I'm Really Curious About How History Will Remember These Past Years

I think people propagating all that will be remembered as a bunch of liars, whether or not they all get hanged.

"What you do in the dark will always come into the light." -Some ol' black girl I used to know. I say used to because I know she died.

She was definitely not the smartest one around, but when it came to truth, she knew it.

We look back on what Joseph Goebbels put out not as history, but as the worst example of propaganda.

The same is true of the Reich media today. History will damn the propagandists of the democrat party - just as we do those earlier Nazis.
That's a rather stupid lie.

Did you never notice what Donald Trump said about the genetics of his own family?

Only democrats do that here - and States like Florida are passing laws to stop them.

"Florida" ... heard from this country - seems to be somwhere in the USA where alligators make a walk on the wild side.

You stick your nose in American politics and don't really have any idea what is going on.

The alternative would it be to execute people like Donald Trump because they are a danger for survival of the world.

What I criticized here is your super-stupid super-nonsense about Nazis and the political party "the democrats " of the USA. And in general is everything what Trump said about Germany nothing else than bloody nonsense. And I ask myselve why Donald Trump got more than one vote in the USA and why his continous stream of hate speech against Europe and Germany is able to produce votes in the USA.

There are two continents with "America" in their name, North America and South America.

Absurde nonsense. North and South of the continent America are not the USA. You use "America" as a short form for the USA - that's all.

here is only one country named "America."

I call the USA USA and the Americans who live in the USA US-Americans.

There are only one peoples who are Americans.

Or with other words: The only common element between all inhabitans of the country USA is a very strict and strong (and perhaps sometimes also a very sick) nationalism. But be happy - latest when you are outside of the USA and they will hang an US-American who is a democrat then you will love him and the USA and all of her inhabitants.

I get it, you seek to rob us of our heritage and our identity - go fuck yourself.


Are you under the influence of Fentanyl at this moment?

Become real.
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Yeah, kinda. Only problems we really had, were European caused, and even then, we faired quite well.

You are an European nation: a child of the European enlightenment. But tell me please any real concrete problem which was made from Europe for the USA.
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You are an European nation: a child of the European enlightenment. But tell me please any real concrete problem which was made from Europe for the USA.

The World Wars for a starter. I consider that a problem when 116,708 American boys died in WWI, and 407,000 American boys died in WWII, trying to help Europeans fight Europeans.
The World Wars for a starter. I consider that a problem when 116,708 American boys died in WWI, and 407,000 American boys died in WWII, trying to help Europeans fight Europeans.

No one forced you to be a part of world war 1+2. The really astonIshing thing: Germany never did do anything bad to the USA in whole history. But you still hate us for the evil deeds you did do on Germany. A German of the year 1913 has today in average ½ descendent. An US-American of the same year about 2-3 descendents. In 1910 we Germans had been about 5-6% of the world population - today this descendents (~50% of the overaged population in the rest of Germany now) are about 0.6% of the world population. You was very damn successful with your totally unmotivated hate on Germans.
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Did you never notice what Donald Trump said about the genetics of his own family?

Your lie had to due with "making hate on Germany."

An idiotic claim.

Germany started 2 world wars and killed hundreds of thousands of Americans. Germany deserves scorn. Yet Trump never said anything other than you had to pay your bills in NATO.
"Florida" ... heard from this country - seems to be somwhere in the USA where alligators make a walk on the wild side.

Florida is a state in America where the child molesters and groomers of the left have been constrained.

The alternative would it be to execute people like Donald Trump because they are a danger for survival of the world.

You are insane. Are you wanting a third go at America? We fucked you up the last two times.

What I criticized here is your super-stupid super-nonsense about Nazis and the political party "the democrats " of the USA. And in general is everything what Trump said about Germany nothing else than bloody nonsense. And I ask myselve why Donald Trump got more than one vote in the USA and why his continous stream of hate speech against Europe and Germany is able to produce votes in the USA.

Absurde nonsense. North and South of the continent America are not the USA. You use "America" as a short form for the USA - that's all.

