I'm starting to sour on Trump

I started reading this OP hoping for an intelligent, thoughtful weighing of positions, strengths, weaknesses. Instead, we get blatant hackery:

but to instigate this sleazy left-wing tactic of criticizing his "natural born" status is too much.

After 7 years of wingnuts questioning Obama's legitimacy, it's now a Left-wing tactic?
The Hildabeast brought it up first........ya no........................In trying to beat Obama............
I believe that's been debunked. But even if it's true, that would have been in the 2008 Democratic Primaries. It hasn't been brought up by a Democrat since.

It's clearly a Right-Wing fixation.
She brought it up trying to win the nomination first.
Of course we'd still change Presidents............Commanders change in Wars all the time.................Just be a little chaotic from the onset. President's on their way in have a transition time anyway, as they can go to the agencies to get up to date on current events......This being done before they take office.

Would we???? It's NEVER been done before! There is NO PRECEDENT! A declaration of MARTIAL LAW would amend everything as we know it! Think 100,000 DEAD NYC civilians with a NUKE going off would be enough to declare martial law, and SUSPEND the Constitution?

Where does it say in the Constitution that a sitting president can do any of that?
Where does it say he can't in an emergency? Again I ask who can stop him, a SCOTUS certainly can't...they have NO POWER to back up anything they say!

His term ends on January 20th, 2017 at noon. The president-elect is sworn in and becomes Commander-in-Chief.

Do you know about the Army's 3rd Infantry Regiment (The Old Guard) that are stationed at Fort Myer, VA? They are tasked with maintaining order in Washington in case of emergency. Should it be necessary, they could be ordered by the new commander-in-chief to remove the former president. They all swear and oath to the Constitution, not a former president.

YOU DON'T GET IT, there IS NO NEW CIC, the incident happened BEFORE THE Nov. 2016 election! Who would direct those men against a STANDING CIC that just declared Martial Law?.... There is NO SCENARIO that is so FICTIONAL that these muslim terrorists couldn't come up with, or a muslim supporter in the WH couldn't go along with...and it doesn't have to be the CIC as the muslim supporter in the WH, there are several others!

I don't think you have a clue what martial law is! Why don't you start there?
OK, you loonies.

One, Obama will quietly and peacefully leave office.

Two, Trump will not be the one to succeed him.

You all need to act like adults.
Beyond their capabilities. Trump, and all the other crude wingnuts have given them license to be petulant little bitches.
Is Hillary Clinton a Liar..............Trump versus Clinton.....................


Dems only option is another Habitual Liar.
Or another San Bernardino ...in a school or a mall....heaven forbid!

Can you imagine what 4 heavily armed muslims could do in a mall in early October, with an election one month off... say 150-200 dead, another 200 wounded.... The San B, duo had IED'S set up to KILL the emergency responders, and luckily they were inoperative, but can you imagine the 10-20 more Police, fire and emergency responders being killed that way! I would think there would be HUGE UNREST with hatred towards muslims!

That still does not change the Constitutional process of changing the office..

And as the CIC would say...So what, who will do something about it? I'm asking YOU, WHo has the power to step in on a seated president IN WAR?

The Constitution lays out the process. Obama cannot change that. Truman was in office in 1948 when Ike was elected and we were in the midst of Korea. Do you think Truman wanted to stay in office that he could get away with it?

Johnson was in office during Vietnam, and he left.

Would Bush have been justified in staying in office if Kerry would have won in 2004?

We are talking about an EMERGENCY HERE IN AMERICA with hundreds of thousands DEAD, It would be a WAR like no other! You still have no idea of what we are talking about!

As I just posted, you apparently have no idea what martial law is!
The Chief Justice would swear in the new President and the old one is no longer in command. Read your Constitution. There are no exceptions granted.

