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Immigration is Destroying America.

Immigration isn't destroying America. Big Government & Cronyism are destroying America.
The reason why the govt. wants illegals is that the white race is not producing as much babies, so the white race is in decline...it's not just the feds it goes down to the city level, where they complain they do not have enough workers, yet long termed unemployed are brushed aside because companies think the long termed unemployed lose their skills and are not worth hiring, but they will hire young illegals with no experience.......
Here are what I see as the HARMS of Immigration (in America). Feel free to dispute, debate, confirm, or whatever on any one or combination of these. This should be a good, rousing debate (but please try to stay on topic)

Harms of Immigration

1. Americans lose jobs. (especially Whites due to affirmative action).

2. Wage reduction.

3. Tax $ lost (due to off books work + lower wages paid).

4. Remittance $$$ lost. ($40 Billion year).

5. Tax $$ lost to immigrants on welfare.

6. Increased crime.

7. Increased traffic congestion.

8. Increased pollution.

9. Overcrowding in hospital ERs.

10. Overcrowding in recreational facilities.

11. Overcrowding in government offices.

12. Overcrowding in schools.

13. Decrease in funds available for entitlements.

14. Cultural erosion.

15. Overuse of scarce resources (oil, gasoline, fresh water, jobs, electricity, food, etc)

16. Introduction of foreign diseases

Even though I pay more taxes than most of you, I'm sorry for destroying your country, Murikins.
Here are what I see as the HARMS of Immigration (in America). Feel free to dispute, debate, confirm, or whatever on any one or combination of these. This should be a good, rousing debate (but please try to stay on topic)

Harms of Immigration

1. Americans lose jobs. (especially Whites due to affirmative action).

2. Wage reduction.

3. Tax $ lost (due to off books work + lower wages paid).

4. Remittance $$$ lost. ($40 Billion year).

5. Tax $$ lost to immigrants on welfare.

6. Increased crime.

7. Increased traffic congestion.

8. Increased pollution.

9. Overcrowding in hospital ERs.

10. Overcrowding in recreational facilities.

11. Overcrowding in government offices.

12. Overcrowding in schools.

13. Decrease in funds available for entitlements.

14. Cultural erosion.

15. Overuse of scarce resources (oil, gasoline, fresh water, jobs, electricity, food, etc)

16. Introduction of foreign diseases

Even though I pay more taxes than most of you, I'm sorry for destroying your country, Murikins.

say it ain't soo, and you're ruining our culture of white protestant uptight assholism...
Here are what I see as the HARMS of Immigration (in America). Feel free to dispute, debate, confirm, or whatever on any one or combination of these. This should be a good, rousing debate (but please try to stay on topic)

Harms of Immigration

1. Americans lose jobs. (especially Whites due to affirmative action).

2. Wage reduction.

3. Tax $ lost (due to off books work + lower wages paid).

4. Remittance $$$ lost. ($40 Billion year).

5. Tax $$ lost to immigrants on welfare.

6. Increased crime.

7. Increased traffic congestion.

8. Increased pollution.

9. Overcrowding in hospital ERs.

10. Overcrowding in recreational facilities.

11. Overcrowding in government offices.

12. Overcrowding in schools.

13. Decrease in funds available for entitlements.

14. Cultural erosion.

15. Overuse of scarce resources (oil, gasoline, fresh water, jobs, electricity, food, etc)

16. Introduction of foreign diseases

Even though I pay more taxes than most of you, I'm sorry for destroying your country, Murikins.

say it ain't soo, and you're ruining our culture of white protestant uptight assholism...

I am, even though I too am a white, Protestant, uptight asshole.
Here are what I see as the HARMS of Immigration (in America).
Harms of Immigration

1. Native Americans lose almost everything.

2. Native American population reduction by immigrants committing mass murder.

3. Taxes.

4. Loss of native American lands to invading immigrants

5. Welfare.

6. Increased crime.

7. Increased traffic congestion.

8. Increased pollution.

9. Overcrowding in hospital ERs.

10. Overcrowding in recreational facilities.

11. Government offices.

12.Violent schools.

