Immigration Reform? Dreamers Saved?


Dogpatch USA
Gold Supporting Member
Nov 2, 2017
U.S. Republicans say effort to help 'Dreamer' immigrants advances

Looks like the alt/right is toast..and the Democrats--the real winners?

"A bipartisan group of U.S. senators has reached a deal on protecting young immigrant "Dreamers" from deportation as part of a broader immigration plan, a spokesman for Republican Senator Jeff Flake said on Thursday.

The spokesman, Jason Samuels, would not provide details of the plan, but said "the next step is taking it to the White House" for President Donald Trump to weigh.

Some other lawmakers who have been engaged in the negotiations were also optimistic; others said no deal had yet been reached.

Flake is one of a group of six senators who have been meeting privately in hopes of crafting legislation that would prevent around 700,000 Dreamers from being subject to deportation after Trump ended a program providing them with temporary legal status and work permits.

Dreamers are undocumented immigrants who were brought as children to the United States, largely from Mexico and Central American countries.

Democratic Senator Dick Durbin has been leading that group, along with Republican Senator Lindsey Graham.

Ben Marter, a spokesman for Durbin, disputed that a deal had been struck, saying that talks were ongoing. He would not discuss details of a bill that is being put together.

Earlier on Thursday, Republicans in the House of Representatives told reporters there had been substantial progress toward a deal.

"I feel more optimistic than I have since I've been here for three years (in Congress) that we're going to get a healthy compromise on immigration," said Republican Representative Carlos Curbelo, who has offered legislative proposals to help Dreamers.

A senior House Republican, Representative Tom Cole, voiced similar optimism following briefings from House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy."
Smoke and Mirrors.

The Pubs will put together a "bi-partisan" fix for Dreamers...

Trump will then dangle The Wall in front of Dems as the non-negotiable price of such an accommodation...

The Dems will balk...

Trump then gets to blame the Dems for the Dreamers dilema...

In the Corporate World, that's called a Poison Pill...

One that'll make most of Middle America dance a jig of celebration and laughter...

Friggin' devious, and... friggin' brilliant...

A blind man could see that one comin' a mile away, but, not the dip$hit Democrats, who are still clue-less about their 2016 loss...
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Smoke and Mirrors.

Trump will throw the Wall into the balance and the Dreamers will be toast.
Maybe..or maybe could be..that he is kicking the alt/right to the curb...and governing as a wannabe Centrist. maybe the wall gets down-sized..into some comprehensive Border Security that the Dems can live with..we'll see.
More details emerge..looks like Trump is waffling..but the Senate is going to go without him.

How a day that started with a bipartisan immigration deal ended with a "shithole"

"Senators push ahead with their idea

The Senate is pushing ahead with a proposal, even though Trump seemed to reject it today (after supporting it 48 hours ago). It’s impossible to know how the bill will fare in the Senate — until Thursday, the only people who knew what was in it were the six senators hashing out the deal — but it represents what experienced legislators in both parties think can pass.

The deal follows the contours laid out in Tuesday’s televised immigration meeting: It would give DREAMers a chance at legal status and a path to citizenship, while restricting them from sponsoring their parents, eliminating the diversity visa lottery, and funding some border projects.

Here’s what we know so far the deal would include:

Allowing young unauthorized immigrants who came to the US as children to get legal status — and eventually citizenship: The deal would allow hundreds of thousands of unauthorized immigrants who came to the US as children, and meet other requirements (which aren’t yet clear), to apply for provisional legal status in the US. After a certain number of years, they’d be eligible to apply for green cards — and after another three or five years, like other green card holders, they would be able to apply for US citizenship.

Legalization wouldn’t just be open to the 690,000 immigrants who were protected under the DACA program when Trump started winding it down in September; it would also include immigrants who qualified for DACA and never applied (or whose protections expired without renewal), or who meet the requirements set forward in the bill, as well as immigrants under 15 who weren’t able to apply for DACA. And unlike DACA, it would be permanent.

Preventing “chain migration” by preventing parents of DREAMers from becoming US citizens: In order to make it impossible for people legalized under this bill to sponsor their parents for citizenship, the bill would make parents of DREAMers ineligible to get green cards, making it impossible for them to naturalize. It would instead provide them with a form of legal status that could be renewed every three years.

By putting the restriction on parents of DREAMers, rather than directly restricting DREAMers’ ability to sponsor relatives after becoming citizens, the bill could avoid a constitutional pitfall. But it could end up locking out immigrant parents who have both a DREAMer and a native-born US citizen in the family — who would currently be eligible for green cards when their citizen children turned 21.

