CBS Article: What if Trump is Right and There is no Collusion?

We are well aware of Putin’s Butt Prints on Hillary Clinton’s Face.

We are just wondering why Corrupt Washington refuses to Investigate it when several Investigations have proven There was No Russian Collusion With The Trump Campaign.

There is solid proof that it was Obama and Clinton that Colluded, and even tried to use Russian Propaganda to spy on Trump and launch a soft coupe against a duly elected president.

They are the ones who invented Russian Collusion that never occurred as a wild goose chase to keep the heat and microscope off of their own criminal activities .

What tickles me (besides the Trumpbots pathetically juvenile attempts to distract from Putin's fingerprints) is that anyone not partisan should admit that Comey chose not to indict Hillary over the emails' secret disclosures because he was not going to have the FBI decide a presidential election. And in the end, that's precisely what he accomplished.
Where does a man go to get his reputation back?

That is a question asked by the victim's of Which Hunts like the one Donald Trump has been subjected to regarding his supposed "collusion with the Russians." Every Democrat has claimed it and everyone of the Democrat's Lap Dog Media has to, but it is beginning to be time for the CROW EATING.

CBS just took a small bite. See below.

Commentary: What if Trump is right and there is no collusion?

"Andrew McCabe, who is a Democrat, and whose wife really did get $675,000 in combined donations from a PAC controlled by Clinton ally Terry McAuliffe and from the Virginia Democratic Party, which is also associated with McAuliffe, probably should have recused himself from any Clinton-related investigations. But he was fired, not by Donald Trump, but at the recommendation of FBI's Office of Professional Responsibility. The head of that office is Candace Will, who was given the job in 2004 by then-FBI Director…Robert Mueller."

The OPR reported acted on allegations that McCabe "showed a lack of candor" (is there a nicer way to say "liar" than that?) uncovered by the Inspector General, Michael Horowitz. He was appointed by…Barack Obama.


We already know that this Fake Dossier which created this whole Mueller Witch Hunt was bought and paid for by Hillary Clinton...and now evidence is emerging that parts of the Fake Dossier was actually generated by the Obama F.B.I.---through illegal means---making it necessary to "launder the info" through Christopher Steele to clean it up.

How dangerous is that to our fundamental Liberties?

What degree of Corruption in government is it going to take to make those blinded by Partisan Passion start thinking about the good of the Country, rather than the good of the Democratic Party?

At least CBS is starting to wonder. That's a start. Maybe a few more Democrats will have the guts and integrity to come out of their partisan foxholes---and take a look at the emerging Facts.


There's plenty of collusion.

The Nunes memo and the conspiracy surrounding the Dossier file as being the original source of this investigation has already been completely debunked. The Nunes memo debunked itself--:auiqs.jpg: In the Nunes memo it states that the Russian investigation started in July 2016, and the subject of attention was George Papalopous who's name is not mentioned in the Dossier file. The Dossier file wasn't given to the FBI until January 2017.

Trump and his surrogates were being watched and monitored by several different foreign countries since 2015, and long before the Dossier file showed up.

"GCHQ first became aware in late 2015 of suspicious “interactions” between figures connected to Trump and known or suspected Russian agents, a source close to UK intelligence said. This intelligence was passed to the US as part of a routine exchange of information, they added. Over the next six months, until summer 2016, a number of western agencies shared further information on contacts between Trump’s inner circle and Russians, sources said.The European countries that passed on electronic intelligence – known as sigint – included Germany, Estonia and Poland. Australia, a member of the “Five Eyes” spying alliance that also includes the US, UK, Canada and New Zealand, also relayed material, one source said."
British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia

Which is why Shep Smith knew in Feb. 2017 that Trump surrogates were on the phone with Russian intelligence agents, including the day that Russians hacked into DNC databases.

Which is why Trump Jr. couldn't even pull off a secret Russian meeting in the Trump tower in June 2016.

Trump is under investigation for Obstruction of Justice, which is an impeachable offense and it didn't help that he went on National T.V. and admitted to it. This is also the reason his lawyers do not want him testifying in front of Robert Mueller.

Now I understand that most of you that are still in the Trump cultists movement are probably watching FOX NEWS and you're not learning a lot about the Russian investigation. Instead you're getting filled with one conspiracy theory after another, in their effort to protect whom they promoted throughout the primaries, (Donald Trump) while ignoring all other GOP candidates. A great article to spend the next 20 minutes is right here.
Donald Trump broke the conservative media

1-1/2 weeks ago a very good book came out. It's not a political hack book. It's very well written, easy to read, and hard to put down. If you haven't been paying any attention or you've just been watching FOX NEWS and listening to right wing talk show hosts you're not going to know anything.

