I'm starting to sour on Trump

Well then he needs to be more careful about what he says. Closing a loophole is not "raising taxes" it's closing a loophole that prevents paying of taxes. I have no problem with closing a loophole for billionaire hedge fund managers. But that's NOT what he said.

This is what I am reading.... if the elections were held today Trump would win..... so OP...sour or not....that is the reality of the situation.

Trump Could Win It All
Elections are not being held today..............We are a long way off for the whole she bang...............A lot can happen in that time. Primaries..............well they are coming up pretty fast.

I am more worried about Hussein staging a flack op ....declaring Martial Law and staying in the White House forever!

He sees that the Socialist/DemoRATS are going to lose, and I can see a FALSE FLAG operation where he TRIES to do exactly that!

Obama confident he could win a third term as president ...
The Washington Times
Oct 14, 2015 - Confidence man: Obama boasts he could coast to third term as .... The Democrats would certainly rally around him, and he would have that .... The only reason the fool thinks this could happen is because his blind loyal supporters love his freebies .... is NOT the reason Obama can't, in fact, seek a third term.
He will not seek a third term. That limit is set..........and the people will never stand for that. I sure as hell will not..............does he want a Civil War?

You are treating two freaks like they are normal people. That makes you look stupid.
OK, you loonies.

One, Obama will quietly and peacefully leave office.

Two, Trump will not be the one to succeed him.

You all need to act like adults.
This is what I am reading.... if the elections were held today Trump would win..... so OP...sour or not....that is the reality of the situation.

Trump Could Win It All
Elections are not being held today..............We are a long way off for the whole she bang...............A lot can happen in that time. Primaries..............well they are coming up pretty fast.

I am more worried about Hussein staging a flack op ....declaring Martial Law and staying in the White House forever!

He sees that the Socialist/DemoRATS are going to lose, and I can see a FALSE FLAG operation where he TRIES to do exactly that!

Obama confident he could win a third term as president ...
The Washington Times
Oct 14, 2015 - Confidence man: Obama boasts he could coast to third term as .... The Democrats would certainly rally around him, and he would have that .... The only reason the fool thinks this could happen is because his blind loyal supporters love his freebies .... is NOT the reason Obama can't, in fact, seek a third term.
He will not seek a third term. That limit is set..........and the people will never stand for that. I sure as hell will not..............does he want a Civil War?

He doesn't care! IF he can push that agenda, and has say a Nuke go off in LA or NYC, who is there, in that time of emergency that would step in with the vast majority of the people SCARED and WORRIED about the situation...Do you change Presidents at a time of Emergency or war?

The Constitution contains no exceptions.
Perhaps the thread is supposed to be about Trump and not the conspiracy of Obama's 3rd term.
This is what I am reading.... if the elections were held today Trump would win..... so OP...sour or not....that is the reality of the situation.

Trump Could Win It All
Elections are not being held today..............We are a long way off for the whole she bang...............A lot can happen in that time. Primaries..............well they are coming up pretty fast.

I am more worried about Hussein staging a flack op ....declaring Martial Law and staying in the White House forever!

He sees that the Socialist/DemoRATS are going to lose, and I can see a FALSE FLAG operation where he TRIES to do exactly that!

Obama confident he could win a third term as president ...
The Washington Times
Oct 14, 2015 - Confidence man: Obama boasts he could coast to third term as .... The Democrats would certainly rally around him, and he would have that .... The only reason the fool thinks this could happen is because his blind loyal supporters love his freebies .... is NOT the reason Obama can't, in fact, seek a third term.
He will not seek a third term. That limit is set..........and the people will never stand for that. I sure as hell will not..............does he want a Civil War?

You are treating two freaks like they are normal people. That makes you look stupid.
He doesn't care! IF he can push that agenda, and has say a Nuke go off in LA or NYC, who is there, in that time of emergency that would step in with the vast majority of the people SCARED and WORRIED about the situation...Do you change Presidents at a time of Emergency or war?

Or another San Bernardino ...in a school or a mall....heaven forbid!

Can you imagine what 4 heavily armed muslims could do in a mall in early October, with an election one month off... say 150-200 dead, another 200 wounded.... The San B, duo had IED'S set up to KILL the emergency responders, and luckily they were inoperative, but can you imagine the 10-20 more Police, fire and emergency responders being killed that way! I would think there would be HUGE UNREST with hatred towards muslims!

