CDZ Immune Response May Explain Rare Clots After AstraZeneca Vaccine | Medscape


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2016
Found an interesting article published by Medscape today. It was published on March 31. Quoting a portion of it below. Constructive feedback welcome.

(Reuters) - Researchers may have found an explanation for the rare but serious blood clots reported among some people who received AstraZeneca's COVID-19 vaccine.

They believe the phenomenon is similar to heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT), in which heparin triggers the immune system to produce antibodies that activate platelets. Drugs other than heparin can cause clotting disorders that strongly resemble HIT, and the researchers suspect that in rare cases, the AstraZeneca vaccine may be another such trigger.

Four previously healthy individuals who got the AstraZeneca shot and developed life-threatening clots had the same kind of antibodies that activate platelets and initiate clotting in HIT, the researchers reported in a paper posted on Research Square ahead of peer review.

Twenty individuals who received the vaccine but did not develop clots did not have these antibodies.

An editorial comment posted with the study noted that drug-induced thrombocytopenia is treatable if identified promptly.


The study they are referring to is here:
A Prothrombotic Thrombocytopenic Disorder Resembling Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia Following Coronavirus-19 Vaccination Research Square, online March 29, 2021.
Found an interesting article published by Medscape today. It was published on March 31. Quoting a portion of it below. Constructive feedback welcome.

(Reuters) - Researchers may have found an explanation for the rare but serious blood clots reported among some people who received AstraZeneca's COVID-19 vaccine.

They believe the phenomenon is similar to heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT), in which heparin triggers the immune system to produce antibodies that activate platelets. Drugs other than heparin can cause clotting disorders that strongly resemble HIT, and the researchers suspect that in rare cases, the AstraZeneca vaccine may be another such trigger.

Four previously healthy individuals who got the AstraZeneca shot and developed life-threatening clots had the same kind of antibodies that activate platelets and initiate clotting in HIT, the researchers reported in a paper posted on Research Square ahead of peer review.

Twenty individuals who received the vaccine but did not develop clots did not have these antibodies.

An editorial comment posted with the study noted that drug-induced thrombocytopenia is treatable if identified promptly.


The study they are referring to is here:
A Prothrombotic Thrombocytopenic Disorder Resembling Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia Following Coronavirus-19 Vaccination Research Square, online March 29, 2021.
I got my first shot a couple weeks ago and I still have this joyful euphoria of life.

For every adverse reaction thread or post I say..............................For every million people protected, a few have unfortunate experiences. Very few compared to a million.

Like saying. Would you rather have a 1000 people die......or a couple die.

That is the real equation with vaxes

This is definitely an honest, "For the greater good" statement.
Found an interesting article published by Medscape today. It was published on March 31. Quoting a portion of it below. Constructive feedback welcome.

(Reuters) - Researchers may have found an explanation for the rare but serious blood clots reported among some people who received AstraZeneca's COVID-19 vaccine.

They believe the phenomenon is similar to heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT), in which heparin triggers the immune system to produce antibodies that activate platelets. Drugs other than heparin can cause clotting disorders that strongly resemble HIT, and the researchers suspect that in rare cases, the AstraZeneca vaccine may be another such trigger.

Four previously healthy individuals who got the AstraZeneca shot and developed life-threatening clots had the same kind of antibodies that activate platelets and initiate clotting in HIT, the researchers reported in a paper posted on Research Square ahead of peer review.

Twenty individuals who received the vaccine but did not develop clots did not have these antibodies.

An editorial comment posted with the study noted that drug-induced thrombocytopenia is treatable if identified promptly.


The study they are referring to is here:
A Prothrombotic Thrombocytopenic Disorder Resembling Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia Following Coronavirus-19 Vaccination Research Square, online March 29, 2021.
I got my first shot a couple weeks ago and I still have this joyful euphoria of life.

Glad to hear it. Your joy may not last though. You may want to take a look at the following threads here at USMB, which suggest that dark times may be ahead for those who have taken Covid vaccines and so far not had any serious side effects:

Found an interesting article published by Medscape today. It was published on March 31. Quoting a portion of it below. Constructive feedback welcome.

