Immigration and Customs Enforcement Frees Detainees because of Sequester?

I know someone who is with the Boarder Patrol. He said they were informed that all overtime was cancelled. The decision had not been made whether to furlough employees yet. With sequestration only two days away, the question is no longer if but rather when.
I know someone who is with the Boarder Patrol. He said they were informed that all overtime was cancelled. The decision had not been made whether to furlough employees yet. With sequestration only two days away, the question is no longer if but rather when.

Might advise him to bring up the fact that ICE is still spending money to advertise to hire more border control agents and when they are facing furlough, doesn't seem quite right.
I know someone who is with the Boarder Patrol. He said they were informed that all overtime was cancelled. The decision had not been made whether to furlough employees yet. With sequestration only two days away, the question is no longer if but rather when.

Might advise him to bring up the fact that ICE is still spending money to advertise to hire more border control agents and when they are facing furlough, doesn't seem quite right.

Hell we are still spending 2.5 Billion a year on giving people phones, but we have to release criminals, Fire Teachers, and stop patrolling our borders.

You are damn right it does not seem right. Both sides suck right now, but this shit Obama and the Dems are pulling takes the fucking cake. Trying to pass of Reductions in future Spending increases as Spending cuts, and deliberately picking the highest profile most painful cuts for Political Gain. Simply Pathetic, One of the lowest Points in the History of US government. Obama is the worst leader we have ever had. A masterful Politician, who knows how the play the game, but does not have the first clue how to lead.
I know someone who is with the Boarder Patrol. He said they were informed that all overtime was cancelled. The decision had not been made whether to furlough employees yet. With sequestration only two days away, the question is no longer if but rather when.

Might advise him to bring up the fact that ICE is still spending money to advertise to hire more border control agents and when they are facing furlough, doesn't seem quite right.

Hell we are still spending 2.5 Billion a year on giving people phones, but we have to release criminals, Fire Teachers, and stop patrolling our borders.

You are damn right it does not seem right. Both sides suck right now, but this shit Obama and the Dems are pulling takes the fucking cake. Trying to pass of Reductions in future Spending increases as Spending cuts, and deliberately picking the highest profile most painful cuts for Political Gain. Simply Pathetic, One of the lowest Points in the History of US government. Obama is the worst leader we have ever had. A masterful Politician, who knows how the play the game, but does not have the first clue how to lead.

It's all politics, all the time. Obama has never asked himself, would this be good for this country or not? Everything is, How will this play in the media.
They could easily cut ag subsidies to multi million dollar corporations and perhaps consolidate some of the 105 federal programs to get kids to take math and science courses.
Illegal Aliens Released by Obama Administration Commit 19 Murders, 142 Sex Crimes

The Obama administration released illegal immigrants who went on to commit more crimes, including charges of 19 murders, 3 attempted murders and 142 sex crimes, the House Judiciary Committee said in a report Tuesday.

All told, the nearly 47,000 illegal immigrants the administration was notified of but declined to deport between 2008 and 2011 under its Secure Communities program had a recidivism rate of 16 percent, the committee said.

For their part, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) claims that the agency simply does not have the resources to deport all of the illegal immigrants with criminals records that were flagged by the Secure Communities program.

When it comes to illegal immigration, Obama has benefitted from the previous administration setting the bar low. The Bush administration offered amnesty and deported illegal immigrants at a lower rate than the Obama Administration. Obama’s poor record on immigration enforcement looks less atrocious by comparison. However, the burden is still on the current President to keep the country safe by deporting more illegal aliens with criminal records

Illegal Aliens Released by Obama Administration Commit 19 Murders, 142 Sex Crimes - Staff

(My bold)

These data are 7 months old, & thus not related to the sequester effects on programs. Why is this report here then?

9th para of report: "U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, the agency responsible for deportations, said many of those identified by Secure Communities and detailed in the report either weren’t eligible to be deported or were released by local officials before ICE could respond."

