I'm starting to sour on Trump

'Tax Wall Street' Trump Pledges After Stock Market Selloff

"I know Wall Street. I know the people on Wall Street. We're going to have the greatest negotiators of the world, but at the same time I'm not going to let Wall Street get away with murder. Wall Street has caused tremendous problems for us. We're going to tax Wall Street."

Now, I'll be honest, I have no idea what he means by this... how the hell do you "tax Wall Street?" :dunno: But it sounds more like something Bernie Sanders would say... the left-wing anti-capitalist clap trap we've been accustomed to from Marxist socialists for years. I don't like that kind of talk. Give me some objective wisdom like making it harder for hedge fund managers to exploit tax loopholes... eliminate the damn loopholes with a flat tax or fair tax... any number of reasonable solutions that could be discussed. I don't like it when a supposed Conservative starts talking about "raising taxes" to fix problems.

That, coupled with his recent attacks on Cruz over his eligibility are putting me off in a really big way. I liked Trump, I liked how he came out swinging and didn't back down. I liked that he made the establishment look like fools and idiots. I loved the way he turned the liberal alarmist smear tactics into stronger poll numbers to their utter befuddlement. And... like I said, if he is the nominee, I will vote for him in the general election over the Democrat. But I'll be holding my nose.

He's talking about HEDGE FUNDS that make BILLIONS and pay little to NO TAX! He isn't talking about us SMALL PEOIPLE that own stock or have stocks in a retirement fund... he's stated this several times.

Trump: close hedge fund tax loophole - Connecticut Post
Connecticut Post
Sep 17, 2015 - In Wednesday's Republican presidential debate, Trump called for closing a loophole on how money management fees earned by hedge fund, ...

Well then he needs to be more careful about what he says. Closing a loophole is not "raising taxes" it's closing a loophole that prevents paying of taxes. I have no problem with closing a loophole for billionaire hedge fund managers. But that's NOT what he said.

This is what I am reading.... if the elections were held today Trump would win..... so OP...sour or not....that is the reality of the situation.

Trump Could Win It All
Elections are not being held today..............We are a long way off for the whole she bang...............A lot can happen in that time. Primaries..............well they are coming up pretty fast.

Cruz will probably win Iowa with Trump a close second, as Iowa is a HUGE Evangelical state and Cruz is heavy on Religion where Trump isn't. After that Trump will take everything except, perhaps California with it's heavy Hispanic population which Cruz again appeals to!
Perhaps. Doesn't change my lack of trust for him. In the general election I'll vote for him. Hell would have to Freeze over to vote for the Hildabeast.
'Tax Wall Street' Trump Pledges After Stock Market Selloff

"I know Wall Street. I know the people on Wall Street. We're going to have the greatest negotiators of the world, but at the same time I'm not going to let Wall Street get away with murder. Wall Street has caused tremendous problems for us. We're going to tax Wall Street."

Now, I'll be honest, I have no idea what he means by this... how the hell do you "tax Wall Street?" :dunno: But it sounds more like something Bernie Sanders would say... the left-wing anti-capitalist clap trap we've been accustomed to from Marxist socialists for years. I don't like that kind of talk. Give me some objective wisdom like making it harder for hedge fund managers to exploit tax loopholes... eliminate the damn loopholes with a flat tax or fair tax... any number of reasonable solutions that could be discussed. I don't like it when a supposed Conservative starts talking about "raising taxes" to fix problems.

That, coupled with his recent attacks on Cruz over his eligibility are putting me off in a really big way. I liked Trump, I liked how he came out swinging and didn't back down. I liked that he made the establishment look like fools and idiots. I loved the way he turned the liberal alarmist smear tactics into stronger poll numbers to their utter befuddlement. And... like I said, if he is the nominee, I will vote for him in the general election over the Democrat. But I'll be holding my nose.

He's talking about HEDGE FUNDS that make BILLIONS and pay little to NO TAX! He isn't talking about us SMALL PEOIPLE that own stock or have stocks in a retirement fund... he's stated this several times.