Obama's term of office ends at noon on January 20th, 2017. End of story.
Who is the NEW CIC...Joe Biden!!! BY THE Constitution! And who says we would have elections if a nuke happened a month before. with 100,000 DEAD! Yes, muslims couldn't possibly attack the WTC with 2 passager planes that they hijacked, that's PREPOSTEROUS!

Man, tripling down on being ignorant now? The president elect is certified by Congress. Read your Constitution and stop making shit up as you go!

There are no exceptions!

There is NO PRESIDENT ELECT, we are talking about a NU<KE going off in October a MONTH before elections... How is California going to vote with 100,000 dead a nuclear waste all over the West coast?

The Constitution contains no exceptions. Try reading it.

Is this wrong?

What Would Happen If Martial Law Was Declared In ...
Alex Jones
Apr 2, 2015 - Under Plan C, martial law would be declared and the FBI would enact its 'Emergency ... it is likely that all elections would be suspended indefinitely. ... the government claimed the authority to declare our Constitution invalid.

Look at your source!!!!!!

Why didn't you just cite your own ramblings? I would give them more credence that that numb nuts conspiracy wacko!
Would we???? It's NEVER been done before! There is NO PRECEDENT! A declaration of MARTIAL LAW would amend everything as we know it! Think 100,000 DEAD NYC civilians with a NUKE going off would be enough to declare martial law, and SUSPEND the Constitution?

Where does it say in the Constitution that a sitting president can do any of that?
Where does it say he can't in an emergency? Again I ask who can stop him, a SCOTUS certainly can't...they have NO POWER to back up anything they say!

His term ends on January 20th, 2017 at noon. The president-elect is sworn in and becomes Commander-in-Chief.

Do you know about the Army's 3rd Infantry Regiment (The Old Guard) that are stationed at Fort Myer, VA? They are tasked with maintaining order in Washington in case of emergency. Should it be necessary, they could be ordered by the new commander-in-chief to remove the former president. They all swear and oath to the Constitution, not a former president.

YOU DON'T GET IT, there IS NO NEW CIC, the incident happened BEFORE THE Nov. 2016 election! Who would direct those men against a STANDING CIC that just declared Martial Law?.... There is NO SCENARIO that is so FICTIONAL that these muslim terrorists couldn't come up with, or a muslim supporter in the WH couldn't go along with...and it doesn't have to be the CIC as the muslim supporter in the WH, there are several others!

I don't think you have a clue what martial law is! Why don't you start there?

I did, I believe YOUR in LaLa land with your opinion, but that is only MY opinion!
Or another San Bernardino ...in a school or a mall....heaven forbid!

Can you imagine what 4 heavily armed muslims could do in a mall in early October, with an election one month off... say 150-200 dead, another 200 wounded.... The San B, duo had IED'S set up to KILL the emergency responders, and luckily they were inoperative, but can you imagine the 10-20 more Police, fire and emergency responders being killed that way! I would think there would be HUGE UNREST with hatred towards muslims!

That still does not change the Constitutional process of changing the office..

And as the CIC would say...So what, who will do something about it? I'm asking YOU, WHo has the power to step in on a seated president IN WAR?

The Constitution lays out the process. Obama cannot change that. Truman was in office in 1948 when Ike was elected and we were in the midst of Korea. Do you think Truman wanted to stay in office that he could get away with it?

Johnson was in office during Vietnam, and he left.

Would Bush have been justified in staying in office if Kerry would have won in 2004?

We are talking about an EMERGENCY HERE IN AMERICA with hundreds of thousands DEAD, It would be a WAR like no other! You still have no idea of what we are talking about!

Uhm... hate to break it to you but your "doomsday scenario" has already happened. In the election of 1864 we had the equivalent of a "nuke" of all the Southern US. The election took place as scheduled, the electoral votes of those states simply weren't counted. Lincoln won in a landslide.

United States presidential election, 1864 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Where does it say in the Constitution that a sitting president can do any of that?
Where does it say he can't in an emergency? Again I ask who can stop him, a SCOTUS certainly can't...they have NO POWER to back up anything they say!

