Imagine If Robert Mueller Concludes That "There Is No Intent Of Wrongdoing" Amongst Trump/Russians?

Dimwits didn't take it well when Petraeus disagreed with the dem line. They called him General BetrayUs and eventually destroyed him too. Mueller has his orders and a huge machine churning out whatever evidence the white left wants found.
:2up: This would be the best way to end this Trump/Russia dilemma. Maybe in two months, Robert Mueller comes before the national audience, gives us all of the details/conclusions of the case, and ends it with the fact that "He Couldn't Find Any Negative/Bad Intentions" from the President ???
Now how do you all think Chuck Schumer and the rest of the Democrat Pansies will respond? :crybaby: :crybaby: :crybaby: :itsok: :hellno:

Exactly the same way that they're responding now, there's no concrete evidence that's been brought to light NOW, why would Mueller saying that he's found no evidence change anything? After all they've already convicted President Twitter based on nothing more than allegations and have moved into right into the punishment phase (Impeachment talk).

IMHO the only thing that will silence the current Democrat Party criticism, innuendo and speculation is if Mueller's findings include exculpatory evidence.
Nope. Unless the Dems make the mistake of acting like the Republicans did when they didn't get Hillary thrown in jail for the server and for Benghazi and for CGI.

The "Dems" are already "acting like the Republicans did", specifically they're trying to conflate allegations and speculation with actual evidence of wrongdoing. Exculpatory evidence blows that whole narrative up, a simple "absence/insufficient of incriminating evidence" allows the narrative to continue with all the attendant waste of time, money and effort that traditionally accompanies long, drawn out Washington scandals.

Unfortunately this particular attack vector that the Democrats are using carries the very real possibility that Big Chief Donald Duck will make overt moves that damage US-Russian relations just to *prove* he's not in "Russia's Pocket".
Now that we've got an adult in the room handling the investigation, why can't the Republicans let it rest until it's over? Why did Rexx need to goad the Dems with speculation about what they would argue about next when none of it has happened? I need a rest. Everyone needs a rest. Stop poking everyone with a stick to keep goading and feeding the flames. Just stop. I really thought last night that could happen. Almost everyone on this thread agrees it was a good idea. Just stop.
:2up: This would be the best way to end this Trump/Russia dilemma. Maybe in two months, Robert Mueller comes before the national audience, gives us all of the details/conclusions of the case, and ends it with the fact that "He Couldn't Find Any Negative/Bad Intentions" from the President ???
Now how do you all think Chuck Schumer and the rest of the Democrat Pansies will respond? :crybaby: :crybaby: :crybaby: :itsok: :hellno:

Exactly the same way that they're responding now, there's no concrete evidence that's been brought to light NOW, why would Mueller saying that he's found no evidence change anything? After all they've already convicted President Twitter based on nothing more than allegations and have moved into right into the punishment phase (Impeachment talk).

IMHO the only thing that will silence the current Democrat Party criticism, innuendo and speculation is if Mueller's findings include exculpatory evidence.
Nope. Unless the Dems make the mistake of acting like the Republicans did when they didn't get Hillary thrown in jail for the server and for Benghazi and for CGI.

The "Dems" are already "acting like the Republicans did", specifically they're trying to conflate allegations and speculation with actual evidence of wrongdoing. Exculpatory evidence blows that whole narrative up, a simple "absence/insufficient of incriminating evidence" allows the narrative to continue with all the attendant waste of time, money and effort that traditionally accompanies long, drawn out Washington scandals.

