immigrant/illegal/whatever waste your $$$$$

BTW, it was the people who obsess over that stupid wall that gave you the so - called "Patriot Act" and the National ID - REAL ID Act - E Verify which WILL be a detriment to any future effort to resist an unconstitutional government.

You have an immigration problem. You also have a problem with petty despots giving you proposed solutions that are more harmful than helpful. You'll sacrifice your Liberty for NOTHING. As Benjamin Franklin once observed:
"He who would give up essential Liberty for the promise of temporary Safety deserves neither Liberty nor Safety." Once you forfeit Liberty you end with neither anyway.

I support both the Patriot Act and Real ID.

We do have a massive immigration issue and if we don’t fix it soon, this country is doomed.

I don’t believe in either Liberty or Safety. Never have.

Then you and I are on opposite sides of the political spectrum. But, from my vantage point, when the right endorses these things and then claims to be "conservative," it demonstrates what a mockery our Republic has become. To their credit, they no longer see themselves as Christian patriots, patriots, or constitutionalists. Those were a different breed of Americans.

He's not "conservative", he is nuts. Sort of a combination of Stalin and Pee Wee Herman.
Then you and I are on opposite sides of the political spectrum. But, from my vantage point, when the right endorses these things and then claims to be "conservative," it demonstrates what a mockery our Republic has become. To their credit, they no longer see themselves as Christian patriots, patriots, or constitutionalists. Those were a different breed of Americans.

The problem is that you misunderstand what it is Conservatives want to “conserve”. So many think it’s Freedom, Liberty, or the American Way. It isn’t. Tryue Conservatives wish to conserve and enforce the Traditional definitions of Right and Wrong and the Society thst was based on those values.

What values might those be? The conservatives of the 1970s were all about Freedom and Liberty. They were vested in fighting the income tax, National ID, the cashless society, the womb to the tomb 24 / 7 / 365 surveillance of the citizenry, eminent domain abuse, infringements on the Rights of private employers wherein the government tries to dictate who the private sector can and cannot hire. They were against gun control and most conservatives could define the term unalienable Rights.

The Tea Party Republicans, Trump and those on that side are exactly 180 degrees diametrically opposed to the patriots, Christian patriots and constitutionalists that existed in the 1970s up to when 9 / 11 took place.
What values might those be?.

The Traditional Western Values that lead to a thousand years of greatness in Western Society would be a good starting point. We actually need to go further back than that to truly get to the core of things, but going back to almost everything we’ve thrown out in the last 209 years would be a step in the right direction.
why does the right wing allege to subscribe to Capitalism; when they have no capital plans, only social plans on a national and even international basis.
why does the right wing allege to subscribe to Capitalism; when they have no capital plans, only social plans on a national and even international basis.

What are you talking about? Whose post, thus far, has talked about capitalism? What are you referring to?
....after 9-11 [ and the many terrorists acts/wars/etc before that ], immigration laws, qualified papers-visas/etc should've been drastically tightened-enhanced/etc
..the US is asking for trouble by not enforcing-enhancing- laws/etc

Definitely. September 11th proved open borders could hurt us physically. The last 30 years have proven open borders are equally dangerous to our Cultural safety as well. Time to close the borders - PERMANENTLY
----------------------------------------- right after 'reagan bush' gave Amnesty .
why does the right wing allege to subscribe to Capitalism; when they have no capital plans, only social plans on a national and even international basis.

What are you talking about? Whose post, thus far, has talked about capitalism? What are you referring to?
don't know Standard right wing propaganda? they are the Party of Capitalism not socialism on a national basis, allegedly.
why does the right wing allege to subscribe to Capitalism; when they have no capital plans, only social plans on a national and even international basis.

What are you talking about? Whose post, thus far, has talked about capitalism? What are you referring to?
don't know Standard right wing propaganda? they are the Party of Capitalism not socialism on a national basis, allegedly.

The "right" no longer exists. It's a fluster cuck with political neophytes that have never read the Constitution trying to compete with Establishment Republicans and work with a disgruntled Democrat turned RINO president.
why does the right wing allege to subscribe to Capitalism; when they have no capital plans, only social plans on a national and even international basis.

What are you talking about? Whose post, thus far, has talked about capitalism? What are you referring to?
don't know Standard right wing propaganda? they are the Party of Capitalism not socialism on a national basis, allegedly.

The "right" no longer exists. It's a fluster cuck with political neophytes that have never read the Constitution trying to compete with Establishment Republicans and work with a disgruntled Democrat turned RINO president.

The Right is the party of Common-Sense. The commee Left is the part of Non-Sense.

For instance, open borders. You cant have Criminals, sick, diseased, illegal drugs coming and going willy-nilly. Yet Leftist actually fight to keep that going? Dems dont even obey the laws they themselves have passed.
why does the right wing allege to subscribe to Capitalism; when they have no capital plans, only social plans on a national and even international basis.

What are you talking about? Whose post, thus far, has talked about capitalism? What are you referring to?
don't know Standard right wing propaganda? they are the Party of Capitalism not socialism on a national basis, allegedly.

The "right" no longer exists. It's a fluster cuck with political neophytes that have never read the Constitution trying to compete with Establishment Republicans and work with a disgruntled Democrat turned RINO president.

The Right is the party of Common-Sense. The commee Left is the part of Non-Sense.

For instance, open borders. You cant have Criminals, sick, diseased, illegal drugs coming and going willy-nilly. Yet Leftist actually fight to keep that going? Dems dont even obey the laws they themselves have passed.

The borders were open before the Pilgrims wrote up the first governing document of the New World in 1620. Their posterity built the greatest nation in the annals of history without a wall.

The left wanted the wall before the right took up the cause. The STILL want it. The left only distances itself from the wall now because it is sound political strategy. Give the right enough rope and they will hang themselves.
I will tell you how illegals wast your tax dollars.....I live in small town in Midwest where busloads of Honduran immigrants were dropped off which were mostly men, the local churches did take care of them for a short while but now they are roaming our streets filling up our local bars and and smoking pot, they are very violent people which makes it very dangerous to walk the streets at night.

They only reason they are here is because our state gives our very generous welfare benefits to these illegals
I will tell you how illegals wast your tax dollars.....I live in small town in Midwest where busloads of Honduran immigrants were dropped off which were mostly men, the local churches did take care of them for a short while but now they are roaming our streets filling up our local bars and and smoking pot, they are very violent people which makes it very dangerous to walk the streets at night.

They only reason they are here is because our state gives our very generous welfare benefits to these illegals

And yet the people keep voting for the same local elected leaders. So, which local office are YOU going to run for?
why does the right wing allege to subscribe to Capitalism; when they have no capital plans, only social plans on a national and even international basis.

What are you talking about? Whose post, thus far, has talked about capitalism? What are you referring to?
don't know Standard right wing propaganda? they are the Party of Capitalism not socialism on a national basis, allegedly.

The "right" no longer exists. It's a fluster cuck with political neophytes that have never read the Constitution trying to compete with Establishment Republicans and work with a disgruntled Democrat turned RINO president.

The Right is the party of Common-Sense. The commee Left is the part of Non-Sense.

For instance, open borders. You cant have Criminals, sick, diseased, illegal drugs coming and going willy-nilly. Yet Leftist actually fight to keep that going? Dems dont even obey the laws they themselves have passed.
the right wing doesn't care about the law, only their bigotry.

there is no immigration clause in our federal Constitution.

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