I'm starting to sour on Trump

I am more worried about Hussein staging a flack op ....declaring Martial Law and staying in the White House forever!

He sees that the Socialist/DemoRATS are going to lose, and I can see a FALSE FLAG operation where he TRIES to do exactly that!

Obama confident he could win a third term as president ...
The Washington Times
Oct 14, 2015 - Confidence man: Obama boasts he could coast to third term as .... The Democrats would certainly rally around him, and he would have that .... The only reason the fool thinks this could happen is because his blind loyal supporters love his freebies .... is NOT the reason Obama can't, in fact, seek a third term.
He will not seek a third term. That limit is set..........and the people will never stand for that. I sure as hell will not..............does he want a Civil War?

He doesn't care! IF he can push that agenda, and has say a Nuke go off in LA or NYC, who is there, in that time of emergency that would step in with the vast majority of the people SCARED and WORRIED about the situation...Do you change Presidents at a time of Emergency or war?
Of course we'd still change Presidents............Commanders change in Wars all the time.................Just be a little chaotic from the onset. President's on their way in have a transition time anyway, as they can go to the agencies to get up to date on current events......This being done before they take office.

Would we???? It's NEVER been done before! There is NO PRECEDENT! A declaration of MARTIAL LAW would amend everything as we know it! Think 100,000 DEAD NYC civilians with a NUKE going off would be enough to declare martial law, and SUSPEND the Constitution?

Where does it say in the Constitution that a sitting president can do any of that?
I am more worried about Hussein staging a flack op ....declaring Martial Law and staying in the White House forever!

He sees that the Socialist/DemoRATS are going to lose, and I can see a FALSE FLAG operation where he TRIES to do exactly that!

Obama confident he could win a third term as president ...
The Washington Times
Oct 14, 2015 - Confidence man: Obama boasts he could coast to third term as .... The Democrats would certainly rally around him, and he would have that .... The only reason the fool thinks this could happen is because his blind loyal supporters love his freebies .... is NOT the reason Obama can't, in fact, seek a third term.
He will not seek a third term. That limit is set..........and the people will never stand for that. I sure as hell will not..............does he want a Civil War?

You are treating two freaks like they are normal people. That makes you look stupid.
What I said to Fakey applies to you as well..............You are a waste of space on who you will vote for...........the Hildabeast..............who's a Lying SACk.

You are sitting here having what you think is an adult discussion......with two lunatics.....about how Obama could ruin America with a Muslim mall attack. You must know that this makes you look like an idiot.

You "don't think that will happen"? Way to go out on that limb, genius.

I'm not going to vote for Hillary in the primary, dumb shit. Learn, then type.
Hillary is gonna be the nominee and you know it.........so you will be voting for her. Your side's primary is nothing more than a show.

and No........I'm not buying this Obama 3rd term stuff.
Every night after campaigning, Trump flies home and sleeps in his own bed, instead of staying in the State he is campaigning in....

when asked about this and why he did this flying back and forth every single night in one of his Trump jets, his answer was that he had a Business to run and had to spend time in New York every day running his enterprise.

If he is President?

Can he really be President and continue to run his enterprises as well as the Presidency? Or will we have conflicts of interests?

Or will he hand it all over to someone else for 4 years?

Has anyone in the media asked him this question?
He doesn't care! IF he can push that agenda, and has say a Nuke go off in LA or NYC, who is there, in that time of emergency that would step in with the vast majority of the people SCARED and WORRIED about the situation...Do you change Presidents at a time of Emergency or war?

Or another San Bernardino ...in a school or a mall....heaven forbid!

Can you imagine what 4 heavily armed muslims could do in a mall in early October, with an election one month off... say 150-200 dead, another 200 wounded.... The San B, duo had IED'S set up to KILL the emergency responders, and luckily they were inoperative, but can you imagine the 10-20 more Police, fire and emergency responders being killed that way! I would think there would be HUGE UNREST with hatred towards muslims!

That still does not change the Constitutional process of changing the office..

And as the CIC would say...So what, who will do something about it? I'm asking YOU, WHo has the power to step in on a seated president IN WAR?

The Chief Justice would swear in the new President and the old one is no longer in command. Read your Constitution. There are no exceptions granted.

Obama's term of office ends at noon on January 20th, 2017. End of story.
Who is the NEW CIC...Joe Biden!!! BY THE Constitution! And who says we would have elections if a nuke happened a month before. with 100,000 DEAD! Yes, muslims couldn't possibly attack the WTC with 2 passager planes that they hijacked, that's PREPOSTEROUS!
Or another San Bernardino ...in a school or a mall....heaven forbid!