This book is the number 6 top seller on Amazon today.


This book will get you up to speed on what's going on.
It's goes into the error's Obama made by not addressing Vladimir Putin sooner, and why Putin loathed Hillary Clinton. Democrats regret for not heeding Mitt Romney's warning that Putin's Russia is the biggest threat to this country today. It goes into Putin's murders of double agents, and political opposition leaders over the last few years, and it clearly explains Trump's motives for his unusually warm attitude toward Vladimir Putin. Why he continually praised Putin throughout the campaign season and has continually stated Russia just a "ruse." An excellent book, that reads like a nonfiction spy novel.
Last edited:
This book is the number 6 top seller on Amazon today.

Michael Isikoff and David Corn tells us all we need to know. Two radical leftists. You're gonna have to do a lot better than that, pal.
Where does a man go to get his reputation back?

That is a question asked by the victim's of Which Hunts like the one Donald Trump has been subjected to regarding his supposed "collusion with the Russians." Every Democrat has claimed it and everyone of the Democrat's Lap Dog Media has to, but it is beginning to be time for the CROW EATING.

CBS just took a small bite. See below.

Commentary: What if Trump is right and there is no collusion?

"Andrew McCabe, who is a Democrat, and whose wife really did get $675,000 in combined donations from a PAC controlled by Clinton ally Terry McAuliffe and from the Virginia Democratic Party, which is also associated with McAuliffe, probably should have recused himself from any Clinton-related investigations. But he was fired, not by Donald Trump, but at the recommendation of FBI's Office of Professional Responsibility. The head of that office is Candace Will, who was given the job in 2004 by then-FBI Director…Robert Mueller."

The OPR reported acted on allegations that McCabe "showed a lack of candor" (is there a nicer way to say "liar" than that?) uncovered by the Inspector General, Michael Horowitz. He was appointed by…Barack Obama.


We already know that this Fake Dossier which created this whole Mueller Witch Hunt was bought and paid for by Hillary Clinton...and now evidence is emerging that parts of the Fake Dossier was actually generated by the Obama F.B.I.---through illegal means---making it necessary to "launder the info" through Christopher Steele to clean it up.

How dangerous is that to our fundamental Liberties?

What degree of Corruption in government is it going to take to make those blinded by Partisan Passion start thinking about the good of the Country, rather than the good of the Democratic Party?

At least CBS is starting to wonder. That's a start. Maybe a few more Democrats will have the guts and integrity to come out of their partisan foxholes---and take a look at the emerging Facts.


do you bother reading who writes anything? Graham is a rightwing commentator.

it's his "opinion". that's nice.

and if there's no collusion or anything illegal, why are they acting like they're guilty?

There isn't a thing "right wing" about Graham. He's a leftwing homosexual.
Where does a man go to get his reputation back?

That is a question asked by the victim's of Which Hunts like the one Donald Trump has been subjected to regarding his supposed "collusion with the Russians." Every Democrat has claimed it and everyone of the Democrat's Lap Dog Media has to, but it is beginning to be time for the CROW EATING.

CBS just took a small bite. See below.

Commentary: What if Trump is right and there is no collusion?

"Andrew McCabe, who is a Democrat, and whose wife really did get $675,000 in combined donations from a PAC controlled by Clinton ally Terry McAuliffe and from the Virginia Democratic Party, which is also associated with McAuliffe, probably should have recused himself from any Clinton-related investigations. But he was fired, not by Donald Trump, but at the recommendation of FBI's Office of Professional Responsibility. The head of that office is Candace Will, who was given the job in 2004 by then-FBI Director…Robert Mueller."

The OPR reported acted on allegations that McCabe "showed a lack of candor" (is there a nicer way to say "liar" than that?) uncovered by the Inspector General, Michael Horowitz. He was appointed by…Barack Obama.


We already know that this Fake Dossier which created this whole Mueller Witch Hunt was bought and paid for by Hillary Clinton...and now evidence is emerging that parts of the Fake Dossier was actually generated by the Obama F.B.I.---through illegal means---making it necessary to "launder the info" through Christopher Steele to clean it up.

How dangerous is that to our fundamental Liberties?

