I'm starting to sour on Trump

He will not seek a third term. That limit is set..........and the people will never stand for that. I sure as hell will not..............does he want a Civil War?

He doesn't care! IF he can push that agenda, and has say a Nuke go off in LA or NYC, who is there, in that time of emergency that would step in with the vast majority of the people SCARED and WORRIED about the situation...Do you change Presidents at a time of Emergency or war?
Of course we'd still change Presidents............Commanders change in Wars all the time.................Just be a little chaotic from the onset. President's on their way in have a transition time anyway, as they can go to the agencies to get up to date on current events......This being done before they take office.

Would we???? It's NEVER been done before! There is NO PRECEDENT! A declaration of MARTIAL LAW would amend everything as we know it! Think 100,000 DEAD NYC civilians with a NUKE going off would be enough to declare martial law, and SUSPEND the Constitution?

Where does it say in the Constitution that a sitting president can do any of that?
Where does it say he can't in an emergency? Again I ask who can stop him, a SCOTUS certainly can't...they have NO POWER to back up anything they say!

His term ends on January 20th, 2017 at noon. The president-elect is sworn in and becomes Commander-in-Chief.

Do you know about the Army's 3rd Infantry Regiment (The Old Guard) that are stationed at Fort Myer, VA? They are tasked with maintaining order in Washington in case of emergency. Should it be necessary, they could be ordered by the new commander-in-chief to remove the former president. They all swear and oath to the Constitution, not a former president.
I am more worried about Hussein staging a flack op ....declaring Martial Law and staying in the White House forever!

He sees that the Socialist/DemoRATS are going to lose, and I can see a FALSE FLAG operation where he TRIES to do exactly that!

Obama confident he could win a third term as president ...
The Washington Times
Oct 14, 2015 - Confidence man: Obama boasts he could coast to third term as .... The Democrats would certainly rally around him, and he would have that .... The only reason the fool thinks this could happen is because his blind loyal supporters love his freebies .... is NOT the reason Obama can't, in fact, seek a third term.
He will not seek a third term. That limit is set..........and the people will never stand for that. I sure as hell will not..............does he want a Civil War?

He doesn't care! IF he can push that agenda, and has say a Nuke go off in LA or NYC, who is there, in that time of emergency that would step in with the vast majority of the people SCARED and WORRIED about the situation...Do you change Presidents at a time of Emergency or war?

The Constitution contains no exceptions.
And who would stop him, being he is in charge of the FBI, DOJ and the entire military?

Read my post concerning the transition and what happens should he refuse to turn over the reigns of power.

The military swears an oath to the Constitution, not Obama.

You also have no idea how many in the military harbor little to no respect for Obama personally, but must follow his orders as Commander-in-Chief. If the Constitution says he is no longer in office, they will follow the orders of the new CIC, just as though those in the FBI and DOJ will if they abide by their oaths.
He doesn't care! IF he can push that agenda, and has say a Nuke go off in LA or NYC, who is there, in that time of emergency that would step in with the vast majority of the people SCARED and WORRIED about the situation...Do you change Presidents at a time of Emergency or war?
Of course we'd still change Presidents............Commanders change in Wars all the time.................Just be a little chaotic from the onset. President's on their way in have a transition time anyway, as they can go to the agencies to get up to date on current events......This being done before they take office.

Would we???? It's NEVER been done before! There is NO PRECEDENT! A declaration of MARTIAL LAW would amend everything as we know it! Think 100,000 DEAD NYC civilians with a NUKE going off would be enough to declare martial law, and SUSPEND the Constitution?

Where does it say in the Constitution that a sitting president can do any of that?
Where does it say he can't in an emergency? Again I ask who can stop him, a SCOTUS certainly can't...they have NO POWER to back up anything they say!

His term ends on January 20th, 2017 at noon. The president-elect is sworn in and becomes Commander-in-Chief.

Do you know about the Army's 3rd Infantry Regiment (The Old Guard) that are stationed at Fort Myer, VA? They are tasked with maintaining order in Washington in case of emergency. Should it be necessary, they could be ordered by the new commander-in-chief to remove the former president. They all swear and oath to the Constitution, not a former president.

YOU DON'T GET IT, there IS NO NEW CIC, the incident happened BEFORE THE Nov. 2016 election! Who would direct those men against a STANDING CIC that just declared Martial Law?.... There is NO SCENARIO that is so FICTIONAL that these muslim terrorists couldn't come up with, or a muslim supporter in the WH couldn't go along with...and it doesn't have to be the CIC as the muslim supporter in the WH, there are several others!
He sees that the Socialist/DemoRATS are going to lose, and I can see a FALSE FLAG operation where he TRIES to do exactly that!