Unfortunately this particular attack vector that the Democrats are using carries the very real possibility that Big Chief Donald Duck will make overt moves that damage US-Russian relations just to *prove* he's not in "Russia's Pocket".
You shouldn't hit her with reality. She doesn't like that.
I'm outta here. This is infantile stupid. We should have a warning label for straight poking with a stick bullshit.
:2up: This would be the best way to end this Trump/Russia dilemma. Maybe in two months, Robert Mueller comes before the national audience, gives us all of the details/conclusions of the case, and ends it with the fact that "He Couldn't Find Any Negative/Bad Intentions" from the President ???
Now how do you all think Chuck Schumer and the rest of the Democrat Pansies will respond? :crybaby: :crybaby: :crybaby: :itsok: :hellno:

Exactly the same way that they're responding now, there's no concrete evidence that's been brought to light NOW, why would Mueller saying that he's found no evidence change anything? After all they've already convicted President Twitter based on nothing more than allegations and have moved into right into the punishment phase (Impeachment talk).

IMHO the only thing that will silence the current Democrat Party criticism, innuendo and speculation is if Mueller's findings include exculpatory evidence.
Nope. Unless the Dems make the mistake of acting like the Republicans did when they didn't get Hillary thrown in jail for the server and for Benghazi and for CGI.

The "Dems" are already "acting like the Republicans did", specifically they're trying to conflate allegations and speculation with actual evidence of wrongdoing. Exculpatory evidence blows that whole narrative up, a simple "absence/insufficient of incriminating evidence" allows the narrative to continue with all the attendant waste of time, money and effort that traditionally accompanies long, drawn out Washington scandals.

Unfortunately this particular attack vector that the Democrats are using carries the very real possibility that Big Chief Donald Duck will make overt moves that damage US-Russian relations just to *prove* he's not in "Russia's Pocket".
You shouldn't hit her with reality. She doesn't like that.
Its true. You admitted yesterday you like to knee jerk. And you do it here, all the time. You take accusations as facts, and when someone says that, you freak out and say you don't want discussion.
:2up: This would be the best way to end this Trump/Russia dilemma. Maybe in two months, Robert Mueller comes before the national audience, gives us all of the details/conclusions of the case, and ends it with the fact that "He Couldn't Find Any Negative/Bad Intentions" from the President ???
Now how do you all think Chuck Schumer and the rest of the Democrat Pansies will respond? :crybaby: :crybaby: :crybaby: :itsok: :hellno:

Exactly the same way that they're responding now, there's no concrete evidence that's been brought to light NOW, why would Mueller saying that he's found no evidence change anything? After all they've already convicted President Twitter based on nothing more than allegations and have moved into right into the punishment phase (Impeachment talk).

IMHO the only thing that will silence the current Democrat Party criticism, innuendo and speculation is if Mueller's findings include exculpatory evidence.
Nope. Unless the Dems make the mistake of acting like the Republicans did when they didn't get Hillary thrown in jail for the server and for Benghazi and for CGI.

The "Dems" are already "acting like the Republicans did", specifically they're trying to conflate allegations and speculation with actual evidence of wrongdoing. Exculpatory evidence blows that whole narrative up, a simple "absence/insufficient of incriminating evidence" allows the narrative to continue with all the attendant waste of time, money and effort that traditionally accompanies long, drawn out Washington scandals.

Unfortunately this particular attack vector that the Democrats are using carries the very real possibility that Big Chief Donald Duck will make overt moves that damage US-Russian relations just to *prove* he's not in "Russia's Pocket".
Now that we've got an adult in the room handling the investigation, why can't the Republicans let it rest until it's over? Why did Rexx need to goad the Dems with speculation about what they would argue about next when none of it has happened? I need a rest. Everyone needs a rest.
Yeah it does appear that YOU do need a "rest" since it's apparent that current events have flipped your "non sequitur babble" switch to the ON position.

Stop poking everyone with a stick to keep goading and feeding the flames. Just stop. I really thought last night that could happen. Almost everyone on this thread agrees it was a good idea. Just stop.

Freedom of expression and what not, so fuck you very much with respect to your attempts to shut down arguments that you don't happen to like yet can't offer a reason based rebuttal to.
Breaking Everywhere!

