Imagine If The GOP Actually Wanted To Help

☭proletarian☭;2131189 said:
What Democrat was president who sent us into 2 foreign wars?
Woodrow Wilson

Franklin Roosevelt.

You must have heard of them, they sent more Americans to their deaths then anyone else in history.

Have you ever heard of the Lusitania and Pearl Harbor???
☭proletarian☭;2131473 said:
show me one thread where I am parroting Gop talking points, I'll wait.

the Obama and his comrades in arms are DESTROYING US


Answer the question in post # 59.

Oh really, link me up to one Gop member in Congress who has said that, I'll wait.
and I mean they said it, EXACTLY how I said it.
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Democrats were kicking and screaming at the war mongering and wasteful spending the whole time bub...SNAP OUT OF IT!!

Oh that's why they overwhelming voted to authorize force. Because they were kicking and screaming.

Which war are we talking here?

Iraq or A-Stan.

Every member of Congress who voted, save one, voted for the AUMF in 2001.

Less than half of the Dems in Congress who cast a vote voted for the AUMF Iraq.
Democrats were kicking and screaming at the war mongering and wasteful spending the whole time bub...SNAP OUT OF IT!!

Oh that's why they overwhelming voted to authorize force. Because they were kicking and screaming.

Which war are we talking here?

Iraq or A-Stan.

Every member of Congress who voted, save one, voted for the AUMF in 2001.

Less than half of the Dems in Congress who cast a vote voted for the AUMF Iraq.

well then that must excuse the WHOLE party I guess.
well then that must excuse the WHOLE party I guess.

Uh, no.

But thanks for blurting!

Ok then, glad we got that straight.
so what exactly was your point of posting those facts?

The point is that contrary to what Avatar was claiming, the Democrats in Congress didn't overwhelmingly vote for the war. In fact, the majority voted against it.

If you can't excuse the WHOLE party then you certainly can't lay blame on the WHOLE party.
Yes, let's all help Comrade Obama screw over future generations of Americans by making them 100% dependent upon government for everything!! CRADLE TO GRAVE!!! While we are there we can triple the national debt, let illegals have amnesty, institute a "value added tax" to get our taxation rates over 50%, and destroy our economy for "globull warming". :rolleyes:

No thanks. Get a job ya stinky hippie!!!

Yep, no more 'Sperm to Worm' government handouts.
☭proletarian☭;2131442 said:
Cuba.. Cuba... Cuba...

Oh yeah, now I remember- the whole 'oh mah god, teh communists are gonna take over the werld!' thing. Remind me which side of the political spectrum rallied behind MacCarthy and his ilk and got into the Cold War and all the related conflicts because they were afraid to lose the Eastern markets and have business negatively influenced when the colonies threw off their shackles and rejected capitalist oppression...

Oh yeah- that was the Right that got us into that whole mess.
You don't really know a lot about history, do you.

Inventor of the 'domino theory' =Truman (d)

Prersident that allowed communist take over in Cuba= Ike(r)

President that tried to overthrow communists in Cuba= JFK (d)

You really need to do some reading if you want to discuss these things, as it is you are making quite the fool of yourself.
☭proletarian☭;2131189 said:
What Democrat was president who sent us into 2 foreign wars?
Woodrow Wilson

Franklin Roosevelt.

You must have heard of them, they sent more Americans to their deaths then anyone else in history.

Have you ever heard of the Lusitania and Pearl Harbor???
Ocean liner owne dby the British Cunard line, packed with munitions and warned by the Imperial Germans it was entering a war zone, THAT Lusitania?

As for Pearl Harbor, read up on FDR's behavior towards Japan, such as ORDERING IT to give up its empire (Yet he didn't issue such orders to France and England, the white guys, now why was that?)

So FDR told Japan it would do as the USA ordered or die, and they choose die fighting.

You need to learn history as badly as the other guy.

The USA wasn't the 'good guy', we provoked our way into a war with Japan over China, yet we happily joined the whites when they were carving up China a few years earlier.