Obama confident he could win a third term as president ...
The Washington Times
Oct 14, 2015 - Confidence man: Obama boasts he could coast to third term as .... The Democrats would certainly rally around him, and he would have that .... The only reason the fool thinks this could happen is because his blind loyal supporters love his freebies .... is NOT the reason Obama can't, in fact, seek a third term.
He will not seek a third term. That limit is set..........and the people will never stand for that. I sure as hell will not..............does he want a Civil War?

He doesn't care! IF he can push that agenda, and has say a Nuke go off in LA or NYC, who is there, in that time of emergency that would step in with the vast majority of the people SCARED and WORRIED about the situation...Do you change Presidents at a time of Emergency or war?

The Constitution contains no exceptions.
And who would stop him, being he is in charge of the FBI, DOJ and the entire military?

Read my post concerning the transition and what happens should he refuse to turn over the reigns of power.

The military swears an oath to the Constitution, not Obama.

You also have no idea how many in the military harbor little to no respect for Obama personally, but must follow his orders as Commander-in-Chief. If the Constitution says he is no longer in office, they will follow the orders of the new CIC, just as though those in the FBI and DOJ will if they abide by their oaths.

Who would DECLARE he is NOT PRESIDENT and CIC anymore?...A DIVIDED Congress? A feckless SCOTUS that has NO POWER? WHO would make him stand down? The Constitution is a piece of paper that this clown has walked all over already, and NO ONE has stopped or even tried to stop him! TELL ME WHO, NAME A NAME,
He will not seek a third term. That limit is set..........and the people will never stand for that. I sure as hell will not..............does he want a Civil War?

He doesn't care! IF he can push that agenda, and has say a Nuke go off in LA or NYC, who is there, in that time of emergency that would step in with the vast majority of the people SCARED and WORRIED about the situation...Do you change Presidents at a time of Emergency or war?

Or another San Bernardino ...in a school or a mall....heaven forbid!

Can you imagine what 4 heavily armed muslims could do in a mall in early October, with an election one month off... say 150-200 dead, another 200 wounded.... The San B, duo had IED'S set up to KILL the emergency responders, and luckily they were inoperative, but can you imagine the 10-20 more Police, fire and emergency responders being killed that way! I would think there would be HUGE UNREST with hatred towards muslims!

That still does not change the Constitutional process of changing the office..

And as the CIC would say...So what, who will do something about it? I'm asking YOU, WHo has the power to step in on a seated president IN WAR?

The Constitution lays out the process. Obama cannot change that. Truman was in office in 1948 when Ike was elected and we were in the midst of Korea. Do you think Truman wanted to stay in office that he could get away with it?

Johnson was in office during Vietnam, and he left.

Would Bush have been justified in staying in office if Kerry would have won in 2004?
He will not seek a third term. That limit is set..........and the people will never stand for that. I sure as hell will not..............does he want a Civil War?

He doesn't care! IF he can push that agenda, and has say a Nuke go off in LA or NYC, who is there, in that time of emergency that would step in with the vast majority of the people SCARED and WORRIED about the situation...Do you change Presidents at a time of Emergency or war?

The Constitution contains no exceptions.
And who would stop him, being he is in charge of the FBI, DOJ and the entire military?

Read my post concerning the transition and what happens should he refuse to turn over the reigns of power.

The military swears an oath to the Constitution, not Obama.

You also have no idea how many in the military harbor little to no respect for Obama personally, but must follow his orders as Commander-in-Chief. If the Constitution says he is no longer in office, they will follow the orders of the new CIC, just as though those in the FBI and DOJ will if they abide by their oaths.

Who would DECLARE he is NOT PRESIDENT and CIC anymore?...A DIVIDED Congress? A feckless SCOTUS that has NO POWER? WHO would make him stand down? The Constitution is a piece of paper that this clown has walked all over already, and NO ONE has stopped or even tried to stop him! TELL ME WHO, NAME A NAME,

Please stop posting and go read the Constitution. You are wiping your ass on it with every post and you are starting to sound like a liberal conspiracy nut.
He doesn't care! IF he can push that agenda, and has say a Nuke go off in LA or NYC, who is there, in that time of emergency that would step in with the vast majority of the people SCARED and WORRIED about the situation...Do you change Presidents at a time of Emergency or war?

Or another San Bernardino ...in a school or a mall....heaven forbid!

Can you imagine what 4 heavily armed muslims could do in a mall in early October, with an election one month off... say 150-200 dead, another 200 wounded.... The San B, duo had IED'S set up to KILL the emergency responders, and luckily they were inoperative, but can you imagine the 10-20 more Police, fire and emergency responders being killed that way! I would think there would be HUGE UNREST with hatred towards muslims!

That still does not change the Constitutional process of changing the office..

And as the CIC would say...So what, who will do something about it? I'm asking YOU, WHo has the power to step in on a seated president IN WAR?

