the land. fact is I smile every time I use it. I think of you and how i'm gonna use it up before you can get to it.

So you'll continue to benefit even past the amount you contributed? Welcome to the 47% and "government dependency". :clap2:

Suppose you pay $1,000.00 a year for car insurance. Suppose that you have done so for three years.

Then you get into an accident, and the total damage is estimated at $5,000.00. You pay your deductible, but premiums you paid, obviously does not cover the price of repair.

Social Security is like an insurance. Most people pay into it for decades and enjoy its benefits (that they EARNED) for just a few years.

Theses people were NOT the 47 %-ers Governor Romney was talking about.

They aren't the "47%ers" Romney was talking about? Does 1 = 100% for Romney? Because if you take out the seniors in retirement its actually only 37%.


Since Romney said the 47% though, and to get to 47% you have to include seniors in retirement who don't pay taxes - when know eithe a) Romney is horrible at math or b) he meant to include those seniors or c) he has no clue what he's talking about. Which is it?
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Someone please show me where Romney said he doesn't care about half of Americans. He said he's not going to try to win their votes, because they will vote for Obama no matter what.
Someone please show me where Romney said he doesn't care about half of Americans. He said he's not going to try to win their votes, because they will vote for Obama no matter what.

"I'm not concerned with the very poor" - Mitt Romney
I will stop receiving medicare on the day it is no longer the law of the land. fact is I smile every time I use it. I think of you and how i'm gonna use it up before you can get to it.

So you'll continue to benefit even past the amount you contributed? Welcome to the 47% and "government dependency". :clap2:

Suppose you pay $1,000.00 a year for car insurance. Suppose that you have done so for three years.

Then you get into an accident, and the total damage is estimated at $5,000.00. You pay your deductible, but premiums you paid, obviously does not cover the price of repair.

Social Security is like an insurance. Most people pay into it for decades and enjoy its benefits (that they EARNED) for just a few years.

Theses people were NOT the 47 %-ers Governor Romney was talking about.

Welcome to the concept of insurance and pooled risk. Gasp - Socialism!
You're better than this Huggy.. Vote for who you want but don't fucking lie about it. Your dumbo in office accused Mitt Romney of murdering a woman.. If that's not hate-filled rhetoric, I don't know what is.. Bill Maher is the nastiest liberal I know.. so don't act like liberals are above the shoot- out.

I wish I was "better than that". I have nothing against a party that supports big business. BUT... That isn't what we have now in the GOP. We have a party that supports a mindset of entitlement. We have a party of liars and cheats that game the system. We have a party of "me first" not "we first". We have a party that has put up on it's pedistal a man that has his fortune in offshore accounts to avoid paying taxes. Ya'know Mrs. Slinger.. When I was a kid Eisenhower would have thrown a Mitt Romney in prison for hiding his money like that. It was Illegal until the GOP changed the rules. When I was a kid It was considered highly immoral and just flat wrong to go into a community and force a buyout of a company that supported the life and livelyhood of those that worked there. Now the GOP says "atta boy" to the Romneys and fuck you to the good Americans that had their jobs sent overseas. The GOP spits on those good hard working Americans and applauds a Romney stealing their hard earned gauranteed pensions.

I wish we were all better than that.

If you were intellectually honest you would note that Barack Obama has spent the money meant to get out us out of this mess, BAIL OUT MONEY- to help governments overseas. Barack Obama has helped to line corporate America as much as Mitt Romney does. Barack Obama grew up in expensive private schools surrounded by wealth.. not poverty.. He never held a job in his entire life.. But you keep on sipping the kool-aid Huggy..

I'm having tea this morning. I don't pretend to be an international financier or anything but I do know that our economic survival is contingent on forces outside our shores to some extent. Also there is the moral argument that the disaster of the investment in bad debt hidden in good debt was created here and sold through OUR companies to other governments because OUR ratings companies declared them AAA. I don't know how much we have spent to help mitigate the effects of our ponzi scheme overseas but I suspect that some was offered to help stabilize a few countries economies we helped ruin.
Yet you knew that foodstamps can't buy whiskey. Perhaps your pimp told you that little nugget of info.

As usual lame and the same Mysoginyst bullshit from the party who supports the rights of women.. :badgrin::eusa_clap: Idiot.. you libs are your own worst enemy.. You're so damn stupid you out yourselves in your own bile.

I do support womens rights. You're no woman however. Women have class and grace. Neither of which are even in the realm of possibility for you.

You're a loud mouth redneck asshole who thinks she's a "gun slinger" because you play paintball and who gets whiskey from her pimp using his foodstamps....or so I'm told.

Liberalism on display.. like Bill Maher.. the Ooooze of filth which flows soo easily.. :)
rw's like right-to-work $9/hr cops it would appear bucs90. No way to retire off of that. Fight the union-busting rw's :)

What city/village/state pays $9.00 per hour to its cops?

You seem to hold the view that a person has a right to work in contempt. Obviously you never had to support a family.