His term ends on January 20th, 2017 at noon. The president-elect is sworn in and becomes Commander-in-Chief.

Do you know about the Army's 3rd Infantry Regiment (The Old Guard) that are stationed at Fort Myer, VA? They are tasked with maintaining order in Washington in case of emergency. Should it be necessary, they could be ordered by the new commander-in-chief to remove the former president. They all swear and oath to the Constitution, not a former president.

YOU DON'T GET IT, there IS NO NEW CIC, the incident happened BEFORE THE Nov. 2016 election! Who would direct those men against a STANDING CIC that just declared Martial Law?.... There is NO SCENARIO that is so FICTIONAL that these muslim terrorists couldn't come up with, or a muslim supporter in the WH couldn't go along with...and it doesn't have to be the CIC as the muslim supporter in the WH, there are several others!

I don't think you have a clue what martial law is! Why don't you start there?

I did, I believe YOUR in LaLa land with your opinion, but that is only MY opinion!

You haven't even read the Constitution and cited for me anything that remotely backs up anything you claim. Talking about a weak-assed opinion!
Who is the NEW CIC...Joe Biden!!! BY THE Constitution! And who says we would have elections if a nuke happened a month before. with 100,000 DEAD! Yes, muslims couldn't possibly attack the WTC with 2 passager planes that they hijacked, that's PREPOSTEROUS!

Man, tripling down on being ignorant now? The president elect is certified by Congress. Read your Constitution and stop making shit up as you go!

There are no exceptions!

There is NO PRESIDENT ELECT, we are talking about a NU<KE going off in October a MONTH before elections... How is California going to vote with 100,000 dead a nuclear waste all over the West coast?

The Constitution contains no exceptions. Try reading it.

Is this wrong?

What Would Happen If Martial Law Was Declared In ...
Alex Jones
Apr 2, 2015 - Under Plan C, martial law would be declared and the FBI would enact its 'Emergency ... it is likely that all elections would be suspended indefinitely. ... the government claimed the authority to declare our Constitution invalid.

Look at your source!!!!!!

Why didn't you just cite your own ramblings? I would give them more credence that that numb nuts conspiracy wacko!

Perhaps you'll like this WACKO site better?

martial law Facts, information, pictures | Encyclopedia.com articles about martial law
Can you imagine what 4 heavily armed muslims could do in a mall in early October, with an election one month off... say 150-200 dead, another 200 wounded.... The San B, duo had IED'S set up to KILL the emergency responders, and luckily they were inoperative, but can you imagine the 10-20 more Police, fire and emergency responders being killed that way! I would think there would be HUGE UNREST with hatred towards muslims!

That still does not change the Constitutional process of changing the office..

And as the CIC would say...So what, who will do something about it? I'm asking YOU, WHo has the power to step in on a seated president IN WAR?

The Constitution lays out the process. Obama cannot change that. Truman was in office in 1948 when Ike was elected and we were in the midst of Korea. Do you think Truman wanted to stay in office that he could get away with it?

Johnson was in office during Vietnam, and he left.

Would Bush have been justified in staying in office if Kerry would have won in 2004?

We are talking about an EMERGENCY HERE IN AMERICA with hundreds of thousands DEAD, It would be a WAR like no other! You still have no idea of what we are talking about!

Uhm... hate to break it to you but your "doomsday scenario" has already happened. In the election of 1864 we had the equivalent of a "nuke" of all the Southern US. The election took place as scheduled, the electoral votes of those states simply weren't counted. Lincoln won in a landslide.

United States presidential election, 1864 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Was that 100,000 plus DEAD before hand? Nuclear radiation all over the West, and what is there to say that one wouldn't go off in NYC at the same time...I mean we had FOUR PLANES doing the job on 9/11 so don't tell me it can't happen!
Man, tripling down on being ignorant now? The president elect is certified by Congress. Read your Constitution and stop making shit up as you go!

There are no exceptions!

