I'm Really Curious About How History Will Remember These Past Years

No dickwad, we are America.

America is a continent and you are an idiot seeking for a we-identity who lives there.

Choke on it, motherfucker.

hmm ... and an idiot who is only able to live in the USA and the rotten use of language there without to be in danger to be killed. On the other side: Do you also call an hells angel in the USA "motherfucker" and do you follow in this way a first and last time Immanuel Kant's categorical imperativ?
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Maybe it's just me, but I think the Holocaust, and then attacking our friends, counts as reason to be "motivated."

I doubt this noble motivation. You did not go to world war (1+)2 because of the Holocaust or because of racism against Jews. You was - and you are - on your own a very racist country. The extreme phase of the Holocaust started by the way when in early 1942 had been clear that Germany will lose world war 2. And from my personal point of view the Holocaust is not a genocide but a fratricide.

The idea that an evil regime can do anything it likes as long as it doesn't directly attack the US is the kind of isolationist thinking that almost kept us out of World War II, which would have allowed the Nazi regime to persist and, as was its nature, keep spreading. As for World War I, go look up the Zimmerman telegram.

You underestimate very clear the enormous war crimes and genocides the USA and their allies had done in world war 1+2 and afterwards ... and also before world war 1+2. I guess somehow was the mad man or mad regime "Hitler" a totally normal mad answer on the madness which was created from the mad winners of world war 1.
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As a descendant of Germans that fought on both sides, I can say your really are someone my bad side of the family should have dealt with.

Don't be astonished - but as a German with also Jewish ancestors I do not understand idiots who fought for Hitler - but I understand idiots who fought against Stalin. The USA fought for Stalin.

England and France kept begging us for Help, and Germany declared war on us, not us on them.

Hitlers declaration of war after Pearl Harbor was without any substance. Germany was not able to attack the USA. So "you" was not forced to do anything. It was a totally free decision of the USA - as well in world war 1 and world war 2 - to fight against Germany. The strange thing is your "moral". Germany never did do anything bad to the USA - never - but the USA did do many bad things to Germany. So your "moral" forces you still to hate and to defame Germany - since more than a hundred years now.
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... As for World War I, go look up the Zimmerman telegram. ...

Zimmermann was totally unimportant; a man who had not such a deep-seated competence to make such decisions. He was fired when he confirmed the authenticity of this telegram. He did send it - but no idea who really wrote it. I guess it had been the Brits or perhaps the USA on her own or it was perhaps William II - the Brit who had been emperor over Germany at this time of history. Perhaps Zimmermann got some money to do so or he had been blackmailed to do so. Weird story. For sure a very manipulating story.

By the way. The USA under Donald Trump manipulated not a long time ago the Brexit decision in Great Britain. It was "your" will to split and to weaken the EU and so "you" did do so.
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... Germany attack US Shipping - an act of war. ...

What exactly do you speak about in this context? Before you was in world war 2 an US-American ship attacked a German submarine with water bombs, was torpedoed in reaction and sank. This was a war crime of the USA because "you" did do so without declaration of war.
Don't be astonished - but as a German with also Jewish ancestors I do not understand idiots who fought for Hitler - but I understand idiots who fought against Stalin. The USA fought for Stalin.

Hitlers declaration of war after Pearl Harbor was without any substance. Germany was not able to attack the USA. So "you" was not forced to do anything. It was a totally free decision of the USA - as well in world war 1 and world war 2 - to fight against Germany. The strange thing is your "moral". Germany never did do anything bad to the USA - never - but the USA did do many bad things to Germany. So your "moral" forces you still to hate and to defame Germany - since more than a hundred years now.

Germany sunk passenger ships of ours, and were torpedoing our cargo ships, even ones that were not war related.

I completely understand Germanies fight against the soviet union, and I wish we supported them in that fight like Patton wanted to. But were we fighting for Stalin? No. We just had a common enemy. That's why we had a thing called "the cold war" immediately after WWII.
Germany sunk passenger ships of ours

Not any passenger ship of the USA had been attacked in world war 1+2 from Germans.

No. Again you did do a war crime and transported weapons with passenger ships. You - better to say the Brits who bought your weapons - used your citizens as protective shield. The British Lusitania sank not because of a torpedo who forced them to stop. It sank because your ammunition exploded which the Lusitania illegally transported.

