I'm telling you right now, Donald Trump will NEVER, EVER plead the 5th!!!!


Gold Member
May 8, 2017

Trump says pleading the 5th is for criminals and crime families. This is why he will never plead the 5th.
It doesn't matter what he says, at this point, the establishment will twist it into a process crime. From what I have heard from the establishment journalists, they just only need him to open his mouth, and that will be good enough to convince the public he is lying at this point.

Folks don't think for themselves anymore. I see on social media, read it on the news and hear it on the radio, the president not only can't tell the truth, he wouldn't know what it was if it was spelled out for him. Or so the story goes.

It doesn't matter what he says, at this point, the establishment will twist it into a process crime. From what I have heard from the establishment journalists, they just only need him to open his mouth, and that will be good enough to convince the public he is lying at this point.

Folks don't think for themselves anymore. I see on social media, read it on the news and hear it on the radio, the president not only can't tell the truth, he wouldn't know what it was if it was spelled out for him. Or so the story goes.

Mueller would never act like that. Too much of a man.

It doesn't matter what he says, at this point, the establishment will twist it into a process crime. From what I have heard from the establishment journalists, they just only need him to open his mouth, and that will be good enough to convince the public he is lying at this point.

Folks don't think for themselves anymore. I see on social media, read it on the news and hear it on the radio, the president not only can't tell the truth, he wouldn't know what it was if it was spelled out for him. Or so the story goes.

Mueller would never act like that. Too much of a man.

He might never literally act like that, however the Deep State wants a pit bull of man that will follow orders regardless of the ethical implications and morality of them.

His task is clear to him, like a pit bull on a bone. Don't worry, he'll make it believable for all of you zombies. You won't have any second thoughts.

All of the power in D.C. isn't his though, you may end up disappointed, so brace yourself.
Trump CAN plead the 6th!
OMG so true. If he did so post haste, it would bankrupt the MSM. :abgg2q.jpg:

They might actually have to tell us what is going on in the world.

"In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence."
It doesn't matter what he says, at this point, the establishment will twist it into a process crime. From what I have heard from the establishment journalists, they just only need him to open his mouth, and that will be good enough to convince the public he is lying at this point.

Folks don't think for themselves anymore. I see on social media, read it on the news and hear it on the radio, the president not only can't tell the truth, he wouldn't know what it was if it was spelled out for him. Or so the story goes.

Mueller would never act like that. Too much of a man.


You progressives better hurry up and "get" Trump, R-Derp! He's got the economy going full blast...the Fed has interest rates back to a safe level...unemployment is at record lows...he's got hostages being released by North Korea and China finally reining that nation in...he's got us out of the awful agreements Barry signed without going through Congress...he's actually doing something about immigration...

Why would anyone want to vote for a liberal NOW?
You progressives better hurry up and "get" Trump, R-Derp! He's got the economy going full blast...the Fed has interest rates back to a safe level...unemployment is at record lows...he's got hostages being released by North Korea and China finally reining that nation in...he's got us out of the awful agreements Barry signed without going through Congress...he's actually doing something about immigration...

Why would anyone want to vote for a liberal NOW?

Because Deany said so ?

Oh wait.....
Gfy rDerp, there is no reason for him to, so I agree!

You're still a faggot.

One of those "should have been sent through the woodchipper" faggots.
All you fuckers on the left lied.

Take a seat on the sidelines and suck on it.

Especially you deany....you deserve it more than most.

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