As much as you vermin may want to, you don't get to erase America.

Blow it out your ass.

I call the USA USA and the Americans who live in the USA US-Americans.

Oh? Do you call black people "African-US-Americans?"

Fucking retard.

Or with other words: The only common element between all inhabitans of the country USA is a very strict and strong (and perhaps sometimes also a very sick) nationalism. But be happy - latest when you are outside of the USA and they will hang an US-American who is a democrat then you will love him and the USA and all of her inhabitants.
I understand, you couldn't defeat us in the two world wars you started, so the criminal nation you live in now wants to erase us as a nation.

Fuck off and die.


Become real.

Get sober
No one forced you to be a part of world war 1+2. The really astonIshing thing: Germany never did do anything bad to the USA in whole history. But you still hate us for the evil deeds you did do on Germany. A German of the year 1913 has today in average ½ descendent. An US-American of the same year about 2-3 descendents. In 1910 we Germans had been about 5-6% of the world population - today this descendents (~50% of the overaged population in the rest of Germany now) are about 0.6% of the world population. You was very damn successful with your totally unmotivated hate on Germans.
Maybe it's just me, but I think the Holocaust, and then attacking our friends, counts as reason to be "motivated." The idea that an evil regime can do anything it likes as long as it doesn't directly attack the US is the kind of isolationist thinking that almost kept us out of World War II, which would have allowed the Nazi regime to persist and, as was its nature, keep spreading. As for World War I, go look up the Zimmerman telegram.
Maybe it's just me, but I think the Holocaust, and then attacking our friends, counts as reason to be "motivated." The idea that an evil regime can do anything it likes as long as it doesn't directly attack the US is the kind of isolationist thinking that almost kept us out of World War II, which would have allowed the Nazi regime to persist and, as was its nature, keep spreading. As for World War I, go look up the Zimmerman telegram.

We didn't know about the holocaust at the outset of the war.

It was two-fold, Germany attack US Shipping - an act of war. Trade with Europe, particularly England, was a vital part of the American economy. When Hitler attacked our merchant vessels, he made war on America.

Secondly, we had mutual defense treaties with France and England, as you noted.
You know the election fraud of 2020, the supposed insurrection that happened two years ago today and everything else that's been happening underneath the Biden Harris Administration and will happen in the future. Will it be the truth of what actually happened, or will it confuse people and children of future generations learning it or the leftist version of what happened?
Future Historian will look back at how the once great US turned into a Socialist shithole.

They will probably conclude it started with The Worthless Negro getting elected my a majority of welfare queens and racists. It became solidified with the stolen election of 2020 and just got worse after that. The Democrats figured out how to steal any elections and with the millions of Illegals there was always a bat shit crazy Leftest as President. The US was fucked.

The Progressives will the cited as being the villains turning the US into a Socialist shithole.
You know the election fraud of 2020, the supposed insurrection that happened two years ago today and everything else that's been happening underneath the Biden Harris Administration and will happen in the future. Will it be the truth of what actually happened, or will it confuse people and children of future generations learning it or the leftist version of what happened?
I can tell you, but you won't like the answer.

Future historians are likely to look back at this time and try to determine how a collection of organized, talented, and very motivated propagandists could successfully convince so many right-wing conservatives to support those who work against their own best interests on so many issues. While the most fervent conservative movements of the past tended to focus on a single hot-potato issue, many (if not most) of those who consider themselves conservative now passionately promote detrimental views on election integrity, democratic principles, the operation of government, climate change, gun violence, civil rights, personal power, basic economics, gender identity, racial theory, vaccines, socialism, immigration, and something about a laptop. Most or all of these arguments are based on an appeal to negative emotions (fear, anger, hopelessness, frustration, and so on) rather than reason or knowledge, and those future historians will be looking at how this current, noxious, anti-enlightenment atmosphere—almost all of which comes from the political right—led to whatever society they live in.

