Immigration... Whats wrong with the GOP?

what's wrong with wanting THE LAWS we already have on the books followed? your elected dem snakes can't USE THEM for their dirty politics? wasn't that OMAMA suppose to have to taken care of all that? why are we back with this bs?

we know why. and why don't you dems care more about your 94MILLION fellow countrymen and women without JOBS
I don't object to following the Laws and I care very much about my fellow countrymen, which is why when it comes to the PROBLEM at hand I don't think wasting Billions of dollars and thousands of man hours trying to kick 11 million people out is necessarily the solution. I think we can be smarter and explore better alternatives that might just help boost our economy, improve our infrastructure and industries, and create enough jobs for all... When did we all stop having progressive ideas and subside to petty arguments

Building a wall and enforcing our laws will require manpower. Guess what? Job creation.

Gotta love someone worried about how much removing illegals will cost when the costs of maintaining them here over their lifetimes is far, far higher.

Liberalism is a mental disorder.
How much does a tax paying worker cost us?

How much tax does an illegal pay?
Nothing... So put them to work and collect dat tax

Illegals are here but they aren't working? How do they manage that?
what's wrong with wanting THE LAWS we already have on the books followed? your elected dem snakes can't USE THEM for their dirty politics? wasn't that OMAMA suppose to have to taken care of all that? why are we back with this bs?

we know why. and why don't you dems care more about your 94MILLION fellow countrymen and women without JOBS
I don't object to following the Laws and I care very much about my fellow countrymen, which is why when it comes to the PROBLEM at hand I don't think wasting Billions of dollars and thousands of man hours trying to kick 11 million people out is necessarily the solution. I think we can be smarter and explore better alternatives that might just help boost our economy, improve our infrastructure and industries, and create enough jobs for all... When did we all stop having progressive ideas and subside to petty arguments

Building a wall and enforcing our laws will require manpower. Guess what? Job creation.

. it's a good thing no?
At one point in history we had a president that said we would walk on the moon and then we did it. If we had a common goal to initiate a nation wide jobs program... Build a bullet train system that spans the nation, build rural communities centered around manufacturing and agriculture, build wind and solar fields to make our nation run on clean energy etc. etc. etc... If we were all on the same side working towards these types of initiatives we would boost our private sector job growth, put millions of people to work and boost our economy. Removing 11 million people from the job force does not grow the economy, it shrinks it, and is a step backwards. There ARE ways to progress but it will take a lot of work and cooperation. I'm not saying its easy and I'm not saying these are all the answers. I'm saying our leaders should be able to have these types of discussions and put productive ideas on the table.

What we have now are a bunch of assholes trying to kick 11 million people out of this country and a bunch of pussy's trying to keep them in... Now we just need a Dick to win this election.

The pussies may get mad at dick once in a while, because pussies get fucked by dicks. But dicks also fuck assholes... And if they didn't fuck the assholes, you know what you'd get? You'd get your dick and your pussy all covered in shit!

What utter bull. Do you know what these foreigners do with their money once they take jobs away from Americans and work for lower wages? They send it back home where they plan on living the rest of their lives.

This is in start contrast to the European settlement where people came here to become Americans, and left their homes and families behind.

There is only so much economic expansion that takes place when you have illegals and legal foreigners living in two bedroom houses or apartments with ten people living in them.
what's wrong with wanting THE LAWS we already have on the books followed? your elected dem snakes can't USE THEM for their dirty politics? wasn't that OMAMA suppose to have to taken care of all that? why are we back with this bs?

we know why. and why don't you dems care more about your 94MILLION fellow countrymen and women without JOBS
I don't object to following the Laws and I care very much about my fellow countrymen, which is why when it comes to the PROBLEM at hand I don't think wasting Billions of dollars and thousands of man hours trying to kick 11 million people out is necessarily the solution. I think we can be smarter and explore better alternatives that might just help boost our economy, improve our infrastructure and industries, and create enough jobs for all... When did we all stop having progressive ideas and subside to petty arguments

Building a wall and enforcing our laws will require manpower. Guess what? Job creation.

Gotta love someone worried about how much removing illegals will cost when the costs of maintaining them here over their lifetimes is far, far higher.

Liberalism is a mental disorder.
How much does a tax paying worker cost us?