Can you imagine what 4 heavily armed muslims could do in a mall in early October, with an election one month off... say 150-200 dead, another 200 wounded.... The San B, duo had IED'S set up to KILL the emergency responders, and luckily they were inoperative, but can you imagine the 10-20 more Police, fire and emergency responders being killed that way! I would think there would be HUGE UNREST with hatred towards muslims!

That still does not change the Constitutional process of changing the office..

And as the CIC would say...So what, who will do something about it? I'm asking YOU, WHo has the power to step in on a seated president IN WAR?

The Chief Justice would swear in the new President and the old one is no longer in command. Read your Constitution. There are no exceptions granted.

Obama's term of office ends at noon on January 20th, 2017. End of story.

Well ...Roosevelt served a fourth term....

so there is a precedent

Lord save us all

Oh, please! Are you really that ignorant?

The 22nd Amendment passed AFTER and BECAUSE of Roosevelt WINNING 4 elections was passed AFTER he died.
Can you imagine what 4 heavily armed muslims could do in a mall in early October, with an election one month off... say 150-200 dead, another 200 wounded.... The San B, duo had IED'S set up to KILL the emergency responders, and luckily they were inoperative, but can you imagine the 10-20 more Police, fire and emergency responders being killed that way! I would think there would be HUGE UNREST with hatred towards muslims!

That still does not change the Constitutional process of changing the office..

And as the CIC would say...So what, who will do something about it? I'm asking YOU, WHo has the power to step in on a seated president IN WAR?

The Chief Justice would swear in the new President and the old one is no longer in command. Read your Constitution. There are no exceptions granted.

Obama's term of office ends at noon on January 20th, 2017. End of story.

Well ...Roosevelt served a fourth term....

so there is a precedent

Lord save us all

Oh, please! Are you really that ignorant?

The 22nd Amendment passed AFTER and BECAUSE of Roosevelt WINNING 4 elections was passed AFTER he died.

With this gangster in office

one never knows :dunno:
Or another San Bernardino ...in a school or a mall....heaven forbid!

Can you imagine what 4 heavily armed muslims could do in a mall in early October, with an election one month off... say 150-200 dead, another 200 wounded.... The San B, duo had IED'S set up to KILL the emergency responders, and luckily they were inoperative, but can you imagine the 10-20 more Police, fire and emergency responders being killed that way! I would think there would be HUGE UNREST with hatred towards muslims!

That still does not change the Constitutional process of changing the office..

And as the CIC would say...So what, who will do something about it? I'm asking YOU, WHo has the power to step in on a seated president IN WAR?

The Chief Justice would swear in the new President and the old one is no longer in command. Read your Constitution. There are no exceptions granted.

Obama's term of office ends at noon on January 20th, 2017. End of story.

Well ...Roosevelt served a fourth term....

so there is a precedent

Lord save us all

Apparently NO ONE has heard of a WAIVER! Obuma did over 1100 of them and THAT wasn't in the law either!
Or another San Bernardino ...in a school or a mall....heaven forbid!

Can you imagine what 4 heavily armed muslims could do in a mall in early October, with an election one month off... say 150-200 dead, another 200 wounded.... The San B, duo had IED'S set up to KILL the emergency responders, and luckily they were inoperative, but can you imagine the 10-20 more Police, fire and emergency responders being killed that way! I would think there would be HUGE UNREST with hatred towards muslims!

That still does not change the Constitutional process of changing the office..

And as the CIC would say...So what, who will do something about it? I'm asking YOU, WHo has the power to step in on a seated president IN WAR?

The Chief Justice would swear in the new President and the old one is no longer in command. Read your Constitution. There are no exceptions granted.

Obama's term of office ends at noon on January 20th, 2017. End of story.
Who is the NEW CIC...Joe Biden!!! BY THE Constitution! And who says we would have elections if a nuke happened a month before. with 100,000 DEAD! Yes, muslims couldn't possibly attack the WTC with 2 passager planes that they hijacked, that's PREPOSTEROUS!

Man, tripling down on being ignorant now? The president elect is certified by Congress. Read your Constitution and stop making shit up as you go!

There are no exceptions!
He sees that the Socialist/DemoRATS are going to lose, and I can see a FALSE FLAG operation where he TRIES to do exactly that!

Obama confident he could win a third term as president ...
The Washington Times
Oct 14, 2015 - Confidence man: Obama boasts he could coast to third term as .... The Democrats would certainly rally around him, and he would have that .... The only reason the fool thinks this could happen is because his blind loyal supporters love his freebies .... is NOT the reason Obama can't, in fact, seek a third term.
He will not seek a third term. That limit is set..........and the people will never stand for that. I sure as hell will not..............does he want a Civil War?

