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I'm Voting for Bernie, SRSLY

As more than a few USMB members should understand, I am not a leftwing kinda gal. If I were to pick a label, it would be Liberatarian...


As an artifact of my clueless youth (consistent with the concept that a Conservative is a Liberal who now has a job and pays taxes), I am still a registered Democrat. California being a de facto One Party State, it has never been worthwhile to change my registration. My inertia has finally paid off!

As a protest vote to show my scorn for All Things Clinton, I'm voting for Bernie in the Primary.

Yes, I'm feelin' the Bern.


you should really stick to choosing the person you will vote for in the fall.

the idea of you being a democrat is laughable.

and your idea that a "conservative" is a liberal who got a job and pays taxes is imbecilic. I'm pretty sure I pay a lot more in taxes than you do. I'm also pretty sure that the raging bigotry among rightwingnuts has absolutely nothing to do with their status as wage earners.
She's living in her self-imposed, Randian bubble :tinfoil: 'twas ever thus.

so she'll vote for the socialist because she thinks drumpf can beat him more easily.

I didn't read it that way. She'll vote for the socialist because the more votes he gets, the less viable she looks.

If we go strictly by the polls, the margin between Hilllary and Trump is a statistical dead heat at this point--a bit less so favoring Hillary in the battleground states though those margins have narrowed significantly.

The polls still show Sanders with a substantial lead over Trump nationally. Will that affect the Democratic convention and those super delegates? Hard to say.
So why not throw the votes to the better of the two Democratic candidates that will most likely win the California primary?
Because Bernie isn't going to win the Democratic Nomination and once her majesty is crowned all the rank & file of the Democrat Party will fall in line behind her like the obedient lil' lemmings that they are, in 3 months nobody will remember Bernie Sanders (unless of course her Royal Douche Baginess makes the incredibly idiotic decision to pick him as her running mate).

But the odds are overwhelmingly that the Democratic nominee will get California's electoral votes. So what harm is there is being a thorn in the lady's side? Help emphasize how weak she really is?
There's no "harm" in it, unless of course you actually care about your own time & effort and that you understand that you're not really being a "thorn" in anybody's side (well except for your own). Remember that in 2008 the Republicans tried an organized effort to do the same thing to Obama in several Democratic Primaries, how did that work out for 'em ?

I guess I don't recall them doing anything in the Democratic primaries. I remember them rigging several primary elections to throw the nomination to McCain. They did the same thing to help Romney. And that didn't work out well for them at all.
Yeah the big Conservative Radio Talk Show Mouthpieces (Rush Limbaugh, et al.) pushed Republicans in Red States to vote for Hillary against Obama back in the 2008 primaries, didn't make any difference in the final outcome (other than wasting a bunch of time & effort).

But do you honestly think all the support Bernie is getting, the votes, the face time on TV, the fact that his rallies pull thousands more supporters than hers do, etc. isn't a thorn in Hillary's side?
IMHO at best it'll be a minor irritation until after the convention at which point all but the most frothing at the mouth Bernie supporters will fall into line behind Hillary, after which Bernie will be forgotten, he's toxic to the Democrats because he basically validates the GOP narrative that the Democrats are indeed the socialists they've been accusing them of being and the GOP is just chomping at the bit to remind voters about what socialism actually is and how it's been such a repugnant failure everywhere it's been tried.

On the plus side for the GOP , Bernie has already given them a good bit of ammunition to make that argument in the general.
The polls still show Sanders with a substantial lead over Trump nationally. Will that affect the Democratic convention and those super delegates? Hard to say.

No, it's easy to say.

Sanders has been given a free pass from criticism by Republicans, because they want to hurt Clinton. He's been given a free pass from Clinton Democrats, because they know Clinton has it locked up, and they don't want to anger Sanders supporters. Were Sanders to take it from all sides, as has been the case with Clinton, he'd be doing far worse in the polls. The supers understand that.
So why not throw the votes to the better of the two Democratic candidates that will most likely win the California primary?
Because Bernie isn't going to win the Democratic Nomination and once her majesty is crowned all the rank & file of the Democrat Party will fall in line behind her like the obedient lil' lemmings that they are, in 3 months nobody will remember Bernie Sanders (unless of course her Royal Douche Baginess makes the incredibly idiotic decision to pick him as her running mate).

But the odds are overwhelmingly that the Democratic nominee will get California's electoral votes. So what harm is there is being a thorn in the lady's side? Help emphasize how weak she really is?
There's no "harm" in it, unless of course you actually care about your own time & effort and that you understand that you're not really being a "thorn" in anybody's side (well except for your own). Remember that in 2008 the Republicans tried an organized effort to do the same thing to Obama in several Democratic Primaries, how did that work out for 'em ?

