Immigration Caravan Matter Has Drawbacks For Republicans!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
President Trump and his allies act like this phenomenon of the immigrant caravan from Honduras is a big help for Republicans in this November elections that the immigration issue is a winner for Republicans. But it shouldn't be President Trump is solely responsible for America not making significant progress in securing its borders. The American people should have been seeing a tall concrete "Israeli type" wall going up on its southern border that would make a difference in stopping illegal immigration but President Trump refused to accept a fair bi-partisan Senate deal to build the wall the deal consisting of funding of the wall for legalization and a path to citizenship for people in DACA status (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals). President Trump with the acquiescence of Congressional Republicans has made an abundance of mistakes on the immigration problem leaving America sinking in this quicksand problem. President Trump wants to do away with the lottery system for issuing visas and go to a merit based system; no Republican President or Republican Party Presidential nominee ever has advocated doing away with this fair system of issuing visas, this system supports and furthers America's noblest of values that America is a beacon of hope for people throughout the world that a person doesn't need wealth, education or connections for a chance to come to America as long as one has a good work ethic and is willing to embrace the values of democracy, human rights and patriotism for America one is suitable to come to America. America has always dearly prided itself on being a country that focuses on what people become in America not on what they were before they came! Moreover, it is completely stupid public policy for America to do away with the lottery system which offers all peoples throughout the world that want to come to America hope to be able to do so; eliminating this system eliminates this hope and thereby pushes these people to come to America illegally, instead of fixing the illegal immigration problem for the American people President Trump here is indefinitely saddling America with this problem!

When the American people think about President Trump and the immigration issue they should be thinking about his big bi-partisan Whitehouse summit on immigration on January 9th 2018 when he made lofty comments like "I am appealing to everyone in the room put country before party, and to sit down and to compromise" and where he made the commitment " I will say, when this group comes back — hopefully with an agreement — this group and others from the Senate, from the House, comes back with an agreement, I’m signing it. I mean, I will be signing it. I’m not going to say, “Oh, gee, I want this or I want that.” I’ll be signing it, because I have a lot of confidence in the people in this room that they’re going to come up with something really good.". His commitment didn't last three days a bipartisan Senate group of six influential Senators reached a DACA/Border Wall deal which President Trump rejected on January 12th in a meeting where he shockingly disparaged people from select Hispanic and African countries when he said in the meeting "Why do we want all these people from "S--t hole" countries coming here"! It was clear that political considerations the views of his hard core base took priority for President Trump and caused him to reject the moderate fair deal!

The American people are not fools they know that the leadership of the Republican Party doesn't offer a solution to the immigration problem for the American people all the Democrats in Congress could agree to vote for any immigration bill the Republicans want they could put whatever they want in the bill they would give the Republicans a complete blank check and the Republication legislation would not solve the problem would not even come close because the Republican Party leadership will never ever agree to comprehensive immigration reform where America legalizes the illegal immigrants that have been in the country five plus years because their hard core base considers that treasonous amnesty. Unless this comprehensive immigration is done America's immigration enforcement system will be overwhelmed and thus dysfunctional and the immigration problem will continue and steadily get worse , it is that simple the system has capacity limits that must be respected!

The Democrat Party is not handling this Caravan matter well independents, like this writer, and moderates are angry with these foreigners that just think they can disregard America's laws and come to America even for the reasons of escaping poverty and drug and criminal gangs. America has a lot of her citizens living in poverty or close to poverty and that live in neighborhoods where crime abounds and America has serious problems a national debt problem that has the country on the trajectory for a depression and a health care system whose cost is way too high and unsustainable. This is not acceptable reasons for these people to illegally come to America. It is understandable for some Democrats to remain silent on this issue because a large part of their voting bloc is for open borders. But for other Democrats in safe or largely moderate districts, these Democrats should be speaking out against this caravan. It is not a defense that this caravan is approximately a thousand miles away from America's borders; this caravan offers its members an escape from the fee of thousands of dollars that coyote smugglers charge per person and an escape from the dangerous untrustworthiness of these coyotes where they often hold their charges for ransom and sexually abuse them - this caravan is coming to America's border and elected officials and people running for elected office should have a policy to stop this outrageous behavior. Here's a policy Democrat representatives should join with moderate Republican and come out and call for a stern response to this threat to America's immigration laws the response should be that these people no matter who they are will be held in custody until their asylum cases is heard if we have to hold these people on troop ships so be it and their cases will be put in front of the court system line and more Immigration judges and staff will be hired to process these asylum cases at rapid speed and likewise the deportations will be carried out with rapid speed, an outstanding effort will be made to deter this violation of America's laws.
Republicans call the caravan dangerous.

When it's Republicans who are out trying desperately to blow up other Americans.
Republicans call the caravan dangerous.

When it's Republicans who are out trying desperately to blow up other Americans.

Does anyone really appreciate illegals?

Does everybody have to love the house down the street made for a family of 4 housing 15 illegal men & they hang out on the street corners as a bonus?

Thats what happens around here.