The kicker is we supported a facsist in China who was widely hated.
What would have happened if after Nov. 20 of 08, the GOP had purposed in their heart to work with Obama and the Democrats for the good of the nation? To fix the wrongs of the past 8 years instead of to play political and uber-partisan games trying to win and gain more political capital.

Do you think the HCR Bill would have been so bad?

Why did they WASTE so much time lying, attacking and saying no instead of INVESTING it in attempting to IMPROVE things?

When will they learn? When will they LEAD?

What would have happened is the GOP would now be accomplices in the grand plan of your euro-statist fuckhead of a president and his banshee bitch on the Hill to scheme and swindle this country out of it's heritage of self-determination.

You sound like you're sorry. I'm not.
What would have happened if after Nov. 20 of 08, the GOP had purposed in their heart to work with Obama and the Democrats for the good of the nation? To fix the wrongs of the past 8 years instead of to play political and uber-partisan games trying to win and gain more political capital.

Do you think the HCR Bill would have been so bad?

Why did they WASTE so much time lying, attacking and saying no instead of INVESTING it in attempting to IMPROVE things?

When will they learn? When will they LEAD?

What would have happened is the GOP would now be accomplices in the grand plan of your euro-statist fuckhead of a president and his banshee bitch on the Hill to scheme and swindle this country out of it's heritage of self-determination.

You sound like you're sorry. I'm not.

Indeed. The Liberal sector of the Democrat Party owns the new hcp, for better or worse. Those that were bullied into voting for it will also be held accountable. Those that voted against it, should be thanked, if not voted for again.
The parties some of you guys think exist don't.

Stop drinking the partisan kool aid

Seriously...both parties are parties of big government.

Seriously, both parties are beholden to the corporate powers that OWN them.

Time to wake up, partisans.

Stop blaming your neightbors (whose lifestyles you don't approve of) and start paying attention to the people who actually make the decisions that are screwing this nation.

If you cannot see that leadership from BOTH PARTIES are responsible for this mess, you really and truly do need look more deeply into the issues.

Stop being so stupid and falling for this good cop/bad cop game these people play on you.

It isn't the hippies or the gun advocates who are screwing yoou, it's the leaders you partisans keep putting into office.
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The parties some of you guys think exist are the result of you're having been exposed to one hell of a lot of propaganda.

Seriously...both parties are parties of big government.

Seriouslym both parties are beholden to the corporate powers that sustain them.

Time to wake up, partisans.

Stop blaming your neightbors (whose lifestyles you don't approve of) and start paying attention to the people who actually make the decisions that are screwing this nation.

If you cannot see that players from BOTH PARTIES are responsible for this mess, you really and truly do need look more deeply into the issues.

And vote how? Libertarian? Green? ONE party stands out in this bullshit.

The parties some of you guys think exist are the result of you're having been exposed to one hell of a lot of propaganda.

Seriously...both parties are parties of big government.

Seriouslym both parties are beholden to the corporate powers that sustain them.

Time to wake up, partisans.

Stop blaming your neightbors (whose lifestyles you don't approve of) and start paying attention to the people who actually make the decisions that are screwing this nation.

If you cannot see that players from BOTH PARTIES are responsible for this mess, you really and truly do need look more deeply into the issues.

And vote how? Libertarian? Green? ONE party stands out in this bullshit.

The only hope is balance, when you have one party rule, you get what we have now, radical and unwanted changes.

The bad thing is, you have to have one party the other way to reverse it.
The parties some of you guys think exist don't.

Stop drinking the partisan kool aid

Seriously...both parties are parties of big government.

Seriously, both parties are beholden to the corporate powers that OWN them.

Time to wake up, partisans.

Stop blaming your neightbors (whose lifestyles you don't approve of) and start paying attention to the people who actually make the decisions that are screwing this nation.

If you cannot see that leadership from BOTH PARTIES are responsible for this mess, you really and truly do need look more deeply into the issues.

Stop being so stupid and falling for this good cop/bad cop game these people play on you.

It isn't the hippies or the gun advocates who are screwing yoou, it's the leaders you partisans keep putting into office.
That would be You as for partisan. No bullshit about how you are not 'partisan', because you are. You may not know it, but you are.

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