I guess I don't recall them doing anything in the Democratic primaries. I remember them rigging several primary elections to throw the nomination to McCain. They did the same thing to help Romney. And that didn't work out well for them at all.
Yeah the big Conservative Radio Talk Show Mouthpieces (Rush Limbaugh, et al.) pushed Republicans in Red States to vote for Hillary against Obama back in the 2008 primaries, didn't make any difference in the final outcome (other than wasting a bunch of time & effort).

But do you honestly think all the support Bernie is getting, the votes, the face time on TV, the fact that his rallies pull thousands more supporters than hers do, etc. isn't a thorn in Hillary's side?
IMHO at best it'll be a minor irritation until after the convention at which point all but the most frothing at the mouth Bernie supporters will fall into line behind Hillary, after which Bernie will be forgotten, he's toxic to the Democrats because he basically validates the GOP narrative that the Democrats are indeed the socialists they've been accusing them of being and the GOP is just chomping at the bit to remind voters about what socialism actually is and how it's been such a repugnant failure everywhere it's been tried.

On the plus side for the GOP , Bernie has already given them a good bit of ammunition to make that argument in the general.

In my opinion, I most remember Rush initially supporting Obama just for fun and giggles and to annoy her. It was only when Obama started picking up momentum, that he backed off that. But if Rush had ANY power in these things, Bush 41 would have won a second term, Bill Clinton would never have been elected once, much less twice, Perot never would have gained any traction, McCain would not have been our nominee in 2008, and Obama would not have been elected once, much less twice.

So to say that Rush holds any sway over Republican votes or politics, you will have a really tough time showing that he has much, if any, influence whatsoever. His strength is in speaking what those of us right of center are already mostly thinking.

And I am not at all convinced that Bernie supporters will fall in line behind Hillary. Maybe a few. But most of his supporters are fed up with the Democrats and Republicans, and/or are getting into the process for the first time in their lives, and/or are otherwise thoroughly anti-establishment. She is running as a Democrat. He isn't.

So that will be interesting to watch.
As a protest vote to show my scorn for All Things Clinton, I'm voting for Bernie in the Primary.
One wonders if you don't have anything more productive to do with your time OR is it that you just like standing in line to register a "protest" that nobody will be paying any attention to? Personally I would suggest that if you live in California and want to perform a meaningful protest against the Clinton Crime family you just donate some money to the plethora of PAC's that are spending money advertising in battle ground states against the Duchess of White Water.

Just a thought.

"Time is money. Wasted time means wasted money, means trouble." -- Shirley Temple

Condolences on your lack of reading comprehension. I'm already registered and always vote, so it will take no extra effort at all to lodge my protest vote against Clinton Corruption.
LOL... actually I read what you wrote just fine and was attempting to point out to you that you're wasting your own time on a completely meaningless "protest" that won't do anything to accomplish your objective, however, apparently your time just isn't worth anything to you.

And what I do with my money is my personal business. I don't post such info on anonymous message boards on the interwebs.
Go back and read what I wrote, at no point did I ask you about the specifics of your financial affairs (since I don't really give a fuck) all I did was provide a suggestion on how you might go about doing something that will actually be meaningful towards accomplishing your stated objective.

I'll posit that, based on your viewpoint, any time you spend worrying about how I choose to spend my time is an even bigger waste of your time.
As more than a few USMB members should understand, I am not a leftwing kinda gal. If I were to pick a label, it would be Liberatarian...


As an artifact of my clueless youth (consistent with the concept that a Conservative is a Liberal who now has a job and pays taxes), I am still a registered Democrat. California being a de facto One Party State, it has never been worthwhile to change my registration. My inertia has finally paid off!

As a protest vote to show my scorn for All Things Clinton, I'm voting for Bernie in the Primary.

Yes, I'm feelin' the Bern.


Why do you always try to come-off like Caligrl?

Why are you such a fat cow?
Millions of air miles paid for by taxpayers and a bunch of stolen furniture and silverware from the White House don't make hiLIARy qualified to be President.
Apparently you're unaware of the balance of her qualifications for the job, such as intentionally creating a backdoor into our National Security Apparatus, blowing an opportunity to establish a mutually beneficial relationship with the Russians, playing a significant role in turning the Middle East from a seething cauldron into a roaring forest fire and of course managing to win the Heavy Weight Championship Belt for lying to the public (which is a gigantic accomplishment for a creature of Washington)..

