I'm Really Curious About How History Will Remember These Past Years

I honestly don't mind a full-throated defense of Germany. It is a beautiful country with a rich culture and wonderful people, and World War I was a global mess with few real 'good guys.' Fair enough.

Defense of Nazis, on the other hand, crosses the line. I'm sorry your country fell into their grasp, but don't for a moment pretend that any other nation was on their level as evil regimes go. Trying to soften their atrocities, or pretend that an attack on them is an attack on all of Germany, is reprehensible.

Let me say it in this way: When I hear say someone "I feel sorry" then I imagine how my murdered ancestors turn their heads and take a short look who said this nonsense before they continue to play cards with each other. Some of them are German Jews.

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Read what I said- read what you wrote.

Germany was always a part of the Occident, although we also had good relations to the Orient. Such a sentence has nothing to do with Muslims or Cowboys, ignorant. It has to with the break of the Roman empire into West- and East-Rome.

You had this enemy because you chose to have this enemy. That's all. Nazi-Germany was not able to attack the USA.

And that's why you murdered in masses Germans and made Germany to rubble. You burned even nearly all still existing romantic middle age German cities down. Reason: they burned very well. That's all. Your only reason to do so was they burned very well.

This declaration of war from Hitler was funny - that's all. If you had taken serios any military power of Hitler then you never had started a war against Germany in the moment when Japan attacked you. So why did you need such massive crimes to win although you did not take serios the military abilities of Germany?

In the production of this facts you was also envolved in the first part of world war 1+2 - but as far as I heard you never bombed down New Amsterdam, ... ah sorry- wrong century.

The fact is: Germany never did do anything bad to the USA and you murdered in masses Germans because you decided to do so. That's all. And you prefer to take a look at the crimes of others - but you don't like to take a look on the own crimes.

You have been reading too much propaganda. The Germans declared war on US. TWICE. We didn't declare war on them. The fact was, we didn't have a choice but to go over there and help save Europe from Nazi enslavement, before Germany knocked out all our allies and prevented us from setting up bases of operation for future liberation of Europe.
You have been reading too much propaganda. The Germans declared war on US. TWICE.

What's wrong. You declared war on Germany April 6th 1917 and in December 1917 you declared war on Austria-Hungaria.

As a result of this everything exploded and is partially still today exploding what was a "solution" of world war 1. You changed the flow of world history and created a very extreme situation. That's why Nazis, Commies and Islamists exist. And that's why nukes exist hundreds of years before all mankind will learn to handle such great and also greater powers only in peaceful ways.

We didn't declare war on them.

You can think whatever you like to think. It becomes not true only because you wish it should be true. And it will also not become true when every single human being on this planet will believe what you say.

The fact was, we didn't have a choice

It exist always alternatives. To find them is sometimes a problem, that's all. But who not seeks not finds.

but to go over there and help save Europe from Nazi enslavement, before Germany knocked out all our allies and prevented us from setting up bases of operation for future liberation of Europe.

"You" called all Germans Nazis and you thought this gives you the right to displace and to murder every German. "You" call people terrorists and you think you have the right to torture and to murder everyone in the whole world who is not an US-American. "You" call people "anti-Americans" and the whole USA would be in war with each other if every state of the USA had an own army. But you compensate this not existing danger by arming more than your whole population with guns which are often nothing esle than pure war weapons.

Summary: "Idiot!!!" ... oh sorry, wrong summary! More correct would be "Idiots!!!"
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Let me say it in this way: When I hear say someone "I feel sorry" then I imagine how my murdered ancestors turn their heads and take a short look who said this nonsense before they continue to play cards with each other. Some of them are German Jews.

Sure you are proud. Idiots are always proud. Dummheit und Stolz wachsen auf einem Holz. The tragedy is who has to die because of your real stupidity and your wrong proudness.
Dummheit und Stolz wachsen an einem Baum, und der
Nazi-Deutsche hängen immer noch dort, wie es sein sollte.

Just relax and eat pretzels and drink beer.
Dummheit und Stolz wachsen an einem Baum, und der
Nazi-Deutsche hängen immer noch dort, wie es sein sollte.

Just relax and eat pretzels and drink beer.

My father said to people like you: "Dumm geboren, nichts dazu gelernt und das auch noch vergessen." Born stupid, learned nothing and forgot that too. Your problem is that you run with your genocide-on-Indians war mentality directly into your next civil world war with loud "hurray" because you are frozen in pasts which since a very long time are not existing any longer, living undead. What about to to go back into your pyramid to take a little sleep and to rest again for some thousand years, pharao of death?

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My father said to people like you: "Dumm geboren, nichts dazu gelernt und das auch noch vergessen." Born stupid, learned nothing and forgot that too. Your problem is that you run with your genocide-on-Indians war mentality directly into your next civil world war with loud "hurray" because you are frozen in pasts which since a very long time are not existing any longer, living undead. What about to to go back into your pyramid to take a little sleep and to rest again for some thousand years, pharao of death?

We didn't round up 6,000,000 people and throw them into gas chambers, and do medical experimentation on them.
We didn't round up 6,000,000 people and throw them into gas chambers, and do medical experimentation on them.

For Nazis I am a Jew, super-idiot. I hope I will be able to kill every Nazi on my own if it is necessary to do so. But do I attack anyone who is not a Nazi? Who do you think gives you any right to call me a Nazi? Your own racist Nazi-mentality? Your own deadly super-arrogance?

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For Nazis I am a Jew, super-idiot. I hope I will be able to kill every Nazi on my own if it is necessary to do so. But do I attack anyone who is not a Nazi? Who do you think gives you any right to call me a Nazi? Your own racist Nazi-mentality? Your own deadly super-arrogance?

You labeled all Americans as war mongering indian killers, so I think I have a right to label you whatever I want.
You labeled all Americans as war mongering indian killers,

And? Did you kill a Red Indian? By the way: Was the USA the most time since she is existing in war or in peace?

so I think I have a right to label you whatever I want.

And that's why you call me a Nazi while you have the same time a hate problem with your own anti-Semitism? ... Hmmm ... Whatever. ... I don't know how you are able to take serios yourselve.
And? Did you kill a Red Indian? By the way: Was the USA the most time since she is existing in war or in peace?

The U.S.A. has mostly been at war, but we didn't start most of them. Britain started the first two wars, the civil war was started by rebels, and the world wars were started by you guys. Anything after that is fair game to slander us with, even though we were fighting communists and terrorists.
And that's why you call me a Nazi while you have the same time a hate problem with your own anti-Semitism? ... Hmmm ... Whatever. ... I don't know how you are able to take serios yourselve.

Show me where I was antisemitic.
Korea, Vietnam, and little shit in the Middle east that... You guys fought in too.

We did do what? After 9/11 our army had the order to look in Afghanistan for six weeks where is Osama Bin Laden. The first what they did do there was to build barracks for 120 years plus 6 weeks. And more than 20 years later they still did not find Osama Bin Laden - some say he is dead - so they came home again (not over Russia because this way was "suddenly" blocked) and the USA had been also very counterproductive. Now Afghanistan is a hell. Perfect war. Nothing else than reality shows better what war really is: A waste of life, material, money, energy and time.
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