(Reuters) - Researchers may have found an explanation for the rare but serious blood clots reported among some people who received AstraZeneca's COVID-19 vaccine.

They believe the phenomenon is similar to heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT), in which heparin triggers the immune system to produce antibodies that activate platelets. Drugs other than heparin can cause clotting disorders that strongly resemble HIT, and the researchers suspect that in rare cases, the AstraZeneca vaccine may be another such trigger.

Four previously healthy individuals who got the AstraZeneca shot and developed life-threatening clots had the same kind of antibodies that activate platelets and initiate clotting in HIT, the researchers reported in a paper posted on Research Square ahead of peer review.

Twenty individuals who received the vaccine but did not develop clots did not have these antibodies.

An editorial comment posted with the study noted that drug-induced thrombocytopenia is treatable if identified promptly.


The study they are referring to is here:
A Prothrombotic Thrombocytopenic Disorder Resembling Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia Following Coronavirus-19 Vaccination Research Square, online March 29, 2021.
I got my first shot a couple weeks ago and I still have this joyful euphoria of life.

Glad to hear it. Your joy may not last though. You may want to take a look at the following threads here at USMB, which suggest that dark times may be ahead for those who have taken Covid vaccines and so far not had any serious side effects:

Ok..........I'm life/ health underwriter qualified which means I don't do it but can if asked. Been doing it a long time.

A vaccine simply gives you antibodies to fight off a continuing wave of infection especially in peak flu seasons.

You still get it, but it will probably be be minor or just sniffles. All it is, is just dead or nearly dead Covid if you can even call a virus, living.

I read the original article. Can you even understand any of it in a complex way? Even I never herd of a third of the
Ok..........I'm life/ health underwriter qualified which means I don't do it but can if asked. Been doing it a long time.

A vaccine simply gives you antibodies to fight off a continuing wave of infection especially in peak flu seasons.

You still get it, but it will probably be be minor or just sniffles. All it is, is just dead or nearly dead Covid if you can even call a virus, living.

I think your understanding of vaccines is seriously lacking, but you're certainly not alone in that. Anyway, I'd rather discuss things you've read, so moving on...

I read the original article. Can you even understand any of it in a complex way? Even I never herd of a third of the

I've linked to a fair amount of articles- could you link to the article you're referring to?
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I read the introduction and skimmed the rest. It does seem interesting. Is there a particular reason you thought I might be interested in it though?
You may like this article.

I read the introduction and skimmed the rest. It does seem interesting. Is there a particular reason you thought I might be interested in it though?
Just pieces and portions that go into the whole.
You may like this article.

I read the introduction and skimmed the rest. It does seem interesting. Is there a particular reason you thought I might be interested in it though?
Just pieces and portions that go into the whole.

Agreed. One thing I thought was interesting- it definitely seems to suggest that the new mRNA vaccines are, in fact, gene therapy.
You may like this article.

I read the introduction and skimmed the rest. It does seem interesting. Is there a particular reason you thought I might be interested in it though?
Just pieces and portions that go into the whole.

Agreed. One thing I thought was interesting- it definitely seems to suggest that the new mRNA vaccines are, in fact, gene therapy.
It also has a lot of other little tidbits in there for consideration when one has the time to read it all.
it doesn't take into consideration any medications a person may be on and the reaction the body will have with the vaccine and those meds. It's a question I must answer to my doctor every visit.
OP we have also covered thrombocytopenia and clots on another thread, COVID-19 mutations linking Alzheimer’s also to clotting, which the Hungarians did for COVID-19 last Dec 2020: coagulation factor XII.
OP’s articles reify heparin and do not mention the CVST link to SLE (systemic lupus erythematosis), which is a hepatitis B virus link as well as a hydroxychloroquine link. The Hungarian link to COVID-19 and clotting mentioned, is also a hantavirus link.
OP we have also covered thrombocytopenia and clots on another thread, COVID-19 mutations linking Alzheimer’s also to clotting, which the Hungarians did for COVID-19 last Dec 2020: coagulation factor XII.

Yes, “we” includes by default all the authors in badger’s head. Since each of us is several, there’s really quite a crowd.
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