And again: The Lusitania had been a British ship. Great Britain had been in war with Germany. If today US-American tourists would travel with Ukrainian ships or Russian ships to harbors in the Black Sea - what would you say to this passengers?
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Germany sunk passenger ships of ours, and were torpedoing our cargo ships, even ones that were not war related.

I completely understand Germanies fight against the soviet union,

No. "You" personally in the year 2023 is not the USA during world war 2. You supported the Soviet Union. You stopped to support Stalin and Mao when they threw you nearly totally out of Korea.

and I wish we supported them in that fight like Patton wanted to.

By the way. Who of your people murdered general Patton and why? Did never anyone find this out?

But were we fighting for Stalin? No.

On which planet do you live? Alpha absurde?

We just had a common enemy. That's why we had a thing called "the cold war" immediately after WWII.

This was the moment when you found out that it is totally easy to wipe out all Germans - but that it never made any sense to do so. But that's unimportant now. We are inevitably dying out. But as far as I can see you increased again the speed of this outdying.
What's wrong. With the start of world war 1 Germany had nothing to do at all and world war 2 was started together from Hitler and Stalin in the secret part of the Ribbentrop Molotow Pact where both together decided to eliminate Poland again. I guess Hitler liked in this way to get a common border with Russia so he was able to attack Stalin directly. With the USA this all had absolutelly nothing to do.
Trying to rewrite history?

Remember Kaiser Wilhelm? Serbia may have assassinated the Duke, but Austria and Germany took it to the next level.
Not any passenger ship of the USA had been attacked in world war 1+2 from Germans.

Hundreds of cargo ships were attacked.

No. Again you did do a war crime and transported weapons with passenger ships. You - better to say the Brits who bought your weapons - used your citizens as protective shield. The British Lusitania sank not because of a torpedo who forced them to stop. It sank because your ammunition exploded which the Lusitania illegally transported.

And again: The Lusitania had been a British ship. Great Britain had been in war with Germany. If today US-American tourists would travel with Ukrainian ships or Russian ships to harbors in the Black Sea - what would you say to this passengers?
More revisions of history.

Looks like you East Germans are reverting to form, and again trying to start a world war.
America is a continent and you are an idiot seeking for a we-identity who lives there.

There is no Continent known as "America."

There are two Continents where "America" is part of the name.

There is one, and ONLY one country known as "America," the USA.

Your attempt to rob us of our identity and heritage has failed.

hmm ... and an idiot who is only able to live in the USA and the rotten use of language there without to be in danger to be killed. On the other side: Do you also call an hells angel in the USA "motherfucker" and do you follow in this way a first and last time Immanuel Kant's categorical imperativ?

I know one moron who was in the Hells Angels - I've called him a motherfucker on many occasions.

I'm in California, the Hells Angels got in a war with the Mongols over the Meth trade. They lost, badly. About 5 years ago they had a massive shoot out on the 15 freeway and the Hells Angels were crushed.

We don't bow to criminals in America.
No. "You" personally in the year 2023 is not the USA during world war 2. You supported the Soviet Union. You stopped to support Stalin and Mao when they threw you nearly totally out of Korea.

By the way. Who of your people murdered general Patton and why? Did never anyone find this out?

On which planet do you live? Alpha absurde?

This was the moment when you found out that it is totally easy to wipe out all Germans - but that it never made any sense to do so. But that's unimportant now. We are inevitably dying out. But as far as I can see you increased again the speed of this outdying.

I can see you are one of the delusional ones left over. That's alright. We know who was on the good side of history, and who has been turned into the weaker nation.
Trying to rewrite history?

Remember Kaiser Wilhelm? Serbia may have assassinated the Duke, but Austria and Germany took it to the next level.

That's nonsense - but I do not like to explain to you now what you anyway will refuse to try to understand. With the USA this has anyway nothing to do ... ¿or did the USA murder the hope of Austria-Hungaria? ... whatever. The most charming empire which ever had existed was dust after world war 1 and masses of problems followed and some are still today (radio-)active.

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There is no Continent known as "America."

There are two Continents where "America" is part of the name.

There is one, and ONLY one country known as "America," the USA.

Your attempt to rob us of our identity and heritage has failed.