He doesn't care! IF he can push that agenda, and has say a Nuke go off in LA or NYC, who is there, in that time of emergency that would step in with the vast majority of the people SCARED and WORRIED about the situation...Do you change Presidents at a time of Emergency or war?
Of course we'd still change Presidents............Commanders change in Wars all the time.................Just be a little chaotic from the onset. President's on their way in have a transition time anyway, as they can go to the agencies to get up to date on current events......This being done before they take office.

Would we???? It's NEVER been done before! There is NO PRECEDENT! A declaration of MARTIAL LAW would amend everything as we know it! Think 100,000 DEAD NYC civilians with a NUKE going off would be enough to declare martial law, and SUSPEND the Constitution?

Where does it say in the Constitution that a sitting president can do any of that?
Where does it say he can't in an emergency? Again I ask who can stop him, a SCOTUS certainly can't...they have NO POWER to back up anything they say!
Now, I'll be honest, I have no idea what he means by this... how the hell do you "tax Wall Street?" :dunno: But it sounds more like something Bernie Sanders would say... the left-wing anti-capitalist clap trap we've been accustomed to from Marxist socialists for years. I don't like that kind of talk. Give me some objective wisdom like making it harder for hedge fund managers to exploit tax loopholes... eliminate the damn loopholes with a flat tax or fair tax... any number of reasonable solutions that could be discussed. I don't like it when a supposed Conservative starts talking about "raising taxes" to fix problems.

That, coupled with his recent attacks on Cruz over his eligibility are putting me off in a really big way. I liked Trump, I liked how he came out swinging and didn't back down. I liked that he made the establishment look like fools and idiots. I loved the way he turned the liberal alarmist smear tactics into stronger poll numbers to their utter befuddlement. And... like I said, if he is the nominee, I will vote for him in the general election over the Democrat. But I'll be holding my nose.

I work with - not on - Wall Street.

And I both agree with you and Trump.

He does sound like the socialist, Bernie Sanders. Both Elizabeth Warren and Paul Krugman have praised Trump for his proposals to tax Wall Street. So what does that tell you?

Having said that, Trump has a point. The inequities of parts of Wall Street vis-a-vis main street are grossly imbalanced and should be corrected. And the way that can be done is by taxing what is known as "carried interest" as income, which it is, not as capital gains, as it is now.

Let's say I was your financial adviser and I recommended to you to buy a stock that goes up with the savings you have entrusted with me. You will pay me a fee based on my advice and my fee will be taxed to me as income.

But rather than acting as your adviser, if I start a fund, and you invest with me and I buy I stock for you that goes up, the fee I earned is not considered income under the tax code but capital gains, known as carried interest. Carried interest is taxed as capital gains, even though - and this is important - I did not risk my own capital. It's your money, not mine. Capital gains taxes should be on capital that is risked. You should get the capital gain, not me. The money I earn should be taxed as income. But, as the fund manager, it is taxed as capital gains.

I know guys who - literally - make $100,000,000 a year and up doing this. And behind closed doors, they will tell you that they agree with what I'm saying. But Wall Street has spent tens of millions of dollars to buy politicians so this never changes.

I think Trump's a fraud, but if does win the Presidency, I would definitely support him on this.
Can you imagine what 4 heavily armed muslims could do in a mall in early October, with an election one month off... say 150-200 dead, another 200 wounded.... The San B, duo had IED'S set up to KILL the emergency responders, and luckily they were inoperative, but can you imagine the 10-20 more Police, fire and emergency responders being killed that way! I would think there would be HUGE UNREST with hatred towards muslims!

That still does not change the Constitutional process of changing the office..

And as the CIC would say...So what, who will do something about it? I'm asking YOU, WHo has the power to step in on a seated president IN WAR?

The Chief Justice would swear in the new President and the old one is no longer in command. Read your Constitution. There are no exceptions granted.

Obama's term of office ends at noon on January 20th, 2017. End of story.

Well ...Roosevelt served a fourth term....

so there is a precedent

Lord save us all

Apparently NO ONE has heard of a WAIVER! Obuma did over 1100 of them and THAT wasn't in the law either!

Where is that in the Constitution?
He sees that the Socialist/DemoRATS are going to lose, and I can see a FALSE FLAG operation where he TRIES to do exactly that!

