I'm suffering from depression but I can't go back on anti-depressants

See a psychiatrist who has an array of drugs that can help. The right antidepressant is one that allows you to be yourself.
Get a dog or a monkey.
Anti-depressants ruined my life, cost me a good job, cost me my marriage. My life only improved when I stopped taking them.

But now, I'm suffering depression.

It's a Catch-22 situation.
Try magic mushrooms micro dose. Look it up , seems promising .
I totally believe it....my last time was 1989.
Since then just weed and coffee. ( quit alcohol 2 years ago )
Might try it again sometime in the right moment, right place
and everything .....Hawaii would be a great place to do it....the ocean, jungle mountains, showers and rainbows every day.....
Hawaii would be a great place to do it....the ocean, jungle mountains, showers and rainbows every day.....

Weather is the key to Hawaii... Ocean and Mountains with some of the prettiest real estate one can enjoy... Unless you are independently wealthy you will be spending your beneficiaries inheritance though...
Anti-depressants ruined my life, cost me a good job, cost me my marriage. My life only improved when I stopped taking them.

But now, I'm suffering depression.

It's a Catch-22 situation.
I think your first step is to see your physician about this. He or she will be in a position to talk to you about the proper therapy for you to pursue. Options are on the table and physicians are very knowledgeable due to their vast experience helping people who present with your concerns.

I hope you do something to help yourself feel better so you may find a purpose in life to look forward to. I do realize it is hard to be happy and feel enjoyment in these times we have been going through since C-19. I wish you the very best, Blackrook.
I'm lonely. All day long I sit in an office working by myself, then I come home to an empty house.
Isolation will make anyone depressed. I'm not saying it's just that, but you would help yourself stepping outside of your routine and interacting. For instance, there are always one time events going on that need volunteers that aren't a big commitment and only take part of one day.
Dogs need companionship too. If you are always at work, your dog is suffering the same as you....being alone all day and when you get home, you are tired. A cat would be better. They don't give a shit if you are there or not, lol. But they can be loving.

I suffer depression too. Sometimes it's pretty bad. But, I come here to usmb, rant on twitter, watch funny vids on youtube to perk me up, etc. I don't take any meds. Nature and books, and messing around in my tiny balconey garden, hanging out here.... is my meds. Google "uplifting funny quotes" or "funny bumper stickers" and such. You can bring yourself out of your funk but its hard. Like everyone else said...talk to your doc. MrGracie was having anxiety attacks and was really bad off in his depression. He takes Lexapro now and is much MUCH better.
I agree with Gracie. Getting a dog or any inside pet to leave it home alone all day wouldn't be my cup of tea as they need companionship during the day too.

I do think having hormones checked is a good idea. Another may be check on gut bacteria balance as that also can affect mood.

Do you have any hobbies or anything like that you've always thought you may like to try to do?
Do not let your happiness depend on something you may lose. If love is to be a blessing, not a misery, it must be for the only Beloved who will never pass away.”

― C. S. Lewis
Agree with many here.......first thing, go to the Dr for a full blood workup, to be sure it isn't a physical problem. Even nutritional deficiencies or other medical issues can cause depression.

Then look into a dog or cat or other pet that can give affection & attention as well as needing to receive such from you. It does help our own mental/emotional state, when we become responsible for another beings care & life. Check out the local humane society that has plenty of critters just begging to be taken home & cared for. Most pets from such a place, are so grateful to have a home and one on one with someone of their very own.
Cats are independent in many ways, but are also very loving & devoted. But even though you are gone during the day, having a dog may be a better option for you.......cause the dog will need to be taken for a walk or play in the park......which also forces you outside as well and that also helps with depression. Time spent with pets (or kids) is more about quality time than quantity. Regardless of the pet you choose, make it a habit to spend quality time with them when you are home. Play with them with some toys, take dogs for a walk, maybe play frisbee or fetch.....cats love to chase some yarn or string that you pull across the floor, or even a laser light.

Then look into an activity or hobby that may interest you, that can keep your hands/mind busy. What kinds of things do you like to do? Anything artistic? Mechanical? Construction? Gardening? Build a lego set or domino track, put together model cars or drive RC cars or planes?

Just a few options to think about and some can include an activity with a dog
Anti-depressants ruined my life, cost me a good job, cost me my marriage. My life only improved when I stopped taking them.

But now, I'm suffering depression.

It's a Catch-22 situation.
Diet and exercise start a regime ...it'll focus the mind on something else ...meditation ...stay away from as much toxic shit as ya can ...even change your soap.
Stopping the big pharma mind altering poison is a positive step
Anti-depressants ruined my life, cost me a good job, cost me my marriage. My life only improved when I stopped taking them.

But now, I'm suffering depression.

It's a Catch-22 situation.
Try magic mushrooms micro dose. Look it up , seems promising .
I totally believe it....my last time was 1989.
Since then just weed and coffee. ( quit alcohol 2 years ago )
Might try it again sometime in the right moment, right place
and everything .....Hawaii would be a great place to do it....the ocean, jungle mountains, showers and rainbows every day.....
Take one step today.

Take shower

Go for a walk

Talk to someone

You're not alone even if it feels that way.

I've suffered from severe clinical depression since I was a teenager. I guess it comes with the territory of having an addict for a mother and being orphaned at 14.

You (and I and millions of others) have a chemical imbalance in the brain. It is manageable though.

Regular exercise has been key for me. I also eat really clean.

If anyone could make a pill that gives you the benefits of regular exercise, tht guy would be the richest man in the world.

I know depression hurts literally. The aches and pains that come with a depressive episode are very real but please just get out and go for a walk today even if that's all you do. Then do it again tomorrow.
Anti-depressants ruined my life, cost me a good job, cost me my marriage. My life only improved when I stopped taking them.

But now, I'm suffering depression.

It's a Catch-22 situation.
That's okay, Trump crashed the whole country into a "Great Depression"

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