13. Decrease in funds available for entitlements.

14. Native American cultural erosion.

15. Overuse of scarce resources (oil, gasoline, fresh water, jobs, electricity, food, etc)

16. Introduction of foreign diseases, mostly sexually transmitted as the raped the native American women

Yes, white immigration into America was a disaster.
That was what the OP was moaning about, wasn't it?

Damned Irish are ruining everything

They're part of it. Especially when the President of Ireland showed up at the White House and asked George Bush to take more of their hopeless, unskilled, uneducated, criminal, physically ill, mentally ill, alcoholic, and otherwise dregs of society, only to have Bush say >> Sure, we'll be glad to )as long as they could make it to the polling places to VOTE.

Agreed. Of course. Anything else ?
1 million permant immigrants allowed to stay a year(80% non-white)
800,000 new citizens(80% being non-white)

Do you know the China, India, Philippines and Mexico are near the top of this list...No white nation is within the top 10 in the past 5 years.
Here are what I see as the HARMS of Immigration (in America). Feel free to dispute, debate, confirm, or whatever on any one or combination of these. This should be a good, rousing debate (but please try to stay on topic)

Harms of Immigration

1. Americans lose jobs. (especially Whites due to affirmative action).

Immigrants generally take lower-paying jobs that many natural-born citizens won't touch. Others are better qualified for specialty jobs.

Why does being white grant a citizen special favor in your mind? On Civil Service tests, special consideration is given to veterans of all colors.

2. Wage reduction.

Not true. Qualified immigrants are hired in at the same wage as current employees. The current employees wages do not go down. Again, most start out in jobs with a government-mandated minimum wage.

See above answer. Also, being a natural-born citizen does not guarantee that one is working above the table. I've known several deadbeat dads, anarchists/libertarians, and high school dropouts that work under the table.

Remittance? isn't this a repeat of #3? Why yes, it is.

Most immigrants seek gainful employment. If the overlords are allowed to pay them less than a living wage, it's YOU'RE fault for not writing to your Congressman and demanding a higher minimum wage.

Nope. Many immigrants are quite peaceful and law-abiding.

You're grasping at straws with thiis one.

Umm, no. No you're heading down the road into Batshitville

And now that we're in Batshitville, let's tour it and look at some of the landmarks:

14. Cultural erosion.

Funny you should mention that. I've been on dozens of boards with membes from all over the globe. They all say the same thing:

"American culture can be traced back to Europe, Asia, the Mideast, and Africa. Americans don't actually have much of a culture that they can call their own. They are loud and boorish, though."

15. Overuse of scarce resources (oil, gasoline, fresh water, jobs, electricity, food, etc)

16. Introduction of foreign diseases

What foreign diseases did that immigrant from England bring? Or Tatiana, the nice Bosnian lady that I worked with? Darham's a physician, so I think he's clean.

What's going on here is that you're acting like a child. You can't handle anything new so you come up with weird excuses, trying to convince the adults in the room to stop allowing it.

Immigration has been going on in America since Erik the Red built his first longship. It's not gonna stop. Deal.

1. The myth that Americans won't touch the jobs immigrants take was debunked 10 years ago by the CIS study that found of the 472 civilian occupations checked, only six were majority immigrant (legal and illegal). These six occupations account for 1 percent of the total U.S. workforce. Moreover, native-born Americans still comprise 46 percent of workers even in these occupations.

Many jobs often thought to be overwhelmingly immigrant (legal and illegal) are in fact majority native-born:

Maids and housekeepers: 51 percent native-born
Taxi drivers and chauffeurs: 58 percent native-born
Butchers and meat processors: 63 percent native-born
Grounds maintenance workers: 64 percent native-born
Construction laborers: 66 percent native-born
Porters, bellhops, and concierges: 72 percent native-born
Janitors: 73 percent native-born

2. I said nothing about whites being granted any special favor. YOU said that. I mentioned NON-whites being granted special favors, at the expense of whites, in racist affirmative action programs.