So - there was only budget to deport so many people. The Obama admin made the logical choice - they deported all the worst offenders & people with the most serious criminal records. Surely that's the right thing to do? Or did we want to keep the mildest cases locked up, & let everybody else have a free pass?

None of it's related to the friken sequester...only in the weak minds of the Obama clones:eusa_eh:
Teacher pink slips claim by Duncan not backed by evidence

By Lyndsey Layton and Karen Tumulty
February 27, 2013

The descriptions of the post-sequester landscape that have been coming out of the Obama Administration have been alarming, specific--and, in at least some cases, hyped.

“There are literally teachers now who are getting pink slips, who are getting notices that they can’t come back this fall,” Education Secretary Arne Duncan said Sunday on CBS’s “Face the Nation.”

When he was pressed in a White House briefing Wednesday to come up with an example, Duncan named a single county in West Virginia and acknowledged, “whether it’s all sequester-related, I don’t know.”

And, as it turns out, it isn’t.


Read more:
Teacher pink slips claim by Duncan not backed by evidence - The Washington Post
Teacher pink slips claim by Duncan not backed by evidence

By Lyndsey Layton and Karen Tumulty
February 27, 2013

The descriptions of the post-sequester landscape that have been coming out of the Obama Administration have been alarming, specific--and, in at least some cases, hyped.

“There are literally teachers now who are getting pink slips, who are getting notices that they can’t come back this fall,” Education Secretary Arne Duncan said Sunday on CBS’s “Face the Nation.”

When he was pressed in a White House briefing Wednesday to come up with an example, Duncan named a single county in West Virginia and acknowledged, “whether it’s all sequester-related, I don’t know.”

And, as it turns out, it isn’t.


Read more:
Teacher pink slips claim by Duncan not backed by evidence - The Washington Post

Another Obama mouth piece...these people are pathetic
I know someone who is with the Boarder Patrol. He said they were informed that all overtime was cancelled. The decision had not been made whether to furlough employees yet. With sequestration only two days away, the question is no longer if but rather when.

Might advise him to bring up the fact that ICE is still spending money to advertise to hire more border control agents and when they are facing furlough, doesn't seem quite right.

Hell we are still spending 2.5 Billion a year on giving people phones, but we have to release criminals, Fire Teachers, and stop patrolling our borders.

You are damn right it does not seem right. Both sides suck right now, but this shit Obama and the Dems are pulling takes the fucking cake. Trying to pass of Reductions in future Spending increases as Spending cuts, and deliberately picking the highest profile most painful cuts for Political Gain. Simply Pathetic, One of the lowest Points in the History of US government. Obama is the worst leader we have ever had. A masterful Politician, who knows how the play the game, but does not have the first clue how to lead.
The guideline for cuts are as follows:

Under the assumptions required by the STA, the sequestration would result in a 9.4 percent reduction in non-exempt defense discretionary funding and an 8.2 percent reduction in non-exempt nondefense discretionary funding. The sequestration would also impose cuts of 2.0 percent to Medicare, 7.6 percent to other non-exempt nondefense mandatory programs, and 10.0 percent to non-exempt defense mandatory programs.

These guidelines were presented to each department. The decision as to exactly what is to be cut is made within each department with the goal of minimizing the impact on the mission of that department. In other words, the decision to cut hours of boarder patrol versus cutting back on detention is made within the department not at the presidential level. This is quite similar to procedures used in the private sector to implement budget cuts.
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obama won't say how many criminals he released. He intends to flood the nation with violent criminals and say "This is what republicans made me do".

Since obama was first coronated he had a policy of keeping only those illegals who were violent offenders in custody. Everyone else was released with a promise to appear, although they never do. There were 32,000 in custody awaiting trial. How many remain? He won't even say.

Damn, they released convicted felons? That's unbelievable. I heard most of these people that they released were rapists and murderers.

With all the bullshit you cons spew, you refuse to give credit to this administration for deporting more illegals than Bush did on a yearly basis. You are all a bunch of fools and you make yourselves look dumber and dumber every time you post something.
Might advise him to bring up the fact that ICE is still spending money to advertise to hire more border control agents and when they are facing furlough, doesn't seem quite right.

