Immigration is Destroying America.

No sir.

The correct spelling is either "dejasteis" or dejaste. meaning You left - not izquierdista.

Although you do sound like an izquierdista.


Mi español no es muy bueno - Voy a tomar su palabra para ella - Pero amablemente no vuelvas a llamarme un hombre de izquierda Tú otra vez-Gracias

This is America. Please speak ENGLISH. Take his word for it IN ENGLISH.

America is dead.
And neither Party could give a damn.
Clearly you haven't.

In fact, I have. Now go sit down and be quiet, junior.

In fact you haven't.

You want to keep repeating yourself and look like a fool, go ahead junior. Reality is as I've explained to you. As for your illogical 'argument,' it is chiefly with yourself. Immigration laws at certain times in the past were never in dispute by anyone here. You brought them up and then pretended anyone was arguing with you about them.
Thank goodness that certain short-sighted dimwits are so irrelevant their infantile calls to formulate national policy based on ignorance and fear will NEVER be taken seriously. Protectionism is the ideology of a coward. LEGAL immigration and hungry competition are two of the things that have made and will continue to make this country great. Those who can only whine because they know they aren't good enough to compete will fall by the wayside.
I thought the term "spear chucker"was reserved for African Natives not Indigenous Americans , and by the way asshat - I've never chucked a spear in my life - unless you consider the javelin a spear .

What European Tribe are your ancestors from ? - and are you really a conservative or just another degenerate Libtard trying to create a bad avatar of conservatives - what you want them to be viewed as . No conservative I ever met is as racist as you seem to be - but plently of Dumbocrats are.
So how many people have you scalped?

None yet - I'm waiting for the revolution so I can scalp me some Libtards and faggots :lol: which one are you ?
I'm a descendent of the guys who fooled you into taking disease ridden blanket. Just curious, what did you do to bald men, scalp their underarms?
So how many people have you scalped?

None yet - I'm waiting for the revolution so I can scalp me some Libtards and faggots :lol: which one are you ?
I'm a descendent of the guys who fooled you into taking disease ridden blanket. Just curious, what did you do to bald men, scalp their underarms?

Sorry dumb ass - that was the Spaniards and they did it to the Incas down in South America. I'm a Mutt my ancestors come from 4 different tribes - the Mi'kmaq and Abenaki of Newfoundland Nova Scota and New England and the , French and Scots from across the great waters. We never had that Problem.
No sir.

The correct spelling is either "dejasteis" or dejaste. meaning You left - not izquierdista.

Although you do sound like an izquierdista.


Mi español no es muy bueno - Voy a tomar su palabra para ella - Pero amablemente no vuelvas a llamarme un hombre de izquierda Tú otra vez-Gracias

This is America. Please speak ENGLISH. Take his word for it IN ENGLISH.

Point well taken General Eisenhower - I Capice
You don't know the first thing about this country.

As a matter of fact, I do.

No you don't you need to open a history book, or at least read wikipedia for starters. Your ignorance is glaring for anyone with knowledge on these issues to see.

But since I am here to educate, I will get you on the path with some light readng on the matter.

Immigration Act of 1924 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Chinese Exclusion Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Naturalization Act of 1790 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Immigration of Act of 1924 set quotas on Migration. One of its goals was to eliminate the massive influx from particular regions that were experiencing turmoil or economic upheaval- It was somewhat reality based in that it sought to prevent the country from being overrun and overwhelmed by foreign hoards hell bent on imposing their values ,customs and unsuccessful economic mehodology.

Basically it sought to preseve American Values, traditions and culture . Current Immigration policies seek to destroy American Values, traditions and culture.

25 More Americans will die today at the hands of Illegal Aliens
8 More American Children will be molested by illegal Aliens.
None yet - I'm waiting for the revolution so I can scalp me some Libtards and faggots :lol: which one are you ?
I'm a descendent of the guys who fooled you into taking disease ridden blanket. Just curious, what did you do to bald men, scalp their underarms?

Sorry dumb ass - that was the Spaniards and they did it to the Incas down in South America. I'm a Mutt my ancestors come from 4 different tribes - the Mi'kmaq and Abenaki of Newfoundland Nova Scota and New England and the , French and Scots from across the great waters. We never had that Problem.

Does your family have a bunch of scalps hidden somewhere from the olden days? That would be cool.
And do you guys miss scalping?
It's extremely foolish to have open borders to a welfare state.