Just the thought is horrible... and then Hussein would say: " to protect all Americans I will impose Martial Law..... because I am such a good President....I will protect you all! I am so good to you"

And that's that.

The sheeple will be so happy.

....they deserve all the shit will come.
He would be lynched like Tom Robinson. We would finally come to our collective senses.

BULLSHIT... the American people would be so afraid, that he could do almost anything and have basically ONLY A HANDFUL of politicians against him.... Polls would have his approval of doing that at over 70% and the feckless Congress would do nothing... They do his bidding NOW and there is NO FUCKING REASON to do so!

The American people (not all) would beg Barack Obama to declare Martial Law...I can almost visualize all the left wing bleeding hearts..... Please Mr President !!!!...................Please declare Martial Law to protect us!

It is all so clear to see.
You guys worrying about Obama pulling some funny business, declaring martial law and remaining in office... not gonna happen.

First of all, it wouldn't be up to the president to decide. Congress would have to approve it, unless... for some god-forsaken reason... Congress no longer existed. In THAT case, Obama remaining the president isn't going to be your biggest concern.

I don't think Obama, even being as narcissistic as he is, has any designs on remaining in power after his term is over. I think he would rather exit gracefully and parlay his ex-president status into a highly-sought political voice around the world. He will continue to be the Marxist he has always been, preaching his same socialist agenda and "community organizing" for social justice. He'll be around for years, soaking up your tax dollars in secret service protection, available for the Democrats to trot out every now and then, just like Bill Clinton.
Elections are not being held today..............We are a long way off for the whole she bang...............A lot can happen in that time. Primaries..............well they are coming up pretty fast.

I am more worried about Hussein staging a flack op ....declaring Martial Law and staying in the White House forever!

He sees that the Socialist/DemoRATS are going to lose, and I can see a FALSE FLAG operation where he TRIES to do exactly that!

Obama confident he could win a third term as president ...
The Washington Times
Oct 14, 2015 - Confidence man: Obama boasts he could coast to third term as .... The Democrats would certainly rally around him, and he would have that .... The only reason the fool thinks this could happen is because his blind loyal supporters love his freebies .... is NOT the reason Obama can't, in fact, seek a third term.
He will not seek a third term. That limit is set..........and the people will never stand for that. I sure as hell will not..............does he want a Civil War?

He doesn't care! IF he can push that agenda, and has say a Nuke go off in LA or NYC, who is there, in that time of emergency that would step in with the vast majority of the people SCARED and WORRIED about the situation...Do you change Presidents at a time of Emergency or war?

The Constitution contains no exceptions.
And who would stop him, being he is in charge of the FBI, DOJ and the entire military?
I have never trusted Trump. EVER. If it's him and the Hildabeast I'll vote for him as the lessor of evils vote, but will not vote for him in the primaries.
Trump saved us from having Bush crammed down our throats again by the GOP, but that doesn't mean he would make a good president. I've said it before, just imagine that intemperate mouth flapping untethered when he's talking to world leaders, many of whom have nukes.
I think it's a show and that he's a Trojan Horse for Hillary............always have...............I think he'll throw the election if nominated......................If he doesn't take the nod then he'll cry foul and go 3rd party...............

What don't you get that he can buy and sell BOTH Clinton's? WTF would he do that for when HE CAN BE THE BOSS?
And then return to his native political set point and advance the Democrat agenda. Will you Branch Trumpidians take responsibility for ignoring the last 20 years in which Trump has proven himself a gun control socialist?

That's such a crock of shit, I can't believe YOU even thought it You still don't understand he was doing ALL his business in a Democratic State? You think he could get permits, and variances if he was a Republican and stated as such? The man was a BUSINESSMAN, and you do what is necessary to do business....do you realize what he would do to credibility and his ability to govern with a Republican Congress already hating him for STEPPING ALL OVER their BIG DONORS and LOBBYISTS shoes, and what would happen if he did that!!!
So he sold his soul to Satan, for money? :D
This is what I am reading.... if the elections were held today Trump would win..... so OP...sour or not....that is the reality of the situation.

Trump Could Win It All
Elections are not being held today..............We are a long way off for the whole she bang...............A lot can happen in that time. Primaries..............well they are coming up pretty fast.