3. Veterans SHOULD be given special consideration. We've EARNED it.

4. Wage reduction caused by immigration has been proven numerous times over the past 20 years, most notably by the studies of Harvard Unuiversirty professor George Borjas. Don't be stupid. everyone knows immigrants work for less (sometime below minimum wage off the books. You not going to convince people that the sky is red.:rolleyes: These harmful effects of the immigration system were recognized in the reports of the U.S. Commission on Immigration Reform in the mid 1990s. The Commission’s immigration reform recommendations were welcomed by President Clinton and submitted to Congress, but have largely been ignored since then. Conditions for America’s poorest workers have continued to deteriorate because of both illegal and legal immigration.
This report contains the following findings >>>
> In 2009, less than 6 percent of legal immigrants were admitted because they possessed skills deemed essential to the U.S. economy.
> Studies that find minimal or no negative effects on native workers from low-skill immigration are based upon flawed assumptions and skewed economic models, not upon observations of actual labor market conditions.
> There is no such thing as an “immigrant job.” The reality is that immigrants and natives compete for the same jobs and native workers are increasingly at a disadvantage because employers have access to a steady supply of low-wage foreign workers.
In addition to the USCIR report, research done by the Center for American Progress has found that reducing the illegal alien population in the United States by one-third would raise the income of unskilled workers by $400 a year.
And as a result of these lower wages + the many off-the books jobs, the USA, of course, loses tax $$$, just like I said.

5. That some Americans might work under the table doesn't mean the immigrants are not reducing wages.

6. No, remittances is NOT a repeat of # 3, they're 2 entirely different things, and by you saying it is, that shows all the more that you don't know what you're talking about.
Looks like you don't even know what the word remittances means.

7. No matter how many immigrants seek gainful employment, ther eare still huge numbers of immigrants who get welfare. In fact, more immigrants get welfare than native-born Americans do. In a CIS study, it was found that in 2009 (based on data collected in 2010), 57 percent of households headed by an immigrant (legal and illegal) with children (under 18) used at least one welfare program, compared to 39 percent for native households with children. As for the gainful employment that immigrants get, that takes jobs away from Americans when million of them are unemployed.

8. Of course immigration causes increases in crime. Anytime you add more people into your country, SOME % of them are always criminal. This is especially true of illegal aliens who are not vetted by immigration officials, and they become criminals as soon as they commit the crime of crossing the border illegally.

FNCIC-VOIACM Foreign National Crime Information Center - Victims of Illegal Alien Crime Memorial

Victims of Illegal Aliens Memorial

9. YOU are grasping at straws by saying that I'm grasping at straws. Anytime you add more people into your population, there are going to become more cars on the roads, OBVIOUSLY.

10. Of course there more pollution. Anytime you add more people into your population, there's going to be more automoblile exhausts, more stress on waste disposal plants, more trash to dump/incinerate, more smoke from incineration, etc

11. Of course America has a culture of its own. In music there's the blues, jazz, Bluegrass, Rock n Roll, and others all uniquely American. Even the Beatles and Rolling Stones openly admit that they got there start by emulating the early recording artists of American Rock music. American culture also includes centuries of artists, poets, Rock music poets like Bob Dylan, as wellas American sports baseball, American football, etc.

12. Foreign diseases. Oh we can have a field day with this one >>

Typhoid, spread contagiously by the bacterium, Salmonella typhi, is a hideous disease that causes blinding headaches, stomach aches, rashes, and dangerous high fever. It is fatal in about 20% of cases. It is another of the diseases that is rare, or absent entirely, in the developed world, but still common in the undeveloped 3rd world (endemic in Central and South America, Africa, and Asia).