Trump: close hedge fund tax loophole - Connecticut Post
Connecticut Post
Sep 17, 2015 - In Wednesday's Republican presidential debate, Trump called for closing a loophole on how money management fees earned by hedge fund, ...

Well then he needs to be more careful about what he says. Closing a loophole is not "raising taxes" it's closing a loophole that prevents paying of taxes. I have no problem with closing a loophole for billionaire hedge fund managers. But that's NOT what he said.

This is what I am reading.... if the elections were held today Trump would win..... so OP...sour or not....that is the reality of the situation.

Trump Could Win It All
Elections are not being held today..............We are a long way off for the whole she bang...............A lot can happen in that time. Primaries..............well they are coming up pretty fast.

I am more worried about Hussein staging a flack op ....declaring Martial Law and staying in the White House forever!

He sees that the Socialist/DemoRATS are going to lose, and I can see a FALSE FLAG operation where he TRIES to do exactly that!

Obama confident he could win a third term as president ...
The Washington Times
Oct 14, 2015 - Confidence man: Obama boasts he could coast to third term as .... The Democrats would certainly rally around him, and he would have that .... The only reason the fool thinks this could happen is because his blind loyal supporters love his freebies .... is NOT the reason Obama can't, in fact, seek a third term.
He's talking about HEDGE FUNDS that make BILLIONS and pay little to NO TAX! He isn't talking about us SMALL PEOIPLE that own stock or have stocks in a retirement fund... he's stated this several times.

Trump: close hedge fund tax loophole - Connecticut Post
Connecticut Post
Sep 17, 2015 - In Wednesday's Republican presidential debate, Trump called for closing a loophole on how money management fees earned by hedge fund, ...

Well then he needs to be more careful about what he says. Closing a loophole is not "raising taxes" it's closing a loophole that prevents paying of taxes. I have no problem with closing a loophole for billionaire hedge fund managers. But that's NOT what he said.

This is what I am reading.... if the elections were held today Trump would win..... so OP...sour or not....that is the reality of the situation.

Trump Could Win It All
Elections are not being held today..............We are a long way off for the whole she bang...............A lot can happen in that time. Primaries..............well they are coming up pretty fast.

I am more worried about Hussein staging a flack op ....declaring Martial Law and staying in the White House forever!

He sees that the Socialist/DemoRATS are going to lose, and I can see a FALSE FLAG operation where he TRIES to do exactly that!

Obama confident he could win a third term as president ...
The Washington Times
Oct 14, 2015 - Confidence man: Obama boasts he could coast to third term as .... The Democrats would certainly rally around him, and he would have that .... The only reason the fool thinks this could happen is because his blind loyal supporters love his freebies .... is NOT the reason Obama can't, in fact, seek a third term.
He will not seek a third term. That limit is set..........and the people will never stand for that. I sure as hell will not..............does he want a Civil War?
He's talking about HEDGE FUNDS that make BILLIONS and pay little to NO TAX! He isn't talking about us SMALL PEOIPLE that own stock or have stocks in a retirement fund... he's stated this several times.

Trump: close hedge fund tax loophole - Connecticut Post
Connecticut Post
Sep 17, 2015 - In Wednesday's Republican presidential debate, Trump called for closing a loophole on how money management fees earned by hedge fund, ...

Well then he needs to be more careful about what he says. Closing a loophole is not "raising taxes" it's closing a loophole that prevents paying of taxes. I have no problem with closing a loophole for billionaire hedge fund managers. But that's NOT what he said.

This is what I am reading.... if the elections were held today Trump would win..... so OP...sour or not....that is the reality of the situation.

Trump Could Win It All
Elections are not being held today..............We are a long way off for the whole she bang...............A lot can happen in that time. Primaries..............well they are coming up pretty fast.

I am more worried about Hussein staging a flack op ....declaring Martial Law and staying in the White House forever!