Hell we are still spending 2.5 Billion a year on giving people phones, but we have to release criminals, Fire Teachers, and stop patrolling our borders.

You are damn right it does not seem right. Both sides suck right now, but this shit Obama and the Dems are pulling takes the fucking cake. Trying to pass of Reductions in future Spending increases as Spending cuts, and deliberately picking the highest profile most painful cuts for Political Gain. Simply Pathetic, One of the lowest Points in the History of US government. Obama is the worst leader we have ever had. A masterful Politician, who knows how the play the game, but does not have the first clue how to lead.
The guideline for cuts are as follows:

Under the assumptions required by the STA, the sequestration would result in a 9.4 percent reduction in non-exempt defense discretionary funding and an 8.2 percent reduction in non-exempt nondefense discretionary funding. The sequestration would also impose cuts of 2.0 percent to Medicare, 7.6 percent to other non-exempt nondefense mandatory programs, and 10.0 percent to non-exempt defense mandatory programs.

These guidelines were presented to each department. The decision as to exactly what is to be cut is made within each department with the goal of minimizing the impact on the mission of that department. In other words, the decision to cut hours of boarder patrol versus cutting back on detention is made within the department not at the presidential level. This is quite similar to procedures used in the private sector to implement budget cuts.

Except there are no budget cuts. Spending will continue at the same level, even higher. People are being buffalloed and the media is complicit in this.
More stupid scare tactics coming from the Obama adminstration...These people are a joke. wanna keep any future detainees at your place??

Don't forget....your pals on Wall Street and in the banking-business are badly in-need of tax-cuts!!!

You wouldn't want to disappoint THEM, would you??
Except there are no budget cuts. Spending will continue at the same level, even higher. People are being buffalloed and the media is complicit in this.

People are being buffalloed ....

Blame the Media -

Republicans are now blaming the Media "buffaloing the People" - the same party of WMD and their 9 year unfunded Iraqi War who are now having the People pay for it by increasing the withholding tax while they bask in their tax cuts they just made permanent.

Yes, People are being buffalloed ... by Tea Party (on) Republicans.
Hell we are still spending 2.5 Billion a year on giving people phones, but we have to release criminals, Fire Teachers, and stop patrolling our borders.

You are damn right it does not seem right. Both sides suck right now, but this shit Obama and the Dems are pulling takes the fucking cake. Trying to pass of Reductions in future Spending increases as Spending cuts, and deliberately picking the highest profile most painful cuts for Political Gain. Simply Pathetic, One of the lowest Points in the History of US government. Obama is the worst leader we have ever had. A masterful Politician, who knows how the play the game, but does not have the first clue how to lead.
The guideline for cuts are as follows:

Under the assumptions required by the STA, the sequestration would result in a 9.4 percent reduction in non-exempt defense discretionary funding and an 8.2 percent reduction in non-exempt nondefense discretionary funding. The sequestration would also impose cuts of 2.0 percent to Medicare, 7.6 percent to other non-exempt nondefense mandatory programs, and 10.0 percent to non-exempt defense mandatory programs.

These guidelines were presented to each department. The decision as to exactly what is to be cut is made within each department with the goal of minimizing the impact on the mission of that department. In other words, the decision to cut hours of boarder patrol versus cutting back on detention is made within the department not at the presidential level. This is quite similar to procedures used in the private sector to implement budget cuts.

Except there are no budget cuts. Spending will continue at the same level, even higher. People are being buffalloed and the media is complicit in this.
No unlike a budget which is a plan for spending, these cuts are real reductions in the current level of spending. Since there are a number of exception such as Medicaid and SNAP, the cuts in some other areas will be fairly steep. In the grand scheme, they are a pittance but for those effected, it will be a problem.
Except there are no budget cuts. Spending will continue at the same level, even higher. People are being buffalloed and the media is complicit in this.

People are being buffalloed ....

Blame the Media -

Republicans are now blaming the Media "buffaloing the People" - the same party of WMD and their 9 year unfunded Iraqi War who are now having the People pay for it by increasing the withholding tax while they bask in their tax cuts they just made permanent.