Eliminating the diversity visa lottery and reallocating the 50,000 visas currently used for it: As first reported by Politico’s Seung Min Kim, the proposed DACA deal would kill two birds with one stone. It would eliminate the visa lottery. But instead of just allowing 50,000 fewer immigrants into the US legally each year, it would reallocate those visas. Some of them would go to immigrants from underrepresented countries, just on some non-lottery basis; other visas would go to immigrants whose Temporary Protected Status is about to expire due to the Trump administration’s aggressive moves to end the program. (Right now, people with TPS can’t get green cards; under this deal, they could.)

A few billion dollars for the border: NBC’s Leigh Ann Caldwell reported that the deal as presented to Trump would have included $1.6 billion for physical barriers (which Caldwell called a fence but the White House would probably call a wall), surveillance tech, and agent training — and another $1.2 billion for “other priorities” on border security. Those numbers are roughly in line with what the White House asked for for a single year on the border in its 2017 supplemental funding requests."

If this passes as written is a Dem victory and a clear sign that Trump is moving to the center.

The alt/right will have to bolt Trump..if he signs this!
Smoke and Mirrors.

Trump will throw the Wall into the balance and the Dreamers will be toast.
Maybe..or maybe could be..that he is kicking the alt/right to the curb...and governing as a wannabe Centrist. maybe the wall gets down-sized..into some comprehensive Border Security that the Dems can live with..we'll see.

Assuming this compromise is truthful then the following safeguards kick in:

The schemers are not US passport eligible so they can't legally visit their parents back in the home country and come back.

Use of a foreign passport without a valid US visa to get back is a crime.

Acceptance of welfare in any form without being a citizen is also a crime.

These and any other felonies will get you deported.
To give dems a DACA deal without a wall, without ending chain immigration and without ending the visa lottery would be political suicide for president Trump and the republicans.

There will be no deal without the above mentioned, period.

Trump has kept his promises so far, he knows what he's doing. If there's no deal then he can blame it on the democraps.

We all know leftists are counting on illegal aliens and refugees to VOTE for them, and president Trump knows it too, and so do all the republicans, and so does just about every American citizen with a brain.
To give dems a DACA deal without a wall, without ending chain immigration and without ending the visa lottery would be political suicide for president Trump and the republicans.

There will be no deal without the above mentioned, period.

Trump has kept his promises so far, he knows what he's doing. If there's no deal then he can blame it on the democraps.

We all know leftists are counting on illegal aliens and refugees to VOTE for them, and president Trump knows it too, and so do all the republicans, and so does just about every American citizen with a brain.
I guess you did not bother to read the latest post...all those things you mentioned are in it..even a nod to the wall..if you squint. Trump may be irrelevant..the Senate may pass it without him.
To give dems a DACA deal without a wall, without ending chain immigration and without ending the visa lottery would be political suicide for president Trump and the republicans.

There will be no deal without the above mentioned, period.

Trump has kept his promises so far, he knows what he's doing. If there's no deal then he can blame it on the democraps.

We all know leftists are counting on illegal aliens and refugees to VOTE for them, and president Trump knows it too, and so do all the republicans, and so does just about every American citizen with a brain.
I guess you did not bother to read the latest post...all those things you mentioned are in it..even a nod to the wall..if you squint. Trump may be irrelevant..the Senate may pass it without him.
They PASS all they WANT, but it won't become LAW unless president Trump SIGNS IT.
To give dems a DACA deal without a wall, without ending chain immigration and without ending the visa lottery would be political suicide for president Trump and the republicans.

There will be no deal without the above mentioned, period.

Trump has kept his promises so far, he knows what he's doing. If there's no deal then he can blame it on the democraps.

We all know leftists are counting on illegal aliens and refugees to VOTE for them, and president Trump knows it too, and so do all the republicans, and so does just about every American citizen with a brain.
I guess you did not bother to read the latest post...all those things you mentioned are in it..even a nod to the wall..if you squint. Trump may be irrelevant..the Senate may pass it without him.
They PASS all they WANT, but it won't become LAW unless president Trump SIGNS IT.
Some dangers in that...first..a veto would prove Trump a liar..not that that has ever really bothered him before..but he did say he would sign any bill the Congress put in front of him.

What if they overrode him/ Now that would be the end of his relevancy..once the Congress gets the idea they can do without him, he's toast.
U.S. Republicans say effort to help 'Dreamer' immigrants advances

Looks like the alt/right is toast..and the Democrats--the real winners?