Legal immigrants are fine because they generally have job skills and some education and tend to be able to assimilate but currently illegals are pouring over the border by the thousands every day and they have no education, no job skills, extremely high birth rates. They're coming for the welfare handouts, the fact that in the USA, illiterate women are paid to have babies.
It's extremely foolish to have open borders to a welfare state.

Legal immigrants are fine because they generally have job skills and some education and tend to be able to assimilate but currently illegals are pouring over the border by the thousands every day and they have no education, no job skills, extremely high birth rates. They're coming for the welfare handouts, the fact that in the USA, illiterate women are paid to have babies.

There is no way of knowing how many immigrants come here for the handouts.

But the welfare state must be abolished.

The immigrants are doing us a favor by precipitating the event.

After the 2nd American Revolution, the new Founding Fathers will understand the reason James Madison , Thomas Jefferson , Patrick Henry, et al, refused a democratic welfare state.

After the 2nd American Revolution, the new Founding Fathers will understand ...

Oh, you thought this was the Conspiracy Forum. No, you must have taken a wrong turn. You want to go backwards for several miles, take a sharp left, and then continue on until you hear the sound of maniacal laughter. There you go, off with you now. Have fun.
You have explained nothing.

You're never going to learn if you don't pay attention, kid.

You never learned anything.

That attitude is doing you no good at all, kid. Come on now, time to grow up.

As for the topic, NO, legal immigration is not going to be halted. Not going to happen no matter how many times a handful of loons repeat their silly, anti-American fantasies about it. Obsessing over such nonsense only distracts from the real issue, which is the problem of ILLEGAL immigration.
We already have laws regarding LEGAL immigration. Desperate dimwits who fantasize about more restrictive or (if you want to hearken back to some bad decisions of the past) prejudiced immigration laws are absolutely no different than the lefties who respond to news of gun crime by calling for more restrictive gun laws. It punishes the law-abiding and does NOTHING to address the real problem.
You're never going to learn if you don't pay attention, kid.

You never learned anything.

grow up.

Not going to happen no matter how many times a handful of loons repeat their silly, anti-American fantasies about it.

You need to grow up.

As for being anti-third world immigration, anti-mass immigration, this is the most patriotic and American position one can take, it is part of our legacy from the beginning to oppose mass immigration and third world coolie labor, legal or illegal. It is in fact you who are un-American.

I am reporting you to HUAC. Good luck with the legal firestorm I just had unleashed on you shitlord.
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Run along, junior. You've fallen completely off the deep end.

As to the actual topic of this thread, LEGAL immigration is NOT going to be halted. People who claim to be concerned about the problem of ILLEGAL immigration forfeit all credibility on the issue when they digress onto self-indulgent, anti-American fantasies of fear-based exclusion. It would be consistent with their attitude if they were also fervent proponents of more restrictive gun laws in the US. Same kind of flawed, unAmerican thinking.
I got something, you need stop trolling and get a life.

Stop whining, kid. Makes you look even more idiotic. Now, anything to add to the ACTUAL TOPIC?

Your shit posting wont give your empty life any meaning. You have serious personal issues you need to work out.

Great emoting, very dramatic. Anything to add to the actual topic of the thread? Maybe something even tangentially related to the topic?

Here, I'll help you get started since it seems you're a little confused: Illegal immigration is a problem that the nation needs to address much more effectively. LEGAL immigration is, and always has been, one of the great strengths of my nation. It always will be.

See how that works, junior? OK, now you go~

Come can do it...come on...
Stop whining, kid. Makes you look even more idiotic. Now, anything to add to the ACTUAL TOPIC?

Your shit posting wont give your empty life any meaning. You have serious personal issues you need to work out.

Great emoting, very dramatic. Anything to add to the actual topic of the thread? Maybe something even tangentially related to the topic?

Here, I'll help you get started since it seems you're a little confused: Illegal immigration is a problem that the nation needs to address much more effectively. LEGAL immigration is, and always has been, one of the great strengths of my nation. It always will be.

See how that works, junior? OK, now you go~

Come can do it...come on...

I thank all posts without discriminating, but I wish that I could double-thank this post. I mean, all posts are equal, but some posts just really deserve that extra equality that gives people the incentive to make productive, quality posts like this one.
Immigration isn't ruining the US, it's all those foreigners that are fucking everything up.

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