It's not my problem that you say nonsense. America is the continent. South-, Middle- and North-America parts of this continent. The USA is a country in North-America. All over America live Americans. But when an American in the USA says "American" then he normally not thinks about all inhabitanst of America but only about the inhabitans of the USA - and sometimes someone thinks even about a much more little population - for example 'Americans = all Trump voters'. In this case exist also anti-Americans (all others) what shows also the ideological dimension of your use of the word "America". My imagination is much more simple: Who lives in the USA is an US-American. Who is an US-American is also an American. And anti-Americans do not exist at all in this form to think. "Anti-American" is only an ideological expressions for me.

I know one moron who was in the Hells Angels - I've called him a motherfucker on many occasions.

And what did he see in you?

I'm in California, the Hells Angels got in a war with the Mongols over the Meth trade. They lost, badly. About 5 years ago they had a massive shoot out on the 15 freeway and the Hells Angels were crushed.

"The USA is the land of the unlimited possibilities" said once a German diplomat and smiled when you translated it into "land of unbound opportunities".

We don't bow to criminals in America.

:lol: This was really a good one.
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I can see you are one of the delusional ones left over. That's alright. We know who was on the good side of history,


and who has been turned into the weaker nation.

All others - ¿which you rule with the Darwinian power of the Borg Queen?.

By the way: Did you notice that you disagreed with something what's true and you think whatever opposite will only become true because you disagree?
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All others - ¿which you rule with the Darwinian power of the Borg Queen?.

By the way: Did you notice that you disagreed with something what's true and you think whatever opposite will only become true because you disagree?

I disagreed because you were spinning things to make yourself feel better.
I disagreed because you were spinning things to make yourself feel better.

Interesting wrong argument, "psychologist". Whether you agree or disagree with anythihng what I said changes nothing in the facts of the past reality. But it changes your future way and not my future way. And as far as I can see you prefer to be intentionally ignorant - what's somehow typical for US-Americans.
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I honestly don't mind a full-throated defense of Germany. It is a beautiful country with a rich culture and wonderful people, and World War I was a global mess with few real 'good guys.' Fair enough.

Defense of Nazis, on the other hand, crosses the line. I'm sorry your country fell into their grasp, but don't for a moment pretend that any other nation was on their level as evil regimes go. Trying to soften their atrocities, or pretend that an attack on them is an attack on all of Germany, is reprehensible.
Interesting wrong argument, "psychologist". Whether you agree or disagree with anythihng what I said changes nothing in the facts of the past reality. But it changes your future way and not my future way. And as far as I can see you prefer to be intentionally ignorant - what's somehow typical for US-Americans.

How am I being ignorant? The West teamed up with Russia for only four dam years, because we had a common enemy, nazi germany. These nazis were enslaving Europe, torpedoing ships, killing and causing chaos. We needed to stop it especially after they declared war on us. NOTHING changes THESE facts. The fact that you're butthurt over losing twice to the world because y'all acted up is pitiful.
How am I being ignorant?

Read what I said- read what you wrote.

The West teamed up with Russia for only four dam years,

Germany was always a part of the Occident, although we also had good relations to the Orient. Such a sentence has nothing to do with Muslims or Cowboys, ignorant. It has to with the break of the Roman empire into West- and East-Rome.

because we had a common enemy, nazi germany.

You had this enemy because you chose to have this enemy. That's all. Nazi-Germany was not able to attack the USA.

These nazis were enslaving Europe, torpedoing ships, killing and causing chaos.

And that's why you murdered in masses Germans and made Germany to rubble. You burned even nearly all still existing romantic middle age German cities down. Reason: they burned very well. That's all. Your only reason to do so was they burned very well.

We needed to stop it especially after they declared war on us.

This declaration of war from Hitler was funny - that's all. If you had taken serios any military power of Hitler then you never had started a war against Germany in the moment when Japan attacked you. So why did you need such massive crimes to win although you did not take serios the military abilities of Germany?

NOTHING changes THESE facts.

In the production of this facts you was also envolved in the first part of world war 1+2 - but as far as I heard you never bombed down New Amsterdam, ... ah sorry- wrong century.

The fact that you're butthurt over losing twice to the world because y'all acted up is pitiful.

The fact is: Germany never did do anything bad to the USA and you murdered in masses Germans because you decided to do so. That's all. And you prefer to take a look at the crimes of others - but you don't like to take a look on the own crimes.
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