Set up a instruction camp at the border. Make them learn English, learn United States history and the Constitution, take an oath of allegiance to the United States, and wear a MAGA hat, before they can proceed any further into the United States.

If they don't wish to do all these they're free to opt for the other camp where they're feed bologna sandwiches and water until they feel like going back to their point of origin because they obviously don't want to be here.


President Trump and his allies act like this phenomenon of the immigrant caravan from Honduras is a big help for Republicans in this November elections that the immigration issue is a winner for Republicans. But it shouldn't be President Trump is solely responsible for America not making significant progress in securing its borders. The American people should have been seeing a tall concrete "Israeli type" wall going up on its southern border that would make a difference in stopping illegal immigration but President Trump refused to accept a fair bi-partisan Senate deal to build the wall the deal consisting of funding of the wall for legalization and a path to citizenship for people in DACA status (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals). President Trump with the acquiescence of Congressional Republicans has made an abundance of mistakes on the immigration problem leaving America sinking in this quicksand problem. President Trump wants to do away with the lottery system for issuing visas and go to a merit based system; no Republican President or Republican Party Presidential nominee ever has advocated doing away with this fair system of issuing visas, this system supports and furthers America's noblest of values that America is a beacon of hope for people throughout the world that a person doesn't need wealth, education or connections for a chance to come to America as long as one has a good work ethic and is willing to embrace the values of democracy, human rights and patriotism for America one is suitable to come to America. America has always dearly prided itself on being a country that focuses on what people become in America not on what they were before they came! Moreover, it is completely stupid public policy for America to do away with the lottery system which offers all peoples throughout the world that want to come to America hope to be able to do so; eliminating this system eliminates this hope and thereby pushes these people to come to America illegally, instead of fixing the illegal immigration problem for the American people President Trump here is indefinitely saddling America with this problem!

When the American people think about President Trump and the immigration issue they should be thinking about his big bi-partisan Whitehouse summit on immigration on January 9th 2018 when he made lofty comments like "I am appealing to everyone in the room put country before party, and to sit down and to compromise" and where he made the commitment " I will say, when this group comes back — hopefully with an agreement — this group and others from the Senate, from the House, comes back with an agreement, I’m signing it. I mean, I will be signing it. I’m not going to say, “Oh, gee, I want this or I want that.” I’ll be signing it, because I have a lot of confidence in the people in this room that they’re going to come up with something really good.". His commitment didn't last three days a bipartisan Senate group of six influential Senators reached a DACA/Border Wall deal which President Trump rejected on January 12th in a meeting where he shockingly disparaged people from select Hispanic and African countries when he said in the meeting "Why do we want all these people from "S--t hole" countries coming here"! It was clear that political considerations the views of his hard core base took priority for President Trump and caused him to reject the moderate fair deal!

The American people are not fools they know that the leadership of the Republican Party doesn't offer a solution to the immigration problem for the American people all the Democrats in Congress could agree to vote for any immigration bill the Republicans want they could put whatever they want in the bill they would give the Republicans a complete blank check and the Republication legislation would not solve the problem would not even come close because the Republican Party leadership will never ever agree to comprehensive immigration reform where America legalizes the illegal immigrants that have been in the country five plus years because their hard core base considers that treasonous amnesty. Unless this comprehensive immigration is done America's immigration enforcement system will be overwhelmed and thus dysfunctional and the immigration problem will continue and steadily get worse , it is that simple the system has capacity limits that must be respected!

The Democrat Party is not handling this Caravan matter well independents, like this writer, and moderates are angry with these foreigners that just think they can disregard America's laws and come to America even for the reasons of escaping poverty and drug and criminal gangs. America has a lot of her citizens living in poverty or close to poverty and that live in neighborhoods where crime abounds and America has serious problems a national debt problem that has the country on the trajectory for a depression and a health care system whose cost is way too high and unsustainable. This is not acceptable reasons for these people to illegally come to America. It is understandable for some Democrats to remain silent on this issue because a large part of their voting bloc is for open borders. But for other Democrats in safe or largely moderate districts, these Democrats should be speaking out against this caravan. It is not a defense that this caravan is approximately a thousand miles away from America's borders; this caravan offers its members an escape from the fee of thousands of dollars that coyote smugglers charge per person and an escape from the dangerous untrustworthiness of these coyotes where they often hold their charges for ransom and sexually abuse them - this caravan is coming to America's border and elected officials and people running for elected office should have a policy to stop this outrageous behavior. Here's a policy Democrat representatives should join with moderate Republican and come out and call for a stern response to this threat to America's immigration laws the response should be that these people no matter who they are will be held in custody until their asylum cases is heard if we have to hold these people on troop ships so be it and their cases will be put in front of the court system line and more Immigration judges and staff will be hired to process these asylum cases at rapid speed and likewise the deportations will be carried out with rapid speed, an outstanding effort will be made to deter this violation of America's laws.
You didn't write that, so link it.

