Immigration is Destroying America.

As to the actual topic of this thread, LEGAL immigration is NOT going to be halted. People who claim to be concerned about the problem of ILLEGAL immigration forfeit all credibility on the issue when they digress onto self-indulgent, anti-American fantasies of fear-based exclusion. It would be consistent with their attitude if they were also fervent proponents of more restrictive gun laws in the US. Same kind of flawed, unAmerican thinking.


As shown by these 3 informative articles >>
Immigration isn't ruining the US, it's all those foreigners that are fucking everything up.


If it wasn't for those foreigners who fuck everything up, immigration wouldn't exist.

Sorry, but it was those Irish and Chinese who came over here that built a lot of this country. Go ahead, look it up under Google, if you can read these boards, you've obviously got an internet connection and can go to either Google or Wikipedia.

Look up the Erie Canal, or look up the Golden Spike, and see who helped those endeavors succeed (and who also helped this country succeed).

Immigration is much harder than what it was at Ellis Island, and much more expensive as well.

I'm wondering if the capital we're spending on keeping them out is more than what we'd spend by allowing them in.

And..............fwiw..................those kids fleeing the Honduras and other Central American countries like Nicaragua, nope...............they're not illegals...............they're refugees.

Might wanna check the law that Shrub Jr. signed into law in 2008 protecting them. If they're not from Canada or Mexico, they have a right to due process and the protection of the law.

Jr. said so. It's not Obama's fault, he's just trying to enforce the law.
Immigration isn't ruining the US, it's all those foreigners that are fucking everything up.


If it wasn't for those foreigners who fuck everything up, immigration wouldn't exist.

Sorry, but it was those Irish and Chinese who came over here that built a lot of this country. Go ahead, look it up under Google, if you can read these boards, you've obviously got an internet connection and can go to either Google or Wikipedia.

Look up the Erie Canal, or look up the Golden Spike, and see who helped those endeavors succeed (and who also helped this country succeed).

Immigration is much harder than what it was at Ellis Island, and much more expensive as well.

I'm wondering if the capital we're spending on keeping them out is more than what we'd spend by allowing them in.

And..............fwiw..................those kids fleeing the Honduras and other Central American countries like Nicaragua, nope...............they're not illegals...............they're refugees.

Might wanna check the law that Shrub Jr. signed into law in 2008 protecting them. If they're not from Canada or Mexico, they have a right to due process and the protection of the law.

Jr. said so. It's not Obama's fault, he's just trying to enforce the law.
Any illegals should be put to work building a border fence with Mehico, then sent back to the furthest point in South America, let's see them walk back to the US from there.
FYI, fleeing useless parents doesn't make you a refugee.
Immigration isn't ruining the US, it's all those foreigners that are fucking everything up.


If it wasn't for those foreigners who fuck everything up, immigration wouldn't exist.

Sorry, but it was those Irish and Chinese who came over here that built a lot of this country. Go ahead, look it up under Google, if you can read these boards, you've obviously got an internet connection and can go to either Google or Wikipedia.

Look up the Erie Canal, or look up the Golden Spike, and see who helped those endeavors succeed (and who also helped this country succeed).

Immigration is much harder than what it was at Ellis Island, and much more expensive as well.

I'm wondering if the capital we're spending on keeping them out is more than what we'd spend by allowing them in.

And..............fwiw..................those kids fleeing the Honduras and other Central American countries like Nicaragua, nope...............they're not illegals...............they're refugees.

Might wanna check the law that Shrub Jr. signed into law in 2008 protecting them. If they're not from Canada or Mexico, they have a right to due process and the protection of the law.

Jr. said so. It's not Obama's fault, he's just trying to enforce the law.
Any illegals should be put to work building a border fence with Mehico, then sent back to the furthest point in South America, let's see them walk back to the US from there.
FYI, fleeing useless parents doesn't make you a refugee.

How about this? If those kids decide that they would like to spend 4 years serving this country in the military (and yes, the language in the military is English, and you have to learn how to obey not only the rules of the military, but those of the current place you happen to be at), they should be given full citizenship.

Me? I served 21 years in the U.S. Navy and defended this country in no less than 4 war zones.

Considering that the current statistics say that only 1 percent (meaning 1 out of 100) people serve this country, I'd be willing to say that someone who does 4 years is more deserving of citizenship than most of the assholes that are protesting them.

How many of those protesters who are telling those kids to go home do you think have actually spent time defending this country in some service, whether it be the military or Border Guard?

I'm guessing not many.