Comey Under Oath: Trump NEVER Pressured FBI to Halt Investigations “It’s Not Happened”

The DOJ operates under Trump. The head of the DOJ works at the pleasure of the POTUS - they are in contact regularly and work together often.

Comey's testimony is fundamentally a game changer........ "in my experience" - meaning "in ALL my experiences" there has never been pressure to end an investigation.

That would have to include Trump
:2up: This would be the best way to end this Trump/Russia dilemma. Maybe in two months, Robert Mueller comes before the national audience, gives us all of the details/conclusions of the case, and ends it with the fact that "He Couldn't Find Any Negative/Bad Intentions" from the President ???
Now how do you all think Chuck Schumer and the rest of the Democrat Pansies will respond? :crybaby: :crybaby: :crybaby: :itsok: :hellno:

Exactly the same way that they're responding now, there's no concrete evidence that's been brought to light NOW, why would Mueller saying that he's found no evidence change anything? After all they've already convicted President Twitter based on nothing more than allegations and have moved into right into the punishment phase (Impeachment talk).

IMHO the only thing that will silence the current Democrat Party criticism, innuendo and speculation is if Mueller's findings include exculpatory evidence.
Nope. Unless the Dems make the mistake of acting like the Republicans did when they didn't get Hillary thrown in jail for the server and for Benghazi and for CGI.

The "Dems" are already "acting like the Republicans did", specifically they're trying to conflate allegations and speculation with actual evidence of wrongdoing. Exculpatory evidence blows that whole narrative up, a simple "absence/insufficient of incriminating evidence" allows the narrative to continue with all the attendant waste of time, money and effort that traditionally accompanies long, drawn out Washington scandals.

Unfortunately this particular attack vector that the Democrats are using carries the very real possibility that Big Chief Donald Duck will make overt moves that damage US-Russian relations just to *prove* he's not in "Russia's Pocket".
Now that we've got an adult in the room handling the investigation, why can't the Republicans let it rest until it's over? Why did Rexx need to goad the Dems with speculation about what they would argue about next when none of it has happened? I need a rest. Everyone needs a rest. Stop poking everyone with a stick to keep goading and feeding the flames. Just stop. I really thought last night that could happen. Almost everyone on this thread agrees it was a good idea. Just stop.

Perhaps because the left has been whining 24/7 about everything and nothing, simultaneously? There is to date not one shred of evidence to support any of this nonsense. It has been stated that there is no evidence that the Russians affected the outcome of the election or the Trump campaign colluded with the Russians.

How about you guys let it go.
:2up: This would be the best way to end this Trump/Russia dilemma. Maybe in two months, Robert Mueller comes before the national audience, gives us all of the details/conclusions of the case, and ends it with the fact that "He Couldn't Find Any Negative/Bad Intentions" from the President ???
Now how do you all think Chuck Schumer and the rest of the Democrat Pansies will respond? :crybaby: :crybaby: :crybaby: :itsok: :hellno:
We could be like the republicans. If at first you don't succeed, investigate again and again and again and again and again and again and again...
why imagine anything ?

oh, thats right, dumbass RussianWinger children live in LALA LAND 24/7/365,
:2up: This would be the best way to end this Trump/Russia dilemma. Maybe in two months, Robert Mueller comes before the national audience, gives us all of the details/conclusions of the case, and ends it with the fact that "He Couldn't Find Any Negative/Bad Intentions" from the President ???
Now how do you all think Chuck Schumer and the rest of the Democrat Pansies will respond? :crybaby: :crybaby: :crybaby: :itsok: :hellno:
That conclusion would not mean that Russian interference did not influence the election results, meaning the election of trump. It would just mean that required and sufficient evidence of American lawbreaking could not be sufficiently established to support an indictment and trial.
:2up: This would be the best way to end this Trump/Russia dilemma. Maybe in two months, Robert Mueller comes before the national audience, gives us all of the details/conclusions of the case, and ends it with the fact that "He Couldn't Find Any Negative/Bad Intentions" from the President ???
Now how do you all think Chuck Schumer and the rest of the Democrat Pansies will respond? :crybaby: :crybaby: :crybaby: :itsok: :hellno:

Exactly the same way that they're responding now, there's no concrete evidence that's been brought to light NOW, why would Mueller saying that he's found no evidence change anything? After all they've already convicted President Twitter based on nothing more than allegations and have moved into right into the punishment phase (Impeachment talk).

