I'm putting this here to save the omnipotent, cowardly, Question Mark avatar the effort


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
Were Ike, Kennedy, and Truman “conspiracy theorists” for pointing out the dangers that the national-security establishment posed to a democratically elected president and to American democracy? On the contrary, they were three individuals who were trying to apprise Americans of the very real danger that this aberrant form of governmental structure poses to democracy.

Oddly, those people who use the appellation “conspiracy theorist” for people who have concluded, based on the evidence, that the U.S. national-security establishment carried out a very sophisticated and deadly regime-change operation against President Kennedy on November 22, 1963, never apply their appellation to Presidents Eisenhower, Kennedy, and Truman.

What’s up with that?

Ike, JFK, and Truman: Conspiracy Theorists?

I recommend reading prior to publicly illustrating Public Education at play-
There is no theory conspiracy that the US gov't lies- History proves that true-
Were Ike, Kennedy, and Truman “conspiracy theorists” for pointing out the dangers that the national-security establishment posed to a democratically elected president and to American democracy? On the contrary, they were three individuals who were trying to apprise Americans of the very real danger that this aberrant form of governmental structure poses to democracy.

Oddly, those people who use the appellation “conspiracy theorist” for people who have concluded, based on the evidence, that the U.S. national-security establishment carried out a very sophisticated and deadly regime-change operation against President Kennedy on November 22, 1963, never apply their appellation to Presidents Eisenhower, Kennedy, and Truman.

What’s up with that?

Ike, JFK, and Truman: Conspiracy Theorists?

I recommend reading prior to publicly illustrating Public Education at play-
There is no theory conspiracy that the US gov't lies- History proves that true-

Yes there is no conspiracy theory that the US government lies. The government is an entity made up of many people and yes they sometimes lie and conspire to cover up their lies. But that is irrelevant.

Conspiracy theorists have no monopoly on skepticism or mistrust of government. Most americans know that the government cannot be blindly trusted and must be held accountable all the time. COnspiracy theorists like to believe that they are enlightened because they do not trust the government but they are wrong.

No one including the government can lie about everything ALL the time. Therefore pointing out that the government lied about something does not constitute evidence that the government lied about something else. But unfortunately the default position of conspiracy theorists is that the govermment lies therefore it always lies.

There is no evidence that the national security establishment ( or as your hero Oliver Stone put it the Military Industrial Complex ) carried out a regime change by killing JFK. The conspiracy theories about the JFK assassination have all been disproven and gthe evidence once used to support them has been debunked.

This was demonstrated in another thread where you cited some ear witnesses. Most witnesses in Dealey heard the shots cooming from Oswald's nest and ALL of the physical evidence shows that he and no one else was there shooting a rifle.

Conspiracy theorists are called conspiracy theorists because they lack critical thinking skills and they never perform due dilligence. Most on this forum including you have never bothered to even read the Warren Commission report to see what it says. You blindly and naively believe what you are told. They cherry pick half assed claims to support pereordained conclusions. Unlike trhe Warren Commission report which conducted a thorough and comprehensive investigation including all available evidence.

Stop being so gullible and check both sides of the story
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Yes there is no conspiracy theory that the US government lies
Who said there was?

Conspiracy theorists are called conspiracy theorists because they lack critical thinking skills and they never perform due dilligence.
Oddly, those people who use the appellation “conspiracy theorist” for people who have concluded, based on the evidence, that the U.S. national-security establishment carried out a very sophisticated and deadly regime-change operation against President Kennedy on November 22, 1963, never apply their appellation to Presidents Eisenhower, Kennedy, and Truman.

Here's some more evidence you can defend-

The CIA’s Anti-Democracy Actions

It’s nice to see Democrats and the mainstream press emphasizing the virtues of democracy in the context of their condemnations of President Bush for refusing to concede the presidential election to Joe Biden.

But let’s not forget five anti-democratic actions taken in the 1950s, 1960s, and 1970 by the CIA, which is the pride and glory of both Democrats and the mainstream press (well, yes, of Republicans as well.)

But hey, little white lies, which is done all the time, never hurt a soul. Right?

I don't recall in the constitution anything, especially authority or granted power about a CIA- can you point it out for me? Thanks in advance.

Oh, here's some more for you to praise-
A Long-Forgotten CIA Document From WikiLeaks Sheds Critical Light on Today's U.S. Politics and Wars
The Agency knew that their best asset for selling their wars was Barack Obama -- the same reason so many in the security state were eager to get rid of Donald Trump
Yes there is no conspiracy theory that the US government lies
Who said there was?

Conspiracy theorists are called conspiracy theorists because they lack critical thinking skills and they never perform due dilligence.
Oddly, those people who use the appellation “conspiracy theorist” for people who have concluded, based on the evidence, that the U.S. national-security establishment carried out a very sophisticated and deadly regime-change operation against President Kennedy on November 22, 1963, never apply their appellation to Presidents Eisenhower, Kennedy, and Truman.

Here's some more evidence you can defend-

The CIA’s Anti-Democracy Actions

It’s nice to see Democrats and the mainstream press emphasizing the virtues of democracy in the context of their condemnations of President Bush for refusing to concede the presidential election to Joe Biden.

But let’s not forget five anti-democratic actions taken in the 1950s, 1960s, and 1970 by the CIA, which is the pride and glory of both Democrats and the mainstream press (well, yes, of Republicans as well.)

But hey, little white lies, which is done all the time, never hurt a soul. Right?

I don't recall in the constitution anything, especially authority or granted power about a CIA- can you pint it out for me? Thanks in advance.