"Cops, firemen, teachers are exempt because most of them dont make enough money to pay income tax. They can barely pay their power bills (Note: I'm NOT referring to the overbloated union ones in Chicago, Jersey, Cali, thats a different issue, and if lunatic right wingers could have a civil talk they'd see I'm consistent on that)."

Name one city/village/state that pays its cops, teachers and firemen so little they can't afford to pay their power bills.

I will allow for the fact that it takes one Hell of a lot of electricity to maintain a grow-op.
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THAT is the problem with the new right wing attitude. You all have imagined two groups of "Takers" vs "Givers". Like the old black vs white of the 60's.

EVERYONE takes, and everyone gives. The amount of giving and taking varies. Some give far more, some take far more. Every single country club living right winger "takes" when they buy an alarm for their 1st, 2nd, 3rd home. Yep. Cops protect those gated communities. Fire depts respond to them. It's not "taking" much, especially if you aren't the victim of a crime or fire.

EVERYONE gives. Even the poor lazy welfare queen. She takes a LOT. A whole lot. But "gives" by paying sales tax....even it if is on beer, cigs and lottery tickets. Now...dont get me wrong...that shit needs to be reformed.

But my point is, MOST people aren't among either of the above examples. Most are in the middle. Most give some, take some, and maybe a bit more or less than the rest of the middle.

And as for the income tax....that supports the federal govt. The military. The massive military that keeps the dollar high by maintaining American dominance in the world. Keeping our market valuable. The rich profit hugely off that stability. Thats a price they pay, and we ALL benefit from, because a great market means jobs for the 47%. And the people working those jobs help that company get bigger, richer, and the rich who own it benefit. It all works together. We all work together.

But any man who shits on that concept will never get my vote.

Agreed. The rich are handled w/ kidd gloves the way the current system is set-up WHICH WillowTree doesn't seem to mind. The only flaw in your argument is the good blue-collar jobs started getting out-sourced in the 1970's by the likes of Bain Capital & others. A *cough* "job" aint what it used to be for a HS graduate, hell, even a college grad w/ certain degrees.


It's hard to have a civil discussion with these lunatics on here though.

Somehow, they think if one doesn't pay a federal income tax, then that means they pay "NO TAXES". Obviously not true, but when one is drunk on tea, they cant grasp that.

And they can't grasp the idea that someone can vote Democrat this year....and still hold many of the same ideals that were there before. Like the fact that I'm all for welfare reform, tort reform, raising the SS age to 67, or hell, make it 70. That I'm in favor of lowering taxes (For EVERYONE).

I'm voting AGAINST an attitude. Not a policy. The radical right simply disgusts me right now. Hell, by November, I may be so sick of it all that I may just not vote, and instead watch College Football Gameday on ESPNU at 330pm on that Tuesday.

Explain to me how paying SS/Medicare AND YOUR employer MATCHES that dollar for dollar and THEN you get it back in retirement is a"TAX"?
I mean that is NOT a tax because it is being returned PLUS MORE to you!

You are in favor of raising SS retirement for all UNDER 55 to age 67? You in favor of Medicare choice?

THAT'S what Romney wants and Obama doesn't!

You in favor of an attitude that says "bankrupt businesses, shut down all health insurance companies"? Is that your attitude because that's Obama's!

You going to help make up the nearly $200 billion a year in Federal/state/local taxes because of the coal companies/ health insurance companies all going out of business because Obama's ATTITUDE IS as he has said:
"if somebody wants to build coal utility plant it’s just that it will bankrupt them."
"I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program."

So you like the attitude that by destroying these companies will REQUIRE YOU to pay more taxes to make up what they pay?
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As usual lame and the same Mysoginyst bullshit from the party who supports the rights of women.. :badgrin::eusa_clap: Idiot.. you libs are your own worst enemy.. You're so damn stupid you out yourselves in your own bile.

I do support womens rights. You're no woman however. Women have class and grace. Neither of which are even in the realm of possibility for you.

You're a loud mouth redneck asshole who thinks she's a "gun slinger" because you play paintball and who gets whiskey from her pimp using his foodstamps....or so I'm told.

Liberalism on display.. like Bill Maher.. the Ooooze of filth which flows soo easily.. :)

You caught me. I hate closed minded people. Let me know when you're ready to use your brain for something other than being a blatant dick.
I do support womens rights. You're no woman however. Women have class and grace. Neither of which are even in the realm of possibility for you.

You're a loud mouth redneck asshole who thinks she's a "gun slinger" because you play paintball and who gets whiskey from her pimp using his foodstamps....or so I'm told.

Liberalism on display.. like Bill Maher.. the Ooooze of filth which flows soo easily.. :)

You caught me. I hate closed minded people. Let me know when you're ready to use your brain for something other than being a blatant dick.

:clap2::clap2:: Hate.. hate.. Such a strong word. Being ate up with hatred.. It shows. Congrats! :)

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