IMHO the only thing that will silence the current Democrat Party criticism, innuendo and speculation is if Mueller's findings include exculpatory evidence.
Nope. Unless the Dems make the mistake of acting like the Republicans did when they didn't get Hillary thrown in jail for the server and for Benghazi and for CGI.

The "Dems" are already "acting like the Republicans did", specifically they're trying to conflate allegations and speculation with actual evidence of wrongdoing. Exculpatory evidence blows that whole narrative up, a simple "absence/insufficient of incriminating evidence" allows the narrative to continue with all the attendant waste of time, money and effort that traditionally accompanies long, drawn out Washington scandals.

Unfortunately this particular attack vector that the Democrats are using carries the very real possibility that Big Chief Donald Duck will make overt moves that damage US-Russian relations just to *prove* he's not in "Russia's Pocket".
Now that we've got an adult in the room handling the investigation, why can't the Republicans let it rest until it's over? Why did Rexx need to goad the Dems with speculation about what they would argue about next when none of it has happened? I need a rest. Everyone needs a rest. Stop poking everyone with a stick to keep goading and feeding the flames. Just stop. I really thought last night that could happen. Almost everyone on this thread agrees it was a good idea. Just stop.

Perhaps because the left has been whining 24/7 about everything and nothing, simultaneously? There is to date not one shred of evidence to support any of this nonsense. It has been stated that there is no evidence that the Russians affected the outcome of the election or the Trump campaign colluded with the Russians.

How about you guys let it go.
That's exactly what I was doing. But a number of Bright Minds here decided that was wrong of me. Bunch of fucking dunces. But one guy was right--if y'all want to argue over shit that hasn't happened and how people are going to react to shit you're making up a year from now, that's your stupid choice.
This would be the best way to end this Trump/Russia dilemma. Maybe in two months, Robert Mueller comes before the national audience, gives us all of the details/conclusions of the case, and ends it with the fact that "He Couldn't Find Any Negative/Bad Intentions" from the President...
... he's just incompetent.
So you are admitting Hillary is incompetent?
:2up: This would be the best way to end this Trump/Russia dilemma. Maybe in two months, Robert Mueller comes before the national audience, gives us all of the details/conclusions of the case, and ends it with the fact that "He Couldn't Find Any Negative/Bad Intentions" from the President ???
Now how do you all think Chuck Schumer and the rest of the Democrat Pansies will respond? :crybaby: :crybaby: :crybaby: :itsok: :hellno:
If Mueller is as ethical and able as most seem to believe he is, he will simply conclude there is no evidence to support allegations of collusion and therefore intent would not be an issue. In fact, what he will probably also conclude is that there was nothing the Russian government did that was not normal for both the US and Russia to do. Keep in mind that Rosenstein's May 9 memo recommending firing Comey that foremost in his mind is repairing the grievous damage Comey did to the credibility of the FBI and the DoJ, not Russia or Trump, so to that end he chose Mueller to bring this investigation to a conclusion, something Comey clearly would never have done.
This would be the best way to end this Trump/Russia dilemma. Maybe in two months, Robert Mueller comes before the national audience, gives us all of the details/conclusions of the case, and ends it with the fact that "He Couldn't Find Any Negative/Bad Intentions" from the President...
... he's just incompetent.
So you are admitting Hillary is incompetent?
"He" in English denotes maleness, so NO! :rolleyes:

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