Immigrants From Banned Nations: Educated, Mostly Citizens and Found in Every State

Combatants don't have borders in this war, which is why better and more complete vetting makes perfect sense. There does seem to be training nations and those happen to be the basis of the current Trump list.


Specifically - "how" better? What would you do differently?

I would have folks flying internationally to understand traveling outside your planned and filed destination may bar you from reentering.

Limit the acceptable activities in listed countries in order to return.

Require written, verifiable and signed lists of activities in the listed countries.

Temporarily limit the length of stay in listed countries to a week.

And all of that is perfectly sensible, why anyone would have a problem with any of that can only either be completely idiotic or have ulterior motives for taking offence at such suggestions.
An informative read...some facts that don't fit the rampant stereotyping of immigrants and refugees coming over to the US. Given their rates of citizenship, and the fact that far more served in the army than committed terrorist acts, it's hard to make the argument that they "hate America", "hate western values" and "want to destroy us".

Many have college degrees
As a whole, residents from the seven predominantly Muslim countries, especially Iranians and the small group of Libyans, are better educated than the rest of America. People from Syria and Sudan also tend to be better educated than the national average.

Some have prospered
Residents from Iran, Syria and Libya, who are more likely than the population as a whole to be managers, engineers and teachers, make close to or above the median income for the entire American population.

Somalis and Sudanese are overrepresented in blue-collar jobs in manufacturing and transportation, and make less. The median income of Somalis is less than half the United States average.

Iraqis, Somalis, and Sudanese are more recent arrivals:
The pattern is roughly commensurate with how long immigrant communities have been in the United States, with nearly half of Iranians moving there before 1990. Nearly two-thirds of Iraqis, Somalis and Sudanese have arrived since 2000.

Most Are Now Citizens
Most United States residents from these seven countries have become citizens,
a rate higher than that of the foreign-born population in the country as a whole. A small number, about 10,000, have served in the American military.

Three Were Involved in Attacks
Of the more than 856,000 immigrants, visa holders and green-card holders originally from the countries affected by the ban, just three are known to have carried out violent attacks inside the United States since Sept. 11, 2001,
according to David Sterman, an analyst at the New America think tank who maintains a database of terrorist attacks in the United States.

...Since Sept. 11, 2001, a vast majority of the perpetrators of terrorist attacks came from countries not listed in the ban, and many were born in the United States.
This is a double edged sword. Though we definitely want legal immigrants to come here and share the American dream, all those qualities you listed make for a perfect sleeper cell. You nor I know which immigrants love or hate the U.S.
False premise of why more vetting on immigrants from the list is needed.

What false premise?

The false premise that that the far left always runs that is not connected to reality!

You far left drones cheer and support violence like what ISIS does. So since the far left is a dangerous religion, show we ban all far left drones from the US?

No, the false premise is that these immigrants threaten the safety of the US. None of the 911 terrorists came from ANY of these countries.

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And proof the far left is running their religious narrative not connected to reality!

It doe snot matter where they come from, it matters where they can get radicalized.

Isis paying smugglers’ fees in recruitment drive among child refugees

Then again the far left does support ISIS!

When you make silly comments like that your credibility goes out of the window.

The fact of it is that crazies can come from any country in the world and the only guarantee of keeping them out is to lock down the US completely. And then they will have won.

Of course you will still have your domestic nuts to deal with and good luck with that.

You should get down on your hands and knees to give thanks that President Obama kept your country safe on his watch.
An informative read...some facts that don't fit the rampant stereotyping of immigrants and refugees coming over to the US. Given their rates of citizenship, and the fact that far more served in the army than committed terrorist acts, it's hard to make the argument that they "hate America", "hate western values" and "want to destroy us".

Many have college degrees
As a whole, residents from the seven predominantly Muslim countries, especially Iranians and the small group of Libyans, are better educated than the rest of America. People from Syria and Sudan also tend to be better educated than the national average.

Some have prospered
Residents from Iran, Syria and Libya, who are more likely than the population as a whole to be managers, engineers and teachers, make close to or above the median income for the entire American population.

Somalis and Sudanese are overrepresented in blue-collar jobs in manufacturing and transportation, and make less. The median income of Somalis is less than half the United States average.

Iraqis, Somalis, and Sudanese are more recent arrivals:
The pattern is roughly commensurate with how long immigrant communities have been in the United States, with nearly half of Iranians moving there before 1990. Nearly two-thirds of Iraqis, Somalis and Sudanese have arrived since 2000.

Most Are Now Citizens
Most United States residents from these seven countries have become citizens,
a rate higher than that of the foreign-born population in the country as a whole. A small number, about 10,000, have served in the American military.

Three Were Involved in Attacks
Of the more than 856,000 immigrants, visa holders and green-card holders originally from the countries affected by the ban, just three are known to have carried out violent attacks inside the United States since Sept. 11, 2001,
according to David Sterman, an analyst at the New America think tank who maintains a database of terrorist attacks in the United States.