Annual incidence of cases is about 17 million, with 600,000 deaths a year. Another reason to regard immigration as a serious harm, with little or no benefit to it. What make it even worse is that some people can be carriers of the disease, and capable of infecting others, while not showing any symptoms of it themselves, as in the true case of "Typhoid Mary".

Mary Dobson, Diseases: the Extraordinary Stories Behind History's Deadliest Killers; Quercus, 2007

Disease: The Extraordinary Stories Behind History's Deadliest Killers: Mary Dobson: 9781847240149: Amazon.com: Books

Seeing as how ultra-liberal, immigrant ass-kissers love to point out how European immigrants, centuries ago, wreaked havoc on the North American Indians (often wrongly referred to a "Native American" *), when they brought measles, smallpox, malaria, and influenza, across the Atlantic to the New World, they ought to thereby be all the more on their guard for foreign diseases being brought here now, by 21st century immigrants. This is especially so since many of the diseases from abroad are as bad or worse than those of past centuries (Ex. Ebola, AIDS, SARS, Bird Flu, Chagas' Disease, etc).

Cholera is still very active in the 3rd world (Asia, Africa, and South America) with 131,943 cases in 52 countries, and 2,272 deaths in 2005. It is particulary likely to flare up in times of war, famine, or natural disaster, which 3rd world countries are so prone to. It is also known that the cholera organism can live outside the human body in aquatic environments, making it difficult to eradicate, if/whenever it gets into American borders.

Americans ought to go to immigration centers where vetting is done and monitor the work, to insure that EVERY immigrant is being vetted fully, and no rubberstamping is going on. If they find it, then, people ought to shout out in a loud voice > "Hey! That guy was passed over!".........Look Out!!

How long will it be before the worst plague of modern mankind arrives on US shores ? That insidious virus which, if contracted, you have, essentially, no hope of survival. The Zaire strain of EBOLA.

BTW, it can also be brought here in infected animals as well as humans, and the Reston strain of Ebola has killed many monkeys here in the USA, which were shipped here from the Phillipines.

Malaria, Dengue, Hepatitis A-E, Chagas Disease, Tuberculosis, MDR TB, Leprosy, HIV, Guinea Worm, Whooping Cough, Cystiscercosis, Morgellon's,

All these diseases and pathogens, and a plethora of others that are not endemic to the US, are being brought in by unscreened illegal aliens, who then spread them to an unsuspecting population. These diseases will give you something to think about, the next time you are eating at a restaurant with the grunt work being done by illegal aliens who didn't have medical screening before preparing and handling your food.

Impacts of Illegal Immigration: Diseases

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Hey guess what? Immigration is not now, nor has it ever been, "destroying America." The mewling of the ignorant, cowardly, and weak notwithstanding, immigration is as inherent and vital an aspect of the character and identity of America today as it has always been.
America is a living organism. Immigration is a constant adaptation.

People are living organisms. And if they eat to much, they get sick. If they eat much too much, they die. And families can implode if they have too many kids that they can't afford.

If a herd of antelope overgraze and eat all the grass of their pasture (exceed it's carrying capacity), they all die. This is fundamental ecology. Same applies with human ecology.
1 million permant immigrants allowed to stay a year(80% non-white)
800,000 new citizens(80% being non-white)

Do you know the China, India, Philippines and Mexico are near the top of this list...No white nation is within the top 10 in the past 5 years.

Immigration from the 3rd world was opened up in 1965. This is one of the most destructive things to America that has ever occured, thereby setting up America to be invaded by 3rd world nations, without need for military action, and to extract America's wealth (international burglary) by way of immigration remittancing and welfare.

This is exactly what has been happening for decades now. $25 billion/year in remittances$$$ to just Mexico alone. The Vikings would be envious.
Hey guess what? Immigration is not now, nor has it ever been, "destroying America." The mewling of the ignorant, cowardly, and weak notwithstanding, immigration is as inherent and vital an aspect of the character and identity of America today as it has always been.

This is about as wrong as any statement ever could be. We have don't have immigration laws for nothing.

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