He sees that the Socialist/DemoRATS are going to lose, and I can see a FALSE FLAG operation where he TRIES to do exactly that!

Obama confident he could win a third term as president ...
The Washington Times
Oct 14, 2015 - Confidence man: Obama boasts he could coast to third term as .... The Democrats would certainly rally around him, and he would have that .... The only reason the fool thinks this could happen is because his blind loyal supporters love his freebies .... is NOT the reason Obama can't, in fact, seek a third term.

I agree.

Only GOD knows what is he going to pull this time!

But I don't think it's going to be that easy for him.
Well then he needs to be more careful about what he says. Closing a loophole is not "raising taxes" it's closing a loophole that prevents paying of taxes. I have no problem with closing a loophole for billionaire hedge fund managers. But that's NOT what he said.

This is what I am reading.... if the elections were held today Trump would win..... so OP...sour or not....that is the reality of the situation.

Trump Could Win It All
Elections are not being held today..............We are a long way off for the whole she bang...............A lot can happen in that time. Primaries..............well they are coming up pretty fast.

I am more worried about Hussein staging a flack op ....declaring Martial Law and staying in the White House forever!

He sees that the Socialist/DemoRATS are going to lose, and I can see a FALSE FLAG operation where he TRIES to do exactly that!

Obama confident he could win a third term as president ...
The Washington Times
Oct 14, 2015 - Confidence man: Obama boasts he could coast to third term as .... The Democrats would certainly rally around him, and he would have that .... The only reason the fool thinks this could happen is because his blind loyal supporters love his freebies .... is NOT the reason Obama can't, in fact, seek a third term.
He will not seek a third term. That limit is set..........and the people will never stand for that. I sure as hell will not..............does he want a Civil War?

He doesn't care! IF he can push that agenda, and has say a Nuke go off in LA or NYC, who is there, in that time of emergency that would step in with the vast majority of the people SCARED and WORRIED about the situation...Do you change Presidents at a time of Emergency or war?
This is what I am reading.... if the elections were held today Trump would win..... so OP...sour or not....that is the reality of the situation.

Trump Could Win It All
Elections are not being held today..............We are a long way off for the whole she bang...............A lot can happen in that time. Primaries..............well they are coming up pretty fast.

I am more worried about Hussein staging a flack op ....declaring Martial Law and staying in the White House forever!

He sees that the Socialist/DemoRATS are going to lose, and I can see a FALSE FLAG operation where he TRIES to do exactly that!

Obama confident he could win a third term as president ...
The Washington Times
Oct 14, 2015 - Confidence man: Obama boasts he could coast to third term as .... The Democrats would certainly rally around him, and he would have that .... The only reason the fool thinks this could happen is because his blind loyal supporters love his freebies .... is NOT the reason Obama can't, in fact, seek a third term.
He will not seek a third term. That limit is set..........and the people will never stand for that. I sure as hell will not..............does he want a Civil War?

He doesn't care! IF he can push that agenda, and has say a Nuke go off in LA or NYC, who is there, in that time of emergency that would step in with the vast majority of the people SCARED and WORRIED about the situation...Do you change Presidents at a time of Emergency or war?

Or another San Bernardino ...in a school or a mall....heaven forbid!
This is what I am reading.... if the elections were held today Trump would win..... so OP...sour or not....that is the reality of the situation.

Trump Could Win It All
Elections are not being held today..............We are a long way off for the whole she bang...............A lot can happen in that time. Primaries..............well they are coming up pretty fast.

I am more worried about Hussein staging a flack op ....declaring Martial Law and staying in the White House forever!

He sees that the Socialist/DemoRATS are going to lose, and I can see a FALSE FLAG operation where he TRIES to do exactly that!