What degree of Corruption in government is it going to take to make those blinded by Partisan Passion start thinking about the good of the Country, rather than the good of the Democratic Party?

At least CBS is starting to wonder. That's a start. Maybe a few more Democrats will have the guts and integrity to come out of their partisan foxholes---and take a look at the emerging Facts.


I hope that Trump and his campaign aren't guilty of collusion with Russia.

But I think it will be even worse if they did.

What degree of Corruption in government is it going to take to make those blinded by Partisan Passion start thinking about the good of the Country, rather than the good of the Republican Party?
the corruption is all on the Democrat side, moron.
Where does a man go to get his reputation back?

That is a question asked by the victim's of Which Hunts like the one Donald Trump has been subjected to regarding his supposed "collusion with the Russians." Every Democrat has claimed it and everyone of the Democrat's Lap Dog Media has to, but it is beginning to be time for the CROW EATING.

CBS just took a small bite. See below.

Commentary: What if Trump is right and there is no collusion?

"Andrew McCabe, who is a Democrat, and whose wife really did get $675,000 in combined donations from a PAC controlled by Clinton ally Terry McAuliffe and from the Virginia Democratic Party, which is also associated with McAuliffe, probably should have recused himself from any Clinton-related investigations. But he was fired, not by Donald Trump, but at the recommendation of FBI's Office of Professional Responsibility. The head of that office is Candace Will, who was given the job in 2004 by then-FBI Director…Robert Mueller."

The OPR reported acted on allegations that McCabe "showed a lack of candor" (is there a nicer way to say "liar" than that?) uncovered by the Inspector General, Michael Horowitz. He was appointed by…Barack Obama.


We already know that this Fake Dossier which created this whole Mueller Witch Hunt was bought and paid for by Hillary Clinton...and now evidence is emerging that parts of the Fake Dossier was actually generated by the Obama F.B.I.---through illegal means---making it necessary to "launder the info" through Christopher Steele to clean it up.

How dangerous is that to our fundamental Liberties?

What degree of Corruption in government is it going to take to make those blinded by Partisan Passion start thinking about the good of the Country, rather than the good of the Democratic Party?

At least CBS is starting to wonder. That's a start. Maybe a few more Democrats will have the guts and integrity to come out of their partisan foxholes---and take a look at the emerging Facts.


I hope that Trump and his campaign aren't guilty of collusion with Russia.

But I think it will be even worse if they did.

What degree of Corruption in government is it going to take to make those blinded by Partisan Passion start thinking about the good of the Country, rather than the good of the Republican Party?
Trump isn't good for the Republican party.
He's great for the working American.
Fuck the Republican party.
America for Americans First.
What degree of Corruption in government is it going to take to make those blinded by Partisan Passion start thinking about the good of the Country, rather than the good of Donald Trump?
About the degree that Obama and Hillary had I guess. But you ignored them because the only thing that matters to you is that a Democrat is in power.
Where does a man go to get his reputation back?

That is a question asked by the victim's of Which Hunts like the one Donald Trump has been subjected to regarding his supposed "collusion with the Russians." Every Democrat has claimed it and everyone of the Democrat's Lap Dog Media has to, but it is beginning to be time for the CROW EATING.

CBS just took a small bite. See below.

Commentary: What if Trump is right and there is no collusion?

"Andrew McCabe, who is a Democrat, and whose wife really did get $675,000 in combined donations from a PAC controlled by Clinton ally Terry McAuliffe and from the Virginia Democratic Party, which is also associated with McAuliffe, probably should have recused himself from any Clinton-related investigations. But he was fired, not by Donald Trump, but at the recommendation of FBI's Office of Professional Responsibility. The head of that office is Candace Will, who was given the job in 2004 by then-FBI Director…Robert Mueller."

The OPR reported acted on allegations that McCabe "showed a lack of candor" (is there a nicer way to say "liar" than that?) uncovered by the Inspector General, Michael Horowitz. He was appointed by…Barack Obama.


We already know that this Fake Dossier which created this whole Mueller Witch Hunt was bought and paid for by Hillary Clinton...and now evidence is emerging that parts of the Fake Dossier was actually generated by the Obama F.B.I.---through illegal means---making it necessary to "launder the info" through Christopher Steele to clean it up.

How dangerous is that to our fundamental Liberties?

What degree of Corruption in government is it going to take to make those blinded by Partisan Passion start thinking about the good of the Country, rather than the good of the Democratic Party?