On my last tour in the Navy, I was the LPO (Leading Petty Officer), and head of the MEPS (Military Entrance Processing Station) for the Navy in Amarillo from 1999 until 2002. I served with a teacher from Mexico named Casillas who decided he could have a better life here, which is why he enlisted and earned his citizenship after around 6 years.

I've got more respect for Cas than I ever would for someone like Bundy or his ilk. Why? Because Cas actually served (and loved) this country, rather than wanted to suck off the teat of their natural born citizenship.
Your shit posting wont give your empty life any meaning. You have serious personal issues you need to work out.

Great emoting, very dramatic. Anything to add to the actual topic of the thread? Maybe something even tangentially related to the topic?

Here, I'll help you get started since it seems you're a little confused: Illegal immigration is a problem that the nation needs to address much more effectively. LEGAL immigration is, and always has been, one of the great strengths of my nation. It always will be.

See how that works, junior? OK, now you go~

Come can do it...come on...

I thank all posts without discriminating, but I wish that I could double-thank this post. I mean, all posts are equal, but some posts just really deserve that extra equality that gives people the incentive to make productive, quality posts like this one.

Sweety -I see you're making some progress - you actually almost made sense in that post - except that you didn't really make any sense at all . OY Vay -

Define equal
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Here are what I see as the HARMS of Immigration (in America). Feel free to dispute, debate, confirm, or whatever on any one or combination of these. This should be a good, rousing debate (but please try to stay on topic)

Harms of Immigration

1. Americans lose jobs. (especially Whites due to affirmative action).

Immigrants generally take lower-paying jobs that many natural-born citizens won't touch. Others are better qualified for specialty jobs.

Why does being white grant a citizen special favor in your mind? On Civil Service tests, special consideration is given to veterans of all colors.

2. Wage reduction.

Not true. Qualified immigrants are hired in at the same wage as current employees. The current employees wages do not go down. Again, most start out in jobs with a government-mandated minimum wage.

See above answer. Also, being a natural-born citizen does not guarantee that one is working above the table. I've known several deadbeat dads, anarchists/libertarians, and high school dropouts that work under the table.

Remittance? isn't this a repeat of #3? Why yes, it is.

Most immigrants seek gainful employment. If the overlords are allowed to pay them less than a living wage, it's YOU'RE fault for not writing to your Congressman and demanding a higher minimum wage.

Nope. Many immigrants are quite peaceful and law-abiding.

You're grasping at straws with thiis one.

Umm, no. No you're heading down the road into Batshitville

And now that we're in Batshitville, let's tour it and look at some of the landmarks:

14. Cultural erosion.

Funny you should mention that. I've been on dozens of boards with membes from all over the globe. They all say the same thing:

"American culture can be traced back to Europe, Asia, the Mideast, and Africa. Americans don't actually have much of a culture that they can call their own. They are loud and boorish, though."

15. Overuse of scarce resources (oil, gasoline, fresh water, jobs, electricity, food, etc)

16. Introduction of foreign diseases

What foreign diseases did that immigrant from England bring? Or Tatiana, the nice Bosnian lady that I worked with? Darham's a physician, so I think he's clean.

What's going on here is that you're acting like a child. You can't handle anything new so you come up with weird excuses, trying to convince the adults in the room to stop allowing it.

Immigration has been going on in America since Erik the Red built his first longship. It's not gonna stop. Deal.

I'm sick of people saying that immigrants take the jobs that americans won't touch. That's bs. They take the jobs that upper and middle class citizens won't touch. The struggling and growing lower class citizens would be more than happy to have ANY job. Do you know how many Americans are jobless right now? willing to do anything and everything to feed their families? I know people that have to go to churches and soup kitchens to eat donated food everyday. People living in abandoned houses. Homeless veterans living under bridges. I'm not just making this up either. I've lived in terrible neighborhoods before and have seen this with my own eyes day after day. That's the most naive assumption anyone could make about illegal immigrants and the jobs they take that Americans don't want. Far from the truth. I watched homeless people and the desperately poor show up every single day at 4am to Labor Ready hoping they'd get sent to work. Doesn't matter what job they were given, they were just grateful to work that day. 1/2 of them would be turned away because finding work is becoming so difficult. And even tho most of them had to walk miles to get there, they would still come back everyday at 4am in hopes that they'd be sent to work. People need to think about that. Just because some people live in nice middle class neighborhoods doesn't mean the rest of American do. There are places in America that are just as dangerous and impoverished as the Central American countries these immigrants are coming from. And no ones helping them. The government needs to get their priorities straight.