I am more worried about Hussein staging a flack op ....declaring Martial Law and staying in the White House forever!

He sees that the Socialist/DemoRATS are going to lose, and I can see a FALSE FLAG operation where he TRIES to do exactly that!

Obama confident he could win a third term as president ...
The Washington Times
Oct 14, 2015 - Confidence man: Obama boasts he could coast to third term as .... The Democrats would certainly rally around him, and he would have that .... The only reason the fool thinks this could happen is because his blind loyal supporters love his freebies .... is NOT the reason Obama can't, in fact, seek a third term.
He will not seek a third term. That limit is set..........and the people will never stand for that. I sure as hell will not..............does he want a Civil War?

You are treating two freaks like they are normal people. That makes you look stupid.
What I said to Fakey applies to you as well..............You are a waste of space on who you will vote for...........the Hildabeast..............who's a Lying SACk.
I am more worried about Hussein staging a flack op ....declaring Martial Law and staying in the White House forever!

He sees that the Socialist/DemoRATS are going to lose, and I can see a FALSE FLAG operation where he TRIES to do exactly that!

Obama confident he could win a third term as president ...
The Washington Times
Oct 14, 2015 - Confidence man: Obama boasts he could coast to third term as .... The Democrats would certainly rally around him, and he would have that .... The only reason the fool thinks this could happen is because his blind loyal supporters love his freebies .... is NOT the reason Obama can't, in fact, seek a third term.
He will not seek a third term. That limit is set..........and the people will never stand for that. I sure as hell will not..............does he want a Civil War?

He doesn't care! IF he can push that agenda, and has say a Nuke go off in LA or NYC, who is there, in that time of emergency that would step in with the vast majority of the people SCARED and WORRIED about the situation...Do you change Presidents at a time of Emergency or war?

Or another San Bernardino ...in a school or a mall....heaven forbid!

Can you imagine what 4 heavily armed muslims could do in a mall in early October, with an election one month off... say 150-200 dead, another 200 wounded.... The San B, duo had IED'S set up to KILL the emergency responders, and luckily they were inoperative, but can you imagine the 10-20 more Police, fire and emergency responders being killed that way! I would think there would be HUGE UNREST with hatred towards muslims!

That still does not change the Constitutional process of changing the office..
He sees that the Socialist/DemoRATS are going to lose, and I can see a FALSE FLAG operation where he TRIES to do exactly that!

Obama confident he could win a third term as president ...
The Washington Times
Oct 14, 2015 - Confidence man: Obama boasts he could coast to third term as .... The Democrats would certainly rally around him, and he would have that .... The only reason the fool thinks this could happen is because his blind loyal supporters love his freebies .... is NOT the reason Obama can't, in fact, seek a third term.
He will not seek a third term. That limit is set..........and the people will never stand for that. I sure as hell will not..............does he want a Civil War?

He doesn't care! IF he can push that agenda, and has say a Nuke go off in LA or NYC, who is there, in that time of emergency that would step in with the vast majority of the people SCARED and WORRIED about the situation...Do you change Presidents at a time of Emergency or war?

Or another San Bernardino ...in a school or a mall....heaven forbid!

Can you imagine what 4 heavily armed muslims could do in a mall in early October, with an election one month off... say 150-200 dead, another 200 wounded.... The San B, duo had IED'S set up to KILL the emergency responders, and luckily they were inoperative, but can you imagine the 10-20 more Police, fire and emergency responders being killed that way! I would think there would be HUGE UNREST with hatred towards muslims!

That still does not change the Constitutional process of changing the office..

And as the CIC would say...So what, who will do something about it? I'm asking YOU, WHo has the power to step in on a seated president IN WAR?
Elections are not being held today..............We are a long way off for the whole she bang...............A lot can happen in that time. Primaries..............well they are coming up pretty fast.

I am more worried about Hussein staging a flack op ....declaring Martial Law and staying in the White House forever!

He sees that the Socialist/DemoRATS are going to lose, and I can see a FALSE FLAG operation where he TRIES to do exactly that!