"A bipartisan group of U.S. senators has reached a deal on protecting young immigrant "Dreamers" from deportation as part of a broader immigration plan, a spokesman for Republican Senator Jeff Flake said on Thursday.

The spokesman, Jason Samuels, would not provide details of the plan, but said "the next step is taking it to the White House" for President Donald Trump to weigh.

Some other lawmakers who have been engaged in the negotiations were also optimistic; others said no deal had yet been reached.

Flake is one of a group of six senators who have been meeting privately in hopes of crafting legislation that would prevent around 700,000 Dreamers from being subject to deportation after Trump ended a program providing them with temporary legal status and work permits.

Dreamers are undocumented immigrants who were brought as children to the United States, largely from Mexico and Central American countries.

Democratic Senator Dick Durbin has been leading that group, along with Republican Senator Lindsey Graham.

Ben Marter, a spokesman for Durbin, disputed that a deal had been struck, saying that talks were ongoing. He would not discuss details of a bill that is being put together.

Earlier on Thursday, Republicans in the House of Representatives told reporters there had been substantial progress toward a deal.

"I feel more optimistic than I have since I've been here for three years (in Congress) that we're going to get a healthy compromise on immigration," said Republican Representative Carlos Curbelo, who has offered legislative proposals to help Dreamers.

A senior House Republican, Representative Tom Cole, voiced similar optimism following briefings from House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy."

No details! And the source is on his way out Flake.

Talk to us when there is a bill voted on in the House.

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U.S. Republicans say effort to help 'Dreamer' immigrants advances

Looks like the alt/right is toast..and the Democrats--the real winners?

"A bipartisan group of U.S. senators has reached a deal on protecting young immigrant "Dreamers" from deportation as part of a broader immigration plan, a spokesman for Republican Senator Jeff Flake said on Thursday.

The spokesman, Jason Samuels, would not provide details of the plan, but said "the next step is taking it to the White House" for President Donald Trump to weigh.

Some other lawmakers who have been engaged in the negotiations were also optimistic; others said no deal had yet been reached.

Flake is one of a group of six senators who have been meeting privately in hopes of crafting legislation that would prevent around 700,000 Dreamers from being subject to deportation after Trump ended a program providing them with temporary legal status and work permits.

Dreamers are undocumented immigrants who were brought as children to the United States, largely from Mexico and Central American countries.

Democratic Senator Dick Durbin has been leading that group, along with Republican Senator Lindsey Graham.

Ben Marter, a spokesman for Durbin, disputed that a deal had been struck, saying that talks were ongoing. He would not discuss details of a bill that is being put together.

Earlier on Thursday, Republicans in the House of Representatives told reporters there had been substantial progress toward a deal.

"I feel more optimistic than I have since I've been here for three years (in Congress) that we're going to get a healthy compromise on immigration," said Republican Representative Carlos Curbelo, who has offered legislative proposals to help Dreamers.

A senior House Republican, Representative Tom Cole, voiced similar optimism following briefings from House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy."

No details! And the source is on his way out Flake.

Talk to us when there is a bill voted on in the House.

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Do note subsequent post..and it looks like the bill is going to be introduced in the Senate.
Why are MSN and NBC always 15 hours behind in refreshing their damn old, incorrect web portals?
U.S. Republicans say effort to help 'Dreamer' immigrants advances

Looks like the alt/right is toast..and the Democrats--the real winners?

"A bipartisan group of U.S. senators has reached a deal on protecting young immigrant "Dreamers" from deportation as part of a broader immigration plan, a spokesman for Republican Senator Jeff Flake said on Thursday.

The spokesman, Jason Samuels, would not provide details of the plan, but said "the next step is taking it to the White House" for President Donald Trump to weigh.

Some other lawmakers who have been engaged in the negotiations were also optimistic; others said no deal had yet been reached.

Flake is one of a group of six senators who have been meeting privately in hopes of crafting legislation that would prevent around 700,000 Dreamers from being subject to deportation after Trump ended a program providing them with temporary legal status and work permits.

Dreamers are undocumented immigrants who were brought as children to the United States, largely from Mexico and Central American countries.

Democratic Senator Dick Durbin has been leading that group, along with Republican Senator Lindsey Graham.

Ben Marter, a spokesman for Durbin, disputed that a deal had been struck, saying that talks were ongoing. He would not discuss details of a bill that is being put together.

Earlier on Thursday, Republicans in the House of Representatives told reporters there had been substantial progress toward a deal.