Oh, here's some more for you to praise-
A Long-Forgotten CIA Document From WikiLeaks Sheds Critical Light on Today's U.S. Politics and Wars
The Agency knew that their best asset for selling their wars was Barack Obama -- the same reason so many in the security state were eager to get rid of Donald Trump
No one said there was such a conspiracy theory which is exactly the point. I was agreeing with you.

Exactly where have I defended government lies or praised government crimes?
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Exactly where have I defended government lies or praised government crimes?
Yes there is no conspiracy theory that the US government lies. The government is an entity made up of many people and yes they sometimes lie and conspire to cover up their lies. But that is irrelevant.

I see that as a defense, of so what, if not praise-

And lying IS relevant. That is THE point (plus the fact the lies are ignored by the msm and fools use CIA tactic of minimizing with a demeaning word, which, in the scheme of things IS a lie)- we're living the results of "irrelevant" as you call it- people die because of it, en mass- citizens pay the price, in precious resources AND money- citizens are incarcerated based on gov't lies-
Exactly where have I defended government lies or praised government crimes?
Yes there is no conspiracy theory that the US government lies. The government is an entity made up of many people and yes they sometimes lie and conspire to cover up their lies. But that is irrelevant.

I see that as a defense, of so what, if not praise-

And lying IS relevant. That is THE point (plus the fact the lies are ignored by the msm and fools use CIA tactic of minimizing with a demeaning word, which, in the scheme of things IS a lie)- we're living the results of "irrelevant" as you call it- people die because of it, en mass- citizens pay the price, in precious resources AND money- citizens are incarcerated based on gov't lies-

It is not defense it is statement of fact. Government lies but that does not mean it ALWAYS lies. The conspiracy theorist position is illogical and childish. One example of government lhying , such as watergate , does not prove others.

You mention people incarcerated by government lies. Do you believe that ALL inmates in ALL prisons are innocent ? According to the stupid standard you are using there are no guilty criminals locked up.

It is about the evidence and once again I support holding the government accountable as most people do. There is no evidence of a conspiracy to kill JFK, Ther conspiracy theories have been disproven time and again because they have no evidence and they are contradictory.

Look at the stupid claims being made by people today. There was NO fucking raid in Germany by the US military to sieze voting machine records or software or domain servers or anything else. Yet conspiracy theorist fools are still babbling about it,

If you want to talk about offneses commited by the government at one time or another fine I have no problem with it. Depending on the specifics I might even agree with you. But the standard that it always lies is a physical impossibility.
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Exactly where have I defended government lies or praised government crimes?
Yes there is no conspiracy theory that the US government lies. The government is an entity made up of many people and yes they sometimes lie and conspire to cover up their lies. But that is irrelevant.

I see that as a defense, of so what, if not praise-

And lying IS relevant. That is THE point (plus the fact the lies are ignored by the msm and fools use CIA tactic of minimizing with a demeaning word, which, in the scheme of things IS a lie)- we're living the results of "irrelevant" as you call it- people die because of it, en mass- citizens pay the price, in precious resources AND money- citizens are incarcerated based on gov't lies-

It is not defense it is statement of fact. Government lies but that does not mean it ALWAYS lies. The conspiracy theorist position is illogical and childish. One example of government lhying , such as watergate , does not prove others.

You mention people incarcerated by government lies. Do you believe that ALL inmates in ALL prisons are innocent ? According to the stupid standard you are using there are no guilty criminals locked up.

It is about the evidence and once again I support holding the government accountable as most people do. There is no evidence of a conspiracy to kill JFK, Ther conspiracy theories have been disproven time and again because they have no evidence and they are contradictory.

Look at the stupid claims being made by people today. There was NO fucking raid in Germany by the US military to sieze voting machine records or software or domain servers or anything else. Yet conspiracy theorist fools are still babbling about it,

If you want to talk about offneses commited by the government at one time or another fine I have no problem with it. Depending on the specifics I might even agree with you. But the standard that it always lies is a physical impossibility.
Stop being stupid. Please.
Exactly where have I defended government lies or praised government crimes?
Yes there is no conspiracy theory that the US government lies. The government is an entity made up of many people and yes they sometimes lie and conspire to cover up their lies. But that is irrelevant.

I see that as a defense, of so what, if not praise-

And lying IS relevant. That is THE point (plus the fact the lies are ignored by the msm and fools use CIA tactic of minimizing with a demeaning word, which, in the scheme of things IS a lie)- we're living the results of "irrelevant" as you call it- people die because of it, en mass- citizens pay the price, in precious resources AND money- citizens are incarcerated based on gov't lies-

It is not defense it is statement of fact. Government lies but that does not mean it ALWAYS lies. The conspiracy theorist position is illogical and childish. One example of government lhying , such as watergate , does not prove others.

You mention people incarcerated by government lies. Do you believe that ALL inmates in ALL prisons are innocent ? According to the stupid standard you are using there are no guilty criminals locked up.

It is about the evidence and once again I support holding the government accountable as most people do. There is no evidence of a conspiracy to kill JFK, Ther conspiracy theories have been disproven time and again because they have no evidence and they are contradictory.

Look at the stupid claims being made by people today. There was NO fucking raid in Germany by the US military to sieze voting machine records or software or domain servers or anything else. Yet conspiracy theorist fools are still babbling about it,

If you want to talk about offneses commited by the government at one time or another fine I have no problem with it. Depending on the specifics I might even agree with you. But the standard that it always lies is a physical impossibility.
Stop being stupid. Please.
I am stating facts.

You are spinning. That is the stupidity,

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