Immigration... Whats wrong with the GOP?

Right wing bigotry stands in the way of sensible immigration reform .

And just what is "immigration reform?" Immigration reform means changing our laws for people that are currently breaking them.

"immigration reform" is a code word for "amnesty." That's all it's ever been. The Dims knew they couldn't come right out and call for amnesty, so the invented the typical political euphemism.

And a fast-track to citizenship right behind amnesty.

Only once they get total leadership of the country again to pass it.

Democrats are very patient people though.........
According to the law illegals are not supposed to be able to get work.

Why are liberals so against enforcing the Rule of Law?

What's wrong with the GOP? Nothing...

Obama has violated the Constitution, Rule of Law, engaged in human trafficking, been found in Contemp of Court, and has made illegals a higher priority than US citizens.

What is wrong with Liberals?!
Im not against the law or enforcing the law. However the problem is what it is and we are not going to deport 11 million people, if you think that is feasible then your are delusional. The situation needs to be dealt with and I personally think it a smarter idea to utilize the potential that adding 11 million into the workforce would do for our economy rather than investing so much time and money into blocking and deporting.

You pass laws that provide severe penalties for employing illegals, and they'll leave on their own.


We already have those laws. They just need to be enforced. That means kicking the Dims out of power.

But the repubs under bush were no different than the dems when it came to not enforcing any immigration laws. If Cruz gets in, he'll be just like McCain or Jeb or W.
The only real accounting of the cost of amnesty, over the life of all family members involved, was by Heritage. Price tag? $6000 billion.
Sounds like a bunch of genius's tried to do some math
At one point in history we had a president that said we would walk on the moon and then we did it. If we had a common goal to initiate a nation wide jobs program... Build a bullet train system that spans the nation, build rural communities centered around manufacturing and agriculture, build wind and solar fields to make our nation run on clean energy etc. etc. etc... If we were all on the same side working towards these types of initiatives we would boost our private sector job growth, put millions of people to work and boost our economy. Removing 11 million people from the job force does not grow the economy, it shrinks it, and is a step backwards. There ARE ways to progress but it will take a lot of work and cooperation. I'm not saying its easy and I'm not saying these are all the answers. I'm saying our leaders should be able to have these types of discussions and put productive ideas on the table.

What we have now are a bunch of assholes trying to kick 11 million people out of this country and a bunch of pussy's trying to keep them in... Now we just need a Dick to win this election.

The pussies may get mad at dick once in a while, because pussies get fucked by dicks. But dicks also fuck assholes... And if they didn't fuck the assholes, you know what you'd get? You'd get your dick and your pussy all covered in shit!
The GOP is supposed to be the job friendly party that promotes free enterprise... When it comes to illegal immigration why is nobody proposing a way to create jobs and put 11 million immigrants to work? We have a tremendous opportunity to kickstart our industries and the workforce available to do it. Why not utilize it? Why does nobody explore this avenue instead of wasting years and billions of dollars fighting to send them back and shrink our economic potential?

What’s wrong with the GOP? The do-nothing except B.S. the voters Republican establishment! Duh. If the last year and a half where the republicans are a majority in both houses and still will not act is not clue enough, well it is clue enough to the voters. They are the problem.

Trump is not going to deport 11 million so no one needs to freak out. All he is doing is emphasizing his disgust with a congress and president that have dragged their feet on an open border for 10 years or more! He will act, but only as much as can be reasonably done. And the people will be with him on that. Including a wall.

It’s too late for more B.S. from Washington. The public is more than willing to let Trump in and let the chips fall as they may. Cruz carries enormous baggage and there are many legitimate reasons not to trust him. You think Hillary is the answer?
what's wrong with wanting THE LAWS we already have on the books followed? your elected dem snakes can't USE THEM for their dirty politics? wasn't that OMAMA suppose to have to taken care of all that? why are we back with this bs?

we know why. and why don't you dems care more about your 94MILLION fellow countrymen and women without JOBS
The GOP is supposed to be the job friendly party that promotes free enterprise... When it comes to illegal immigration why is nobody proposing a way to create jobs and put 11 million immigrants to work? We have a tremendous opportunity to kickstart our industries and the workforce available to do it. Why not utilize it? Why does nobody explore this avenue instead of wasting years and billions of dollars fighting to send them back and shrink our economic potential?

