I'm suffering from depression but I can't go back on anti-depressants

If your life or life style is causing the depression, it may take more change than an anti-depressant.

If your depression is severe you may need professional help. Even though that doesn't always work either.

Maybe Oddball is onto something about hypnosis

Care to talk about what you think is causing the depression?

Sometimes, there is no "cause", per se. It's just THERE. Offhand, I would bet I have been depressed since about middle school. (I have no memories whatsoever of ever actually feeling happy.)
Ya it usually starts early and continues through life. I was the same. I handled it until I finally broke down and it wasn't pretty seek help now before you do something you can not take back.
Are you on medication now? Are things better?
If your life or life style is causing the depression, it may take more change than an anti-depressant.

If your depression is severe you may need professional help. Even though that doesn't always work either.

Maybe Oddball is onto something about hypnosis

Care to talk about what you think is causing the depression?

Sometimes, there is no "cause", per se. It's just THERE. Offhand, I would bet I have been depressed since about middle school. (I have no memories whatsoever of ever actually feeling happy.)
Ya it usually starts early and continues through life. I was the same. I handled it until I finally broke down and it wasn't pretty seek help now before you do something you can not take back.
I hear you. Are those who need help getting it? C'mon, most adults are on medication for depression.
Anti-depressants ruined my life, cost me a good job, cost me my marriage. My life only improved when I stopped taking them.

But now, I'm suffering depression.

It's a Catch-22 situation.

St John's Wort works for a lot of people.
Anti-depressants ruined my life, cost me a good job, cost me my marriage. My life only improved when I stopped taking them.

But now, I'm suffering depression.

It's a Catch-22 situation.
Focus on helping others and finding purpose
You have to focus on yourself before focusing on others. For goodness sake, see a doctor and then let them know how it helped you.
Anti-depressants ruined my life, cost me a good job, cost me my marriage. My life only improved when I stopped taking them.

But now, I'm suffering depression.

It's a Catch-22 situation.

St John's Wort works for a lot of people.
I know about St John's Wort, but I would trust a qualified doctor before trying chemicals on my own.
Here is your prescription. Follow it to the letter and you'll never be depressed again.

Monday, Weds, Friday - you'll be in and out of the gym in about an hour. If you aren't a gym goer- buy an olympic bar and a squat rack and do it at home. Dumbells can also work. No excuses!

Squats - 5 sets of 5 - start with the empty bar and add 5 lbs every workout
Bench Press- 5 sets of 5 - Start with empty bar add 5 lbs every workout
Bent over Rows- 5 sets of 5 - start with the empty bar and add 5 lbs every workout
Dead Lifts- 5 sets of 5 - start with the empty bar and add 5 lbs every workout
Power Clean and Press- finish every workout with these- do as many reps as possible in 5 minutes. Start with 65 lbs and add weight each workout. Shoot for 30 reps or more. This is a great finisher, trust me!

Tues, Thurs, Sat:
Go for a one hour walk, run, bike ride, or hike.

Sunday- active rest- play golf, yoga, stretching, etc....or do nothing.

Caution!! Side effects include: Looking great in your clothes, having more energy, having better sex, happiness, tranquility, confidence, optimism.
I wish everyone on this site the very best. Please seek help and don't try to find answers by yourself.
Here is your prescription. Follow it to the letter and you'll never be depressed again.

Monday, Weds, Friday - you'll be in and out of the gym in about an hour. If you aren't a gym goer- buy an olympic bar and a squat rack and do it at home. Dumbells can also work. No excuses!

Squats - 5 sets of 5 - start with the empty bar and add 5 lbs every workout
Bench Press- 5 sets of 5 - Start with empty bar add 5 lbs every workout
Bent over Rows- 5 sets of 5 - start with the empty bar and add 5 lbs every workout
Dead Lifts- 5 sets of 5 - start with the empty bar and add 5 lbs every workout
Power Clean and Press- finish every workout with these- do as many reps as possible in 5 minutes. Start with 65 lbs and add weight each workout. Shoot for 30 reps or more. This is a great finisher, trust me!

Tues, Thurs, Sat:
Go for a one hour walk, run, bike ride, or hike.

Sunday- active rest- play golf, yoga, stretching, etc....or do nothing.

Caution!! Side effects include: Looking great in your clothes, having more energy, having better sex, happiness, tranquility, confidence, optimism.
How many beers before I start the regimen?
If your life or life style is causing the depression, it may take more change than an anti-depressant.

If your depression is severe you may need professional help. Even though that doesn't always work either.

Maybe Oddball is onto something about hypnosis

Care to talk about what you think is causing the depression?