There is NO PRESIDENT ELECT, we are talking about a NU<KE going off in October a MONTH before elections... How is California going to vote with 100,000 dead a nuclear waste all over the West coast?

The Constitution contains no exceptions. Try reading it.

Is this wrong?

What Would Happen If Martial Law Was Declared In ...
Alex Jones
Apr 2, 2015 - Under Plan C, martial law would be declared and the FBI would enact its 'Emergency ... it is likely that all elections would be suspended indefinitely. ... the government claimed the authority to declare our Constitution invalid.

Look at your source!!!!!!

Why didn't you just cite your own ramblings? I would give them more credence that that numb nuts conspiracy wacko!

Perhaps you'll like this WACKO site better?

martial law Facts, information, pictures | Encyclopedia.com articles about martial law

Good! Now, why don't you read it so you can see where all your misconceptions are not found?
Every night after campaigning, Trump flies home and sleeps in his own bed, instead of staying in the State he is campaigning in....

when asked about this and why he did this flying back and forth every single night in one of his Trump jets, his answer was that he had a Business to run and had to spend time in New York every day running his enterprise.

If he is President?

Can he really be President and continue to run his enterprises as well as the Presidency? Or will we have conflicts of interests?

Or will he hand it all over to someone else for 4 years?

Has anyone in the media asked him this question?

His SONS take over, they are V.P of the company and have followed their fathers guidance for years!
His sons? Preferably his daughter Ivanka! :D

But if any of them are ready, why wouldn't they have picked up the slack while he's been campaigning, so he wouldn't have to fly back to NYC every single day?
There is NO PRESIDENT ELECT, we are talking about a NU<KE going off in October a MONTH before elections... How is California going to vote with 100,000 dead a nuclear waste all over the West coast?

The Constitution contains no exceptions. Try reading it.

Is this wrong?

What Would Happen If Martial Law Was Declared In ...
Alex Jones
Apr 2, 2015 - Under Plan C, martial law would be declared and the FBI would enact its 'Emergency ... it is likely that all elections would be suspended indefinitely. ... the government claimed the authority to declare our Constitution invalid.

Look at your source!!!!!!

Why didn't you just cite your own ramblings? I would give them more credence that that numb nuts conspiracy wacko!

Perhaps you'll like this WACKO site better?

martial law Facts, information, pictures | Encyclopedia.com articles about martial law

Good! Now, why don't you read it so you can see where all your misconceptions are not found?

Martial Law....

The exercise of government and control by military authorities over the civilian population of a designated territory.

Martial law is an extreme and rare measure used to control society during war or periods of civil unrest or chaos. According to the Supreme Court, the term martial law carries no precise meaning (Duncan v. Kahanamoku, 327 U.S. 304, 66 S. Ct. 606, 90 L. Ed. 688 [1946]). However, most declarations of martial law have some common features. Generally, the institution of martial law contemplates some use of military force. To a varying extent, depending on the martial law order, government military personnel have the authority to make and enforce civil and criminal laws. Certain civil liberties may be suspended, such as the right to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures, freedom of association, and freedom of movement. And the writ of habeas corpus may be suspended (this writ allows persons who are unlawfully imprisoned to gain freedom through a court proceeding).

In the United States, martial law has been instituted on the national level only once, during the Civil War, and on a regional level only once, during world war ii. Otherwise, it has been limited to the states. Uprisings, political protests, labor strikes, and riots have, at various times, caused several state governors to declare some measure of martial law.

Martial law on the national level may be declared by Congress or the president. Under Article I, Section 8, Clause 15, of the Constitution, Congress has the power "[t]o provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress insurrections and repel Invasions." Article II, Section 2, Clause 1, of the Constitution declares that "[t]he President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States." Neither constitutional provision includes a direct reference to martial law. However, the Supreme Court has interpreted both to allow the declaration of martial law by the president or Congress. On the state level, a governor may declare martial law within her or his own state. The power to do so usually is granted in the state constitution.

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