"I feel more optimistic than I have since I've been here for three years (in Congress) that we're going to get a healthy compromise on immigration," said Republican Representative Carlos Curbelo, who has offered legislative proposals to help Dreamers.

A senior House Republican, Representative Tom Cole, voiced similar optimism following briefings from House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy."

No details! And the source is on his way out Flake.

Talk to us when there is a bill voted on in the House.

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Do note subsequent post..and it looks like the bill is going to be introduced in the Senate.
And every Republican wants to lose their next race.
U.S. Republicans say effort to help 'Dreamer' immigrants advances

Looks like the alt/right is toast..and the Democrats--the real winners?

"A bipartisan group of U.S. senators has reached a deal on protecting young immigrant "Dreamers" from deportation as part of a broader immigration plan, a spokesman for Republican Senator Jeff Flake said on Thursday.

The spokesman, Jason Samuels, would not provide details of the plan, but said "the next step is taking it to the White House" for President Donald Trump to weigh.

Some other lawmakers who have been engaged in the negotiations were also optimistic; others said no deal had yet been reached.

Flake is one of a group of six senators who have been meeting privately in hopes of crafting legislation that would prevent around 700,000 Dreamers from being subject to deportation after Trump ended a program providing them with temporary legal status and work permits.

Dreamers are undocumented immigrants who were brought as children to the United States, largely from Mexico and Central American countries.

Democratic Senator Dick Durbin has been leading that group, along with Republican Senator Lindsey Graham.

Ben Marter, a spokesman for Durbin, disputed that a deal had been struck, saying that talks were ongoing. He would not discuss details of a bill that is being put together.

Earlier on Thursday, Republicans in the House of Representatives told reporters there had been substantial progress toward a deal.

"I feel more optimistic than I have since I've been here for three years (in Congress) that we're going to get a healthy compromise on immigration," said Republican Representative Carlos Curbelo, who has offered legislative proposals to help Dreamers.

A senior House Republican, Representative Tom Cole, voiced similar optimism following briefings from House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy."

No details! And the source is on his way out Flake.

Talk to us when there is a bill voted on in the House.

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Do note subsequent post..and it looks like the bill is going to be introduced in the Senate.
And every Republican wants to lose their next race.

Actually, I think it is about the next race...and some R's that are in trouble...moving to the center..on a bill it or popular with most Americans--may make political sense to them. Remember they are whores...the one thing that will spook them is the possibility of losing their jobs.

Trump has little to offer in the way of many of these people.
Besides, there are some good things in it..for Republicans--that might make it worthwhile.

Dare I say the hated words? Bipartisan Compromise.
Wacky Ann Coulter's new column is epic:

In order to prove he doesn't have dementia, as alleged in a recent book, President Trump called a meeting with congressional leaders on Tuesday -- and requested that it be televised.

Ivanka: Show them at your best, Daddy!

He then proceeded to completely sell out the base and actually added to his problems by appearing senile.

In a half-dozen exchanges -- which, again, he wanted televised -- Trump responded to remarks as if he had no clue what the person was saying. One senator would talk -- he'd agree. Someone else would say the exact opposite -- he'd agree with that, too.

Actual exchange:

SEN. DIANNE FEINSTEIN: "What about a clean DACA bill now, with a commitment that we go into a comprehensive immigration reform procedure? ..."

TRUMP: "... I have no problem. ... We're going to come up with DACA. We're going to do DACA, and then we can start immediately on the phase two, which would be comprehensive."

SEN. FEINSTEIN: "Would you be agreeable to that?"

TRUMP: "I think a lot of people would like to see that, but I think we have to do DACA first."

REP. KEVIN MCCARTHY: "Mr. President, you need to be clear though. I think what Sen. Feinstein is asking here: When we talk about just DACA, we don't want to be back here two years later. You have to have security, as the secretary would tell you."

TRUMP: "But I think that's what she's saying."

REP. MCCARTHY: "No, no, I think she's saying something different. ..."

TRUMP: "I do believe that. Because once we get DACA done -- if it's done properly -- with, you know, security and everything else ..."

Trump was more than willing to sell out the base to solve a personal problem of his -- the Michael Wolff book -- but managed to not convince a single American that he's articulate, bright or a good leader.

On MSNBC, the hosts didn't say, "You know, we saw a new side of Trump today ..." Instead, they could barely suppress their giggles over the great negotiator being rolled.

The end result was: On the left, they're happy, but still think Trump's a moron. On the right, they're unhappy, and also think Trump's a moron.

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