Imagine If Robert Mueller Concludes That "There Is No Intent Of Wrongdoing" Amongst Trump/Russians?

You will see a lot of this.
:2up: This would be the best way to end this Trump/Russia dilemma. Maybe in two months, Robert Mueller comes before the national audience, gives us all of the details/conclusions of the case, and ends it with the fact that "He Couldn't Find Any Negative/Bad Intentions" from the President ???
Now how do you all think Chuck Schumer and the rest of the Democrat Pansies will respond? :crybaby: :crybaby: :crybaby: :itsok: :hellno:
Le Grande Orange will look even stupider for firing Comey than he looks now. LOL
:2up: This would be the best way to end this Trump/Russia dilemma. Maybe in two months, Robert Mueller comes before the national audience, gives us all of the details/conclusions of the case, and ends it with the fact that "He Couldn't Find Any Negative/Bad Intentions" from the President ???
Now how do you all think Chuck Schumer and the rest of the Democrat Pansies will respond? :crybaby: :crybaby: :crybaby: :itsok: :hellno:

lol, by the time he did that, the GOP will have lost the House.
To answer the OP, what will happen is that the psychotic liberal non-humans will throw another tantrum and start spewing death threats at Mueller and every member of his family. I come from a family of Obama worshipers so I've already seen the sickly, diseased manner in which a liberal's shit-for-brain functions.
This would be the best way to end this Trump/Russia dilemma. Maybe in two months, Robert Mueller comes before the national audience, gives us all of the details/conclusions of the case, and ends it with the fact that "He Couldn't Find Any Negative/Bad Intentions" from the President...
... he's just incompetent.
So you are admitting Hillary is incompetent?
View attachment 127807
To answer the OP, what will happen is that the psychotic liberal non-humans will throw another tantrum and start spewing death threats at Mueller and every member of his family. I come from a family of Obama worshipers so I've already seen the sickly, diseased manner in which a liberal's shit-for-brain functions.
The way you post, it seems like your description of liberals in general and your family in particular is merely projection. Up the meds and go mend fences. Someday you may need the support of your "sickly diseased" family.
:2up: This would be the best way to end this Trump/Russia dilemma. Maybe in two months, Robert Mueller comes before the national audience, gives us all of the details/conclusions of the case, and ends it with the fact that "He Couldn't Find Any Negative/Bad Intentions" from the President ???
Now how do you all think Chuck Schumer and the rest of the Democrat Pansies will respond? :crybaby: :crybaby: :crybaby: :itsok: :hellno:

“Let me tell you, he made such a fool out of himself,” Trump said of Mueller, speaking at a cemetery where more than 9,300 American soldiers who died in World War II are buried.

Mueller is a decorated Marine veteran of the Vietnam War, in which President Trump did not serve, and which he described in an interview on British television as a “terrible war” and “very far away.”

The president took issue with Mueller’s public statement on his investigation into Russian election interference. Although Mueller declined to charge Trump with obstruction, he explicitly refused to exonerate the president.
Mueller is a decorated Marine veteran of the Vietnam War....


LEE HARVEY OSWALD was a United States Marine who was honorably discharged / released from active duty and into the Reserves before he defected to the Soviet Union in October 1959. Oswald eventually assassinated John F Kennedy on November 22, 1963.

JOHN KERRY came back from Viet Nam and LIED HIS ASS OFF before Congress, BETRAYING his fellow soldiers by claiming to have seen atrocities he NEVER saw. What Kerry DID do is lie under oath before Congress in an attempt to jump-start his own political career. He has continued to undermine this country since then, his latest effort being by-passing the US government and undermining current US foreign policy by meeting with Iranian leaders to advise them on how to proceed politically going forward.


In 2009, this Marine was Director of the FBI, and in 2009, the bureau asked Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska to spend millions of his own dollars funding an FBI-supervised operation to rescue a retired FBI agent, Robert Levinson, captured in Iran while working for the CIA in 2007.
--- Yes, that’s the same Deripaska who has surfaced in Mueller’s current investigation and who was recently sanctioned by the Trump administration.

*** Mueller may have a conflict — and it leads directly to a Russian oligarch

This is the same Marine who as Director of the FBI hid Russian crimes of extortion, intimidation, and bribery in 2014, and evidence shows he may have known about Russian crimes / interference in the US as far back as 2009....interestingly enough which is when Mueller and the FBI reportedly went to Russian Oligarch Deripaska (not to the US government) to ask for millions of dollars to fund the rescue mission mentioned above.

This is the same Marine who as Director of the FBI was called before a Secret FISA Court to explain how his FBI had perpetrated FISA Court abuses 75 times.

This is the same Marine who as a prosecutor was caught hiding evidence proving the innocence of 4 mean he was trying to prosecute and instead sent them to prison for years KNOWING they were innocent.

This is the same Marine who just got busted AGAIN hiding evidence in order to create a false narrative / perception of obstruction committed by the President of the United States, which the entire released transcript of the partial communication Mueller cherry-picked shows.


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