How much tax does an illegal pay?
Nothing... So put them to work and collect dat tax

Illegals are here but they aren't working? How do they manage that?
They are probably just slanging rocks on the corner for cash before they go raping
At one point in history we had a president that said we would walk on the moon and then we did it. If we had a common goal to initiate a nation wide jobs program... Build a bullet train system that spans the nation, build rural communities centered around manufacturing and agriculture, build wind and solar fields to make our nation run on clean energy etc. etc. etc... If we were all on the same side working towards these types of initiatives we would boost our private sector job growth, put millions of people to work and boost our economy. Removing 11 million people from the job force does not grow the economy, it shrinks it, and is a step backwards. There ARE ways to progress but it will take a lot of work and cooperation. I'm not saying its easy and I'm not saying these are all the answers. I'm saying our leaders should be able to have these types of discussions and put productive ideas on the table.

What we have now are a bunch of assholes trying to kick 11 million people out of this country and a bunch of pussy's trying to keep them in... Now we just need a Dick to win this election.

The pussies may get mad at dick once in a while, because pussies get fucked by dicks. But dicks also fuck assholes... And if they didn't fuck the assholes, you know what you'd get? You'd get your dick and your pussy all covered in shit!

What utter bull. Do you know what these foreigners do with their money once they take jobs away from Americans and work for lower wages? They send it back home where they plan on living the rest of their lives.

This is in start contrast to the European settlement where people came here to become Americans, and left their homes and families behind.

There is only so much economic expansion that takes place when you have illegals and legal foreigners living in two bedroom houses or apartments with ten people living in them.
They send it home to their families dumbshit, because they can't afford to bring them over. And after years if they are lucky then they get to bring them over. Our immigration system is horrible and needs a complete makeover
AWWW, what they didn't pass enough bills on you? what else do you dem. voters need from them. more of our Taxdollars to put toward your pet projects? give us a list?

and those Gop were doing WHAT their constituents TOLD them to do. stop Obama
I really have no idea what you are talking about?

At a minimum, I expected a GOP senate and house to pass bills on partial birth abortion ban, on stopping the border via a wall or otherwise, on possibly stopping large parts of obamacare, on outlawing safe zone cities housing criminals, on stopping legal marijuana, on far more forceful moves against ISIS and Arab immigrants, and others I cannot think of right now. If Obama wants to veto them FINE! Just put his defiance and the democrat defiance on notice so the public knows where everyone stands ---- Since the MSM wont' do crap about it.!

They can also quit being lap dogs to Hillary and all her crimes!! And force the courts to rule on the legality of all of Obama's shady executive orders.
did you see that? Put THEM to work and collect dat tax. . they see them AS $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ fro the Government. not HUMAN BEINGS.
how can you put people to work when there's NOT Enough jobs now for the LEGAL American citizens
AWWW, what they didn't pass enough bills on you? what else do you dem. voters need from them. more of our Taxdollars to put toward your pet projects? give us a list?

and those Gop were doing WHAT their constituents TOLD them to do. stop Obama
I really have no idea what you are talking about?

At a minimum, I expected a GOP senate and house to pass bills on partial birth abortion ban, on stopping the border via a wall or otherwise, on possibly stopping large parts of obamacare, on outlawing safe zone cities housing criminals, on stopping legal marijuana, on far more forceful moves against ISIS and Arab immigrants, and others I cannot think of right now. If Obama wants to veto them FINE! Just put his defiance and the democrat defiance on notice so the public knows where everyone stands ---- Since the MSM wont' do crap about it.!

They can also quit being lap dogs to Hillary and all her crimes!! And force the courts to rule on the legality of all of Obama's shady executive orders.

my apologizes, I didn't read enough of your post. and those were all good.
what's wrong with wanting THE LAWS we already have on the books followed? your elected dem snakes can't USE THEM for their dirty politics? wasn't that OMAMA suppose to have to taken care of all that? why are we back with this bs?

we know why. and why don't you dems care more about your 94MILLION fellow countrymen and women without JOBS
I don't object to following the Laws and I care very much about my fellow countrymen, which is why when it comes to the PROBLEM at hand I don't think wasting Billions of dollars and thousands of man hours trying to kick 11 million people out is necessarily the solution. I think we can be smarter and explore better alternatives that might just help boost our economy, improve our infrastructure and industries, and create enough jobs for all... When did we all stop having progressive ideas and subside to petty arguments

Building a wall and enforcing our laws will require manpower. Guess what? Job creation.

Gotta love someone worried about how much removing illegals will cost when the costs of maintaining them here over their lifetimes is far, far higher.

Liberalism is a mental disorder.
How much does a tax paying worker cost us?