At least CBS is starting to wonder. That's a start. Maybe a few more Democrats will have the guts and integrity to come out of their partisan foxholes---and take a look at the emerging Facts.


I hope that Trump and his campaign aren't guilty of collusion with Russia.

But I think it will be even worse if they did.

What degree of Corruption in government is it going to take to make those blinded by Partisan Passion start thinking about the good of the Country, rather than the good of the Republican Party?
Trump isn't good for the Republican party.
He's great for the working American.
Fuck the Republican party.
America for Americans First.
What degree of Corruption in government is it going to take to make those blinded by Partisan Passion start thinking about the good of the Country, rather than the good of Donald Trump?
About the degree that Obama and Hillary had I guess. But you ignored them because the only thing that matters to you is that a Democrat is in power.

No-many things matter to me- but one of the things that matters to me is that we have someone who is capable as President- and who is a not a flaming contard- and not colluding with Russia.
Sounds like Democrat Fake News is getting very nervous. Their Impeachment fantasy is fading fast. And wait till truth comes to light. There was Collusion in the last Election. But it was between Hillary Clinton, Obama, the Brits, and Russians. Christopher Steele worked for Clinton and Obama's FBI. Just look to the Ohr-Steele connection. They'll all need to be thoroughly investigated.
If Trump is right and there is no collusion they will get him for something else, that is the way it works.

Clinton was not being investigated for kinky sex in the Oval Office

Sent from my iPhone using

Janet Reno asked for the “kinky sex” tone investigated...was she the “they” you were talking about?
Where does a man go to get his reputation back?

That is a question asked by the victim's of Which Hunts like the one Donald Trump has been subjected to regarding his supposed "collusion with the Russians." Every Democrat has claimed it and everyone of the Democrat's Lap Dog Media has to, but it is beginning to be time for the CROW EATING.

CBS just took a small bite. See below.

Commentary: What if Trump is right and there is no collusion?

"Andrew McCabe, who is a Democrat, and whose wife really did get $675,000 in combined donations from a PAC controlled by Clinton ally Terry McAuliffe and from the Virginia Democratic Party, which is also associated with McAuliffe, probably should have recused himself from any Clinton-related investigations. But he was fired, not by Donald Trump, but at the recommendation of FBI's Office of Professional Responsibility. The head of that office is Candace Will, who was given the job in 2004 by then-FBI Director…Robert Mueller."

The OPR reported acted on allegations that McCabe "showed a lack of candor" (is there a nicer way to say "liar" than that?) uncovered by the Inspector General, Michael Horowitz. He was appointed by…Barack Obama.


We already know that this Fake Dossier which created this whole Mueller Witch Hunt was bought and paid for by Hillary Clinton...and now evidence is emerging that parts of the Fake Dossier was actually generated by the Obama F.B.I.---through illegal means---making it necessary to "launder the info" through Christopher Steele to clean it up.

How dangerous is that to our fundamental Liberties?

What degree of Corruption in government is it going to take to make those blinded by Partisan Passion start thinking about the good of the Country, rather than the good of the Democratic Party?

At least CBS is starting to wonder. That's a start. Maybe a few more Democrats will have the guts and integrity to come out of their partisan foxholes---and take a look at the emerging Facts.


I hope that Trump and his campaign aren't guilty of collusion with Russia.

But I think it will be even worse if they did.

What degree of Corruption in government is it going to take to make those blinded by Partisan Passion start thinking about the good of the Country, rather than the good of the Republican Party?
Trump isn't good for the Republican party.
He's great for the working American.
Fuck the Republican party.
America for Americans First.
What degree of Corruption in government is it going to take to make those blinded by Partisan Passion start thinking about the good of the Country, rather than the good of Donald Trump?
About the degree that Obama and Hillary had I guess. But you ignored them because the only thing that matters to you is that a Democrat is in power.

No-many things matter to me- but one of the things that matters to me is that we have someone who is capable as President- and who is a not a flaming contard- and not colluding with Russia.
In other words, fantasies and fairy tales are the only things that matter to you.
I hope that Trump and his campaign aren't guilty of collusion with Russia.

But I think it will be even worse if they did.