We should have a country for whites, and a country for latinos, say, Mexico, a big pile of sand for arabs, say, the Middle East (minus Israel, we keep that), and a whole fucking continent for blacks, say, Africa. Now all of you imposters get out of my country. Indians can stay if you keep quiet.


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We should have a country for whites, and a country for latinos, say, Mexico, a big pile of sand for arabs, say, the Middle East (minus Israel, we keep that), and a whole fucking continent for blacks, say, Africa. Now all of you imposters get out of my country. Indians can stay if you keep quiet.



Well then it'd only be fair if all the white people went back to Europe.

The struggling and growing lower class citizens would be more than happy to have ANY job. Do you know how many Americans are jobless right now? willing to do anything and everything to feed their families?

Anything? Including, for example, moving from a hopelessly poor neighborhood in Detroit to somewhere in South Texas to do agricultural work, even if on a seasonal basis?
The struggling and growing lower class citizens would be more than happy to have ANY job. Do you know how many Americans are jobless right now? willing to do anything and everything to feed their families?

Anything? Including, for example, moving from a hopelessly poor neighborhood in Detroit to somewhere in South Texas to do agricultural work, even if on a seasonal basis?

Yeah, if those jobs weren't already taken by illegal immigrants that send all of their income out of the country.

We should have a country for whites, and a country for latinos, say, Mexico, a big pile of sand for arabs, say, the Middle East (minus Israel, we keep that), and a whole fucking continent for blacks, say, Africa. Now all of you imposters get out of my country. Indians can stay if you keep quiet.



Well then it'd only be fair if all the white people went back to Europe.


You all go first. :D

Anyways, Indians like us white folks.
Illegal immigrants destroyed America about oh 350 years ago...:)
Immigration isn't ruining the US, it's all those foreigners that are fucking everything up.


If it wasn't for those foreigners who fuck everything up, immigration wouldn't exist.

Sorry, but it was those Irish and Chinese who came over here that built a lot of this country. Go ahead, look it up under Google, if you can read these boards, you've obviously got an internet connection and can go to either Google or Wikipedia.

Look up the Erie Canal, or look up the Golden Spike, and see who helped those endeavors succeed (and who also helped this country succeed).

Immigration is much harder than what it was at Ellis Island, and much more expensive as well.

I'm wondering if the capital we're spending on keeping them out is more than what we'd spend by allowing them in.

And..............fwiw..................those kids fleeing the Honduras and other Central American countries like Nicaragua, nope...............they're not illegals...............they're refugees.

Might wanna check the law that Shrub Jr. signed into law in 2008 protecting them. If they're not from Canada or Mexico, they have a right to due process and the protection of the law.

Jr. said so. It's not Obama's fault, he's just trying to enforce the law.

1. Erie Canal, Golden Spike, Ellis Isalnd,...these are all remants of the PAST. Look at the TITLE of this thread > Immigration IS DestroyING America. The topic is about what's happening NOW, not 100+ years ago.

2. Immigration is much easier now than ever before. All one has to do is walk across the Mexican border, be given a paper to show up in court a month later, and then not show up.

3. While you wonder what we spend "by allowing them in", are you taking into account the $123 BILLION/Year lost from te US economy due to immigrants' remittnaces ? Or the tens of BILLIONS$$ more lost to welfare for anchor baby families and those with false documentation ? Or the BILLIONS$$ mor elost to undertaxation ? (due to immigrants' lower pay) Or...or...or..or....

4. Show us one shred of evidence that THESE kids coming here are fleeing as refugees. Surveys taken at border posts tell a different story. 95% say they wnat to live here and get legalization like the 2012 dream kids. Refugees ? (SCAM)

5. There is no proof that the current wave of migrants are entitled to right to due process and the protection of the law under the 2008 law. The 2008 law applies to "victims of trafficking". These people appear to be coming here on there own volition.

6. Obama is not enforcing the law. He is breaking it, by allowing illegal aliens to go free.

If it wasn't for those foreigners who fuck everything up, immigration wouldn't exist.

Sorry, but it was those Irish and Chinese who came over here that built a lot of this country. Go ahead, look it up under Google, if you can read these boards, you've obviously got an internet connection and can go to either Google or Wikipedia.

Look up the Erie Canal, or look up the Golden Spike, and see who helped those endeavors succeed (and who also helped this country succeed).

Immigration is much harder than what it was at Ellis Island, and much more expensive as well.

I'm wondering if the capital we're spending on keeping them out is more than what we'd spend by allowing them in.

And..............fwiw..................those kids fleeing the Honduras and other Central American countries like Nicaragua, nope...............they're not illegals...............they're refugees.