...Since Sept. 11, 2001, a vast majority of the perpetrators of terrorist attacks came from countries not listed in the ban, and many were born in the United States.
This is a double edged sword. Though we definitely want legal immigrants to come here and share the American dream, all those qualities you listed make for a perfect sleeper cell. You nor I know which immigrants love or hate the U.S.

"all those qualities you listed make for a perfect sleeper cell."

The Sleeper Cell is a concept that the pro-Islamist Leftist Brigade simply cannot either comprehend or even entertain the idea of. This crowd literally are not going to wake up unless something hits them right in the face.

Universities in Libya are busy taking their instructions from their extremist government (courtsey of obama and Shrillary) and have segregated female students, even building walls to do so. No doubt they are also injecting some fundamentalist crap into the syllabi.
I don't consider the products of these establishments to necessarily be beneficial to the West, and certainly not 'better educated'.
So far, from the list of countries with 'better educated' people, we have two with problematic universities. I'm sure the same applies to academic institutions in most Islamic countries since Islam permeates every aspect of life.
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False premise of why more vetting on immigrants from the list is needed.

What false premise?

The false premise that that the far left always runs that is not connected to reality!

You far left drones cheer and support violence like what ISIS does. So since the far left is a dangerous religion, show we ban all far left drones from the US?

No, the false premise is that these immigrants threaten the safety of the US. None of the 911 terrorists came from ANY of these countries.

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And proof the far left is running their religious narrative not connected to reality!

It doe snot matter where they come from, it matters where they can get radicalized.

Isis paying smugglers’ fees in recruitment drive among child refugees

Then again the far left does support ISIS!

When you make silly comments like that your credibility goes out of the window.

The fact of it is that crazies can come from any country in the world and the only guarantee of keeping them out is to lock down the US completely. And then they will have won.

Of course you will still have your domestic nuts to deal with and good luck with that.

You should get down on your hands and knees to give thanks that President Obama kept your country safe on his watch.

You should just stay on your knees.
What false premise?

The false premise that that the far left always runs that is not connected to reality!

You far left drones cheer and support violence like what ISIS does. So since the far left is a dangerous religion, show we ban all far left drones from the US?

No, the false premise is that these immigrants threaten the safety of the US. None of the 911 terrorists came from ANY of these countries.

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And proof the far left is running their religious narrative not connected to reality!

It doe snot matter where they come from, it matters where they can get radicalized.

Isis paying smugglers’ fees in recruitment drive among child refugees

Then again the far left does support ISIS!

When you make silly comments like that your credibility goes out of the window.

The fact of it is that crazies can come from any country in the world and the only guarantee of keeping them out is to lock down the US completely. And then they will have won.

Of course you will still have your domestic nuts to deal with and good luck with that.

You should get down on your hands and knees to give thanks that President Obama kept your country safe on his watch.

You should just stay on your knees.
Exactly. Leftards always become so utterly terrified when anyone attempts to fix immigration and terrorism issues. It's astonishing and sickening.
Anyway, all these 'better educated' peeps should be staying in and improving the their own countries and the lot of their fellow countrymen and women. The West should not be poaching educated people from these countries, it is selfish and unethical when the needs of their own nations are much, much greater than ours.
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Anyway, all these 'better educated' peeps should be staying in and improving the their own countries and the lot of their fellow countrymen and women. The West should not be poaching educated people from these countries, it is selfish and unethical when the needs of their own nations are much, much greater.

Besides the huge risk of muslim immigrants being terrorists, which is obvious to almost everyone but the very naive, this country has a problem with having more workers than jobs. There should be a ban on all immigration until the unemployment picture gets better.
Studies have shown that somewhere between 60% and 70% of terrorists are well educated and are middle class. I will try to find a link.

Bin Laden had enough money for all of them.
Absolutely. But lefties used to argue that the wealthy ones did the organising and the impoverished ill educated did the actual killing. And that is largely hogwash.
What false premise?

The false premise that that the far left always runs that is not connected to reality!

You far left drones cheer and support violence like what ISIS does. So since the far left is a dangerous religion, show we ban all far left drones from the US?

No, the false premise is that these immigrants threaten the safety of the US. None of the 911 terrorists came from ANY of these countries.

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And proof the far left is running their religious narrative not connected to reality!

It doe snot matter where they come from, it matters where they can get radicalized.

Isis paying smugglers’ fees in recruitment drive among child refugees

Then again the far left does support ISIS!

When you make silly comments like that your credibility goes out of the window.

The fact of it is that crazies can come from any country in the world and the only guarantee of keeping them out is to lock down the US completely. And then they will have won.

Of course you will still have your domestic nuts to deal with and good luck with that.

You should get down on your hands and knees to give thanks that President Obama kept your country safe on his watch.

You should just stay on your knees.

"You should just stay on your knees."

Stay on your knees with your buttocks in the air.

Below is Marseille and like everywhere else the Kebab's go, they've turned it into a shithole.


The great thing about the Kebab's praying to Satan with their buttocks in the air, it's easier for the goats to take revenge.


Anyway, all these 'better educated' peeps should be staying in and improving the their own countries and the lot of their fellow countrymen and women. The West should not be poaching educated people from these countries, it is selfish and unethical when the needs of their own nations are much, much greater.

