Immigration and Customs Enforcement Frees Detainees because of Sequester?

No unlike a budget which is a plan for spending, these cuts are real reductions in the current level of spending. Since there are a number of exception such as Medicaid and SNAP, the cuts in some other areas will be fairly steep. In the grand scheme, they are a pittance but for those effected, it will be a problem.

most years the budget of each department continues to be increased by approximately 3%. Total spending for 2012 was 3.795 trillion dollars. 3% of that is 113.85 billion and yet the cuts on future spending will be $86 billion, from what I have heard, therefore that means everything would just remain at the same levels of 2012's spending. Seems to me that would not be much of a burden at all.
It would be less of a burden if no areas of the budget was exempt. The cuts would be about 2% across the board. However, the law calls for cuts as high as 10% in some areas.

There are no cuts. You understand that, right?
most years the budget of each department continues to be increased by approximately 3%. Total spending for 2012 was 3.795 trillion dollars. 3% of that is 113.85 billion and yet the cuts on future spending will be $86 billion, from what I have heard, therefore that means everything would just remain at the same levels of 2012's spending. Seems to me that would not be much of a burden at all.
It would be less of a burden if no areas of the budget was exempt. The cuts would be about 2% across the board. However, the law calls for cuts as high as 10% in some areas.

There are no cuts. You understand that, right?
If you reduce an employees hours, furlough them, or cancel a contract, that's a cut.
It would be less of a burden if no areas of the budget was exempt. The cuts would be about 2% across the board. However, the law calls for cuts as high as 10% in some areas.

There are no cuts. You understand that, right?
If you reduce an employees hours, furlough them, or cancel a contract, that's a cut.

hey, cut the Psycho-Rabbi some slack. After all he backed Reagan as a tax cutter. You see Reagan never raised taxes, he enhanced revenue.

Napolitano promises to release more illegals


WASHINGTON — Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano promised to release more illegal immigrants into the United States, saying the budget sequester has left her no choice.

Several hundred detainees have already released because of the sequester, she insisted. They were released on bail, or because their legal status had changed, she said.

“We’re going to continue to do that … for the foreseeable future,

Napolitano promises to release more illegals | The Daily Caller
“It’s abhorrent that President Obama is releasing criminals into our communities to promote his political agenda on sequestration,” Rep. Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) said in a statement on Tuesday. “By releasing criminal immigrants onto the streets, the Administration is needlessly endangering American lives.”

Boehner, who called the move by ICE “outrageous,” used similar rhetoric in describing the freed detainees.

“I’m looking for more facts,” Boehner told CBS News, “but I can’t believe that they can’t find the kind of savings they need out of that department short of letting criminals go free.”

ICE, however, is pushing back against the notion it is “endangering American lives” by releasing “criminal” detainees, saying it took steps to avoid releasing anyone who would pose a threat. In addition, the immigration proceedings against them will still continue.

“The detainees who’ve been released can be characterized as non-criminals and other low risk offenders who do not have serious criminal histories that would subject them to mandatory detention,” spokeswoman Barbara Gonzalez told TPM on Wednesday. “Detainees with serious criminal histories are a detention priority and have not been released.”

sounds like the right wing is going Benghazzi-crazy over another bullshit noise machine distortion


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