Might wanna check the law that Shrub Jr. signed into law in 2008 protecting them. If they're not from Canada or Mexico, they have a right to due process and the protection of the law.

Jr. said so. It's not Obama's fault, he's just trying to enforce the law.
Any illegals should be put to work building a border fence with Mehico, then sent back to the furthest point in South America, let's see them walk back to the US from there.
FYI, fleeing useless parents doesn't make you a refugee.

How about this? If those kids decide that they would like to spend 4 years serving this country in the military (and yes, the language in the military is English, and you have to learn how to obey not only the rules of the military, but those of the current place you happen to be at), they should be given full citizenship.

Me? I served 21 years in the U.S. Navy and defended this country in no less than 4 war zones.

Considering that the current statistics say that only 1 percent (meaning 1 out of 100) people serve this country, I'd be willing to say that someone who does 4 years is more deserving of citizenship than most of the assholes that are protesting them.

How many of those protesters who are telling those kids to go home do you think have actually spent time defending this country in some service, whether it be the military or Border Guard?

I'm guessing not many.

On my last tour in the Navy, I was the LPO (Leading Petty Officer), and head of the MEPS (Military Entrance Processing Station) for the Navy in Amarillo from 1999 until 2002. I served with a teacher from Mexico named Casillas who decided he could have a better life here, which is why he enlisted and earned his citizenship after around 6 years.

I've got more respect for Cas than I ever would for someone like Bundy or his ilk. Why? Because Cas actually served (and loved) this country, rather than wanted to suck off the teat of their natural born citizenship.

I'm not comfortable with the idea of giving immigrants jobs in the US military. This is just more immigrants taking jobs away from Americans. Secondly, many immigrants don't have an ounce of respect or loyalty for the USA. Many of them are a risk in US military uniform. This is especially true if they are enlisted just to gain citizenship for themselves.
I'm sick of people saying that immigrants take the jobs that americans won't touch. That's bs. They take the jobs that upper and middle class citizens won't touch. The struggling and growing lower class citizens would be more than happy to have ANY job. Do you know how many Americans are jobless right now? willing to do anything and everything to feed their families? I know people that have to go to churches and soup kitchens to eat donated food everyday. People living in abandoned houses. Homeless veterans living under bridges. I'm not just making this up either. I've lived in terrible neighborhoods before and have seen this with my own eyes day after day. That's the most naive assumption anyone could make about illegal immigrants and the jobs they take that Americans don't want. Far from the truth. I watched homeless people and the desperately poor show up every single day at 4am to Labor Ready hoping they'd get sent to work. Doesn't matter what job they were given, they were just grateful to work that day. 1/2 of them would be turned away because finding work is becoming so difficult. And even tho most of them had to walk miles to get there, they would still come back everyday at 4am in hopes that they'd be sent to work. People need to think about that. Just because some people live in nice middle class neighborhoods doesn't mean the rest of American do. There are places in America that are just as dangerous and impoverished as the Central American countries these immigrants are coming from. And no ones helping them. The government needs to get their priorities straight.


Great Post! This idiotic BS that Americans won't take jobs that immigrants will, has been going around for years, even after it was disproved long ago. The Center for Immigration Studies surveryed hundreds of occupations that immigrants tend to work in, and found almost all of them had a majority of US citizens working in those occupations.

Also, the toughest, dirtiest, and most dangerous jobs in America, are being done by AMERICANS, not immigrants (coal miners, firefighters, police, troops in Afghanistan, etc)
Illegal immigrants destroyed America about oh 350 years ago...:)

Sure :cuckoo: if you like living in a tent, freezing in the winter, roasting in the summer, getting bit by snakes, having hunt or fish for your dinner, or grow your own veggies, going without modern medical care, riding horses to get around, not having TV, radio, stereo music, computers, fighting off bears, cougars, and wolves, making your own ill-fitting clothes, going without modern waste disposal and other sanitary technology, and nothing but drums and rudimentary woodwinds instead of Beatles, Rolling Stones, Bob Dylan, Neil Young, Eric Clapton, Jimi Hendrix, Fleetwood Mac, C, S, & N, Grateful Dead.