Obama confident he could win a third term as president ...
The Washington Times
Oct 14, 2015 - Confidence man: Obama boasts he could coast to third term as .... The Democrats would certainly rally around him, and he would have that .... The only reason the fool thinks this could happen is because his blind loyal supporters love his freebies .... is NOT the reason Obama can't, in fact, seek a third term.
He will not seek a third term. That limit is set..........and the people will never stand for that. I sure as hell will not..............does he want a Civil War?

You are treating two freaks like they are normal people. That makes you look stupid.
What I said to Fakey applies to you as well..............You are a waste of space on who you will vote for...........the Hildabeast..............who's a Lying SACk.

You are sitting here having what you think is an adult discussion......with two lunatics.....about how Obama could ruin America with a Muslim mall attack. You must know that this makes you look like an idiot.

You "don't think that will happen"? Way to go out on that limb, genius.

I'm not going to vote for Hillary in the primary, dumb shit. Learn, then type.
Hillary is gonna be the nominee and you know it.........so you will be voting for her. Your side's primary is nothing more than a show.

and No........I'm not buying this Obama 3rd term stuff.

We'll see, won't we.

And..."not buying" it is lame. There is nothing to buy. It's completely crazy and in no way within the realm of possibility. You need to tell those two freaks how fucking stupid they sound.....so you can claim an ounce of dignity. You gave them both a kind ear.......and that made you look stupid. Get it?
and his IT WORKS IN CANADA in the debates sealed that opinion for me.
Because why would the U.S. ever want to do something that has been proven to work if we didn't come up with it?
Every night after campaigning, Trump flies home and sleeps in his own bed, instead of staying in the State he is campaigning in....

when asked about this and why he did this flying back and forth every single night in one of his Trump jets, his answer was that he had a Business to run and had to spend time in New York every day running his enterprise.

If he is President?

Can he really be President and continue to run his enterprises as well as the Presidency? Or will we have conflicts of interests?

Or will he hand it all over to someone else for 4 years?

Has anyone in the media asked him this question?

His SONS take over, they are V.P of the company and have followed their fathers guidance for years!
That still does not change the Constitutional process of changing the office..

And as the CIC would say...So what, who will do something about it? I'm asking YOU, WHo has the power to step in on a seated president IN WAR?

The Chief Justice would swear in the new President and the old one is no longer in command. Read your Constitution. There are no exceptions granted.

Obama's term of office ends at noon on January 20th, 2017. End of story.

Well ...Roosevelt served a fourth term....

so there is a precedent

Lord save us all

Apparently NO ONE has heard of a WAIVER! Obuma did over 1100 of them and THAT wasn't in the law either!

Where is that in the Constitution?

what Constitution?

for Hussein there is NO Constitution

all that matters is his phone and pen.....remember?????

bloody hell
Can you imagine what 4 heavily armed muslims could do in a mall in early October, with an election one month off... say 150-200 dead, another 200 wounded.... The San B, duo had IED'S set up to KILL the emergency responders, and luckily they were inoperative, but can you imagine the 10-20 more Police, fire and emergency responders being killed that way! I would think there would be HUGE UNREST with hatred towards muslims!

That still does not change the Constitutional process of changing the office..

And as the CIC would say...So what, who will do something about it? I'm asking YOU, WHo has the power to step in on a seated president IN WAR?

The Chief Justice would swear in the new President and the old one is no longer in command. Read your Constitution. There are no exceptions granted.

Obama's term of office ends at noon on January 20th, 2017. End of story.
Who is the NEW CIC...Joe Biden!!! BY THE Constitution! And who says we would have elections if a nuke happened a month before. with 100,000 DEAD! Yes, muslims couldn't possibly attack the WTC with 2 passager planes that they hijacked, that's PREPOSTEROUS!

Man, tripling down on being ignorant now? The president elect is certified by Congress. Read your Constitution and stop making shit up as you go!

There are no exceptions!

There is NO PRESIDENT ELECT, we are talking about a NU<KE going off in October a MONTH before elections... How is California going to vote with 100,000 dead a nuclear waste all over the West coast?
and his IT WORKS IN CANADA in the debates sealed that opinion for me.
Because why would the U.S. ever want to do something that has been proven to work if we didn't come up with it?
Then you should vote for Trump..............because I believe he'd do it.............just my opinion. As someone else has pointed out we have a hell of a lot more people here.
I just want the mandate gone as i'll worry about my own insurance . As far as single payer , I don't care . We always had single payer if a indigent unisured person had no insurance Eagle !!
You just want to mooch off the taxpayers instead of pulling your own weight. Typical conservative.
---------------------------- I'll have my own insurance or pay for service the way I have always done Synth .

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