Immigration and Customs Enforcement Frees Detainees because of Sequester?

It's kinda brilliant. Seriously. No one wants illegals on the street when we could have deported them and pinning it on the crisis is genius. It stirs outrage.

They have also informed military personnel they might have a delay in pay and a shift in duty hours, and civilians will have unpaid furloughs.....all because of sequestration.

This is probably the dumbest post I've ever read. Brilliant? It's insane.
It's evil. It's unethical. But certainly not brilliant.

What's wrong with you?

Evil? Seriously? :rolleyes:

Unethical? Sure. Evil? No.

It's also a brilliant political move.

It is a calculated risk they are taking with public safety. All for political points. Should be condemned not praised.
obama won't say how many criminals he released. He intends to flood the nation with violent criminals and say "This is what republicans made me do".

Since obama was first coronated he had a policy of keeping only those illegals who were violent offenders in custody. Everyone else was released with a promise to appear, although they never do. There were 32,000 in custody awaiting trial. How many remain? He won't even say.

What Oblamer has done is no different than Sadaam Hussein. When the fall of Baghdad was inevitable Sadaam released all the felons from his jails. I guess we could expect Oblamer to release all the prsoners from federal prisons next.
NYT: Immigrants Released Ahead of A

So many areas that could be cut but fuck it lets just release criminal aliens instead......

(My bold)

But are they criminals? The story says that those released are non-criminals with no serious criminal charges against them. I suppose we could just release everybody, & make no effort to keep dangerous people in detention.

Those released are only conditionally free - they have to observe a set of rules, keep in touch periodically with ICE officials, & possibly wear tracker anklets or bracelets. It hardly sounds like Spring Break down to Ft. Lauderdale ...
So giving nonviolent illegal aliens preference over nonviolent AMERICANS is no big deal?

There are other areas that can be cut first.
NYT: Immigrants Released Ahead of A

So many areas that could be cut but fuck it lets just release criminal aliens instead......

(My bold)

But are they criminals? The story says that those released are non-criminals with no serious criminal charges against them. I suppose we could just release everybody, & make no effort to keep dangerous people in detention.

Those released are only conditionally free - they have to observe a set of rules, keep in touch periodically with ICE officials, & possibly wear tracker anklets or bracelets. It hardly sounds like Spring Break down to Ft. Lauderdale ...

They break federal law and you ask if they are criminal? LOL
This is probably the dumbest post I've ever read. Brilliant? It's insane.
It's evil. It's unethical. But certainly not brilliant.

What's wrong with you?

Evil? Seriously? :rolleyes:

Unethical? Sure. Evil? No.

It's also a brilliant political move.

It is a calculated risk they are taking with public safety. All for political points. Should be condemned not praised.
I don't agree with it, but that doesn't stop me from seeing the cunning behind the maneuver.
NYT: Immigrants Released Ahead of A

So many areas that could be cut but fuck it lets just release criminal aliens instead......

You want cuts? Here you go.

No matter what is cut, someone will bitterly complain about it and point out the downsides. And there will be many.

This is what the Republican solution looks like in terms of deficit reduction.

Complaing abot cuts will happen. Releasing criminals is just plain stupid. And by the way, this was obamas idea. Republicans tried to pass a bill giving obama more discretion over what gets cut but senate DEMOCRATS stalled the idea
This is probably the dumbest post I've ever read. Brilliant? It's insane.
It's evil. It's unethical. But certainly not brilliant.

What's wrong with you?

Evil? Seriously? :rolleyes:

Unethical? Sure. Evil? No.

It's also a brilliant political move.

It is a calculated risk they are taking with public safety. All for political points. Should be condemned not praised.

Yep....Play on our fears. Nothing more.
I find it disgusting. And if the American people are so stupid that they dont remember this come election time we are screwed as a country.
Evil? Seriously? :rolleyes:

Unethical? Sure. Evil? No.

It's also a brilliant political move.

It is a calculated risk they are taking with public safety. All for political points. Should be condemned not praised.
I don't agree with it, but that doesn't stop me from seeing the cunning behind the maneuver.

I just dont see the cunning part. It's a political ploy and an obvious one at that.
Cunning would be pulling it off without being so obvious.
This shit is downright pathetic.
NYT: Immigrants Released Ahead of A

So many areas that could be cut but fuck it lets just release criminal aliens instead......

You want cuts? Here you go.

No matter what is cut, someone will bitterly complain about it and point out the downsides. And there will be many.

This is what the Republican solution looks like in terms of deficit reduction.

Complaing abot cuts will happen. Releasing criminals is just plain stupid. And by the way, this was obamas idea. Republicans tried to pass a bill giving obama more discretion over what gets cut but senate DEMOCRATS stalled the idea

The cost of keeping prisoners is exceedingly high; in general, we spend around $30k per year per inmate to warehouse them in prisons. ICE inmates may actually cost more. So YUP, to achieve a 9% reduction some prisoners will be released. That's just the tip of the iceburg.

I'm actually cheering for the 9% cuts in disability payments and farm subsidies--as well as defense. Sequestration actually appears to be the only way to achieve those cuts.
NYT: Immigrants Released Ahead of A

So many areas that could be cut but fuck it lets just release criminal aliens instead......

Make no mistake Obama's team is pushing for the most painful cuts possible. Never mind the fact that we are actually still spending 15% more than last year. He wants to hurt as many people as possible with these cuts, then blame the GOP, and because of the fact that the Press works for him, and so many people are fucking idiots, it will work.

After this expect the noise in support of spending cuts to be much quieter.
They should all be released.
And when they knock at your door, or rather break thru it, you will look for that gun you can't have to protect you and your family and property. Yeah, let them out. Save some money for president's next vacation.
The bottom line is that Obama the child is not getting his way, so he is going to make it very painful for EVERYBODY.

When one of these newly released illegal aliens rapes and/or kills a U.S. citizen, do you suppose the Obama news media outlets will cover it up?

What's next for "crybaby Barack"? Release prisoners on death row?
NYT: Immigrants Released Ahead of A

So many areas that could be cut but fuck it lets just release criminal aliens instead......

You want cuts? Here you go.

No matter what is cut, someone will bitterly complain about it and point out the downsides. And there will be many.

This is what the Republican solution looks like in terms of deficit reduction.

I dont know how many people would object to cutting funding for the Cowboy Poetry Festival. Or for farm subsidies to multi million dollar corporations. Or for "green jobs initiatives."
the Republicans got their tax break and prevented working people from keeping theirs, withholding's increase - and have turned their backs on the consequences they caused by their unfunded, immoral Iraqi War they now try and blame on the present Administration.

the increase taxation on working people is the Achilles heel and exposure for their political intrigue at others expense that will bring them down in 2014.
NYT: Immigrants Released Ahead of A

So many areas that could be cut but fuck it lets just release criminal aliens instead......

You want cuts? Here you go.

No matter what is cut, someone will bitterly complain about it and point out the downsides. And there will be many.

This is what the Republican solution looks like in terms of deficit reduction.

I dont know how many people would object to cutting funding for the Cowboy Poetry Festival. Or for farm subsidies to multi million dollar corporations. Or for "green jobs initiatives."

I'm certain cowboy poets (I actually heard one a couple of years back), farmers, and environmentalists will bitch like crazy. They'll be in line with the "disabled" and the unemployed veterans.

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