Immigration? Mexico and Latin Countrys want to talk?

Originally posted by LaLinda
If the USA fails to stop the illegal flow of people from Mexico, it's because Mexico refuses to accept that they have a astronomical problem in their country in ALL areas.

How wrong you are, LaLinda!!

“If the USA fails to stop the illegal flow of people from Mexico”, it’s because people like you and the rest of the US Message Board are too busy blaming Mexico on the Internet instead of putting pressure on the three branches of the US government and even standing in front of the White House and the US Congress waving anti immigration signs, shouting anti immigration slogans, throwing rotten eggs at corporate lobbyists etc, etc …

America will continue to be flooded by wave after wave of illegal Hispanic immigration until the day it finally realizes its immigration problems can all be summed up in 3 words:

DERELICTION OF DUTY (on the part of US elected officials)
Blaming Mexico is no different than Mexico blaming the USA! But the influx is taking place from the south going north; not from the north going south. And therein lies the problem. Mexico will not stop the exodus of their people because it consists of the poor. But in the last few years, Mexico has also been losing its elite pop i.e. entertainers who are running away from the crime! How nice for them to be able to run and leave the less fortunate behind to their own miserable fate. As for standing in front of the WH waving anti-immigration signs, etc. where where you on May of 2006 when there were millions of latinos doing the same or worse? Like flyng the american flag upside down, burning it, stepping on it, carrying signs of communist sympathizers and waving their country flag while spitting on the U.S. flag, and expressing their hate for this country, et al. Come on Jose, stop being so darn biased and admit that Mexico is inept, disorganized and a lawless country in deep chaos with no end in sight.
MEXICO has failed the Mexican people! THE USA has to stop catering to that loser country with loser leaders once and for all. Leave them to their own corrupt mentality and way of life. If they can't swim, let them sink. They are doing a great job of destroying themselves. Let them be.

Hahahaha, the typical idiot. "MEXICO has failed the Mexican people! ... SO LETS WATCH THEM BURN!!"

Did it ever occur to you that your way of solving the problem might be a little bit... lets say, expensive? Fuck, I mean, that's a pretty big border. You want to have that fully armed and policed for how long? The next THOUSAND years? Hmmm, maybe it could work, we just gotta what, eliminate the education budget and double the defense budget? Oh, but wait, you also want to see Mexico fail... Hmmm... well, I dunno "Linda," then you might be dealing with 50,000,000 Mexicans instead of 12,000,000. Hmmm... Well, that's it, 6 years mandatory service at the border for all Americans, hell, lets make defense spending half of GDP, (we'll let the old folks die off).

Then again, I imagine you weren't exactly thinking in the long term. You were thinking "GODDAMN I NEED A QUICK SIMPLE SOLUTION TO MY PROBLEM RIGHT NOW."
José;1155674 said:
Delta, you don’t understand the fanatic patriots of this Message Board as well as I do.

They (well, at list some of them) want something that is simply unheard of in the history of humanity:

One country demanding another one to become its Border Patrol!!

America spent decades criticizing the countries behind the Iron Curtain for not allowing their citizens to leave their nations freely and at the same time want Mexico to control their citizens in the same way!!

Not even China, a dictatorship, stops its citizens from entering Russia illegally!! Russia has an enormous problem with illegal Chinese immigration into Siberia. Only fully fledged totalitarian states like North Korea do that.

America didn’t stop a single illegal American from entering Mexico’s northern provinces in the 19th century and the poor country paid dearly for not being able to enforce its own immigration laws.

Was it America’s duty to prevent anglo settlers from entering Mexico illegaly?

The hell it was!!

I blame America for intervening militarily and helping the anglo land grabbers 10 years after the TEJAS OUTRAGE BUT NOT FOR ALLOWING THE THIEVES TO ENTER MEXICO IN THE FIRST PLACE. That was Mexico’s obligation.

Hell, American citizens themselves are not detained by US authorities when they try to enter Canada and Mexico illegally if they’re not criminals!!

Do as I say not as…

Just because spain pulled out of the northern provinces, or western north america, this did not give mexico a right to the west.

If so please do tell.
Originally posted by krotchdog
Just because spain pulled out of the northern provinces, or western north america, this did not give mexico a right to the west.

If so please do tell.

Tell us OH mighty krotchdog...

What other Hispanic country qualified as the legitimate successor of Spanish rule over its territories north of the Rio Grande?


And since when naturalized immigrants have the right to secede from their new country after living there for 13 years?

But this is just a historical debate, krotchdog…

If I thought Mexico still had any legitimate claim over its former northern provinces I wouldn’t be here urging the American people to take to the streets and put verbal and even physical pressure on its political representatives.


Corporate America is very, very powerful because the USA is a money-oriented society.

But Corporate America doesn’t stand a chance in hell against millions of American citizens willing to march to Washington DC and turn the city into a warzone, willing to engage in massive street battles just like those that hastened the end of the Vietnam War.