Yes, People are being buffalloed ... by Tea Party (on) Republicans.

Do you keep repeating stupid shit like this in the hopes that someone might actually think you're smart?
The media is allowing Obama to set the tone that "drastic draconian cuts that will wreck society as we know it" are coming. It is nonsense. It is theater. There is no reason for them to cut border patrol agents when they have the same funding today as they did last year. there is no reason for them to "lay off teachers" (does the federal gov't hire teachers? I thought locals school districts did) when they continue to fund worthless programs like green energy.
Immigration and Customs Enforcement Frees Detainees because of Sequester? Just another manufactured ploy to move Obama closer to proclaiming himself our King.
The guideline for cuts are as follows:

Under the assumptions required by the STA, the sequestration would result in a 9.4 percent reduction in non-exempt defense discretionary funding and an 8.2 percent reduction in non-exempt nondefense discretionary funding. The sequestration would also impose cuts of 2.0 percent to Medicare, 7.6 percent to other non-exempt nondefense mandatory programs, and 10.0 percent to non-exempt defense mandatory programs.

These guidelines were presented to each department. The decision as to exactly what is to be cut is made within each department with the goal of minimizing the impact on the mission of that department. In other words, the decision to cut hours of boarder patrol versus cutting back on detention is made within the department not at the presidential level. This is quite similar to procedures used in the private sector to implement budget cuts.

Except there are no budget cuts. Spending will continue at the same level, even higher. People are being buffalloed and the media is complicit in this.
No unlike a budget which is a plan for spending, these cuts are real reductions in the current level of spending. Since there are a number of exception such as Medicaid and SNAP, the cuts in some other areas will be fairly steep. In the grand scheme, they are a pittance but for those effected, it will be a problem.

most years the budget of each department continues to be increased by approximately 3%. Total spending for 2012 was 3.795 trillion dollars. 3% of that is 113.85 billion and yet the cuts on future spending will be $86 billion, from what I have heard, therefore that means everything would just remain at the same levels of 2012's spending. Seems to me that would not be much of a burden at all.
Except there are no budget cuts. Spending will continue at the same level, even higher. People are being buffalloed and the media is complicit in this.
No unlike a budget which is a plan for spending, these cuts are real reductions in the current level of spending. Since there are a number of exception such as Medicaid and SNAP, the cuts in some other areas will be fairly steep. In the grand scheme, they are a pittance but for those effected, it will be a problem.

most years the budget of each department continues to be increased by approximately 3%. Total spending for 2012 was 3.795 trillion dollars. 3% of that is 113.85 billion and yet the cuts on future spending will be $86 billion, from what I have heard, therefore that means everything would just remain at the same levels of 2012's spending. Seems to me that would not be much of a burden at all.
It would be less of a burden if no areas of the budget was exempt. The cuts would be about 2% across the board. However, the law calls for cuts as high as 10% in some areas.
“It’s abhorrent that President Obama is releasing criminals into our communities to promote his political agenda on sequestration,” Rep. Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) said in a statement on Tuesday. “By releasing criminal immigrants onto the streets, the Administration is needlessly endangering American lives.”

Boehner, who called the move by ICE “outrageous,” used similar rhetoric in describing the freed detainees.

“I’m looking for more facts,” Boehner told CBS News, “but I can’t believe that they can’t find the kind of savings they need out of that department short of letting criminals go free.”

ICE, however, is pushing back against the notion it is “endangering American lives” by releasing “criminal” detainees, saying it took steps to avoid releasing anyone who would pose a threat. In addition, the immigration proceedings against them will still continue.

“The detainees who’ve been released can be characterized as non-criminals and other low risk offenders who do not have serious criminal histories that would subject them to mandatory detention,” spokeswoman Barbara Gonzalez told TPM on Wednesday. “Detainees with serious criminal histories are a detention priority and have not been released.”

sounds like the right wing is going Benghazzi-crazy over another bullshit noise machine distortion

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