...and let us not forget the raison d'être; using her family "charitable foundation" to funnel contributions to her cronies and score high dollar speeches for her and her hubby.

What's not to like?

Her pantsuits. They're hideous.

Uh oh. There isn't much I like about Hillary. But I sort of like her pant suits. :(

Well, if I had to pick something I liked about her, the pantsuit collection would be the likeliest candidate now that Buddy is dead.
So why not throw the votes to the better of the two Democratic candidates that will most likely win the California primary?
Because Bernie isn't going to win the Democratic Nomination and once her majesty is crowned all the rank & file of the Democrat Party will fall in line behind her like the obedient lil' lemmings that they are, in 3 months nobody will remember Bernie Sanders (unless of course her Royal Douche Baginess makes the incredibly idiotic decision to pick him as her running mate).

Which is why we said thorn in her side, not that Bernie can win. Clearly extending the primaries isn't good for her. She wants to end it so she can focus on Trump. You don't get that?
As more than a few USMB members should understand, I am not a leftwing kinda gal. If I were to pick a label, it would be Liberatarian...


As an artifact of my clueless youth (consistent with the concept that a Conservative is a Liberal who now has a job and pays taxes), I am still a registered Democrat. California being a de facto One Party State, it has never been worthwhile to change my registration. My inertia has finally paid off!

As a protest vote to show my scorn for All Things Clinton, I'm voting for Bernie in the Primary.

Yes, I'm feelin' the Bern.


you should really stick to choosing the person you will vote for in the fall.

the idea of you being a democrat is laughable.

and your idea that a "conservative" is a liberal who got a job and pays taxes is imbecilic. I'm pretty sure I pay a lot more in taxes than you do. I'm also pretty sure that the raging bigotry among rightwingnuts has absolutely nothing to do with their status as wage earners.

As more than a few USMB members should understand, I am not a leftwing kinda gal. If I were to pick a label, it would be Liberatarian...


As an artifact of my clueless youth (consistent with the concept that a Conservative is a Liberal who now has a job and pays taxes), I am still a registered Democrat. California being a de facto One Party State, it has never been worthwhile to change my registration. My inertia has finally paid off!

As a protest vote to show my scorn for All Things Clinton, I'm voting for Bernie in the Primary.

Yes, I'm feelin' the Bern.


you should really stick to choosing the person you will vote for in the fall.

the idea of you being a democrat is laughable.

and your idea that a "conservative" is a liberal who got a job and pays taxes is imbecilic. I'm pretty sure I pay a lot more in taxes than you do. I'm also pretty sure that the raging bigotry among rightwingnuts has absolutely nothing to do with their status as wage earners.
She's living in her self-imposed, Randian bubble :tinfoil: 'twas ever thus.

so she'll vote for the socialist because she thinks drumpf can beat him more easily.

I didn't read it that way. She'll vote for the socialist because the more votes he gets, the less viable she looks.

If we go strictly by the polls, the margin between Hilllary and Trump is a statistical dead heat at this point--a bit less so favoring Hillary in the battleground states though those margins have narrowed significantly.

The polls still show Sanders with a substantial lead over Trump nationally. Will that affect the Democratic convention and those super delegates? Hard to say.

I'm voting for BERNIE because he is Not hiLIARy.

And I am thoroughly enjoying the spectacle of the Leftist Crybully Special Snowflake Justice Warrior SPAWN terrorizing the Dems, so I will do my part to help the effort with my Bernie Vote.
Millions of air miles paid for by taxpayers and a bunch of stolen furniture and silverware from the White House don't make hiLIARy qualified to be President.
Apparently you're unaware of the balance of her qualifications for the job, such as intentionally creating a backdoor into our National Security Apparatus, blowing an opportunity to establish a mutually beneficial relationship with the Russians, playing a significant role in turning the Middle East from a seething cauldron into a roaring forest fire and of course managing to win the Heavy Weight Championship Belt for lying to the public (which is a gigantic accomplishment for a creature of Washington)..

...and let us not forget the raison d'être; using her family "charitable foundation" to funnel contributions to her cronies and score high dollar speeches for her and her hubby.

What's not to like?

Her pantsuits. They're hideous.

Uh oh. There isn't much I like about Hillary. But I sort of like her pant suits. :(

Switching from skirts to pant suits was the greatest thing Hillary ever did for her country. For the first time in my life, I was proud of her ...
The polls still show Sanders with a substantial lead over Trump nationally. Will that affect the Democratic convention and those super delegates? Hard to say.