After following the American immigration debate for decades I’m inclined to believe nothing short of that can stop the flow of illegal immigration into the US :lol: :lol:
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Unfortunately, it’s much safer and cozier, EVEN IF TOTALLY INEFFECTIVE, to bad-mouth Mexico on the Internet from the comfort of one’s home than engage in dangerous street battles in Washington DC that might actually solve the problem once and for all.
José;1152114 said:
The US is a failed nation.

When all the major political parties are unwilling to fulfill the most basic duty of any tribe since prehistoric times, territory/border control, then that nation has failed.

PS: when this nation is not only unwilling to prevent illegals and criminals from crossing its borders, but also feels the need to use its neighbors as scape goats for its own inaction then this is a morally disgusting failed nation.

then stay in mexico and get a job....or maybe go south to chavezville...cloumbia...
José;1152244 said:
Do not take my message as a personal attack, krotchdog.

You are not by any stretch of the imagination the most vicious Mexico basher on this Board. Not even close.

My message is directed to 99% of the lowlife scum bags here who use their sick immagination to find a convoluted way of blaming Mexico for the fact that America refuses to do what is needed to stop the flow of illegal immigration.

what would that be....
Originally posted by manu1959
what would that be....

If you allow me to loosely paraphrase good old Satchmo:

"If a nation that put a man on the moon and is strong enough to invade half the world has to ask that question, it'll never know." :razz:
José;1156944 said:
Originally posted by krotchdog
Just because spain pulled out of the northern provinces, or western north america, this did not give mexico a right to the west.

If so please do tell.

Tell us OH mighty krotchdog...

What other Hispanic country qualified as the legitimate successor of Spanish rule over its territories north of the Rio Grande?


And since when naturalized immigrants have the right to secede from their new country after living there for 13 years?

But this is just a historical debate, krotchdog…

If I thought Mexico still had any legitimate claim over its former northern provinces I wouldn’t be here urging the American people to take to the streets and put verbal and even physical pressure on its political representatives.


Corporate America is very, very powerful because the USA is a money-oriented society.

But Corporate America doesn’t stand a chance in hell against millions of American citizens willing to march to Washington DC and turn the city into a warzone, willing to engage in massive street battles just like those that hastened the end of the Vietnam War.

After following the American immigration debate for decades I’m inclined to believe nothing short of that can stop the flow of illegal immigration into the US :lol: :lol:

Why get so bent out of shape when now we seem to agree?

Spain never had a right to rule north america hence a newly formed nation speaking an european language had no right to the territory as well.

I really dont understand you except you wish to pick a fight.

The USA is powerful because its a christian based society that is based on Liberty. Some corporation are taking advantage of that with the help of politicians.

You called me a mexico basher simply for stating they are a government that failed, the failed over 32,000,000.

You seem to disagree with that, you seem to blame corporations, and yet its obvious you do not live their.

Mexico never had a right to Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, or California. If you agree, than why the anger.
José;1152114 said:
The US is a failed nation.

When all the major political parties are unwilling to fulfill the most basic duty of any tribe since prehistoric times, territory/border control, then that nation has failed.

PS: when this nation is not only unwilling to prevent illegals and criminals from crossing its borders, but also feels the need to use its neighbors as scape goats for its own inaction then this is a morally disgusting failed nation.

then stay in mexico and get a job....or maybe go south to chavezville...cloumbia...

José;1157090 said:
Originally posted by manu1959
what would that be....

If you allow me to loosely paraphrase good old Satchmo:

"If a nation that put a man on the moon and is strong enough to invade half the world has to ask that question, it'll never know." :razz:

a critic with no solutions....shocking i tell you....shocking....
José;1157095 said:
Manu is a friend of Mexico... He even plays soccer there... :clap2: :clap2:

several decades ago.....throwing shit and piss bags at amercian players is so classy


I was unaware that was even a sport!

Good lord....

during matches...when you would take corner kicks or get near a touch line the mexicans would throw bags of shit and piss at you.....classy people....
several decades ago.....throwing shit and piss bags at amercian players is so classy


I was unaware that was even a sport!

Good lord....

during matches...when you would take corner kicks or get near a touch line the mexicans would throw bags of shit and piss at you.....classy people....

I wonder who sold the bags of shit and piss - that would have been a potential gold mine of profit!!!

I was unaware that was even a sport!

Good lord....

during matches...when you would take corner kicks or get near a touch line the mexicans would throw bags of shit and piss at you.....classy people....

I wonder who sold the bags of shit and piss - that would have been a potential gold mine of profit!!!

they bring the bags with them then fill them in the stands during the match.....
during matches...when you would take corner kicks or get near a touch line the mexicans would throw bags of shit and piss at you.....classy people....

I wonder who sold the bags of shit and piss - that would have been a potential gold mine of profit!!!

they bring the bags with them then fill them in the stands during the match.....

But surely once they threw their own bags they desired more?

And there lies the potential for a bag of shit n piss industry!!!

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