Obama confident he could win a third term as president ...
The Washington Times
Oct 14, 2015 - Confidence man: Obama boasts he could coast to third term as .... The Democrats would certainly rally around him, and he would have that .... The only reason the fool thinks this could happen is because his blind loyal supporters love his freebies .... is NOT the reason Obama can't, in fact, seek a third term.
He will not seek a third term. That limit is set..........and the people will never stand for that. I sure as hell will not..............does he want a Civil War?

He doesn't care! IF he can push that agenda, and has say a Nuke go off in LA or NYC, who is there, in that time of emergency that would step in with the vast majority of the people SCARED and WORRIED about the situation...Do you change Presidents at a time of Emergency or war?
Of course we'd still change Presidents............Commanders change in Wars all the time.................Just be a little chaotic from the onset. President's on their way in have a transition time anyway, as they can go to the agencies to get up to date on current events......This being done before they take office.
I started reading this OP hoping for an intelligent, thoughtful weighing of positions, strengths, weaknesses. Instead, we get blatant hackery:

but to instigate this sleazy left-wing tactic of criticizing his "natural born" status is too much.

After 7 years of wingnuts questioning Obama's legitimacy, it's now a Left-wing tactic?
Elections are not being held today..............We are a long way off for the whole she bang...............A lot can happen in that time. Primaries..............well they are coming up pretty fast.

I am more worried about Hussein staging a flack op ....declaring Martial Law and staying in the White House forever!

He sees that the Socialist/DemoRATS are going to lose, and I can see a FALSE FLAG operation where he TRIES to do exactly that!

Obama confident he could win a third term as president ...
The Washington Times
Oct 14, 2015 - Confidence man: Obama boasts he could coast to third term as .... The Democrats would certainly rally around him, and he would have that .... The only reason the fool thinks this could happen is because his blind loyal supporters love his freebies .... is NOT the reason Obama can't, in fact, seek a third term.
He will not seek a third term. That limit is set..........and the people will never stand for that. I sure as hell will not..............does he want a Civil War?

He doesn't care! IF he can push that agenda, and has say a Nuke go off in LA or NYC, who is there, in that time of emergency that would step in with the vast majority of the people SCARED and WORRIED about the situation...Do you change Presidents at a time of Emergency or war?

Or another San Bernardino ...in a school or a mall....heaven forbid!

Can you imagine what 4 heavily armed muslims could do in a mall in early October, with an election one month off... say 150-200 dead, another 200 wounded.... The San B, duo had IED'S set up to KILL the emergency responders, and luckily they were inoperative, but can you imagine the 10-20 more Police, fire and emergency responders being killed that way! I would think there would be HUGE UNREST with hatred towards muslims!
I started reading this OP hoping for an intelligent, thoughtful weighing of positions, strengths, weaknesses. Instead, we get blatant hackery:

but to instigate this sleazy left-wing tactic of criticizing his "natural born" status is too much.

After 7 years of wingnuts questioning Obama's legitimacy, it's now a Left-wing tactic?
The Hildabeast brought it up first........ya no........................In trying to beat Obama............
Elections are not being held today..............We are a long way off for the whole she bang...............A lot can happen in that time. Primaries..............well they are coming up pretty fast.

I am more worried about Hussein staging a flack op ....declaring Martial Law and staying in the White House forever!

He sees that the Socialist/DemoRATS are going to lose, and I can see a FALSE FLAG operation where he TRIES to do exactly that!

Obama confident he could win a third term as president ...
The Washington Times
Oct 14, 2015 - Confidence man: Obama boasts he could coast to third term as .... The Democrats would certainly rally around him, and he would have that .... The only reason the fool thinks this could happen is because his blind loyal supporters love his freebies .... is NOT the reason Obama can't, in fact, seek a third term.
He will not seek a third term. That limit is set..........and the people will never stand for that. I sure as hell will not..............does he want a Civil War?

He doesn't care! IF he can push that agenda, and has say a Nuke go off in LA or NYC, who is there, in that time of emergency that would step in with the vast majority of the people SCARED and WORRIED about the situation...Do you change Presidents at a time of Emergency or war?
Of course we'd still change Presidents............Commanders change in Wars all the time.................Just be a little chaotic from the onset. President's on their way in have a transition time anyway, as they can go to the agencies to get up to date on current events......This being done before they take office.