Besides the huge risk of muslim immigrants being terrorists, which is obvious to almost everyone but the very naive, this country has a problem with having more workers than jobs. There should be a ban on all immigration until the unemployment picture gets better.

There is a far greater risk of white Christian right-wing terrorism. What are you doing about that? Are you banning right-wingers? Christians? You don't even call these people "terrorists". You call them "deranged" or "mentally ill".
Anyway, all these 'better educated' peeps should be staying in and improving the their own countries and the lot of their fellow countrymen and women. The West should not be poaching educated people from these countries, it is selfish and unethical when the needs of their own nations are much, much greater.

Besides the huge risk of muslim immigrants being terrorists, which is obvious to almost everyone but the very naive, this country has a problem with having more workers than jobs. There should be a ban on all immigration until the unemployment picture gets better.

There is a far greater risk of white Christian right-wing terrorism. What are you doing about that? Are you banning right-wingers? Christians? You don't even call these people "terrorists". You call them "deranged" or "mentally ill".

:rolleyes-41: :uhoh3:
Anyway, all these 'better educated' peeps should be staying in and improving the their own countries and the lot of their fellow countrymen and women. The West should not be poaching educated people from these countries, it is selfish and unethical when the needs of their own nations are much, much greater.

Besides the huge risk of muslim immigrants being terrorists, which is obvious to almost everyone but the very naive, this country has a problem with having more workers than jobs. There should be a ban on all immigration until the unemployment picture gets better.

There is a far greater risk of white Christian right-wing terrorism. What are you doing about that? Are you banning right-wingers? Christians? You don't even call these people "terrorists". You call them "deranged" or "mentally ill".
Stimulus-Response, Associationism and Fake Rightwing Extremism

In truth, the issue of Islamic terrorism has served the former administration well in creating an association of ideas between acts of violence committed by radical Islamists and opposition to government they attempt to portray as rightwing extremism. The association of ideas, otherwise known as Associationism, or associative theories of learning, suggests that people’s idea’s are shaped and guided by past experiences. In other words, if the constant shock of Islamic terror has the right effect on the psyche of the population then it will not be difficult to create a mental connection between those memories of terror and the attitudes portrayed as rightwing extremism. Another way to explain this is through the stimulus response mechanisms discovered by Ivan Pavlov. Classical conditioning is the process in which an organism is trained to respond to a certain stimulus. In Pavlov’s experiment it was found that the organism in question, a dog, would salivate every time meat was present and it was fed. Slowly, a bell was introduced at feeding time and eventually the salivation would occur simply with the sound of the bell even though the original stimulus was removed. The dog began to associate the sound of the bell with the presentation of food which at this point, his response became a conditioned behavior. Over the past eight years we have seen a refusal on the part of the Obama administration to refer to Islamic terrorism as Islamic in nature. Instead, it has been referred to as a type of hateful ideology that leads to violence. The shock of constantly being fed images of terrorism while hearing the words “hateful ideology” has led to the masses reacting to those same words in much the same way Pavlov’s dog reacted to the bell. In other words, fake rightwing extremism is being created through mental trickery and the association of ideas. Through the stimulus-response mechanisms people are being conditioned to react with emotion and fear as opposed to reason. The fear of rightwing extremism is being created through the images of actual terrorist events and the refusal to label them what they are while at the same time, gradually connecting words like hateful and racist with the rightwing movement.
Stimulus-Response, Associationism and Fake Rightwing Extremism
Anyway, all these 'better educated' peeps should be staying in and improving the their own countries and the lot of their fellow countrymen and women. The West should not be poaching educated people from these countries, it is selfish and unethical when the needs of their own nations are much, much greater.

Besides the huge risk of muslim immigrants being terrorists, which is obvious to almost everyone but the very naive, this country has a problem with having more workers than jobs. There should be a ban on all immigration until the unemployment picture gets better.

There is a far greater risk of white Christian right-wing terrorism. What are you doing about that? Are you banning right-wingers? Christians? You don't even call these people "terrorists". You call them "deranged" or "mentally ill".

Don't forget about the Amish, the Amish are dangerous and they're out of control :eek-52: :omg:

Hey JimBowie1958 Dragonlady forgot about the Amish :eek-52: :omg:

Anyway, all these 'better educated' peeps should be staying in and improving the their own countries and the lot of their fellow countrymen and women. The West should not be poaching educated people from these countries, it is selfish and unethical when the needs of their own nations are much, much greater.

Besides the huge risk of muslim immigrants being terrorists, which is obvious to almost everyone but the very naive, this country has a problem with having more workers than jobs. There should be a ban on all immigration until the unemployment picture gets better.

There is a far greater risk of white Christian right-wing terrorism. What are you doing about that? Are you banning right-wingers? Christians? You don't even call these people "terrorists". You call them "deranged" or "mentally ill".

Don't forget about the Amish, the Amish are dangerous and they're out of control :eek-52: :omg:

Hey JimBowie1958 Dragonlady forgot about the Amish :eek-52: :omg:

One must never forget the sinister and diabolical Amish, the true source of all wars, plagues and bad football games.

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