Sometimes, there is no "cause", per se. It's just THERE. Offhand, I would bet I have been depressed since about middle school. (I have no memories whatsoever of ever actually feeling happy.)
Do something about it...see a psychiatrist. Soon.

Nope. Not willing to risk winding up locked in a nut house or chemically lobotomized.
If your life or life style is causing the depression, it may take more change than an anti-depressant.

If your depression is severe you may need professional help. Even though that doesn't always work either.

Maybe Oddball is onto something about hypnosis

Care to talk about what you think is causing the depression?

Sometimes, there is no "cause", per se. It's just THERE. Offhand, I would bet I have been depressed since about middle school. (I have no memories whatsoever of ever actually feeling happy.)
Ya it usually starts early and continues through life. I was the same. I handled it until I finally broke down and it wasn't pretty seek help now before you do something you can not take back.
Not worth the risk.
If your life or life style is causing the depression, it may take more change than an anti-depressant.

If your depression is severe you may need professional help. Even though that doesn't always work either.

Maybe Oddball is onto something about hypnosis

Care to talk about what you think is causing the depression?

Sometimes, there is no "cause", per se. It's just THERE. Offhand, I would bet I have been depressed since about middle school. (I have no memories whatsoever of ever actually feeling happy.)
Ya it usually starts early and continues through life. I was the same. I handled it until I finally broke down and it wasn't pretty seek help now before you do something you can not take back.
Are you on medication now? Are things better?
I had to take different meds for about 10 years to find the right ones the first ones either didnt wotk or quit working after a few months or a year. Plus I had paranoia and suicidal thoughts. Final find celexa and Geodon, Geodon is an anti psychotic. Celexa is for depression. But ya from 2004 till now been good, last 3 or so years almost no depression though this year I have had a little.
Even taking anti depressants you can still have depression. The medication should stabilize you to a bearable level and if you find the right one eventually help you a lot.
I did have to give up my firearms a couple years ago cause the VA listed me as not being competent. But I had already gotten rid of them which helped my paranoia a lot. But if you are not with VA or SS then unless the law in your state is strict then no worry.
Get some exercise---go for walks preferably to a park with people in it as you seem more lonely than anything. A little exercise will improve your mood as will the extra sun light. It releases chemicals in your head that will make you feel happier after your body gets used to doing it.
Join an organization that interests you--a cooking class, a bikers gang, investment clue, VFW , church whatever---------you will be able to meet people like yourself and even if you don't---you should be able to find a hobby or information that you will enjoy.
St Johns wort may help some---but then again a little chocolate may do the same thing.
Talking to a doctor doesn't seem like a bad ideal either.
I did have to give up my firearms a couple years ago cause the VA listed me as not being competent. But I had already gotten rid of them which helped my paranoia a lot. But if you are not with VA or SS then unless the law in your state is strict then no worry.


Are you atall familiar with the madness of the ATF right now ???
I did have to give up my firearms a couple years ago cause the VA listed me as not being competent. But I had already gotten rid of them which helped my paranoia a lot. But if you are not with VA or SS then unless the law in your state is strict then no worry.


Are you atall familiar with the madness of the ATF right now ???
It is Obama's fault he made that rule
Anti-depressants ruined my life, cost me a good job, cost me my marriage. My life only improved when I stopped taking them.

But now, I'm suffering depression.

It's a Catch-22 situation.
Focus on helping others and finding purpose
You have to focus on yourself before focusing on others. For goodness sake, see a doctor and then let them know how it helped you.
seeing a doctor is fine but there is t a quick magic solution. It takes time. It’s a process. Focusing on health and rewarding things will help
If your life or life style is causing the depression, it may take more change than an anti-depressant.

If your depression is severe you may need professional help. Even though that doesn't always work either.

Maybe Oddball is onto something about hypnosis

Care to talk about what you think is causing the depression?

Sometimes, there is no "cause", per se. It's just THERE. Offhand, I would bet I have been depressed since about middle school. (I have no memories whatsoever of ever actually feeling happy.)
Do something about it...see a psychiatrist. Soon.

Nope. Not willing to risk winding up locked in a nut house or chemically lobotomized.
If your life or life style is causing the depression, it may take more change than an anti-depressant.

If your depression is severe you may need professional help. Even though that doesn't always work either.

Maybe Oddball is onto something about hypnosis

Care to talk about what you think is causing the depression?

Sometimes, there is no "cause", per se. It's just THERE. Offhand, I would bet I have been depressed since about middle school. (I have no memories whatsoever of ever actually feeling happy.)
Ya it usually starts early and continues through life. I was the same. I handled it until I finally broke down and it wasn't pretty seek help now before you do something you can not take back.
Not worth the risk.
This is not 1920.

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