Would we???? It's NEVER been done before! There is NO PRECEDENT! A declaration of MARTIAL LAW would amend everything as we know it! Think 100,000 DEAD NYC civilians with a NUKE going off would be enough to declare martial law, and SUSPEND the Constitution?
I am more worried about Hussein staging a flack op ....declaring Martial Law and staying in the White House forever!

He sees that the Socialist/DemoRATS are going to lose, and I can see a FALSE FLAG operation where he TRIES to do exactly that!

Obama confident he could win a third term as president ...
The Washington Times
Oct 14, 2015 - Confidence man: Obama boasts he could coast to third term as .... The Democrats would certainly rally around him, and he would have that .... The only reason the fool thinks this could happen is because his blind loyal supporters love his freebies .... is NOT the reason Obama can't, in fact, seek a third term.
He will not seek a third term. That limit is set..........and the people will never stand for that. I sure as hell will not..............does he want a Civil War?

He doesn't care! IF he can push that agenda, and has say a Nuke go off in LA or NYC, who is there, in that time of emergency that would step in with the vast majority of the people SCARED and WORRIED about the situation...Do you change Presidents at a time of Emergency or war?

Or another San Bernardino ...in a school or a mall....heaven forbid!

Can you imagine what 4 heavily armed muslims could do in a mall in early October, with an election one month off... say 150-200 dead, another 200 wounded.... The San B, duo had IED'S set up to KILL the emergency responders, and luckily they were inoperative, but can you imagine the 10-20 more Police, fire and emergency responders being killed that way! I would think there would be HUGE UNREST with hatred towards muslims!

Just the thought is horrible... and then Hussein would say: " to protect all Americans I will impose Martial Law..... because I am such a good President....I will protect you all! I am so good to you"

And that's that.

The sheeple will be so happy.

....they deserve all the shit will come.
I am more worried about Hussein staging a flack op ....declaring Martial Law and staying in the White House forever!

He sees that the Socialist/DemoRATS are going to lose, and I can see a FALSE FLAG operation where he TRIES to do exactly that!

Obama confident he could win a third term as president ...
The Washington Times
Oct 14, 2015 - Confidence man: Obama boasts he could coast to third term as .... The Democrats would certainly rally around him, and he would have that .... The only reason the fool thinks this could happen is because his blind loyal supporters love his freebies .... is NOT the reason Obama can't, in fact, seek a third term.
He will not seek a third term. That limit is set..........and the people will never stand for that. I sure as hell will not..............does he want a Civil War?

He doesn't care! IF he can push that agenda, and has say a Nuke go off in LA or NYC, who is there, in that time of emergency that would step in with the vast majority of the people SCARED and WORRIED about the situation...Do you change Presidents at a time of Emergency or war?
Of course we'd still change Presidents............Commanders change in Wars all the time.................Just be a little chaotic from the onset. President's on their way in have a transition time anyway, as they can go to the agencies to get up to date on current events......This being done before they take office.

Would we???? It's NEVER been done before! There is NO PRECEDENT! A declaration of MARTIAL LAW would amend everything as we know it! Think 100,000 DEAD NYC civilians with a NUKE going off would be enough to declare martial law, and SUSPEND the Constitution?
I don't see that happening.
He sees that the Socialist/DemoRATS are going to lose, and I can see a FALSE FLAG operation where he TRIES to do exactly that!

Obama confident he could win a third term as president ...
The Washington Times
Oct 14, 2015 - Confidence man: Obama boasts he could coast to third term as .... The Democrats would certainly rally around him, and he would have that .... The only reason the fool thinks this could happen is because his blind loyal supporters love his freebies .... is NOT the reason Obama can't, in fact, seek a third term.
He will not seek a third term. That limit is set..........and the people will never stand for that. I sure as hell will not..............does he want a Civil War?