No, it's easy to say.

Sanders has been given a free pass from criticism by Republicans, because they want to hurt Clinton. He's been given a free pass from Clinton Democrats, because they know Clinton has it locked up, and they don't want to anger Sanders supporters. Were Sanders to take it from all sides, as has been the case with Clinton, he'd be doing far worse in the polls. The supers understand that.

Yes, just like Trump with most Democrats. Welcome to politics
Millions of air miles paid for by taxpayers and a bunch of stolen furniture and silverware from the White House don't make hiLIARy qualified to be President.
Apparently you're unaware of the balance of her qualifications for the job, such as intentionally creating a backdoor into our National Security Apparatus, blowing an opportunity to establish a mutually beneficial relationship with the Russians, playing a significant role in turning the Middle East from a seething cauldron into a roaring forest fire and of course managing to win the Heavy Weight Championship Belt for lying to the public (which is a gigantic accomplishment for a creature of Washington)..

...and let us not forget the raison d'être; using her family "charitable foundation" to funnel contributions to her cronies and score high dollar speeches for her and her hubby.

What's not to like?

Her pantsuits. They're hideous.

Uh oh. There isn't much I like about Hillary. But I sort of like her pant suits. :(

Switching from skirts to pant suits was the greatest thing Hillary ever did for her country. For the first time in my life, I was proud of her ...

You have a point, but she should donate the Dr. Evil one to a thrift shop.

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As more than a few USMB members should understand, I am not a leftwing kinda gal. If I were to pick a label, it would be Liberatarian...


As an artifact of my clueless youth (consistent with the concept that a Conservative is a Liberal who now has a job and pays taxes), I am still a registered Democrat. California being a de facto One Party State, it has never been worthwhile to change my registration. My inertia has finally paid off!

As a protest vote to show my scorn for All Things Clinton, I'm voting for Bernie in the Primary.

Yes, I'm feelin' the Bern.


Why do you always try to come-off like Caligrl?

Why are you such a fat cow?
I was asking why all the 25 cent words all the time? You didn't go to Andover and it makes you sound ridiculous. On second thought- keep it up :thup:
As more than a few USMB members should understand, I am not a leftwing kinda gal. If I were to pick a label, it would be Liberatarian...


As an artifact of my clueless youth (consistent with the concept that a Conservative is a Liberal who now has a job and pays taxes), I am still a registered Democrat. California being a de facto One Party State, it has never been worthwhile to change my registration. My inertia has finally paid off!

As a protest vote to show my scorn for All Things Clinton, I'm voting for Bernie in the Primary.

Yes, I'm feelin' the Bern.


Why do you always try to come-off like Caligrl?

Why are you such a fat cow?
I was asking why all the 25 cent words all the time? You didn't go to Andover and it makes you sound ridiculous. On second thought- keep it up :thup:

It's rather telling that you interpret a vocabulary of actual words to be ridiculous. So, just go back to your LOLZ and STFU. That's your speed, dearie.
The polls still show Sanders with a substantial lead over Trump nationally. Will that affect the Democratic convention and those super delegates? Hard to say.

No, it's easy to say.

Sanders has been given a free pass from criticism by Republicans, because they want to hurt Clinton. He's been given a free pass from Clinton Democrats, because they know Clinton has it locked up, and they don't want to anger Sanders supporters. Were Sanders to take it from all sides, as has been the case with Clinton, he'd be doing far worse in the polls. The supers understand that.

So tell me. Why did the supers all switch from Hilllary to Obama in the closing months of the 2008 campaign? And what makes you think they wouldn't do so again if they perceived that Sanders was more universally appealing than Hillary is?
The polls still show Sanders with a substantial lead over Trump nationally. Will that affect the Democratic convention and those super delegates? Hard to say.

No, it's easy to say.

Sanders has been given a free pass from criticism by Republicans, because they want to hurt Clinton. He's been given a free pass from Clinton Democrats, because they know Clinton has it locked up, and they don't want to anger Sanders supporters. Were Sanders to take it from all sides, as has been the case with Clinton, he'd be doing far worse in the polls. The supers understand that.

So tell me. Why did the supers all switch from Hilllary to Obama in the closing months of the 2008 campaign? And what makes you think they wouldn't do so again if they perceived that Sanders was more universally appealing than Hillary is?

In the immortal words of Joe Biden, cuz:

"I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy," Biden said. "I mean, that's a storybook, man."
Hillary: Hello campaign headquarters? Say we have another Bernie voter can you fill out a couple extra ballots and drop them in the box to cancel out her vote, thanks.

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