What’s wrong with the GOP? The do-nothing except B.S. the voters Republican establishment! Duh. If the last year and a half where the republicans are a majority in both houses and still will not act is not clue enough, well it is clue enough to the voters. They are the problem.

Trump is not going to deport 11 million so no one needs to freak out. All he is doing is emphasizing his disgust with a congress and president that have dragged their feet on an open border for 10 years or more! He will act, but only as much as can be reasonably done. And the people will be with him on that. Including a wall.

It’s too late for more B.S. from Washington. The public is more than willing to let Trump in and let the chips fall as they may. Cruz carries enormous baggage and there are many legitimate reasons not to trust him. You think Hillary is the answer?

AWWW, what they didn't pass enough bills on you? what else do you dem. voters need from them. more of our Taxdollars to put toward your pet projects? give us a list?

and those Gop were doing WHAT their constituents TOLD them to do. stop Obama
The GOP is supposed to be the job friendly party that promotes free enterprise... When it comes to illegal immigration why is nobody proposing a way to create jobs and put 11 million immigrants to work? We have a tremendous opportunity to kickstart our industries and the workforce available to do it. Why not utilize it? Why does nobody explore this avenue instead of wasting years and billions of dollars fighting to send them back and shrink our economic potential?

The GOP is supposed to be the job friendly party that promotes free enterprise... When it comes to illegal immigration why is nobody proposing a way to create jobs and put 11 million immigrants to work?

I'd like to propose creating 11 million jobs while booting 11 million illegals.
what's wrong with wanting THE LAWS we already have on the books followed? your elected dem snakes can't USE THEM for their dirty politics? wasn't that OMAMA suppose to have to taken care of all that? why are we back with this bs?

we know why. and why don't you dems care more about your 94MILLION fellow countrymen and women without JOBS
I don't object to following the Laws and I care very much about my fellow countrymen, which is why when it comes to the PROBLEM at hand I don't think wasting Billions of dollars and thousands of man hours trying to kick 11 million people out is necessarily the solution. I think we can be smarter and explore better alternatives that might just help boost our economy, improve our infrastructure and industries, and create enough jobs for all... When did we all stop having progressive ideas and subside to petty arguments
Gotta love someone worried about how much removing illegals will cost when the costs of maintaining them here over their lifetimes is far, far higher.

Liberalism is a mental disorder.
The GOP is supposed to be the job friendly party that promotes free enterprise... When it comes to illegal immigration why is nobody proposing a way to create jobs and put 11 million immigrants to work? We have a tremendous opportunity to kickstart our industries and the workforce available to do it. Why not utilize it? Why does nobody explore this avenue instead of wasting years and billions of dollars fighting to send them back and shrink our economic potential?

The GOP is supposed to be the job friendly party that promotes free enterprise... When it comes to illegal immigration why is nobody proposing a way to create jobs and put 11 million immigrants to work?

I'd like to propose creating 11 million jobs while booting 11 million illegals.
Why don't you hire 11 million people who's sole job is to find 1 illegal and drive them to Mexco?
The GOP is supposed to be the job friendly party that promotes free enterprise... When it comes to illegal immigration why is nobody proposing a way to create jobs and put 11 million immigrants to work? We have a tremendous opportunity to kickstart our industries and the workforce available to do it. Why not utilize it? Why does nobody explore this avenue instead of wasting years and billions of dollars fighting to send them back and shrink our economic potential?

The GOP is supposed to be the job friendly party that promotes free enterprise... When it comes to illegal immigration why is nobody proposing a way to create jobs and put 11 million immigrants to work?

I'd like to propose creating 11 million jobs while booting 11 million illegals.
they just spew the party line . they think they're being "compassionate" when they don't see how uncompassionate they look toward their own countrymen and women. a party who cares more about Illegal immigrants than their own citizens
Gotta love someone worried about how much removing illegals will cost when the costs of maintaining them here over their lifetimes is far, far higher.