He doesn't care! IF he can push that agenda, and has say a Nuke go off in LA or NYC, who is there, in that time of emergency that would step in with the vast majority of the people SCARED and WORRIED about the situation...Do you change Presidents at a time of Emergency or war?
Of course we'd still change Presidents............Commanders change in Wars all the time.................Just be a little chaotic from the onset. President's on their way in have a transition time anyway, as they can go to the agencies to get up to date on current events......This being done before they take office.

Would we???? It's NEVER been done before! There is NO PRECEDENT! A declaration of MARTIAL LAW would amend everything as we know it! Think 100,000 DEAD NYC civilians with a NUKE going off would be enough to declare martial law, and SUSPEND the Constitution?
I don't see that happening.

Hope so.
He sees that the Socialist/DemoRATS are going to lose, and I can see a FALSE FLAG operation where he TRIES to do exactly that!

Obama confident he could win a third term as president ...
The Washington Times
Oct 14, 2015 - Confidence man: Obama boasts he could coast to third term as .... The Democrats would certainly rally around him, and he would have that .... The only reason the fool thinks this could happen is because his blind loyal supporters love his freebies .... is NOT the reason Obama can't, in fact, seek a third term.
He will not seek a third term. That limit is set..........and the people will never stand for that. I sure as hell will not..............does he want a Civil War?

He doesn't care! IF he can push that agenda, and has say a Nuke go off in LA or NYC, who is there, in that time of emergency that would step in with the vast majority of the people SCARED and WORRIED about the situation...Do you change Presidents at a time of Emergency or war?
Of course we'd still change Presidents............Commanders change in Wars all the time.................Just be a little chaotic from the onset. President's on their way in have a transition time anyway, as they can go to the agencies to get up to date on current events......This being done before they take office.

Would we???? It's NEVER been done before! There is NO PRECEDENT! A declaration of MARTIAL LAW would amend everything as we know it! Think 100,000 DEAD NYC civilians with a NUKE going off would be enough to declare martial law, and SUSPEND the Constitution?
I don't see that happening.

YOU along with the rest of us didn't see the WTC coming down killing almost 3,000 and basically STARTING this shit with muslims.... if that didn't happen we would never have gone to Afghanistan, and probably NOT Iraq!
He sees that the Socialist/DemoRATS are going to lose, and I can see a FALSE FLAG operation where he TRIES to do exactly that!

Obama confident he could win a third term as president ...
The Washington Times
Oct 14, 2015 - Confidence man: Obama boasts he could coast to third term as .... The Democrats would certainly rally around him, and he would have that .... The only reason the fool thinks this could happen is because his blind loyal supporters love his freebies .... is NOT the reason Obama can't, in fact, seek a third term.
He will not seek a third term. That limit is set..........and the people will never stand for that. I sure as hell will not..............does he want a Civil War?

He doesn't care! IF he can push that agenda, and has say a Nuke go off in LA or NYC, who is there, in that time of emergency that would step in with the vast majority of the people SCARED and WORRIED about the situation...Do you change Presidents at a time of Emergency or war?

Or another San Bernardino ...in a school or a mall....heaven forbid!

Can you imagine what 4 heavily armed muslims could do in a mall in early October, with an election one month off... say 150-200 dead, another 200 wounded.... The San B, duo had IED'S set up to KILL the emergency responders, and luckily they were inoperative, but can you imagine the 10-20 more Police, fire and emergency responders being killed that way! I would think there would be HUGE UNREST with hatred towards muslims!

Just the thought is horrible... and then Hussein would say: " to protect all Americans I will impose Martial Law..... because I am such a good President....I will protect you all! I am so good to you"

And that's that.

The sheeple will be so happy.

....they deserve all the shit will come.
He would be lynched like Tom Robinson. We would finally come to our collective senses.
This is what I am reading.... if the elections were held today Trump would win..... so OP...sour or not....that is the reality of the situation.