Obama confident he could win a third term as president ...
The Washington Times
Oct 14, 2015 - Confidence man: Obama boasts he could coast to third term as .... The Democrats would certainly rally around him, and he would have that .... The only reason the fool thinks this could happen is because his blind loyal supporters love his freebies .... is NOT the reason Obama can't, in fact, seek a third term.
He will not seek a third term. That limit is set..........and the people will never stand for that. I sure as hell will not..............does he want a Civil War?

You are treating two freaks like they are normal people. That makes you look stupid.
What I said to Fakey applies to you as well..............You are a waste of space on who you will vote for...........the Hildabeast..............who's a Lying SACk.

You are sitting here having what you think is an adult discussion......with two lunatics.....about how Obama could ruin America with a Muslim mall attack. You must know that this makes you look like an idiot.

You "don't think that will happen"? Way to go out on that limb, genius.

I'm not going to vote for Hillary in the primary, dumb shit. Learn, then type.
Trump saved us from having Bush crammed down our throats again by the GOP, but that doesn't mean he would make a good president. I've said it before, just imagine that intemperate mouth flapping untethered when he's talking to world leaders, many of whom have nukes.
I think it's a show and that he's a Trojan Horse for Hillary............always have...............I think he'll throw the election if nominated......................If he doesn't take the nod then he'll cry foul and go 3rd party...............

What don't you get that he can buy and sell BOTH Clinton's? WTF would he do that for when HE CAN BE THE BOSS?
And then return to his native political set point and advance the Democrat agenda. Will you Branch Trumpidians take responsibility for ignoring the last 20 years in which Trump has proven himself a gun control socialist?

That's such a crock of shit, I can't believe YOU even thought it You still don't understand he was doing ALL his business in a Democratic State? You think he could get permits, and variances if he was a Republican and stated as such? The man was a BUSINESSMAN, and you do what is necessary to do business....do you realize what he would do to credibility and his ability to govern with a Republican Congress already hating him for STEPPING ALL OVER their BIG DONORS and LOBBYISTS shoes, and what would happen if he did that!!!
So he sold his soul to Satan, for money? :D

You mean $10 BILLION isn't enough for Trump... Sometimes C4A you get stupid!
He will not seek a third term. That limit is set..........and the people will never stand for that. I sure as hell will not..............does he want a Civil War?

He doesn't care! IF he can push that agenda, and has say a Nuke go off in LA or NYC, who is there, in that time of emergency that would step in with the vast majority of the people SCARED and WORRIED about the situation...Do you change Presidents at a time of Emergency or war?

Or another San Bernardino ...in a school or a mall....heaven forbid!

Can you imagine what 4 heavily armed muslims could do in a mall in early October, with an election one month off... say 150-200 dead, another 200 wounded.... The San B, duo had IED'S set up to KILL the emergency responders, and luckily they were inoperative, but can you imagine the 10-20 more Police, fire and emergency responders being killed that way! I would think there would be HUGE UNREST with hatred towards muslims!

That still does not change the Constitutional process of changing the office..

And as the CIC would say...So what, who will do something about it? I'm asking YOU, WHo has the power to step in on a seated president IN WAR?

The Chief Justice would swear in the new President and the old one is no longer in command. Read your Constitution. There are no exceptions granted.

Obama's term of office ends at noon on January 20th, 2017. End of story.
He doesn't care! IF he can push that agenda, and has say a Nuke go off in LA or NYC, who is there, in that time of emergency that would step in with the vast majority of the people SCARED and WORRIED about the situation...Do you change Presidents at a time of Emergency or war?

Or another San Bernardino ...in a school or a mall....heaven forbid!

Can you imagine what 4 heavily armed muslims could do in a mall in early October, with an election one month off... say 150-200 dead, another 200 wounded.... The San B, duo had IED'S set up to KILL the emergency responders, and luckily they were inoperative, but can you imagine the 10-20 more Police, fire and emergency responders being killed that way! I would think there would be HUGE UNREST with hatred towards muslims!

That still does not change the Constitutional process of changing the office..

And as the CIC would say...So what, who will do something about it? I'm asking YOU, WHo has the power to step in on a seated president IN WAR?

The Chief Justice would swear in the new President and the old one is no longer in command. Read your Constitution. There are no exceptions granted.

Obama's term of office ends at noon on January 20th, 2017. End of story.

Well ...Roosevelt served a fourth term....

so there is a precedent

Lord save us all

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