Liberalism is a mental disorder.
How much does a tax paying worker cost us?
The GOP is supposed to be the job friendly party that promotes free enterprise... When it comes to illegal immigration why is nobody proposing a way to create jobs and put 11 million immigrants to work? We have a tremendous opportunity to kickstart our industries and the workforce available to do it. Why not utilize it? Why does nobody explore this avenue instead of wasting years and billions of dollars fighting to send them back and shrink our economic potential?

The GOP is supposed to be the job friendly party that promotes free enterprise... When it comes to illegal immigration why is nobody proposing a way to create jobs and put 11 million immigrants to work?

I'd like to propose creating 11 million jobs while booting 11 million illegals.
Why don't you hire 11 million people who's sole job is to find 1 illegal and drive them to Mexco?

That's an excellent idea! We could hire welfare recipients.
The GOP is supposed to be the job friendly party that promotes free enterprise... When it comes to illegal immigration why is nobody proposing a way to create jobs and put 11 million immigrants to work? We have a tremendous opportunity to kickstart our industries and the workforce available to do it. Why not utilize it? Why does nobody explore this avenue instead of wasting years and billions of dollars fighting to send them back and shrink our economic potential?

At one point in history we had a president that said we would walk on the moon and then we did it. If we had a common goal to initiate a nation wide jobs program... Build a bullet train system that spans the nation, build rural communities centered around manufacturing and agriculture, build wind and solar fields to make our nation run on clean energy etc. etc. etc... If we were all on the same side working towards these types of initiatives we would boost our private sector job growth, put millions of people to work and boost our economy. Removing 11 million people from the job force does not grow the economy, it shrinks it, and is a step backwards. There ARE ways to progress but it will take a lot of work and cooperation. I'm not saying its easy and I'm not saying these are all the answers. I'm saying our leaders should be able to have these types of discussions and put productive ideas on the table.

What we have now are a bunch of assholes trying to kick 11 million people out of this country and a bunch of pussy's trying to keep them in... Now we just need a Dick to win this election.

The pussies may get mad at dick once in a while, because pussies get fucked by dicks. But dicks also fuck assholes... And if they didn't fuck the assholes, you know what you'd get? You'd get your dick and your pussy all covered in shit!

With automation, globalization, and free trade, there simply aren't enough jobs anymore. And it will get worse every year.

The GOP is supposed to be the job friendly party that promotes free enterprise... When it comes to illegal immigration why is nobody proposing a way to create jobs and put 11 million immigrants to work? We have a tremendous opportunity to kickstart our industries and the workforce available to do it. Why not utilize it? Why does nobody explore this avenue instead of wasting years and billions of dollars fighting to send them back and shrink our economic potential?

The GOP is supposed to be the job friendly party that promotes free enterprise... When it comes to illegal immigration why is nobody proposing a way to create jobs and put 11 million immigrants to work?

I'd like to propose creating 11 million jobs while booting 11 million illegals.
they just spew the party line . they think they're being "compassionate" when they don't see how uncompassionate they look toward their own countrymen and women. a party who cares more about Illegal immigrants than their own citizens
What in the world makes you think the left doesn't care about their own citizens... Don't you bitch about every entitlement and government program they propose?
The GOP is supposed to be the job friendly party that promotes free enterprise... When it comes to illegal immigration why is nobody proposing a way to create jobs and put 11 million immigrants to work? We have a tremendous opportunity to kickstart our industries and the workforce available to do it. Why not utilize it? Why does nobody explore this avenue instead of wasting years and billions of dollars fighting to send them back and shrink our economic potential?

The GOP is supposed to be the job friendly party that promotes free enterprise... When it comes to illegal immigration why is nobody proposing a way to create jobs and put 11 million immigrants to work?

I'd like to propose creating 11 million jobs while booting 11 million illegals.
Why don't you hire 11 million people who's sole job is to find 1 illegal and drive them to Mexco?

That's an excellent idea! We could hire welfare recipients.
Boom! See this is called progress

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