The Constitution lays out the process. Obama cannot change that. Truman was in office in 1948 when Ike was elected and we were in the midst of Korea. Do you think Truman wanted to stay in office that he could get away with it?

Johnson was in office during Vietnam, and he left.

Would Bush have been justified in staying in office if Kerry would have won in 2004?

We are talking about an EMERGENCY HERE IN AMERICA with hundreds of thousands DEAD, It would be a WAR like no other! You still have no idea of what we are talking about!
He doesn't care! IF he can push that agenda, and has say a Nuke go off in LA or NYC, who is there, in that time of emergency that would step in with the vast majority of the people SCARED and WORRIED about the situation...Do you change Presidents at a time of Emergency or war?

The Constitution contains no exceptions.
And who would stop him, being he is in charge of the FBI, DOJ and the entire military?

Read my post concerning the transition and what happens should he refuse to turn over the reigns of power.

The military swears an oath to the Constitution, not Obama.

You also have no idea how many in the military harbor little to no respect for Obama personally, but must follow his orders as Commander-in-Chief. If the Constitution says he is no longer in office, they will follow the orders of the new CIC, just as though those in the FBI and DOJ will if they abide by their oaths.

Who would DECLARE he is NOT PRESIDENT and CIC anymore?...A DIVIDED Congress? A feckless SCOTUS that has NO POWER? WHO would make him stand down? The Constitution is a piece of paper that this clown has walked all over already, and NO ONE has stopped or even tried to stop him! TELL ME WHO, NAME A NAME,

Please stop posting and go read the Constitution. You are wiping your ass on it with every post and you are starting to sound like a liberal conspiracy nut.

Yes 9/11 SOUNDED like a huge FANTASY, UNTIL IT HAPPENED... You're simply NOT understanding, and I have no idea why, you don't seem to be a dumbass!
That still does not change the Constitutional process of changing the office..

And as the CIC would say...So what, who will do something about it? I'm asking YOU, WHo has the power to step in on a seated president IN WAR?

The Chief Justice would swear in the new President and the old one is no longer in command. Read your Constitution. There are no exceptions granted.

Obama's term of office ends at noon on January 20th, 2017. End of story.
Who is the NEW CIC...Joe Biden!!! BY THE Constitution! And who says we would have elections if a nuke happened a month before. with 100,000 DEAD! Yes, muslims couldn't possibly attack the WTC with 2 passager planes that they hijacked, that's PREPOSTEROUS!

Man, tripling down on being ignorant now? The president elect is certified by Congress. Read your Constitution and stop making shit up as you go!

There are no exceptions!

There is NO PRESIDENT ELECT, we are talking about a NU<KE going off in October a MONTH before elections... How is California going to vote with 100,000 dead a nuclear waste all over the West coast?

The Constitution contains no exceptions. Try reading it.
All through this campaign I've enjoyed the Trumpster keeping the Establishment goobs on their heels, putting forward the issues the American people want addressed and making fools of those who attempt to smear and jeer him. I've admired the way he has taken the typical personal attacks and turned them into political points. The way he has turned political correctness on it's ear is something to behold. I've gone on record to say that he's not my first choice but if he wins the nomination I will support him. However, I am now couching that statement with the fact that I will be most definitely holding my nose if I have to vote for Trump in the general election.

In recent weeks he has changed me from being a tacit supporter to someone who certainly doesn't want him to win the nomination or be the next president. This has nothing to do with anything the liberals or establishment GOP has hurled at him. it's all based upon his own words and actions. I can accept his rhetoric, even when it has been extreme and over the top. Mostly because I realize he is saying things that are resonating as a populist and when it comes down to brass tacks, he will have to work with Congress who isn't going to support extremist rhetoric. So it's not the "far-out" shit that he says sometimes, I can accept all of that.

It started when he began the liberal left tactic of attacking Ted Cruz on his citizenship. He made other comments regarding Cruz and I sort of shrugged those off as typical campaigning. I can overlook a few personal digs here and there but to instigate this sleazy left-wing tactic of criticizing his "natural born" status is too much. Add to that, his most recent call for massive taxation on Wall Street, and I have to pull the plug. That is simply buying into the Marxist rhetoric of the left and not a Conservative principle. I can dig that we need to reform some laws and make it more difficult for hedge fund managers to exploit tax loopholes but to introduce a plan to massively increase taxes across the board is not something I can support.

While I can appreciate that he doesn't employ speech writers or use a teleprompter, he repeatedly ends up contradicting things he said previously. For instance, one week he is supporting Obama's bringing Syrian refugees here... "We've gotta do it!" The very next week he calls for a ban on all Muslims entering the country. He is constantly putting his supporters in the embarrassing position of having to defend his contradictions... not to mention his brash statements.

