Immigration is the ONLY policy Trump has for his 2020 bid....


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2015
Think about it (nad if you're a Trump cult member, put down that hafty bottle of kool-aid).......

The IMMIGRATION issue is the only "weapon' that Trump has left to keep his base loyal to his ft, ornage ass.

Trump has FAILED on health care coverage (that REPLACE part has proven "difficult" for him)

Trump has FAILED with his tax scam...which basically has proven the equivalent of someone taking out a second mortgage on your home, giving you a few thousand dollars back and pocketing the rest......leaving you with a HUGE loan.

Trump has FAILED in his trade deals and tariff threats......Just ask China, Canada and Mexico

Trump has FAILED with North Korean "policies" that have forced Trump to bow down and lick KJU's behind.

Trump has FAILED to curtail Russian intrusion into our electoral processes because........well, because Putin OWNS his sorry ass.

Soooooooooo, what is the charlatan to do when facing a tsunami of lawsuit and his ethical breaches ????

Simple, stir up his ass-licking base and throw the red meat that brown people are invading our borders......and, sure enough, the Trumpsters cheer and rally to his nonsense because they're idiots.

Good thing that this CULT makes up only 1/3 of the electorate.......Let's REALLY make America great again by kicking this scumbag to the curb in Nov. 2020.
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rubber room Mental Patient.gif
What a fucking moron. If the tard party is full of asswipes like you, Trump will slide in on your greasy ass smear.
Immigration is the ONLY policy Trump has for his 2020 bid
With 11-12,000,000 Illegal Aliens already present upon sovereign United States soil without our permission...

And with 75,000 - 100,000 streaming across the southern border every month nowadays...

It's enough.
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"Immigration is the ONLY policy Trump has for his 2020 bid...."

Which is to say fear, bigotry, and hate will be Trump’s policy for 2020.
Really? Why wont you Progressive fuckers take the illegals? Hatred? Fear? They're coming to a democrat city near you
It's good that nat4900 has doctors who allow him internet access. Verbalizing intense frustrations like this has to be helpful. I expect they review and discuss these threads frequently, so I'd like them to know that I appreciate their efforts to return this man to sanity. I doubt it's possible, but I appreciate the effort.
Immigration is the ONLY policy Trump has for his 2020 bid
With 11-12,000,000 Illegal Aliens already present upon sovereign United States soil without our permission...

And with 75,000 - 100,000 streaming across the southern border every month nowadays...

It's enough.
------------------------------ good post as your post says things correctly Kondor3 .
It's good that nat4900 has doctors who allow him internet access. I expect they review and discuss these thread frequently, so I'd like them to know that I appreciate their efforts to return this man to sanity. I doubt it's possible, but I appreciate the effort.

He gets weekend furloughs at the state psych ward every third weekend. He makes the most of it.
"Immigration is the ONLY policy Trump has for his 2020 bid...."

Which is to say fear, bigotry, and hate will be Trump’s policy for 2020.
Which is to say...

Resistance against left-wing internationalist flood-the-borders and sanctuary-city types - who falsely and intentionally mislabeled that resistance as fear, bigotry and hate - is actually a righteous act...

Americans who stand with their own rather than outsiders know better than to fall for such pansy-assed attempts at browbeating...

Such Americans also have the courage to face a few brickbats from leftist swine intent on turning our Republic into a third-world $hithole.
"........In times of universal deceit, telling the truth will be a revolutionary act.”

George Orwell.....

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