I'm your opinion, based on modern times, what is the technical differences between a republican and a leftist? Is it based on policy or tribalism?

Do the majority of people vote based on party or character? What specific policies turned you on to one, and what policies turned you off from another?
It does not matter what you typed. There is something else in control of us all.
Do the majority of people vote based on party or character? What specific policies turned you on to one, and what policies turned you off from another?

Clearly most people tend to favor one party or the other. I just wanted to point out that the democrats are not leftist except in relative terms. The DNC is a center-right party. They just aren't as far right as the GOP.
Many wealthy are Republicans because of the lucrative tax breaks that trump gave them. Money talks.

trump also crippled the IRS so that the IRS can't collect taxes from rich people.

That's one group.

Then you have the audience of the former Rush Limbaugh.

These were lonely people who found a friend in the former Rush Limbaugh on AM radio.

Most of the audience were Democrats because they didn't have a lot of money, but over time the former Rush Limbaugh groomed them into Republicans. Poor Republicans.

trump has copied the former Rush Limbaugh's strategy and has taken over the audience.
Do the majority of people vote based on party or character? What specific policies turned you on to one, and what policies turned you off from another?
I know the abortion issue is one of the driving issues for me.

Those right wing nuts think that God wants to protect the glob of cells in a woman's womb believing it is a living human being. I mean really, believe in God? How stupid can you get?

After all, science, and the FDA and CDC, shows us that it is the Birth Fairy that waves her magic wand over the unliving glob of tissues once it exits the womb of a woman that is what magically turns the glob into a living human being

both parties are leftwing authoritarians,, the dems are just further left,,

not sure where you came up with that,,,
Those in power become the authoritarian.

Power corrupts, and the more power you have the more corrupt you become.

It's not rocket science.

The DNC runs pretty much everything now.
Those in power become the authoritarian.

Power corrupts, and the more power you have the more corrupt you become.

It's not rocket science.

The DNC runs pretty much everything now.
the question is do they take more power than authorized in the constitution and the answer is both parties do that,,

and they only have power over you if you let them,,

Do the majority of people vote based on party or character? What specific policies turned you on to one, and what policies turned you off from another?
Do the majority of people vote based on party or character? What specific policies turned you on to one, and what policies turned you off from another?


You are either a religious zealot, vulture capitalist, bigot, fascist asshole


You are not a religious zealot, vulture capitalist, bigot, fascist asshole.
the question is do they take more power than authorized in the constitution and the answer is both parties do that,,

and they only have power over you if you let them,,

No, other have let them. The Constitution has been subverted over the years giving the Federal government far too much power.

Now anyone who puts on that ring of power is subject to it's powers of corruption.

No, the Constitution has been subverted over the years giving the Federal government far too much power.

Now anyone who puts on that ring of power is subject to it's powers of corruption.

View attachment 541341
subverted doesnt mean its null and void,,,
but it does show how weak the people are and more so the drones that vote for them,,,

I'm not one of them
Do the majority of people vote based on party or character? What specific policies turned you on to one, and what policies turned you off from another?

Early on in life I was kind of a liberal in my thinking. My Mom was a huge JFK supporter, and my teachings in life were largely from a liberal point of view...Nothing wrong with that if we are talking traditional libs...As I grew up, had a family of my own, and realized that no one "owed me anything", and the election of Reagan, as I started to pull myself up by my own bootstraps so to speak, I realized that Conservatism was really the party of freedom, and liberalism were largely people who never grew up...

In today's world it's even worse, liberals have allowed themselves to be swayed by kind of a fascistic socialistic view of how things should be, and it will destroy this great country if you ask me.

You are either a religious zealot, vulture capitalist, bigot, fascist asshole


You are not a religious zealot, vulture capitalist, bigot, fascist asshole.
But you are little goody two shoes. You are the worst. For you are the social justice sufferers who get to make excuses. Many excuses.
Do the majority of people vote based on party or character? What specific policies turned you on to one, and what policies turned you off from another?

I'm your opinion, based on modern times, what is the technical differences between a republican and a leftist? Is it based on policy or tribalism?​

Todays ‘Republicans’ are voting to preserve and protect American virtues…our sovereignty, our institutions, our history, traditions, principle and value systems, and the the American Way whereas Democrats are voting to shred it all at its core.
The fringes of both parties make all the noise. They run around screaming about this or that. It's so all over it's tiresome. Apathy is growing at a rapid pace. People just ignore most all of it.
Do the majority of people vote based on party or character? What specific policies turned you on to one, and what policies turned you off from another?
Very simple...
Conservatism favors individual responsibility over collective.
Liberalism favors collective responsibility over individual.

One places the responsibility of one's well being on your own actions.
The other wants to believe problem people are a burden of society, not themselves.

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