What degree of Corruption in government is it going to take to make those blinded by Partisan Passion start thinking about the good of the Country, rather than the good of the Republican Party?
Trump isn't good for the Republican party.
He's great for the working American.
Fuck the Republican party.
America for Americans First.
What degree of Corruption in government is it going to take to make those blinded by Partisan Passion start thinking about the good of the Country, rather than the good of Donald Trump?
About the degree that Obama and Hillary had I guess. But you ignored them because the only thing that matters to you is that a Democrat is in power.

No-many things matter to me- but one of the things that matters to me is that we have someone who is capable as President- and who is a not a flaming contard- and not colluding with Russia.
In other words, fantasies and fairy tales are the only things that matter to you.
Where does a man go to get his reputation back?

That is a question asked by the victim's of Which Hunts like the one Donald Trump has been subjected to regarding his supposed "collusion with the Russians." Every Democrat has claimed it and everyone of the Democrat's Lap Dog Media has to, but it is beginning to be time for the CROW EATING.

CBS just took a small bite. See below.

Commentary: What if Trump is right and there is no collusion?

"Andrew McCabe, who is a Democrat, and whose wife really did get $675,000 in combined donations from a PAC controlled by Clinton ally Terry McAuliffe and from the Virginia Democratic Party, which is also associated with McAuliffe, probably should have recused himself from any Clinton-related investigations. But he was fired, not by Donald Trump, but at the recommendation of FBI's Office of Professional Responsibility. The head of that office is Candace Will, who was given the job in 2004 by then-FBI Director…Robert Mueller."

The OPR reported acted on allegations that McCabe "showed a lack of candor" (is there a nicer way to say "liar" than that?) uncovered by the Inspector General, Michael Horowitz. He was appointed by…Barack Obama.


We already know that this Fake Dossier which created this whole Mueller Witch Hunt was bought and paid for by Hillary Clinton...and now evidence is emerging that parts of the Fake Dossier was actually generated by the Obama F.B.I.---through illegal means---making it necessary to "launder the info" through Christopher Steele to clean it up.

How dangerous is that to our fundamental Liberties?

What degree of Corruption in government is it going to take to make those blinded by Partisan Passion start thinking about the good of the Country, rather than the good of the Democratic Party?

At least CBS is starting to wonder. That's a start. Maybe a few more Democrats will have the guts and integrity to come out of their partisan foxholes---and take a look at the emerging Facts.


I hope that Trump and his campaign aren't guilty of collusion with Russia.

But I think it will be even worse if they did.

What degree of Corruption in government is it going to take to make those blinded by Partisan Passion start thinking about the good of the Country, rather than the good of the Republican Party?
Trump isn't good for the Republican party.
He's great for the working American.
Fuck the Republican party.
America for Americans First.
What degree of Corruption in government is it going to take to make those blinded by Partisan Passion start thinking about the good of the Country, rather than the good of Donald Trump?
About the degree that Obama and Hillary had I guess. But you ignored them because the only thing that matters to you is that a Democrat is in power.

No-many things matter to me- but one of the things that matters to me is that we have someone who is capable as President- and who is a not a flaming contard- and not colluding with Russia.
Hillary colluded with Russia. You forget that dossier?
Trump is the most capable President who has ever held the office.
Where does a man go to get his reputation back?

That is a question asked by the victim's of Which Hunts like the one Donald Trump has been subjected to regarding his supposed "collusion with the Russians." Every Democrat has claimed it and everyone of the Democrat's Lap Dog Media has to, but it is beginning to be time for the CROW EATING.

CBS just took a small bite. See below.

Commentary: What if Trump is right and there is no collusion?

"Andrew McCabe, who is a Democrat, and whose wife really did get $675,000 in combined donations from a PAC controlled by Clinton ally Terry McAuliffe and from the Virginia Democratic Party, which is also associated with McAuliffe, probably should have recused himself from any Clinton-related investigations. But he was fired, not by Donald Trump, but at the recommendation of FBI's Office of Professional Responsibility. The head of that office is Candace Will, who was given the job in 2004 by then-FBI Director…Robert Mueller."

The OPR reported acted on allegations that McCabe "showed a lack of candor" (is there a nicer way to say "liar" than that?) uncovered by the Inspector General, Michael Horowitz. He was appointed by…Barack Obama.


We already know that this Fake Dossier which created this whole Mueller Witch Hunt was bought and paid for by Hillary Clinton...and now evidence is emerging that parts of the Fake Dossier was actually generated by the Obama F.B.I.---through illegal means---making it necessary to "launder the info" through Christopher Steele to clean it up.

How dangerous is that to our fundamental Liberties?