Want to live in a tent in the woods ? My guess is you're not doing that. :D
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I'm sick of people saying that immigrants take the jobs that americans won't touch. That's bs. They take the jobs that upper and middle class citizens won't touch. The struggling and growing lower class citizens would be more than happy to have ANY job. Do you know how many Americans are jobless right now? willing to do anything and everything to feed their families? I know people that have to go to churches and soup kitchens to eat donated food everyday. People living in abandoned houses. Homeless veterans living under bridges. I'm not just making this up either. I've lived in terrible neighborhoods before and have seen this with my own eyes day after day. That's the most naive assumption anyone could make about illegal immigrants and the jobs they take that Americans don't want. Far from the truth. I watched homeless people and the desperately poor show up every single day at 4am to Labor Ready hoping they'd get sent to work. Doesn't matter what job they were given, they were just grateful to work that day. 1/2 of them would be turned away because finding work is becoming so difficult. And even tho most of them had to walk miles to get there, they would still come back everyday at 4am in hopes that they'd be sent to work. People need to think about that. Just because some people live in nice middle class neighborhoods doesn't mean the rest of American do. There are places in America that are just as dangerous and impoverished as the Central American countries these immigrants are coming from. And no ones helping them. The government needs to get their priorities straight.


Great Post! This idiotic BS that Americans won't take jobs that immigrants will, has been going around for years, even after it was disproved long ago. The Center for Immigration Studies surveryed hundreds of occupations that immigrants tend to work in, and found almost all of them had a majority of US citizens working in those occupations.

Also, the toughest, dirtiest, and most dangerous jobs in America, are being done by AMERICANS, not immigrants (coal miners, firefighters, police, troops in Afghanistan, etc)


The struggling and growing lower class citizens would be more than happy to have ANY job. Do you know how many Americans are jobless right now? willing to do anything and everything to feed their families?

Anything? Including, for example, moving from a hopelessly poor neighborhood in Detroit to somewhere in South Texas to do agricultural work, even if on a seasonal basis?

Yeah, if those jobs weren't already taken by illegal immigrants that send all of their income out of the country.

There are still lots of those sorts of jobs. Why haven't we seen any reverse Great Migration?
Any illegals should be put to work building a border fence with Mehico, then sent back to the furthest point in South America, let's see them walk back to the US from there.
FYI, fleeing useless parents doesn't make you a refugee.

How about this? If those kids decide that they would like to spend 4 years serving this country in the military (and yes, the language in the military is English, and you have to learn how to obey not only the rules of the military, but those of the current place you happen to be at), they should be given full citizenship.

Me? I served 21 years in the U.S. Navy and defended this country in no less than 4 war zones.

Considering that the current statistics say that only 1 percent (meaning 1 out of 100) people serve this country, I'd be willing to say that someone who does 4 years is more deserving of citizenship than most of the assholes that are protesting them.

How many of those protesters who are telling those kids to go home do you think have actually spent time defending this country in some service, whether it be the military or Border Guard?

I'm guessing not many.

On my last tour in the Navy, I was the LPO (Leading Petty Officer), and head of the MEPS (Military Entrance Processing Station) for the Navy in Amarillo from 1999 until 2002. I served with a teacher from Mexico named Casillas who decided he could have a better life here, which is why he enlisted and earned his citizenship after around 6 years.

I've got more respect for Cas than I ever would for someone like Bundy or his ilk. Why? Because Cas actually served (and loved) this country, rather than wanted to suck off the teat of their natural born citizenship.

I'm not comfortable with the idea of giving immigrants jobs in the US military. This is just more immigrants taking jobs away from Americans. Secondly, many immigrants don't have an ounce of respect or loyalty for the USA. Many of them are a risk in US military uniform. This is especially true if they are enlisted just to gain citizenship for themselves.

Of course you're not comfortable with the idea of giving immigrants jobs in the US military.

But then really don't understand the military. You aren't GIVEN a job, you have to QUALIFY for it. I was a Classifier in the U.S. Navy from 1999 until 2002 (when I retired) and I never gave a job to someone who didn't have the test scores, as well as the requirements to get the job. Why? Because if I did, they would be disqualified as soon as they hit boot camp and their scores and record were checked.

If it's is just more immigrants taking jobs away from Americans, then can you tell me why it is that only 1 percent of the American population is willing to serve in the military?

And speaking of stated that those same immigrants who enlisted don't have any loyalty or respect for the USA. Have you ever served? Have you ever been on the front lines? Have you ever been alongside an immigrant who enlisted in a war zone?

I have. Since 1982, and have served with them alongside me until 2002. Yeah.............a lot of them are in it for themselves, because they are hoping that if they can serve a minimum of 5 years (what it was for immigrants while I was serving) they can get citizenship.

How selfish is it to want to gain something for yourself if you're willing to put you ass on the line for others?

Most people who currently ARE U.S. citizens are not willing to serve in the military. Somehow, they think that job is "below" them because they don't get a whole lot of money, nor do they think they should have to put their asses on the line.

Quick question many years have YOU served?

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