His latest "tax Wall Street" nonsense sounds more like Bernie Sanders than anything else. This guy is NOT a Conservative and he is proving it for everyone to see. If it all comes down to Trump vs. whatever liberal idiot the Democrats nominate, I'll probably still vote for him with reservations. I don't believe he would nominate radical left wing activists to the court, but maybe I'm wrong about that too? Who knows with this guy? He could very well be working with the Clintons and simply be 'punking' the GOP.
Color me surprised.
The Constitution contains no exceptions.
And who would stop him, being he is in charge of the FBI, DOJ and the entire military?

Read my post concerning the transition and what happens should he refuse to turn over the reigns of power.

The military swears an oath to the Constitution, not Obama.

You also have no idea how many in the military harbor little to no respect for Obama personally, but must follow his orders as Commander-in-Chief. If the Constitution says he is no longer in office, they will follow the orders of the new CIC, just as though those in the FBI and DOJ will if they abide by their oaths.

Who would DECLARE he is NOT PRESIDENT and CIC anymore?...A DIVIDED Congress? A feckless SCOTUS that has NO POWER? WHO would make him stand down? The Constitution is a piece of paper that this clown has walked all over already, and NO ONE has stopped or even tried to stop him! TELL ME WHO, NAME A NAME,

Please stop posting and go read the Constitution. You are wiping your ass on it with every post and you are starting to sound like a liberal conspiracy nut.

Yes 9/11 SOUNDED like a huge FANTASY, UNTIL IT HAPPENED... You're simply NOT understanding, and I have no idea why, you don't seem to be a dumbass!

Yeah, Admiral. He thought you were smart enough to understand. What happened?
He doesn't care! IF he can push that agenda, and has say a Nuke go off in LA or NYC, who is there, in that time of emergency that would step in with the vast majority of the people SCARED and WORRIED about the situation...Do you change Presidents at a time of Emergency or war?

The Constitution contains no exceptions.
And who would stop him, being he is in charge of the FBI, DOJ and the entire military?

Read my post concerning the transition and what happens should he refuse to turn over the reigns of power.

The military swears an oath to the Constitution, not Obama.

You also have no idea how many in the military harbor little to no respect for Obama personally, but must follow his orders as Commander-in-Chief. If the Constitution says he is no longer in office, they will follow the orders of the new CIC, just as though those in the FBI and DOJ will if they abide by their oaths.

Who would DECLARE he is NOT PRESIDENT and CIC anymore?...A DIVIDED Congress? A feckless SCOTUS that has NO POWER? WHO would make him stand down? The Constitution is a piece of paper that this clown has walked all over already, and NO ONE has stopped or even tried to stop him! TELL ME WHO, NAME A NAME,

Please stop posting and go read the Constitution. You are wiping your ass on it with every post and you are starting to sound like a liberal conspiracy nut.

There it is!! He's acting like a liberal! Weeeeeeeeeeee!
And as the CIC would say...So what, who will do something about it? I'm asking YOU, WHo has the power to step in on a seated president IN WAR?

The Chief Justice would swear in the new President and the old one is no longer in command. Read your Constitution. There are no exceptions granted.

Obama's term of office ends at noon on January 20th, 2017. End of story.
Who is the NEW CIC...Joe Biden!!! BY THE Constitution! And who says we would have elections if a nuke happened a month before. with 100,000 DEAD! Yes, muslims couldn't possibly attack the WTC with 2 passager planes that they hijacked, that's PREPOSTEROUS!

Man, tripling down on being ignorant now? The president elect is certified by Congress. Read your Constitution and stop making shit up as you go!

There are no exceptions!

There is NO PRESIDENT ELECT, we are talking about a NU<KE going off in October a MONTH before elections... How is California going to vote with 100,000 dead a nuclear waste all over the West coast?

The Constitution contains no exceptions. Try reading it.

Is this wrong?

What Would Happen If Martial Law Was Declared In ...
Alex Jones
Apr 2, 2015 - Under Plan C, martial law would be declared and the FBI would enact its 'Emergency ... it is likely that all elections would be suspended indefinitely. ... the government claimed the authority to declare our Constitution invalid.
I started reading this OP hoping for an intelligent, thoughtful weighing of positions, strengths, weaknesses. Instead, we get blatant hackery:

but to instigate this sleazy left-wing tactic of criticizing his "natural born" status is too much.

After 7 years of wingnuts questioning Obama's legitimacy, it's now a Left-wing tactic?
The Hildabeast brought it up first........ya no........................In trying to beat Obama............
I believe that's been debunked. But even if it's true, that would have been in the 2008 Democratic Primaries. It hasn't been brought up by a Democrat since.

It's clearly a Right-Wing fixation.

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