How much tax does an illegal pay?
Nothing... So put them to work and collect dat tax

Illegals are here but they aren't working? How do they manage that?
They are probably just slanging rocks on the corner for cash before they go raping

Illegals are here but they aren't working? How do they manage that?
At one point in history we had a president that said we would walk on the moon and then we did it. If we had a common goal to initiate a nation wide jobs program... Build a bullet train system that spans the nation, build rural communities centered around manufacturing and agriculture, build wind and solar fields to make our nation run on clean energy etc. etc. etc... If we were all on the same side working towards these types of initiatives we would boost our private sector job growth, put millions of people to work and boost our economy. Removing 11 million people from the job force does not grow the economy, it shrinks it, and is a step backwards. There ARE ways to progress but it will take a lot of work and cooperation. I'm not saying its easy and I'm not saying these are all the answers. I'm saying our leaders should be able to have these types of discussions and put productive ideas on the table.

What we have now are a bunch of assholes trying to kick 11 million people out of this country and a bunch of pussy's trying to keep them in... Now we just need a Dick to win this election.

The pussies may get mad at dick once in a while, because pussies get fucked by dicks. But dicks also fuck assholes... And if they didn't fuck the assholes, you know what you'd get? You'd get your dick and your pussy all covered in shit!

What utter bull. Do you know what these foreigners do with their money once they take jobs away from Americans and work for lower wages? They send it back home where they plan on living the rest of their lives.

This is in start contrast to the European settlement where people came here to become Americans, and left their homes and families behind.

There is only so much economic expansion that takes place when you have illegals and legal foreigners living in two bedroom houses or apartments with ten people living in them.
They send it home to their families dumbshit, because they can't afford to bring them over. And after years if they are lucky then they get to bring them over. Our immigration system is horrible and needs a complete makeover

None of these loser illegals qualify to immigrate to America, you have to be educated, healthy, and capable of supporting yourself without welfare assistance. :eusa_boohoo:
did you see that? Put THEM to work and collect dat tax. . they see them AS $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ fro the Government. not HUMAN BEINGS.
how can you put people to work when there's NOT Enough jobs now for the LEGAL American citizens
Easy... Create jobs
At one point in history we had a president that said we would walk on the moon and then we did it. If we had a common goal to initiate a nation wide jobs program... Build a bullet train system that spans the nation, build rural communities centered around manufacturing and agriculture, build wind and solar fields to make our nation run on clean energy etc. etc. etc... If we were all on the same side working towards these types of initiatives we would boost our private sector job growth, put millions of people to work and boost our economy. Removing 11 million people from the job force does not grow the economy, it shrinks it, and is a step backwards. There ARE ways to progress but it will take a lot of work and cooperation. I'm not saying its easy and I'm not saying these are all the answers. I'm saying our leaders should be able to have these types of discussions and put productive ideas on the table.

What we have now are a bunch of assholes trying to kick 11 million people out of this country and a bunch of pussy's trying to keep them in... Now we just need a Dick to win this election.

The pussies may get mad at dick once in a while, because pussies get fucked by dicks. But dicks also fuck assholes... And if they didn't fuck the assholes, you know what you'd get? You'd get your dick and your pussy all covered in shit!

What utter bull. Do you know what these foreigners do with their money once they take jobs away from Americans and work for lower wages? They send it back home where they plan on living the rest of their lives.

This is in start contrast to the European settlement where people came here to become Americans, and left their homes and families behind.

There is only so much economic expansion that takes place when you have illegals and legal foreigners living in two bedroom houses or apartments with ten people living in them.
They send it home to their families dumbshit, because they can't afford to bring them over. And after years if they are lucky then they get to bring them over. Our immigration system is horrible and needs a complete makeover

None of these loser illegals qualify to immigrate to America, you have to be educated, healthy, and capable of supporting yourself without welfare assistance. :eusa_boohoo:
The first part of your statement is ridiculous however I agree with the second part, the system shouldn't be a pass to come live here and get hand outs. There should always be a pathway to work and contribute.
The GOP is supposed to be the job friendly party that promotes free enterprise... When it comes to illegal immigration why is nobody proposing a way to create jobs and put 11 million immigrants to work? We have a tremendous opportunity to kickstart our industries and the workforce available to do it. Why not utilize it? Why does nobody explore this avenue instead of wasting years and billions of dollars fighting to send them back and shrink our economic potential?

