Immigration Choices We Face Under Democrats

Give them temporary work visas and allow them to cross back and forth as the job market warrants

This allows them to work, pay taxes and contribute to society.
It also saves us the money of building walls and chasing them around

thats not going to happen. They don't want that (except for a few) , they want to live here, plus we are not talking about people primarily from Mexico, we are talking about people from many countries in latin America and elswhere in the world. They are going to cross back into Mexico?

How can you hand out temporary work visas when migrants are coming so fast they cant be processed?
Our border agents are wearing out and need a break. How about you shut down the border and then sort things out. the rate people are coming is not sustainable and they are not stopping. What good are your work visas going to do when Americans start getting laid off due to rising interest rates?
But we still have to spend all of the money taking care of them and processing them.

much more costly than building a wall, when you consider that under Democrat rule, this situation will continue year after year with more people from all around the world and Latin America crossing into the U.S. through Mexico. But hey the Feds can print more money, put everyone on assistance if they dont have a job! its so humane!
thats not going to happen. They don't want that (except for a few) , they want to live here, plus we are not talking about people primarily from Mexico, we are talking about people from many countries in latin America and elswhere in the world. They are going to cross back into Mexico?

How can you hand out temporary work visas when migrants are coming so fast they cant be processed?
Our border agents are wearing out and need a break. How about you shut down the border and then sort things out. the rate people are coming is not sustainable and they are not stopping. What good are your work visas going to do when Americans start getting laid off due to rising interest rates?

Deploy our military on the southern border and start a coup in Mexico. Arm Mexican rebels to fight the cartels and the Mexican government. Why not? We're already experts in starting coups around the world and in arming and training rebels. This is probably the only scenario where I would be in favor of starting a coup, due to Mexico's proximity to America. They're also part of the illegal immigration problem, not to speak of the drug problem. So this Hispanic would be in favor of going to war with Mexico, for the sake of America first and also to clean up Mexico.

Trump was talking about a wall, and didn't do a damn thing. America doesn't need to depend on Mexico to fund the wall, that's bull hockey gobbledygook.

True American leftists like myself, are against illegal immigration, because we realize that the United States government shouldn't have to provide Medicare, Social Security and other services, to all of Latin America. American social services and programs are for the American people and legal residents, not every country in Latin America. So we are for Latin Americans staying in Latin America, and the only way that will happen is if we stop screwing around with their countries, economically, politically and otherwise. Let them be.
Ever heard of Vietnam? That won't work Bubba. Just stop with the coups and meddling, and allow them to develop their economies. We can trade with them and establish good, friendly relations. Can Bubba do that? I think he can, he's just a bit confused right now.

I'm good with the US stopping the meddling in other countries, but why do you think that would solve the problem with illegals flooding the US border? What's makes you think countries won't install their own corrupt leaders with meddling from other countries?
I'm good with the US stopping the meddling in other countries, but why do you think that would solve the problem with illegals flooding the US border? What's makes you think countries won't install their own corrupt leaders with meddling from other countries?

When Latin American countries or any other country around the world, isn't being meddled and bullied with or exploited, by a superpower like the US, they do much better financially and otherwise. Right now Bukele in El Salvador is cleaning house, eliminating all of the gangs, by correctly identifying them as terrorists. He's sweeping the country with the military, arresting gang-bangers, throwing them in prison:

Guess what the US government and the European Union are doing to El Salvador due to the above campaign against the terrorist gangs? Threatening to charge Bukele with a crime, for supposedly violating the human rights of gang-bangers. The US is talking about imposing sanctions on El Salvador. Many of the illegal immigrants coming to our country, were leaving El Salvador and Hunduras, due to the hellish environment created by these gangs. So Bukele decided to go to war with the gangs, identifying them as terrorists. Why not, the US already classifies the M13 gang as terrorists? What's the big deal?

The president of Honduras is now adopting the same policies against the gangs as Bukele in El Salvador and she's starting to sweep the land of all of these scumbag gang-bangers that are terrorizing the people of Honduras. By the way, president Zelaya of Hunduras is the wife of Manuel Zelaya, the former president of Honduras who was ousted by the Obama administration. Hillary Clinton admits in her autobiography that the US State Department contributed to the coup. The problem is that the US ruling elite doesn't want Latin American countries to free themselves from their grip. Cheap Latin American labor and resources is all the American ruling class is interested in and they don't want Latin Americans to improve and develop their countries.

So now Washington is threatening El Salvador with economic sanctions and Honduras isn't far behind. It will also be punished for trying to improve conditions and develop itself. I know what's happening in Latin America because I speak Spanish, I read all of the newspapers. I see how the US bribes politicians and threatens these governments. If we want to greatly reduce, if not eliminate the flow of illegal immigration through our southern border, we need to allow these countries to breathe and develop themselves. Otherwise, learn Spanish. Because a lot more Hispanic illegals are coming to America.
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Give them temporary work visas and allow them to cross back and forth as the job market warrants

This allows them to work, pay taxes and contribute to society.
It also saves us the money of building walls and chasing them around
Anyone who believes they will go back to Mexico is smoking something.
I'm good with the US stopping the meddling in other countries, but why do you think that would solve the problem with illegals flooding the US border? What's makes you think countries won't install their own corrupt leaders with meddling from other countries?
That's a classic commie talking point. They claim the US is responsible for anything bad that happens in foreign countries.
When Latin American countries or any other country around the world, isn't being meddled and bullied with or exploited, by a superpower like the US, they do much better financially and otherwise. Right now Bukele in El Salvador is cleaning house, eliminating all of the gangs, by correctly identifying them as terrorists. He's sweeping the country with the military, arresting gang-bangers, throwing them in prison:

Guess what the US government and the European Union are doing to El Salvador due to the above campaign against the terrorist gangs? Threatening to charge Bukele with a crime, for supposedly violating the human rights of gang-bangers. The US is talking about imposing sanctions on El Salvador. Many of the illegal immigrants coming to our country, were leaving El Salvador and Hunduras, due to the hellish environment created by these gangs. So Bukele decided to go to war with the gangs, identifying them as terrorists. Why not, the US already classifies the M13 gang as terrorists? What's the big deal?

The president of Honduras is now adopting the same policies against the gangs as Bukele in El Salvador and she's starting to sweep the land of all of these scumbag gang-bangers that are terrorizing the people of Honduras. By the way, president Zelaya of Hunduras is the wife of Manuel Zelaya, the former president of Honduras who was ousted by the Obama administration. Hillary Clinton admits in her autobiography that the US State Department contributed to the coup. The problem is that the US ruling elite doesn't want Latin American countries to free themselves from their grip. Cheap Latin American labor and resources is all the American ruling class is interested in and they don't want Latin Americans to improve and develop their countries.

So now Washington is threatening El Salvador with economic sanctions and Honduras isn't far behind. It will also be punished for trying to improve conditions and develop itself. I know what's happening in Latin America because I speak Spanish, I read all of the newspapers. I see how the US bribes politicians and threatens these governments. If we want to greatly reduce, if not eliminate the flow of illegal immigration through our southern border, we need to allow these countries to breathe and develop themselves. Otherwise, learn Spanish. Because a lot more Hispanic illegals are coming to America.

Commie propaganda.

Option 3 -- Armed American citizens on the border.

Option 3. Legalize hunting.

Stop pretending that these millions are just border crossers who will scurry to their nests after work. These invaders are coming here from 150 different countries. They will not be returning to their home counties unless shipped back. In a box or not.

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