Immigration and Customs Enforcement Frees Detainees because of Sequester?


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010
More stupid scare tactics coming from the Obama adminstration...These people are a joke

Immigration and Customs Enforcement Frees Detainees As Sequester Looms


WASHINGTON -- Immigration and Customs Enforcement released some people from immigrant detention facilities across the country on Monday in response to looming federal budget cuts.

"In order to make the best use of our limited detention resources in the current fiscal climate and to manage our detention population under current congressionally mandated levels, ICE has directed field offices to review the detained population to ensure it is in line with available funding," agency spokeswoman Gillian Christensen said in a statement.

ICE and the Department of Homeland Security are analyzing spending as congressional inaction increases the likelihood of so-called budget sequestration -- across-the-board spending cuts that begin on March 1. Detaining immigrants is an expensive business, with an average daily cost of $122 to $164 per person, according to the American Civil Liberties Union. Alternatives, including ankle bracelets and parole, are far cheaper.

Christensen declined to say how many undocumented immigrants were freed on Monday or to give their locations. She said they have been "placed on an appropriate, more cost-effective form of supervised release." ICE did not drop the cases against the individuals and will still deport them if ordered by an immigration judge, she said.

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano foreshadowed the announcement earlier in the day at a press briefing. She said ICE "will be forced" under sequestration to reduce detention and removal of undocumented immigrants.

Immigration and Customs Enforcement Frees Detainees As Sequester Looms
Rep. Goodlatte Blasts Obama for Releasing Illegal Aliens to ‘Promote His Political Agenda on Sequestration’

House Judiciary Committee Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.) said Tuesday that the Obama administration's decision to release hundreds of illegal aliens is “abhorrent,” and he charged that the move is not only political but dangerous.

“It’s abhorrent that President Obama is releasing criminals into our communities to promote his political agenda on sequestration,” Goodlatte said in a statement. “By releasing criminal immigrants onto the streets, the administration is needlessly endangering American lives.

“It also undermines our efforts to come together with the administration and reform our nation’s immigration laws,” Goodlatte said. “Unfortunately, this administration has a poor record of enforcing our immigration laws and has routinely sought to undermine them.”

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has released "several hundred" illegal aliens from detention centers across the country citing concern over reductions in federal spending that, under the Budget Control Act signed by President Obama in 2011, could take effect this Friday.

ICE, a division of the Department of Homeland Security, described the illegal aliens as “low priority.”

In a statement sent to reporters on Tuesday, an ICE spokeswoman said that “possible sequestration” led them to release those illegal aliens.

Rep. Goodlatte Blasts Obama for Releasing Illegal Aliens to ?Promote His Political Agenda on Sequestration? | CNS News
It's kinda brilliant. Seriously. No one wants illegals on the street when we could have deported them and pinning it on the crisis is genius. It stirs outrage.

They have also informed military personnel they might have a delay in pay and a shift in duty hours, and civilians will have unpaid furloughs.....all because of sequestration.
obama won't say how many criminals he released. He intends to flood the nation with violent criminals and say "This is what republicans made me do".

Since obama was first coronated he had a policy of keeping only those illegals who were violent offenders in custody. Everyone else was released with a promise to appear, although they never do. There were 32,000 in custody awaiting trial. How many remain? He won't even say.
If one of these people kills somebody? Obama could give a shit:evil:
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It's kinda brilliant. Seriously. No one wants illegals on the street when we could have deported them and pinning it on the crisis is genius. It stirs outrage.

They have also informed military personnel they might have a delay in pay and a shift in duty hours, and civilians will have unpaid furloughs.....all because of sequestration.

I hope to God the people of America are smart enough to see this move for what it is.
But sadly I dont think they will. Or even worse,they dont care.
If one of these people kills somebody? Obama could give a shit:evil:

These are illegal immigrants. What makes you think they are murderers? Now that they are released with ankle bracelets they will be able to get back to picking the lettuce for your Big Mac, and changing your piss stained sheets at your crack whore's motel.
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It's kinda brilliant. Seriously. No one wants illegals on the street when we could have deported them and pinning it on the crisis is genius. It stirs outrage.

They have also informed military personnel they might have a delay in pay and a shift in duty hours, and civilians will have unpaid furloughs.....all because of sequestration.

Correction: all because someon is using this as a political tool. Many areas in ices budget could be cut but instead we just release criminals.

Typical government action anytime they don't get as much money as they want. Impact the things which will cause the most outrage among the people and then blame your political opponents.
It's a typical Chicago politics bluff. Do you expect them to lay off non-essential workers and cancel the order of a couple of non essential toys? Never happen. Like the left leaning weather channel which has become a propaganda outlet for the DNC they threaten to cut the programs we need.
If one of these people kills somebody? Obama could give a shit:evil:

These are illegal immigrants. What makes you think they are murderers? Now that they are released with ankle bracelets they will be able to get back to picking the lettuce for your Big Mac, and changing your piss stained sheets at your crack whore's motel.

They are violent offenders. Because since 2008 those are the only ones that have been kept in custody. They will cut off the ankle bracelets, like they always do, and go back to committing whatever crime they were committing before they were arrested.
If one of these people kills somebody? Obama could give a shit:evil:

These are illegal immigrants. What makes you think they are murderers? Now that they are released with ankle bracelets they will be able to get back to picking the lettuce for your Big Mac, and changing your piss stained sheets at your crack whore's motel.

They are violent offenders. Because since 2008 those are the only ones that have been kept in custody. They will cut off the ankle bracelets, like they always do, and go back to committing whatever crime they were committing before they were arrested.

The Obama administration has repeatedly said it will apply more prosecutorial discretion to immigration, releasing immigrants deemed low-priority so it can focus resources on those who are potentially dangerous or otherwise a high priority.

They are not releasing those who are potentially dangerous.
If one of these people kills somebody? Obama could give a shit:evil:

These are illegal immigrants. What makes you think they are murderers? Now that they are released with ankle bracelets they will be able to get back to picking the lettuce for your Big Mac, and changing your piss stained sheets at your crack whore's motel.

They are violent offenders. Because since 2008 those are the only ones that have been kept in custody. They will cut off the ankle bracelets, like they always do, and go back to committing whatever crime they were committing before they were arrested.

A couple reports on the radio this morning reported that many of them are repeat offenders who have crossed the border multiple times.
It's kinda brilliant. Seriously. No one wants illegals on the street when we could have deported them and pinning it on the crisis is genius. It stirs outrage.

They have also informed military personnel they might have a delay in pay and a shift in duty hours, and civilians will have unpaid furloughs.....all because of sequestration.

This is probably the dumbest post I've ever read. Brilliant? It's insane.
It's evil. It's unethical. But certainly not brilliant.

What's wrong with you?
If one of these people kills somebody? Obama could give a shit:evil:

These are illegal immigrants. What makes you think they are murderers? Now that they are released with ankle bracelets they will be able to get back to picking the lettuce for your Big Mac, and changing your piss stained sheets at your crack whore's motel.

Its my understanding that because of the volume of illegals that typically deportation focuses on the more criminal element of those here illegally.
It's kinda brilliant. Seriously. No one wants illegals on the street when we could have deported them and pinning it on the crisis is genius. It stirs outrage.

They have also informed military personnel they might have a delay in pay and a shift in duty hours, and civilians will have unpaid furloughs.....all because of sequestration.

This is probably the dumbest post I've ever read. Brilliant? It's insane.
It's evil. It's unethical. But certainly not brilliant.

What's wrong with you?

Evil? Seriously? :rolleyes:

Unethical? Sure. Evil? No.

It's also a brilliant political move.

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