It also isn't hard, from our perspective within this movement, to forecast some of their conclusions. For one, the methods the propagandists use bear a lot of resemblance to the methods used in some of the most anti-democratic moments in history, adapted to the American culture. They will also note the wildfire-inducing ability of mass media, enabled by cable TV's ability to ignore the Fairness Doctrine back in the 80s but really turbocharged by the rise of social media, that allows formerly-fringe ideas and conspiracy theories to spread quickly to those who quietly harbored those negative emotions, reasonably or not.

Mostly, though, they will record this as the time in which the US moved out of its Sixth Political System, when the Democratic Party was a coalition united through notions of government-sponsored equality and with a mostly liberal attitude (that is, seeking to change society to fix what they see as social problems), while the GOP was united through notions of a merit-based, structured society and with a mostly conservative attitude (seeking to resist those changes, conserving the society as they know it). The Seventh System that will emerge will most likely be one in which the Republicans are the party of nationalism and concentration of power, while the Democrats, once they get their act together, will be one seeking to preserve the standards of liberal democracy.

You may or may not have noticed the flip-flop there that the parties and the American people are currently making. Conservatives base their ideas on PRESERVING the society as is, while the Trump-defined nationalism that now runs the party is trying to CHANGE the society to become more nationalistic. Liberals base their ideas on CHANGING society, but the Democratic party is most likely going to transform, kicking and screaming I'm sure, into a movement that seeks to PRESERVE our democratic standards.

That's the kind of thing future historians are going to study about us. What kind of world they're doing it in, is really up to us.
No one forced you to be a part of world war 1+2. The really astonIshing thing: Germany never did do anything bad to the USA in whole history. But you still hate us for the evil deeds you did do on Germany. A German of the year 1913 has today in average ½ descendent. An US-American of the same year about 2-3 descendents. In 1910 we Germans had been about 5-6% of the world population - today this descendents (~50% of the overaged population in the rest of Germany now) are about 0.6% of the world population. You was very damn successful with your totally unmotivated hate on Germans.

As a descendant of Germans that fought on both sides, I can say your really are someone my bad side of the family should have dealt with. England and France kept begging us for Help, and Germany declared war on us, not us on them.
Your lie had to due with "making hate on Germany."

An idiotic claim.

Germany started 2 world wars ...

What's wrong. With the start of world war 1 Germany had nothing to do at all and world war 2 was started together from Hitler and Stalin in the secret part of the Ribbentrop Molotow Pact where both together decided to eliminate Poland again. I guess Hitler liked in this way to get a common border with Russia so he was able to attack Stalin directly. With the USA this all had absolutelly nothing to do.
You know the election fraud of 2020, the supposed insurrection that happened two years ago today and everything else that's been happening underneath the Biden Harris Administration and will happen in the future. Will it be the truth of what actually happened, or will it confuse people and children of future generations learning it or the leftist version of what happened?

Your great grandchildren will think you’re batshit crazy for thinking there was election fraud and there wasn’t an insurrection.




Florida is a state in America where the child molesters and groomers of the left have been constrained.

You are insane. Are you wanting a third go at America? We fucked you up the last two times.

As much as you vermin may want to, you don't get to erase America.

Blow it out your ass.

Oh? Do you call black people "African-US-Americans?"

Fucking retard.

I understand, you couldn't defeat us in the two world wars you started, so the criminal nation you live in now wants to erase us as a nation.

Fuck off and die.

Get sober

In general: "To fuck" is an interaction between a female and a male human being on reason to get a common child. Not any other common action of human beings is more near to the expression "heaven on Earth". So: How unreal or even perverted are people who use continously the word "fuck" as a spearword?
... Fuck off and die. ...

Oh by the way: This "argument" means you hate all Germans and you like to continue to wipe out all Germans specially if a German tells you your US-American political party "the Democrats" has nothing to do with Nazis at all. When we say in Germany "some people are so far right that they come back from far left" or "so far left that they come back from the far right" then this seems to be exactly your politcal position, "super-nationalistic revolutionary extremist".

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