. If I could hire them as butlers and maids for $100/month, I might be willing to let them stay, but never gain citizenship or vote.
The GOP is supposed to be the job friendly party that promotes free enterprise... When it comes to illegal immigration why is nobody proposing a way to create jobs and put 11 million immigrants to work? We have a tremendous opportunity to kickstart our industries and the workforce available to do it. Why not utilize it? Why does nobody explore this avenue instead of wasting years and billions of dollars fighting to send them back and shrink our economic potential?

We don't have enough jobs for citizens right now. Illegal immigrants often do work for money under the table or by using a stolen identity. Most of the money they make gets sent back to Mexico. The Obama administration offers a special service for non-citizens to wire money back to their country. The Mexican government depends on that money to help them.

Before small businesses were destroyed by Obamacare and regulations, the illegals did take the low paying jobs. Now that mostly low paying jobs are available, everyone is fighting for them. Of course, now the Dems have more support to raise the minimum wage. I think it was planned that way.
what's wrong with wanting THE LAWS we already have on the books followed? your elected dem snakes can't USE THEM for their dirty politics? wasn't that OMAMA suppose to have to taken care of all that? why are we back with this bs?

we know why. and why don't you dems care more about your 94MILLION fellow countrymen and women without JOBS
I don't object to following the Laws and I care very much about my fellow countrymen, which is why when it comes to the PROBLEM at hand I don't think wasting Billions of dollars and thousands of man hours trying to kick 11 million people out is necessarily the solution. I think we can be smarter and explore better alternatives that might just help boost our economy, improve our infrastructure and industries, and create enough jobs for all... When did we all stop having progressive ideas and subside to petty arguments

Building a wall and enforcing our laws will require manpower. Guess what? Job creation.

How much does a tax paying worker cost us?

How much tax does an illegal pay?
Nothing... So put them to work and collect dat tax

Illegals are here but they aren't working? How do they manage that?
They are probably just slanging rocks on the corner for cash before they go raping

Illegals are here but they aren't working? How do they manage that?
good grief, he sounds like just like Hillary, I mean. a dictator, where they get to decide who gets work and at what job a person does in her country.
At one point in history we had a president that said we would walk on the moon and then we did it. If we had a common goal to initiate a nation wide jobs program... Build a bullet train system that spans the nation, build rural communities centered around manufacturing and agriculture, build wind and solar fields to make our nation run on clean energy etc. etc. etc... If we were all on the same side working towards these types of initiatives we would boost our private sector job growth, put millions of people to work and boost our economy. Removing 11 million people from the job force does not grow the economy, it shrinks it, and is a step backwards. There ARE ways to progress but it will take a lot of work and cooperation. I'm not saying its easy and I'm not saying these are all the answers. I'm saying our leaders should be able to have these types of discussions and put productive ideas on the table.

What we have now are a bunch of assholes trying to kick 11 million people out of this country and a bunch of pussy's trying to keep them in... Now we just need a Dick to win this election.

The pussies may get mad at dick once in a while, because pussies get fucked by dicks. But dicks also fuck assholes... And if they didn't fuck the assholes, you know what you'd get? You'd get your dick and your pussy all covered in shit!

What utter bull. Do you know what these foreigners do with their money once they take jobs away from Americans and work for lower wages? They send it back home where they plan on living the rest of their lives.

This is in start contrast to the European settlement where people came here to become Americans, and left their homes and families behind.

There is only so much economic expansion that takes place when you have illegals and legal foreigners living in two bedroom houses or apartments with ten people living in them.
They send it home to their families dumbshit, because they can't afford to bring them over. And after years if they are lucky then they get to bring them over. Our immigration system is horrible and needs a complete makeover

OH! Is that why they are sending our American dollars home--because they can't afford to bring their families here?

So how much does it cost to bring a Mexican family here across the border to Arizona or California? It seems to me millions are doing it with no money as we type.

These people have no intention to become Americans. They are using our economy, our resources, our social programs, our political system to benefit themselves--not the country.

And your solution is to make it cheaper for them to bring their families over. Give me a break.....
The GOP is supposed to be the job friendly party that promotes free enterprise... When it comes to illegal immigration why is nobody proposing a way to create jobs and put 11 million immigrants to work? We have a tremendous opportunity to kickstart our industries and the workforce available to do it. Why not utilize it? Why does nobody explore this avenue instead of wasting years and billions of dollars fighting to send them back and shrink our economic potential?

. If I could hire them as butlers and maids for $100/month, I might be willing to let them stay, but never gain citizenship or vote.
Why pay 100/month when you could just do slavery... Come on, get smart!

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