Trump Could Win It All
Elections are not being held today..............We are a long way off for the whole she bang...............A lot can happen in that time. Primaries..............well they are coming up pretty fast.

I am more worried about Hussein staging a flack op ....declaring Martial Law and staying in the White House forever!

He sees that the Socialist/DemoRATS are going to lose, and I can see a FALSE FLAG operation where he TRIES to do exactly that!

Obama confident he could win a third term as president ...
The Washington Times
Oct 14, 2015 - Confidence man: Obama boasts he could coast to third term as .... The Democrats would certainly rally around him, and he would have that .... The only reason the fool thinks this could happen is because his blind loyal supporters love his freebies .... is NOT the reason Obama can't, in fact, seek a third term.
He will not seek a third term. That limit is set..........and the people will never stand for that. I sure as hell will not..............does he want a Civil War?

He doesn't care! IF he can push that agenda, and has say a Nuke go off in LA or NYC, who is there, in that time of emergency that would step in with the vast majority of the people SCARED and WORRIED about the situation...Do you change Presidents at a time of Emergency or war?
------------------------------- well yeah you do if its a cic like mrobama !!
OK, you loonies.

One, Obama will quietly and peacefully leave office.

Two, Trump will not be the one to succeed him.

You all need to act like adults.
He will not seek a third term. That limit is set..........and the people will never stand for that. I sure as hell will not..............does he want a Civil War?

He doesn't care! IF he can push that agenda, and has say a Nuke go off in LA or NYC, who is there, in that time of emergency that would step in with the vast majority of the people SCARED and WORRIED about the situation...Do you change Presidents at a time of Emergency or war?

Or another San Bernardino ...in a school or a mall....heaven forbid!

Can you imagine what 4 heavily armed muslims could do in a mall in early October, with an election one month off... say 150-200 dead, another 200 wounded.... The San B, duo had IED'S set up to KILL the emergency responders, and luckily they were inoperative, but can you imagine the 10-20 more Police, fire and emergency responders being killed that way! I would think there would be HUGE UNREST with hatred towards muslims!

Just the thought is horrible... and then Hussein would say: " to protect all Americans I will impose Martial Law..... because I am such a good President....I will protect you all! I am so good to you"

And that's that.

The sheeple will be so happy.

....they deserve all the shit will come.
He would be lynched like Tom Robinson. We would finally come to our collective senses.

BULLSHIT... the American people would be so afraid, that he could do almost anything and have basically ONLY A HANDFUL of politicians against him.... Polls would have his approval of doing that at over 70% and the feckless Congress would do nothing... They do his bidding NOW and there is NO FUCKING REASON to do so!
He will not seek a third term. That limit is set..........and the people will never stand for that. I sure as hell will not..............does he want a Civil War?

He doesn't care! IF he can push that agenda, and has say a Nuke go off in LA or NYC, who is there, in that time of emergency that would step in with the vast majority of the people SCARED and WORRIED about the situation...Do you change Presidents at a time of Emergency or war?
Of course we'd still change Presidents............Commanders change in Wars all the time.................Just be a little chaotic from the onset. President's on their way in have a transition time anyway, as they can go to the agencies to get up to date on current events......This being done before they take office.

Would we???? It's NEVER been done before! There is NO PRECEDENT! A declaration of MARTIAL LAW would amend everything as we know it! Think 100,000 DEAD NYC civilians with a NUKE going off would be enough to declare martial law, and SUSPEND the Constitution?
I don't see that happening.

YOU along with the rest of us didn't see the WTC coming down killing almost 3,000 and basically STARTING this shit with muslims.... if that didn't happen we would never have gone to Afghanistan, and probably NOT Iraq!
We've been fighting those asshats since I was in the service in the 80's and before. Having to fight them has never been a question of if but when......................They have been doing Caliphates since Mohamed...............and YOU being I wasn't in the Classified briefings.

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