What degree of Corruption in government is it going to take to make those blinded by Partisan Passion start thinking about the good of the Country, rather than the good of the Democratic Party?

At least CBS is starting to wonder. That's a start. Maybe a few more Democrats will have the guts and integrity to come out of their partisan foxholes---and take a look at the emerging Facts.


what if superman was a nazi?
I hope that Trump and his campaign aren't guilty of collusion with Russia.

But I think it will be even worse if they did.

What degree of Corruption in government is it going to take to make those blinded by Partisan Passion start thinking about the good of the Country, rather than the good of the Republican Party?
Trump isn't good for the Republican party.
He's great for the working American.
Fuck the Republican party.
America for Americans First.
What degree of Corruption in government is it going to take to make those blinded by Partisan Passion start thinking about the good of the Country, rather than the good of Donald Trump?
About the degree that Obama and Hillary had I guess. But you ignored them because the only thing that matters to you is that a Democrat is in power.

No-many things matter to me- but one of the things that matters to me is that we have someone who is capable as President- and who is a not a flaming contard- and not colluding with Russia.
Hillary colluded with Russia. You forget that dossier?
Trump is the most capable President who has ever held the office.

LOL- there is literally not one factually true thing in your post.
I hope that Trump and his campaign aren't guilty of collusion with Russia.

But I think it will be even worse if they did.

What degree of Corruption in government is it going to take to make those blinded by Partisan Passion start thinking about the good of the Country, rather than the good of the Republican Party?
Trump isn't good for the Republican party.
He's great for the working American.
Fuck the Republican party.
America for Americans First.
What degree of Corruption in government is it going to take to make those blinded by Partisan Passion start thinking about the good of the Country, rather than the good of Donald Trump?
About the degree that Obama and Hillary had I guess. But you ignored them because the only thing that matters to you is that a Democrat is in power.

No-many things matter to me- but one of the things that matters to me is that we have someone who is capable as President- and who is a not a flaming contard- and not colluding with Russia.
In other words, fantasies and fairy tales are the only things that matter to you.

In other words, like so many contards, your partisan blinders are so think you can't even read the words I post.
Sounds like Democrat Fake News is getting very nervous. Their Impeachment fantasy is fading fast. And wait till truth comes to light. There was Collusion in the last Election. But it was between Hillary Clinton, Obama, the Brits, and Russians. Christopher Steele worked for Clinton and Obama's FBI. Just look to the Ohr-Steele connection. They'll all need to be thoroughly investigated.
LOL- the Trumpean Tinfoil hat brigade in action- EVERYONE but Trump is corrupt- Trump is the last virgin......
it was vindictive enough. and Donald must be terrified of what he has to say.

trumptards are such morons.

Nothing is too vindictive for scum like McCabe, Comey, and Mueller to name a few. If I were Trump I would take my money and dig up dirt and/make things up to destroy the lives of their spouses, children, and grandchildren.

And keep at it until they kill themselves.
Yes that is just the type of sentiment I’d expect an inbred Trump sheep to present. Go after political opponents children and grandchildren? Worse than deplorable.

Their children and grandchildren are called collateral damage
Their children and grandchildren will erase yours and Trump’s legacy as you rot in the ground, you sick piece of trash

So it is ok for the government to use the Trump's kids and to poor people's kids as collateral damage, but to treat their families like such is horrible

Trump's kids are grown adults, and the mess they are in is of their own doing. It's very odd, those with the most money are the most greedy.
it was vindictive enough. and Donald must be terrified of what he has to say.

trumptards are such morons.

Nothing is too vindictive for scum like McCabe, Comey, and Mueller to name a few. If I were Trump I would take my money and dig up dirt and/make things up to destroy the lives of their spouses, children, and grandchildren.

And keep at it until they kill themselves.
Yes that is just the type of sentiment I’d expect an inbred Trump sheep to present. Go after political opponents children and grandchildren? Worse than deplorable.

Their children and grandchildren are called collateral damage
Their children and grandchildren will erase yours and Trump’s legacy as you rot in the ground, you sick piece of trash

So it is ok for the government to use the Trump's kids and to poor people's kids as collateral damage, but to treat their families like such is horrible

they are in their 30's. and if they are criminal, and using their access to the white house to glom money from foreigners (or others) they should be investigated. and probably should go to jail.

they aren't collateral damage.... they're opportunists. and opportunists like javonka aren't above the law.

why do you think they should be?

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