Anyway, do you really want hordes from shitholes coming to the States?
President Trump and his allies act like this phenomenon of the immigrant caravan from Honduras is a big help for Republicans in this November elections that the immigration issue is a winner for Republicans. But it shouldn't be President Trump is solely responsible for America not making significant progress in securing its borders. The American people should have been seeing a tall concrete "Israeli type" wall going up on its southern border that would make a difference in stopping illegal immigration but President Trump refused to accept a fair bi-partisan Senate deal to build the wall the deal consisting of funding of the wall for legalization and a path to citizenship for people in DACA status (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals). President Trump with the acquiescence of Congressional Republicans has made an abundance of mistakes on the immigration problem leaving America sinking in this quicksand problem. President Trump wants to do away with the lottery system for issuing visas and go to a merit based system; no Republican President or Republican Party Presidential nominee ever has advocated doing away with this fair system of issuing visas, this system supports and furthers America's noblest of values that America is a beacon of hope for people throughout the world that a person doesn't need wealth, education or connections for a chance to come to America as long as one has a good work ethic and is willing to embrace the values of democracy, human rights and patriotism for America one is suitable to come to America. America has always dearly prided itself on being a country that focuses on what people become in America not on what they were before they came! Moreover, it is completely stupid public policy for America to do away with the lottery system which offers all peoples throughout the world that want to come to America hope to be able to do so; eliminating this system eliminates this hope and thereby pushes these people to come to America illegally, instead of fixing the illegal immigration problem for the American people President Trump here is indefinitely saddling America with this problem!

When the American people think about President Trump and the immigration issue they should be thinking about his big bi-partisan Whitehouse summit on immigration on January 9th 2018 when he made lofty comments like "I am appealing to everyone in the room put country before party, and to sit down and to compromise" and where he made the commitment " I will say, when this group comes back — hopefully with an agreement — this group and others from the Senate, from the House, comes back with an agreement, I’m signing it. I mean, I will be signing it. I’m not going to say, “Oh, gee, I want this or I want that.” I’ll be signing it, because I have a lot of confidence in the people in this room that they’re going to come up with something really good.". His commitment didn't last three days a bipartisan Senate group of six influential Senators reached a DACA/Border Wall deal which President Trump rejected on January 12th in a meeting where he shockingly disparaged people from select Hispanic and African countries when he said in the meeting "Why do we want all these people from "S--t hole" countries coming here"! It was clear that political considerations the views of his hard core base took priority for President Trump and caused him to reject the moderate fair deal!

The American people are not fools they know that the leadership of the Republican Party doesn't offer a solution to the immigration problem for the American people all the Democrats in Congress could agree to vote for any immigration bill the Republicans want they could put whatever they want in the bill they would give the Republicans a complete blank check and the Republication legislation would not solve the problem would not even come close because the Republican Party leadership will never ever agree to comprehensive immigration reform where America legalizes the illegal immigrants that have been in the country five plus years because their hard core base considers that treasonous amnesty. Unless this comprehensive immigration is done America's immigration enforcement system will be overwhelmed and thus dysfunctional and the immigration problem will continue and steadily get worse , it is that simple the system has capacity limits that must be respected!

The Democrat Party is not handling this Caravan matter well independents, like this writer, and moderates are angry with these foreigners that just think they can disregard America's laws and come to America even for the reasons of escaping poverty and drug and criminal gangs. America has a lot of her citizens living in poverty or close to poverty and that live in neighborhoods where crime abounds and America has serious problems a national debt problem that has the country on the trajectory for a depression and a health care system whose cost is way too high and unsustainable. This is not acceptable reasons for these people to illegally come to America. It is understandable for some Democrats to remain silent on this issue because a large part of their voting bloc is for open borders. But for other Democrats in safe or largely moderate districts, these Democrats should be speaking out against this caravan. It is not a defense that this caravan is approximately a thousand miles away from America's borders; this caravan offers its members an escape from the fee of thousands of dollars that coyote smugglers charge per person and an escape from the dangerous untrustworthiness of these coyotes where they often hold their charges for ransom and sexually abuse them - this caravan is coming to America's border and elected officials and people running for elected office should have a policy to stop this outrageous behavior. Here's a policy Democrat representatives should join with moderate Republican and come out and call for a stern response to this threat to America's immigration laws the response should be that these people no matter who they are will be held in custody until their asylum cases is heard if we have to hold these people on troop ships so be it and their cases will be put in front of the court system line and more Immigration judges and staff will be hired to process these asylum cases at rapid speed and likewise the deportations will be carried out with rapid speed, an outstanding effort will be made to deter this violation of America's laws.

The border is less secure because of treasonous, liberal, judges.
deanrd said:
Republicans have a long history of violence.

Caravans don't.,
Thousands And Thousands Of Central American Impoverished
Weeks Out
And Less Than 30mi Out Of Guatemala
They've Already Looted Stores For Provisions

Only 1,000mi More To Walk
The Muggings, Robberies, Rapes And Murders
Haven't Even Started

...That We Know Of Yet

This Ain't A Peace March
By Comparatively Wealthy Americans
IDK, my Democrat parents think the Caravan will help Trump, because he appears tougher on immigration.

Yup and immigration is a hot button issue.

All Americans want illegals out of the country and they sure as hell don't want more coming in. They cost we the tax payer billions every year.

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